Eaglewood Crumbs

Chapter 64: South is fine


Lin Shizi is indeed very rich.

Yan Dan was very happy with the money he paid him with a dark face. In fact, the ladder was old and definitely worthless, but Lin Shizi actually lost so much. Yan Dan weighed it again and again, and felt that it was about four or five. Fifty taels of silver, that's really a lot, she didn't have these monthly silver in a year in the troupe.

This kind of scoundrel will really lose the family.

Yan Dan ran to exchange the pieces of silver and copper coins, bought some food and brought it back to invite the people in the troupe to eat it. She had always held a grudge against the class teacher for being too stingy, so she didn't call him, Hua Hanjing disdained to squat with them to eat and just walked away.

Min Liu asked vaguely, "Who is it that gave you so much money?"

Yan Dan replied with a smile: "It's that Prince Lin, probably because his family has too much money to use up and used it to hit me. Of course I won't be polite and help him use it well."

Min Liu chewed what was in his mouth: "Oh, it's that Prince Lin, no wonder."

Uncle Zhao hurriedly said: "Yan Dan, you have to be more careful in the future. These noble children are not good people, and you will suffer a loss if you are with them."

Yan Dan said very obediently: "Yes, I won't even talk to them in the future." She didn't think she was a national favorite, and Lin Shizi was just a novelist for a while, so he wouldn't be bothered all day long. following her.

Who knew that the next day, Yan Dan had just left the temporarily rented courtyard when he bumped into Lin Weiyan. Lin Shizi was dressed in a blue official robe with elegant belts, and he reined in his horse. Seeing her, he smiled and said, "Miss Yan, you see that the weather is fine today. It's really a good time for outing. Why don't we go to relax together?"

Yan Dan couldn't help but think, out on a green trip, it also has to be spring, and now it's already summer, of course, the weather is fine, and everyone will be gone in one day. Among the mortal customs, there is also a way to call people by their surnames, and then call them girls and sons, and her name is Yan Dan, and thanks to the word "Yan", on the surface, it seems that it has nothing to do with mortals. Poor.

Lin Weiyan leaned on her horse and looked down at her: "Are you afraid of the fierce sun? The shade of the Zhangtai River outside the city is very dense, so it won't be exposed to the sun."

Yan Dan said tactfully: "Lin Shizi, don't you still want to tour the city, I'm afraid it's not good?"

Lin Weiyan chuckled: "What's the matter, this kind of thing is just for others to see."

Yan Dan declined and said, "It's not good, even if you show it to others, you should do it well..."

Lin Weiyan suddenly leaned down, picked her up and hung her on the saddle: "Then let's tour the city first and then go on a trip." As he continued, he felt dizzy and his voice became louder: "Lin Weiyan, what do you want?"

It's a shame that she didn't dare to curse him for hitting the wall on horseback in the alley. If he did, she would suffer too.

I just heard Lin Weiyan's rather high-spirited voice coming from above: "What are you afraid of, I won't let you fall."

Yan Dan only felt that his head was swollen, the blood all over his body was flowing backwards, he began to feel nauseated, and he couldn't even speak.

Lin Weiyan had just restrained the horse by the Zhangtai River, but Yan Dan almost rolled and crawled off the saddle, lying on the bank and vomited in darkness, almost spitting out all the food he ate last night.

Lin Weiyan walked to her side, opened the folding fan to fan the wind for her, and said in surprise, "Are you really so uncomfortable?"

Yan Dan was stunned, and after a while, she calmed down: "It's not uncomfortable, it's not uncomfortable at all, I'm just spitting for fun."

Lin Weiyan put his hand on her shoulder indifferently, and said with a smile, "Yan Dan, you are really different from the girls I've seen before... Your temper, um, is very interesting."

Yan Dan turned his head, stared at him murderously, and said slowly, "Do you want Wen Dou or Wu Dou, if you lose, don't bother me again."

He snapped and closed the folding fan, very embarrassed: "This is not very good, how can I use force with a girl? If you are hurt by bumps, it will be too unsympathetic to Xiangxiyu. If it is Biwen, I was born in the Wenju Palace Examination, and I really can't beat the martial arts..."

Yan Dan was very sullen, and he was worried about his inability to win.

Lin Weiyan supported his chin with the handle of the fan, and smiled slightly: "I choose the word card, as long as you can think of it, I will lose, is this good?" He thought for a while, and then said: "The word card is the highest building, Think about it slowly, you win if you figure it out before the sun goes down."

Yan Dan looked at him and couldn't help but said, "You are very humble..."

Lin Weiyan smiled slightly at her, then opened the folding fan and slowly shook it.

Yan Dan walked back and forth by the river embankment several times, and suddenly stopped: "Then I read it to you?" Lin Weiyan raised the folding fan: "Please."

"I still remember that the fog is subdued, the smoke waves are clear and bright. When we met, I was young. Looking back at the bright moon at that time, Zhangtai Yangliu heard the Qiang flute. The flying cat is disorderly, the wine is cold, and the rouge is falling. Naruohe, you should laugh at me with affection."

"You girls always like to write about love and sorrow, and the young lady of General Mu's family likes to write about them too. These few sentences are not good."

Yan Dan raised his eyes and looked at the sunset in the west, and suddenly remembered the sunset in Yewang River, the lonely but beautiful sunset day after day, and he blurted out a few words: "Who knows, this night climbs high buildings. . Liu Yun does not know that the sun is tired, and tall buildings do not understand the sorrow of flowing water. The fate of life and death, but Shaohua, when will it stop."

Lin Weiyan stood up straight and said in a low voice, "Liuyun doesn't know the setting sun is tired, and tall buildings don't understand Liushui's sorrow. Oh, it seems that I won't do it if I don't admit defeat. But I'm neither that Liuyun nor a high-rise building, if you are worried Come to me when you're tired..."

Yan Dan immediately got goosebumps, she was considered a long-sighted person, Lin Shizi was probably able to deceive some young girls.

However, the days in Nandu may not be so peaceful.

The reason is that Lin Shizi didn't take what he promised that day to heart at all, and still bothered her all the time.

"Yan Dan, there is a face character in your name, and there is also a face in my name, which shows that this is a fate destined by heaven."

"Your name was given by Ling Zun, and my name was given by my father. In terms of fate, should the two fathers have more fate?"

"Women's incompetence is virtue, don't you Nandu have such a saying?"

"Well, yes, but you are not an ordinary woman."

"Don't Nandu have the traditional virtue of not kissing men and women?"

"Well... this is also there, but I happen to be not an ordinary man."

"… "

"What do you see in me?"

"Well, the playbook is well written, and he can also write poems and lyrics, and he looks pleasing to the eye... The most important thing is that he has a very interesting temperament."

"If you were to choose between me and Miss Huang from Lanxin Embroidery Workshop, who would you choose?"

"Is it so troublesome to choose one, I will choose both."

"What if I could only choose one?"

"Girls must be tolerant, one is married to two and one is married. Wouldn't it be better for everyone to be lively and lively together?"

"That's right, if you really like someone, you will only remember that person in your heart, and other people will not care about it at all, and you won't think it's good to be lively." Yan Dan never expected There will be a day when he will explain the origin of feelings to mortals, and he is very proud, "You just think that I am very interesting, and I am different from the ones you have seen before. It's just a novelty for a while, you actually don't like me at all."

"Your temperament is very interesting and novel, but I do like you."

"..." For the first time, Yan Dan wanted to kill someone.

Yan Dan had to spend all her time thinking about how to avoid the prince Lin, but Min Liu often disappeared. After several days, she realized that Min Liu had been out with the prince of the country, Pei Luo, for a few days.

One Lin Weiyan and one Pei Luo were both romantic and unscrupulous. Yan Dan really didn't want to see Min Liu spoiled by those noble sons. Uncle Zhao tried to persuade him several times, but Min Liu couldn't listen and returned every night.

The days flickered, and the whole summer was over, and I saw the tail of the midsummer. The troupe is also going back to Tongcheng. Yan Dan had seen Min Liu crying a few times at night, but it was true. Those noble sons didn't let their hearts go in this kind of thing.

Yan Dan watched her cry and felt uncomfortable, but she could only pat her on the back to help her calm down.

Things were quickly packed up, and they left Nandu and returned to Tongcheng that day. Min Liu kept looking back at Nanducheng, her eyes were red and swollen, and she was haggard. Yan Dan handed over a packet of rose candy that she just bought, smiled and said, "If you don't look back, I'll invite you to eat candy."

Min Liu glared at her, suddenly snatched the package of rose candy, stuffed several in her mouth, and chewed it hard.

Yan Dan couldn't help thinking, she looked like this, thinking about how to chew that young master Pei, how cruel...

When they went to Nandu, they mostly walked on foot, but when they returned to Tongcheng, they still walked. As a result, they missed the Sutou and only climbed half the mountain at night. Yan Dan walked for a while, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. She always felt that this section of the road seemed to have just passed by. She didn't want to scare everyone with alarmism, so she held back and didn't say anything.

When he walked to the same place for the third time, the class teacher stopped: "I seem to have passed by here just now."

Yan Dan took the lantern in Min Liu's hand, and took a picture of the bushes. He saw the surrounding woods were dense, the old trees were towering, and the trunks of the trees were still covered with dense wisteria. Min Liu grabbed her arm nervously and asked in a low voice, "Did you see something just now?"

Yan Dan shook his head and said simply: "No, I'm just afraid that there will be beasts here."

Min Liu immediately threw off her sleeves, hurriedly squeezed to the head of the class, and bumped into Hua Hanjing by the way.

Yan Dan raised the lantern in her hand, and saw a moth flapping its wings and banging on the thin layer of paper. She looked back at the bush again. The wisteria tangled on the trunk was blooming in lavender. The flowers of the mountain, the faint fragrance is surging in the wet air of the mountains...

After walking on the dark mountain road for more than half an hour, I just heard Uncle Zhao scolding in a low voice: "... I'm back here again!"

Yan Dan remained silent, but she had already realized it when she first went back to the original place. In fact, there will inevitably be some newly formed mountain goblins in this mountain. They may not be really malicious, and sometimes they are just too boring to make jokes to mortals. It's just that this is the fourth time that he has returned to the same place. Such a joke is too much.

Yan Dan closed his eyes, and the Lingtai was instantly clear. But she only smelled the faint floral fragrance in the air, not murderous or hostile.

She slowed down, looked around carefully, and slowly pulled away from the person in front of her.

This is likely to be a trick of ghosts hitting the wall. To put it bluntly, it is just a blinding method. It uses illusion to splicing two disconnected places together. People who pass by can only circle the two places repeatedly. They are stuck now.

Yan Dan lowered his body, lit the ground with the lantern, and looked forward slowly. As long as it is a blindfold method, there will definitely be flaws. This is what the master once said. Even if the surrounding mountain roads are all spliced together, there must be a place that is misspelled.

Yan Dan stretched out his hand and touched the ground, reflecting the light of the lantern, the clay on his fingers, and after taking two steps forward, the soil under his feet turned into red clay again, only a few steps away, the soil quality was It won't be so fast, she turned around abruptly, only to feel that the surroundings suddenly became white, and a miserable voice cried in her ear: "Your previous life killed me... I am here in this life. demanding your life..."

Yan Dan's footsteps paused, and suddenly he felt someone blew lightly on the back of his neck. The man continued to cry: "The debts of the past life will be repaid in this life, and my life will be repaid..." If it were someone else, they might be too frightened to move. , but the other party has been talking about her past life and present life, and she has only lived her whole life until now. She heard the sound getting closer and closer, and seemed to be near the left and right, she quickly stretched out her hand, and suddenly pinched the neck of the mischievous mountain goblin.

It was about a flower essence, with a faint fragrance on her body, and she was still a little girl in the human form, staring at Yan Dan with her mouth wide open enough to fit an egg, and it took a while before she remembered to struggle: "You What are you holding me for? Let me go!"

Yan Dan picked her up and threatened rudely: "You first remove the blindfold."

The flower essence opened her mouth and wanted to speak, but Yan Dan took advantage of the situation and shook her, and she immediately shouted: "I know, I know, this is the solution, don't shake me."

Yan Dan let go, squatted on the side and watched her cough again and again, supported Yi and asked, "Are you a flower essence?"

The little girl immediately stood up and turned around in front of her, dressed in elegant clothes: "Look at my appearance, and then look at my clothes... Except for the flower essence, where in this world is there such a beautiful monster?"

"That's good, where is your patriarch? Take me to see him." Yan Dan stood up and patted the ashes on his sleeves.

"You're looking for my grandpa? Why? Hey, I think you're the same as me... But why don't you have a demonic aura?"

Yan Dan lowered her body to look at her, and suddenly felt that using violence to control violence was more useful than Huairou: "Will you take me with you? If you don't, what will you be like at first, and what will you be like in the future..."