Eaglewood Crumbs

Chapter 33: Floating Cloud Temple


There is a floating cloud outside the square, and the temple name is floating cloud.

The patriarch of their Huajing clan once taught their clansmen that they are demons, and there are three things in this world that must be avoided: magic tools, temples, and lock demon towers.

Yan Dan has seen the second one now, but the demon lock tower has already collapsed in ancient times, which is impossible to see. She brought her children for five or six days, from fishing to mulberry picking and even telling stories, she accompanied them all the time, but Liu Weiyang didn't make much progress.

That murderer, who can do things flawlessly and without loopholes, is a talent.

Once, Shui Ning told Yan Dan that since Nan Zhao was injured, she often had nightmares at night. Her father asked a doctor to prescribe medicine, but it was of no use at all. Yan Dan then told her that it is better to drink agarwood in the room to help sleep, and the white wood incense tree is the best material for making this kind of agarwood. It's a pity that Baimuxiang is only available in Fuyun Temple on the top of Baizhang Mountain in the northwest of the village, so Shui Nyong dragged her to the temple.

During dinner, Yan Dan said that he would accompany Shuiying and the others to Fuyun Temple tomorrow. Liu Weiyang held the chopsticks and chewed slowly without saying a word, neither saying good nor bad. Yan Dan wasn't sure whether he heard it or not, anyway, in the end he took his lack of response as a default.

Yu Mo pushed the short sword in his sleeve in front of her and said with a slight smile, "I blessed this sword with my technique, so you can take it with you, just keep an eye on it."

Yan Dan touched the hilt of the sword, then picked it up and looked at it. She was not using this sword for the first time, and felt that it was very convenient. But she is just looking for a piece of white wood incense, with such a good sword, isn't it a big waste to use it to chop wood in the end

Tang Zhou put down his chopsticks and asked in a slow voice, "If you go to Baizhang Mountain, should you be back one day?"

"I heard that Shui Ning said that she will stay in Fuyun Temple for one night and come back early the next day."

"If you encounter any danger that you can't deal with, we should know beyond this time. You just have to find a way to support it longer."

Yan Dan became angry: "Tang Zhou, what do you mean? You just want to chop a piece of wood, and you curse me!"

Tang Zhou said indifferently: "I just think you are very good at contaminating right and wrong."

"You you you..." Yan Dan took a breath and exhaled, but there was no way to refute it.

"Complete fact." Yu Mo picked up the towel and wiped the corner of his mouth, commenting lightly.

Yan Dan was depressed all night for this sentence. The next day, before dawn, Shui Ning forced the sleepy-eyed Nan Zhao to knock on her door loudly. When she saw the long swords in the hands of Shui Nyong and Nan Zhao, she was completely speechless. The two of them carried such heavy weapons to climb Baizhang Mountain. If the mountain road was steeper, how would they go? Regardless of this, even if they brought weapons, if they really wanted to meet the beasts and murderers, it was useless except to pretend.

The fact was not what she expected, and they didn't walk halfway up the mountain. They were all exhausted and panting, and finally walked up with the long sword as a cane.

"Shui Xing'er, why did you suddenly come here? Did you run away to me because you made Daddy angry?" It was an elderly man who was talking, wearing a gray robe, and the hem was casually rolled up and knotted. A pair of big feet in hemp shoes were exposed.

Yan Dan wasn't sure whether this person could be considered a monk. She has also seen many monks in the mortal world. Because of their vegetarian and ascetic practices, they are usually thin and have a dignified appearance on their faces. As for the one in front of him, the top of his head is light, and the six ring scars on the top are also impressive, but his body is a little fat, and the whole person looks shiny. Although it is not solemn, it looks very friendly.

Shui Ning threw herself on the old man and said a few words coquettishly, and the old man patted her head happily all the time. Finally, she still remembered that there were others behind her, turned her head to Nan Zhao and Yan Dan and said, "This is my Uncle Fayun. I was good friends with my father when I was young. It's a pity that I have become a monk now."

Yan Dan leaned over slightly and saluted, "Master, are you okay?"

Fayun nodded and folded his hands together: "Girl this journey must be hard."

Nan Zhao also bowed his hands as a salute: "We are the ones who bothered you."

"what's your name?"

Yan Dan raised his finger and tapped his chin, feeling a little strange. Master Fa Yun and her only glanced at her casually when he asked and answered, and now his staring at Nan Zhao is too long

Although Nan Zhao was a little surprised, he lowered his head and said, "My name is Nan Zhao."

Fayun looked up at the sky and murmured: "Nan Zhao, Nan Zhao... It's so big in a blink of an eye..." He suddenly came back to his senses, pinched Nan Zhao's shoulder, lowered his head slightly and asked, "Nan Zhao, you How old is this year?"

Nan Zhao's face suddenly turned pale, as if he was choking, and his voice became lower and lower: "Quick, it's almost sixteen..."

Yan Dan groaned in his heart. This is very wrong.

She couldn't help but glance at Master Fa Yun again, and saw a large black mole between his eyebrows. He must have held Nan Zhao with a lot of strength. The weak boy's body was almost shaking.

I saw Fa Yun slowly let go of his hand and sighed: "It's been so long..." This sigh was quite depressing, and in the end, he just shook his body, turned around and walked into the temple.

Seeing that Gu Zi had left, Shui Xing hurriedly called out, "Uncle, we are here to ask for a piece of white wood incense!"

Fayun shook his sleeves, but kept walking: "Go and get it yourself if you want, don't break the trees behind it."

Yan Dan caught the gap between Shui Xing's words and asked Nan Zhao in a low voice, "Have you seen this master before?"

Nan Zhao shook his head, his face turned pale: "I've never seen it before... However, I saw the mole on the center of his forehead, and it was very familiar, as if I've seen it before... "

Yan Dan asked again, "How did you feel when you saw his mole?"

Nan Zhao thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "... I'm afraid."

Yan Dan stretched out his hand and rubbed the piece of white wood incense in his hand, and slowly dipped it into the clear water, so that a basin of clear water actually began to emit a faint aroma of fenugreek.

When Yan Dan was doing these things, he was completely familiar with his hands, and turned the piece of agarwood over and over several times, thinking about his own thoughts. Nan Zhao said that he did not see clearly the person who murdered him that day. Nan Zhao now said that when he saw the black mole between Fayun's eyebrows, he felt as if he had seen it somewhere, and felt scared.

Fayun's mole, no matter its size or location, was born quite well. As long as you recognize such a mole between your eyebrows, you won't be mistaken.

If the perpetrators of the previous two murders were Master Fayun, what was the reason for the two people shouting "curse" before they were about to die? Putting this together makes no sense at all.

The aroma in the room was getting stronger, and Yan Dan took Baimuxiang out of the water basin and wanted to find a place to dry it. Pushing the door to go out, she saw that it was already dark, and there were a few very sparse stars in the sky, not even the moon, so she casually placed the agarwood on the windowsill.

She looked at the piece of white agarwood, and felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart. There are thousands of people in this world, and each kind of water and soil breeds different things. Yan Dan didn't have much interest, and making agarwood was one of them. When I had nothing to do, I tried the same flavor. Later, I found that the lotus flavor was the most soothing. And she herself happens to be such a Hanli with a deep cultivation base. In fact, to really make a piece of agarwood, the process is much more complicated than the previous ones, but since Nan Zhao is in a hurry to use it, she can save it.

Yan Dan put away the agarwood, looked around, and sneaked from the outer courtyard of Fuyun Temple, which was specially allocated to the female family, to the meditation room in the inner courtyard. She has long kept an eye on it, and she walked this road back and forth three times during the day, even if it was dark at night, she would not go wrong. She sneaked to the outside of the meditation room, and saw that the panes were closed, and the shadow of the candlelight was shaking on the window paper.

Yan Dan nervously took a step closer, then a step closer, and finally stopped moving against the wall. She originally wanted to go to the front of the window and poke a hole in the window paper with her fingers to look in, but in doing so, she would have her own shadow reflected on it. If you are caught by the monks in the temple because of this, will you lose all your face

She held her breath to pay attention to the movement in the meditation room, only to hear a few light footsteps, from one end of the meditation room to the other, thinking that the people inside were very uneasy, and used pacing to distract those uneasy.

I don't know how long it took, only to hear a creaking sound from the window pane, Fayun's bald head protruded out, looked left and right, and closed the window again. A very out of place idea suddenly came to Yan Dan's mind. Fa Yun's expression when he stuck his head out was both nervous and expectant, like a poor scholar waiting for a meeting with a rich lady in a play.

Speaking of Yan Dan's hobbies and interests, making agarwood is one thing, and writing drama is another.

According to the routine of the play, the next one should be the meeting on the floor to tell the heart. Yan Dan couldn't help but think, Fa Yun had that look on his face when he saw Nan Zhao before, and then he sighed that it took sixteen years or not. Could it be that Nan Zhao is actually Fa Yun's son? But Fayun doesn't need to say that he is from Luoyue, so Nan Zhao is not an illegitimate child

Just as Yan Dan thought about it further and further, he heard the sound of knocking wooden fish in the meditation room, and Fayun's chanting, which sounded a bit dignified and solemn.

Yan Dan had a splitting headache at the sound of the chanting, and felt withdrawn. He was about to move back slowly when he heard Fa Yun's low voice from inside the room: "You really came."

When Yan Dan heard the sound, he immediately pressed against the wall and leaned closer to the window.

"I know you will remember, after all, at that time..." Fayun suddenly fell silent, and the other person in the meditation room didn't say a word.

Yan Dan leaned forward laboriously to prevent his shadow from appearing on the window paper, and to see what was happening inside, only to see a fat figure hurriedly walking in the meditation room, his shadow reflected on the window paper, flickering. Suddenly dark.

Suddenly, a thin, somewhat delicate voice sounded: "karma, since you have planted the cause, you must eat the fruit. Your good life has been too long, too long..."

Yan Dan got goosebumps in the night wind for no reason.

That person spoke with his throat squeezed from beginning to end, which was both delicate and soft, which made her a little unbearable.

He only heard Fayun roaring in a hurry, like a sound coming from his throat. After a while, he said in a trembling voice: "You, you..." He paused, and only repeated one sentence: "How can this happen, how can this happen?" No one answered him, but he kept asking for a moment, his voice completely changed.

Yan Dan was about to break through the door. But a demonic intuition made her stay where she was, not even daring to let out the air. She is a half-assed demon. She is rarely the same as other demons. She has the upper hand and relies on intuition to judge things. Her intuition happens to be pitiful, but only this time, it is so strong.

And that person completely ignored his terrified question, and instead smiled softly: "Didn't you have a lot of affection for me? Why are you scared like this now?"

Yan Dan couldn't help being stunned. It sounded like that... This is clearly a story. Could it be that she really made a fool of herself

But she couldn't help but be in a trance for a long time, only to hear a squeak, a piece of blood spread directly on the window paper beside her, a little bright red, connecting into a sinister arc.

At the same time, the door of the room was slammed open, and Fa Yun's fat body stumbled to the ground, his face twisted, and he shouted in a long, exhausted voice: "Curse! This is a curse! Hahahahaha, Well done, well done…”

Yan Dan hurriedly leaned over to take a look, only to see that the meditation room was empty, and the northwest-facing window was rattling in the night wind.

Master Fa Yun lay in the cold coffin that night, and the fatal sword slashed from his chest to his ribs, which was uneven.

He is the third. And behind him, how many people will die

Who is the murderer

Why did Master Fa Yun say it was a "curse" before he was dying? In fact, it is not only him, but the two previous ones also mentioned the curse without exception. What is the mystery

Yan Dan handed the agarwood in his hand to Nan Zhao to hold, and he was very worried all the way down from Fuyun Temple. Up to now, she still has no clue.

She couldn't even forget that when the man spoke about karma in a thin voice, she clearly felt an indescribable fear from the bottom of her heart.

What kind of situation will the demons produced by the divine artifact Chumo lead them to

Yan Dan exhaled and narrowed his eyes slightly at the bright and transparent sunlight. At that time, after Master Fa Yun said the last sentence, he immediately fell to the ground and died, and the monks in other meditation rooms all came here when they heard the movement. Yan Dan had no choice but to use a magic trick to hide his eyes, and he concealed his body and carefully returned to his guest room.

If someone caught him right at that time, he wouldn't be able to tell.

She thought a little sullenly, Tang Zhou said earlier that she was very good at contaminating right and wrong, isn't that the case now? It's just that this is not what she intends to touch, but rather to entangle her.

Suddenly, Shui Ning's voice was stagnant, and she pointed to the front with trembling: "Yan, Sister Yan... over there..."

Yan Dan looked up subconsciously and saw that the road ahead was full of darkness.


The corpses crowded and crawling on the road were rushing towards them.