Eaglewood Crumbs

Chapter 50: The Cliff Theory


In a twinkling of an eye, the second senior brother also joined the apprenticeship, and he was sent to serve as a staff member in the Heavenly Court army.

The second senior brother's temperament is like fire. Once he lost his temper and almost set fire to Master's garden. Master calmly let him plant flowers for a year. From then on, the two brothers dared not approach Master's garden. After this incident, he became a little calmer than usual, and he became angry when he stopped moving.

The second senior brother came back to see everyone once, and when he talked about being an army staff member, his eyes almost burst out with ferocity.

Yan Dan was lying on the stone table, propped his cheeks and listened to him berating a colleague who was very rude.

"That man named Ao Xuan really thought he was the son of the Aoguang Dragon King's family in the East China Sea. He had eyes on the top of his head. After all, he was just a half-dragon. Who in the world would look down on a half-dragon?" Senior brother said that his mouth was dry, Yan Dan immediately handed a cup of tea, he took it and took a big sip, and continued, "I just can't see his arrogance, think about the cultivation of Donghua Qingjun. Xianjun is so kind, what's so arrogant about him as a stinky brat in his early days? On weekdays, everyone practiced martial arts and martial arts, and they were all pointed at it. Only he deliberately made others look ugly, so as to show how amazing he was. I'm furious!"

Yan Dan understood very well that since her second senior brother entered the Heavenly Court army, he had met an opponent, and that opponent was named Ao Xuan. Young Master Ao Xuan has a bad personality, and he doesn't like to click until the end of the martial arts competition, but likes to make the opponent make a fool of himself constantly to set off his style. The second senior brother must have looked down on him, and he had a contest with him, but he was killed completely and lost his face.

But these words, she can only think about it in her own heart, and absolutely can't say it.

Yan Dan thought about it, she probably remembered the fierce little dragon that bit her at Suanxin Cliff a long time ago. It seems to be called Ao Xuan

"Is this Ao Xuan a disciple of the Antarctic Immortal Weng?"

"Hmph, yeah. You know him too?"

Yan Dan smiled and said, "I saw him in the past, but he hadn't transformed into a human at that time." I just didn't expect that the little water snake back then would have a bright future so soon. Cough, in this way, Zhixi is also promising, it seems that only she is still the same...

Because Master is the Great Emperor of Yuan Shi Changsheng, people often invite Master to preach, but what Yan Dan likes to listen to most is the gossip of fairies from all walks of life getting together and knocking their teeth.

Since the second senior brother came back, the name Ao Xuan has become the most mentioned by the fairy children.

There are many bosses, most of them say that this son of the Donghai Aoguanglong family is really very good. He has become a lieutenant of the Heavenly Court Army at a young age, but his temper is not very good. Even if anyone stares at him a few more times, he will fall. A desolate end, and that Bai Lian Lingjun was the unlucky Immortal Monarch at the top of the desolate roster.

Bai Lian Lingjun's real body is a nine-tailed spirit fox, and his temperament is flirty. A fairy boy exaggeratedly said that even a turtle in the pond in Bai Lian Lingjun's immortal mansion must be a more handsome turtle. And that Bai Lian Lingjun somehow felt that Ao Xuan's appearance was against his own appetite. Once he saw it, he stepped forward and tried to strike up a conversation, but Ao Xuan pulled out a lot of fox feathers.

Yan Dan felt emotional when he heard it. Back then, he was still such a small silver-white dragon, but now he has the ability to challenge Bai Lian Lingjun. She is many years older than Ao Xuan, yet she has no achievements.

Yan Dan sighed with emotion for a few days. Master once caught her after teaching her class, and said quite seriously, tomorrow is a grand gathering of Dharma discussion on the cliff of the heart, and every immortal will come, so you will be the teacher. Go for one piece.

The next day, it was a grand gathering of cliffhangers.

The first person to stand up and preach was the Emperor Zhao of the Heavenly Pole Zixu. He is the most knowledgeable Immortal Monarch in the heavenly court. Usually, Shenlong sees the beginning but not the end, so Yan Dan has not seen it before. Right now, he was standing on a high rock, the cool breeze rustled his sleeves, and he stepped on his feet.

Yan Dan could only see a vague figure, but he couldn't see his appearance at all.

I just feel that although Emperor Zixu's voice is nice, his tone is flat and flat, without any turbulence. It really teaches people to be sleepy.

Yan Dan listened to it for a while, and the Taoist methods such as the Myriad Things and Heavenly Pole were really too profound for her, and she couldn't understand them at all, so she sneaked away when the master was not paying attention.

Holding a big peach she caught from the fruit bowl, she sneaked to the lotus pond in the courtyard.

But there was already someone by the lotus pond.

It was a young man in a light blue shirt. He was born with a slender appearance, and his eyebrows seemed to be carved out of jade. It was hard to say whether he was handsome or beautiful.

When the young man saw Yan Dan, he opened his mouth and said, "Is it you?"

Yan Dan thought hard, if she had seen such a character before, how many impressions should she have? But she really didn't remember knowing this young man. At this point, it would be better to say nothing.

Seeing that she didn't say a word, the young man said again, "I didn't expect you to be so useless after so long."

Yan Dan only felt that the young man's face instantly turned hideous and ugly. It's okay if he didn't open his mouth, how could he catch a stick when he opened it

The young man smiled: "It's no wonder that your second senior brother is like this, and you can't do anything better than him."

Yan Dan thought about it for a long time and couldn't help but ask: "Cough... Although it is very rude to ask, but who are you?"

The boy froze for a moment.

"Uh, have I seen you before? But I really can't remember, you're not the wrong person, are you?"

"...That's right, you haven't seen me transformed into a human." The boy folded his arms and frowned slightly, "You said that I didn't look like a dragon back then, and I still remember that sentence."

Not like a dragon? then

Yan Dan thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "You are Ao Xuan?"

She suddenly understood why Bai Lian Lingjun approached him at the meeting, and finally got a lot of fox fur plucked out. However, this Ao Xuan is really a slap in the face, and such a trivial matter has to be kept in mind.

Ao Xuan didn't speak, but suddenly looked into the distance, his face changed slightly, he clicked his tongue impatiently, and hurried away with a flick of his sleeves. Yan Dan was inexplicable. Looking in the direction he was looking at before, he saw two figures with immortal spirits coming here, one of them was her senior from the same clan, Donghua Qingjun.

She knew that Ao Xuan had a holiday with Bai Lian Lingjun, and Donghua Qingjun and Bai Lian Lingjun were friends for many years, so it was no wonder that Ao Xuanhui was afraid to avoid it. But these things have nothing to do with Yan Dan, and she naturally won't take it to heart.

Yan Dan sat down by the lotus pond holding the bright red peach, and the big fish with tiger whiskers burst out of the water with a clatter, splashing water all over her face. She slashed a peach with a knife, put her hand into the water, and the big tiger-bearded fish immediately swam over to grab it.

Yan Dan fed for a while, but didn't see the little black fish with red eyes coming to eat the peaches, which was a little strange. Although this peach is not as good as Taibai Xingjun's golden pill, it is still a good thing, right

She carefully searched the lotus pond, and finally found a red-eyed fish sitting quietly and alone in the corner of the pond, holding a peach and throwing her hand over, and said with a smile, "Come on, I'll feed you..."

The little fish moved, but ignored her.

Yan Dan still didn't give up, and continued to induce earnestly: "You're welcome, this fairy peach is very useful to you, maybe it will help you transform as soon as possible."

The little fish simply took a stroke, turned around, and pointed its tail at her.

Suddenly I heard a voice from Shicai who was still preaching in front of the crowd: "It seems that the battle between us and the evil spirit is inevitable. Xuanxiang is very talented, and even if we put all our strength, we may not be able to win. I just don't know what Ying Yuan-jun thinks?"

Yan Dan suddenly understood why Ao Xuanhui fled with a strange look just now. Anyone who encounters people who dare not meet them will do this. She looked around and saw that the path that she could slip away quietly had been taken away by them, and there was no dense shade of trees around. Where should she hide

She decided in a split second, took a deep breath, jumped into the lotus pond and squatted on the ground still.

Just after hiding, I heard the footsteps of the two people from far to near, just walking to the edge of the lotus pond.

Ying Yuanjun whispered: "Since they are going to fight, I will definitely accompany them."

Emperor Zixu hummed softly: "I just don't know what Yan Qingjun thinks."

"This time, it was the Heretic God who sent the battle post. He was afraid of his head and his tail. If he shied away without fighting, I was afraid that no one in the heaven would be able to let this face down." Lord Ying Yuan stood by the lotus pond for a while, then turned and walked forward, "There is no one right now. I can stop it. Lishu-kun, I'm afraid we have to go with the flow this time."

When Yan Dan was listening to the two of them talking, the big fish with tiger beard was diving beside her, nibbling on her arm intently and with relish, but she didn't dare to move, so she could only let her arm be bitten by a fish. on. And when I heard Emperor Zixu say the words "Yan Qingjun", he tried his best to hold back his laughter.

Yanqing was the name given to her master, Yuan Shi Changsheng.

The first time she knew about it, she almost laughed so hard, it was a pity that such a majestic, serious and stylish master should have such a feminine name, and like Emperor Qingli called Ying Yuan, Zi Zi Emperor Xu is called Lishu, and his name is so unfathomable.

Fortunately, the two emperors soon walked away. Yan Dan was about to stand up to drive away the tiger-bearded fish that was biting her, when the very weak red-eyed fish dived not far from her. Xu Xu was able to escape all the way with a swish, only daring to spy pitifully from three feet away.

Yan Dan was stunned.

This tiger whisker doesn't seem to be afraid of her, so it can only be afraid of the weak little fish

Yan Dan stood up and stared at the little red-eyed fish, very surprised: "I thought you were small and soft, and I was afraid that you would be bullied, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

These words are words of praise, and although the other party is a fish, Yan Dan is still convinced that he understands.

Because the weak little fish swung its tail and opened its mouth to spit out a large string of blisters, which made her feel that the little fish was really showing a look of incomparable contempt...

Since that day's grand Dharma meeting, Master has been so busy that he can't even give lectures to his disciples. Yan Dan was bored and could only squat by the lotus pond on Hanging Heart Cliff every day.

She thought, that red-eyed little fish is like this now, but when it turns into a human form, she doesn't know what it will be like? Probably not worse than Ao Xuan, it is very likely that he has an enviable ability at a young age.

That is a clever god fish.

Yan Dan would sometimes bring a book over, read it to a pond of fish, read the important point and then stop, the little red-eyed fish would stick out of the water. Yan Dan really felt that he must have understood.

After that, the Battle of Immortals and Demons started vigorously.

When Master left, she and her classmates went to see it off. From a distance, I saw that Ying Yuanjun was wearing a flowing ink robe, and the sleeves of the front robe were covered with cold armor, and he walked elegantly and calmly. Among so many people, anyone can find him out of the crowd at once.

This scene, even after a long, long time, she still sees it in her dreams from time to time.

After Shizun left, she felt that her practice could not be abandoned, so she often went to Diya to borrow books.

Diya is the hall that Emperor Zixu ordered people to repair. It is filled with various classics, some of which are still isolated. She once read a booklet written by Emperor Zixu himself, and she said that the handwriting was like a person, and the handwriting was elegant and straight, so it must be the same.

Not long after the battle between the Nine Heavens and the Demon Realm, good news came one after another, and soon after hearing the news of the great victory. However, Emperor Zixu, the leader of Emperor Jiuchen, failed to return. Everyone said that he died together with Xingjun Jidu and the evil god Xuanxiang in Yuntian Palace.

The master returned safely, but his right hand was abolished, and his temper was irritable for no reason.

Yan Dan once read records about their four-leafed Hanli clan in Diya's library, saying that the reason why their clan is so rare and precious is that the fragrance of the flowers they bloom can calm the mind, and the heart of Hanli can calm the mind. Healing all the wounds in the world, as early as in ancient times, it was bald by others who picked the refining medicine. At that time, she learned to refine agarwood, and then pulled out her own petals and melted it into the agarwood, and lit it in the master's study.

There was blood dripping from the petals, but she felt that she had finally done a small thing for the master who had raised her and taught her for so long.