Eaglewood Crumbs

Chapter 14: dead end


After noon, Master Shen arrived at the courtyard, looked cautious, and asked with a smile, "Young Master Tang, I don't know if there is some progress?" Tang Zhou looked at him and pondered: "There is progress, it's just..."

Master Shen immediately said seriously: "Just what?"

Tang Zhou knew that he had already figured out a clue, but he still felt that he was always being led away. He can't always observe in the dark, and the guesses obtained, no matter how rounded they are, are still guesses. "I felt the grievances in the southwest corner were the heaviest, so I followed the path and found that there was a corpse under the haystack. It was buried very shallowly. It didn't seem to have been buried for a long time." He said slowly, seeing the other side's His face changed drastically, his lips twitched, and he hesitated.

Tang Zhou smiled slightly: "Naturally, I'm just a celestial master, not a hunter, and I don't want to find out what's going on. But Master Shen, you don't want to be surrounded by resentful spirits all the time?"

Master Shen turned pale, and it took a long time before he said: "In fact, this matter has to start with the wife of the old man. The wife of the old man is from the Yi people. According to the customs there, people are buried after death."

When Tang Zhou listened to him, it was irrelevant, and it was even more inexplicable, but he listened patiently. Yan Dan had already turned around and went back to the guest room, but after hearing what he said, he turned back. I just heard Master Shen continue: "The Zhuojing family has a certain status in the Yi nationality, and many high-ranking families in the Yi nationality know how to use witchcraft. When she first married into the Shen family, she told me that she was the only one in the family who did not know how to witchcraft. She is a person with the art of Gu, so the elders in the family did not object to me marrying her to get started."

"After Zhuojing married into the Shen family, I felt homesick, so I decided to move to the Yi people's place to live. There, I saw a burial. At that time, the patriarch had just passed away, and his descendants took his corpse directly. Buried in the ground behind the house, only a shallow pit was dug, and boiling water was poured on the soil every day. It was the first time I saw it, and I was inexplicably shocked, and we Central Plains people will definitely buy thick wooden coffins and bury them in the ground.”

The more Tang Zhou listened, the more inexplicable it became, and he could only say: "Most of the Han and Yi customs are very different."

"In this way, some boiling water is poured every day. After two or three months, the corpse will rot. After the boiling water is poured, the bones and flesh will be separated. The Yi people then dig the pit where the corpse was buried, take out the bones, and put them in a jar for burial. Go up to the mountain. It is said that the bones left by the Yi people who raised witch-gu also have Gu worms, and this method can prevent the Gu inside from escaping." Master Shen sighed, "This kind of scene, as long as you have seen it once After Zhuojing passed away, I brought my little daughter to Qingshi Town. At that time, Yijun was already sensible and began to take care of the family. When I saw that she was so capable, I felt relieved to go out for business. "

Yan Dan suddenly asked, "How many years have you moved here?"

"It's been seven or eight years, and Yijun and Xiangjun are also 24 years old this year, but unfortunately they haven't found a good family to marry." He paused, then continued, "Once I went to Nandu for business, I only came home a month ago, and when I came back, I felt that Yijun was a little different from normal. The two of you have seen her smile today, it seems a little weird. I felt uneasy, and I didn’t sleep well at night. I went to the accounting room in the middle of the night, wanting to read the unfinished accounts. When I was walking through the courtyard, I saw Yijun burying something there with a flower hoe. I thought I had not seen it, but I became more and more uneasy. I couldn't read the account either, so I had to go back to the courtyard and open the soil where she buried things, and the result—" Master Shen suddenly covered his face with his hands, very painful: "I saw a corpse. The dead body is ugly, the flesh and blood on the body have been dried, as if the blood of the whole body has been drained, the face is purple, the eyes are wide open, and the flesh is almost sticking to the bone... I understood at the time, Zhuojing once said Anyone who doesn't understand the art of witchcraft is lying to me. Yijun, she will do these evil ways!"

Yan Dan thought thoughtfully: "That is to say, the reason why the corpse we found in the haystack was buried so shallow was just to wait for it to rot until only bones remained, and then bury it again with the bones?"

Master Shen nodded silently, and after a long time he continued: "After that, people in Qingshi Town began to die suddenly and suddenly, everyone said that it was the goddess' ghosts who were harming people. But I know that's not the case, they... are all vicious witches. The trick of Gu has drained the blood. I know what I know, but Yijun is my daughter after all, so I can't say more and ask more. Because there are so many people who died tragically for no reason, I still feel uneasy, so I find someone to exorcise the evil spirits. , I invited a lot of people, many of them are famous Celestial Masters, and in the end most of them left without saying goodbye. I guess many of them have been buried in the ground."

Tang Zhou coughed lightly and said lightly: "Master Shen, you are just guessing about this matter, and there is no real evidence. Don't worry, I won't say it."

Master Shen buried his face in his hands and nodded, "Thank you, Young Master Tang."

Yan Dan watched his back disappear, and supported Yi with one hand: "This story sounds interesting."

Tang Zhou glanced at her sideways: "Don't you believe it?"

Yan Dan tilted his head with a slight smile and said, "I know that the Yi people do have bone burials, but this witchcraft technique is too mysterious. So let's just believe half of it for now."

Tang Zhou said coldly, "I don't believe a word."

Yan Dan was surprised: "Yes, I think some of his words are true. For example, he said that his wife is from the Yi ethnic group. I think he must have spent a lot of time in the southwest, otherwise he would not have known about the burial. Yes. He said that the people in Qingshi Town died strangely, and it was not the mother-in-law's evil spirits, and I also believe that. Miss Shen is from the Yi ethnic group, and it should be true."

"Except for these, none of the important matters can be assured."

Yan Dan smiled very endearingly: "You are helping Miss Shen. Actually, I don't mind having another sister-in-law."

Tang Zhou looked at her for a while, expressionless: "Actually, I always felt that it was a pity that all your demon power was not blocked. Now it seems that you think so too."

How true is what Master Shen said? What is the purpose of him saying this? Are there more untold stories in this Shen residence

I'm afraid this will not be resolved for a while.

Tang Zhou felt that everything in front of him seemed to be covered with a layer of mist. When he made a little progress, things would move in a more confusing direction. And Yan Dan seems to have no concern for these at all. Whenever he has free time, he sits by the lotus pond and feeds the fish, often staying by the pond for half a day. He sometimes wonders if Yan Dan really understands the language of fish as she said, and this idea is immediately rejected. Yan Dan was still restrained, unable to leave the Shen residence one step at a time, and even the magic method was bound, so there was no way to pretend to be a ghost. Before, he didn't pay attention to the little magic trick of this lotus spirit, and now he is far from him. It's just that he has to admit that Yan Dan sometimes sees things in his own way, and when he speaks, he seems to be both true and false. He can't believe it all but not at all.

The demons are somewhat cunning and simple, but in general, they are not very familiar with the world. On the other hand, Yan Dan was very familiar with the mortal world. She inquired about his experience as a teacher, and she wanted to find his weakness. In the cemetery, she initially expected that the mechanism of the Broken Dragon Stone would be opened, but she deliberately kept silent until they were trapped before she came to discuss the conditions with him. Yan Dan did not directly ask him to let him go, but asked about the whereabouts of his companions, which was also a very smart choice. He will not refuse this request, and there is no need to refuse it. After all, after making an exception once, it is inevitable that he will be soft-hearted in the future, so he makes an exception again. What's more, when she asked this, she seemed to be more measured and affectionate, which made him slowly stop being wary.

Tang Zhou couldn't help sighing, in any case, he really didn't have that deep hostility towards her now.

As he walked, he went to the east wing where he had been that night. In front of the guest room, Ling Xuzi was sitting on the steps with a crumpled piece of paper on his lap, watching intently. In this situation, he didn't look like he was terrified. Tang Zhou took two steps closer, only to see the other person's hand holding the piece of paper shaking slightly, with blue veins floating on the back of his hand, but he didn't look up, staring blankly at the words on the paper.

When Tang Zhou saw his small movements, he felt a little more certain in his heart. He didn't think about it at first, but now that he thinks about it, he realizes that there is something wrong with it. After all, Ling Xuzi can be regarded as a grandmaster of a generation, and his experience and knowledge are beyond his own. Only then can he escape safely from the ancient tomb, but why can't Ling Xuzi be pretending to be crazy and wait for an opportunity to escape? After all, no one would be too wary of a lunatic. He walked closer, and out of the corner of his eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of the four words at the top of the rice paper: Seven Luminaries Divine Jade. He somehow felt that there should be some connection between this and what he had been looking for for a long time.

I saw Ling Xuzi suddenly jumped up, beat his chest and stomped his feet, crumpled the rice paper in his hand, and put it into his mouth desperately. Tang Zhou took a step forward, suddenly stopped again, and looked at the other party quietly: "Senior, why do you need to keep pretending?" There might be everything he wanted to know on the rice paper, but he wanted to rely on his own. The ability to slowly find out.

Ling Xuzi looked at him with a smile, and kept saying, "Why are you pretending? How long can you pretend?" After that, he cried and laughed again.

"You're so old, you're still crying, and you're not ashamed?" Hearing a clear voice, Shen Xiangjun touched the parrot on his shoulders and giggled. She pulled Tang Zhou's sleeves, raised her head and smiled pure: "I know you won't bully him, he must bully you, and I have to rely on you."

Tang Zhou looked at her clear eyes, and there was a faint pity in his heart. In this Shen mansion, I am afraid that only she is innocent. He smiled slightly and said softly, "How do you know?"

Shen Xiangjun tilted his head and thought for a while, then looked at him again: "Sister said that this person is crazy, and I am stupid, so it happens to be a couple. Only you will not call me stupid, you are a good person."

Tang Zhou put his hand on her shoulder and said in a gentle voice, "How can you be stupid?"

Shen Xiangjun tilted his head and put his cheek against the back of his hand: "Can you accompany me to the backyard for a walk? It's a good place. Not many people know it, so you will definitely find it novel."

It was an abandoned well. The edge of the well was covered with moss, and the well was narrow enough to fit two people in. The water level was already very low, and the green underneath was faintly visible.

Shen Xiangjun lay on the side of the well and stuck his head down: "Dad said that from this well, you can see past and present lives. Only my father and I know this, not even my sister."

Tang Zhou stood aside with his hands behind his back, disapproving in his heart. I saw Shen Xiangjun suddenly turned around and gently pulled his sleeve: "You also come to see." Tang Zhou laughed, and had to go to the well, only to see that the well water was deep, and it seemed that there was still a slight chill. The figure of him and Shen Xiangjun standing side by side was reflected in the water, slightly distorted.

"Did you see that in my previous life, I was a bird with gray feathers and a pointed beak, so I can understand the bird's speech now." Shen Xiangjun said with a smile, "Sometimes, when you look from the well, the water The figure is smiling at you, but you are not smiling, this is an auspicious sign."

Tang Zhou glanced at her, and saw that her eyes were crystal clear and slightly rippled. He lowered his head and looked down the well, only to see the water waves moving slightly, the figure standing side by side with Shen Xiangjun in the water suddenly changed. Tang Zhou thought for a moment. Could that figure be an omen for him in the future

In his view, these were just nonsense.

He closed his eyes and looked down again, but he didn't see the scene he just saw. Could it be that what he saw just now was just his illusion

Suddenly hearing the slight footsteps behind him, he turned his head and saw Yan Dan's breath undecided, standing seven or eight steps away from them. She breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes were full of brilliance, and she smiled sweetly: "It's such a coincidence that I just came out for a walk, but as I walked, I came with you."

When she spoke, her expression was sincere, without the slightest hesitation. Tang Zhou didn't even have to think about it to know that she was talking nonsense, not to mention how she would come to the remote backyard for no reason, just relying on a coincidence with them would be a problem.

Yan Dan raised his hand and touched the blue silk that fell on his shoulders, then raised his wrist: "Senior brother, are you worried that I will meet the Specter? Look, I have taken the evil spirit token you gave me, and it will be alright. ."

Tang Zhou nodded: "It's fine." The first thing this evil spirit token warded off was the evil spirit of this lotus spirit. However, she is now carrying this restriction, and he can't even stir up a little water wave, so he won't take it to heart at all. He asked tentatively, "Have you ever had a delusional time?"

Yan Dan smiled proudly: "I always rely on my own true talents to learn, how can I have an illusion?"

After returning to the guest room, it was already dark. Tang Zhou had eaten dinner, and when he thought about what he had seen and heard today, he felt even more incredible. Shen Xiangjun said that only she and Master Shen knew about this well, not even Shen Yijun; and he thought about it for a long time and felt that the figure with blood in the corner of the eye he saw in the well was not an illusion, there must be a universe in it. He packed up, put a dagger and a fire fold in his sleeve, and turned back to the abandoned well in the backyard by himself.

The night is dark tonight, most of the arc moon is obscured by dark clouds, and the stars are sparse and dim.

Tang Zhou lit up the fire, raised his hand to support the edge of the well, and leaned down. With the light of the fire, everything in front of you is even clearer. He vaguely saw a white, dry face in the water, eyes wide open, very terrifying. Tang Yiyi was stunned, and suddenly heard a clear sound, the edge of the well collapsed suddenly, he had no place to support, and fell into the well water with a thud.

He is not good at water. After falling into the water, he drank several sips of cold water, quickly held his breath, and slowly dived up against the wall of the well. The well water is freezing to the bone, and it seems that there are still bursts of cold air. Now is the day when the weather is getting warmer, and the whole person feels very bad in the water.

Tang Zhou stuck his head out of the water, just in time to meet a face that was pale and wrinkled. No matter how calm he was, he couldn't help but be startled. He just reached out and touched the dagger in his sleeve, and suddenly felt cold on his wrist, and let the Buddha be buckled by an iron ring. The shriveled and wrinkled cheek suddenly twitched, and it was already in front of him in the blink of an eye. His pale lips moved, and he said, "It's a witch... Go, go!"