Eaglewood Crumbs

Chapter 79: Extra day teacher and exorcism


What is a celestial master

A mortal in Taoist robe, barefoot, holding a peach wood sword, carrying a string of yellow paper cinnabar charms, and reciting words in his mouth.

Yan Dan looked at the young Celestial Master on the opposite side through the fire, but felt that the world was changing too fast, and she really couldn't keep up with the customs of the mortal world. Tang Zhou Tianshi is very young, but he has already revealed the prospect of being cunning and cunning; he is very handsome and handsome, but he will soon become a bald and bright uncle; he is very talented in Taoism, but he will never be reborn again in his next life. With such a pure soul...

Sitting next to her, Qin Qi lit the bonfire for a while, and said irritably, "Who said there are ghosts here? Not even a ghost has appeared yet, and it will be light even if we go further!"

"The yin is at its peak at midnight, and it's not the time yet." Tang Zhou glanced at her, his tone flat.

Qin Qi clenched her fists and squeezed her fingers until they made a rattling sound: "When they come, they will grab one, and if they come, grab a pair..."

Yan Dan thought to himself, such a tyrannical tyrant, the ghosts would not dare to come out. Doesn't it mean that you don't do bad things during the day and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night? They have the courage to frighten those mortals who are guilty of guilty conscience, like Qin Qi, who is so upright and awe-inspiring, but also wants to peel the ghosts cramps, and she would not dare to come out.

"Miss Yan, Yan, there's going to be a night wind here, why don't you sit on the upper side?"

In addition to Tang Zhou and Qin Qi, another disciple from Daochangmen also followed. It's just that the little junior brother kept his head down and didn't speak, and Yan Dan saw him right now, thinking that there are these two senior brothers and sisters on the top, and the life of the junior brothers is not very pleasant.

Well, is she sitting downwind now? This upper hand... Yan Dan trembled as he looked at the empty space between Qin Qi and Tang Zhou.

It seems... better not to sit there.

Yan Dan waved his hand hurriedly: "Thank you, in fact, you don't have to be so troublesome, what are you afraid of with this cigarette—hey, you are the one who stood at the dinner table and stared at my bowl of stewed chicken thighs and finally didn't eat it. ?"

The younger brother's face suddenly turned black.

Tang Zhou gave way to the side: "Come here and sit down, so as not to make a mess later."

Yan Dan had to slowly move over and sit down.

While Qin Qi was looking at the other side, Tang Zhou suddenly whispered in her ear: "What are you afraid of, this ghost drive can't drive you away."

Yan Dan hurriedly covered her ears and moved firmly to Qin Qi's side. Mortals are really the creatures in this world who love to talk about one thing and do another thing. It is clearly stated in the book that men and women are incompatible, and he is so close.

After waiting for a cup of tea, Qin Qi suddenly turned her head and stared at the little junior brother who shrank aside: "Why don't you think of a way? Do you have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse?"

"What should I do... The way... By the way, I heard from others that telling some spooky ghost stories can draw out the ghosts. First put out the fire, and then light the candles, it will cost seven, seven, forty-nine, and each After a ghost story is told, a candle is blown out, and when the forty-ninth candle is extinguished, the ghosts will swarm up."

Yan Dan sighed: Where did you hear this? In short, as one of the monsters, she has never heard of it.

Qin Qi rubbed her hands together, very interested: "Okay, okay, let's try it."

Tang Zhou sat with his knees bent, neither agreeing nor disapproving, watching the two junior sisters and juniors from the same sect busy picking up sand and putting out the fire cover, then lit the fire and placed dozens of candles on the ground.

Qin Qi placed the candles and was very excited: "Okay, who will tell the story first? Well, why don't you come first, senior brother, and go down in circles like this."

Facing the flickering candle, Tang Zhou whispered, "Once upon a time, there was a couple who lived in the mountains, and there was only a village ten miles away. The couple had a very good relationship. When there is a market, they exchange firewood and cloth for other things. Even if they live in poverty, they don't care at all."

"Then one day, the man went into the deep mountains to gather firewood, and his wife waited from dusk until late at night, but no one was there. It rained heavily that night, she thought, maybe it was delayed because of the heavy rain. The next day it was sunny, but her husband was still nowhere to be seen. She was so anxious that she rushed to the village ten miles away to inquire." Tang Zhou paused, glanced at Yan Dan, and continued, "Because that couple are very nice people. , there are many people in the village who are happy to talk to them. The woman soon found out that her husband had never been to this village yesterday. She was even more anxious when she thought that her husband had not returned for a whole day and night in the deep mountains. "

The other two junior brothers and sisters in the same sect listened fascinatedly and stared at him without blinking. Yan Dan thought to the candle in front of him, what did Tang Zhou mean when he looked at her just now, was he mocking her secretly, or did he mean it? She doesn't have a husband, and she hasn't been to the mountains to collect firewood, and she doesn't know how to weave cloth. If it's a sarcasm, she probably won't hear it at all (too used to thinking a lot of a lotus)...

"The woman had to go to the mountains alone to find it. In the end, she only found the axe used by her husband to chop wood, and there was blood on it. She thought that her husband was probably unlucky, but last night, it happened to rain heavily, and the ground was covered with blood. The traces of her face have faded, and there is no way to follow the traces, so I can only go home with tears in my eyes. After ten days have passed, and when she was almost desperate, the man finally came back."

"She was so overjoyed that she couldn't help asking her husband, where did he go these ten days. The man said that he lost his way in the mountains that day, and when he was at a loss, he saw a fire in the woods ahead and left. In the past, there were quite a few people sitting around the fire. Among them was a woodcutter named Huang Sheng who was from a village ten miles away, so he walked over and sat with them. Unexpectedly, one of them was a big, tyrannical man who originally Just happened to be eating steamed buns, and was suddenly carried by the elbow of the person next to him, and a human head fell off like this..."

Qin Qi couldn't help but let out a cry, and the younger brother immediately retracted his head into his collar. Yan Dan pouted, thinking that there is nothing scary about this. She told the little wolf demon Dan Shu about a dozen or so stories ten years ago. Among them, the appearance of the man's head falling off is very real.

"He and the woodcutter named Huang Sheng were stunned. After a while, the two of them ran away desperately, but the headless people chased after them. Ten days later, they found their way and were able to go home." When Tang Zhou said this, he turned his head and looked at Yan Dan with a smile, "Although the husband said so, the woman still has some doubts in her heart, and after two days, the doubts have grown even more. Since the man escaped from death. Afterwards, their husband and wife were not as close as they used to be. When the woman went back to the market and saw the woodcutter Huang Sheng's wife, she asked about it. Who knew Huang was shocked and told the woman that her husband was It's been a while since he died, and when he was brought back, he was still headed apart."

Yan Dan didn't think about it, he told stories and told stories, always looking at what she was doing, it could be seen that there must be something strange in it.

"The woman came home uneasy, and saw her husband looking for something with his head down. She didn't dare to face her husband, so she turned around and walked out. But after walking two steps, she felt that a pair of arms were hugging her. She, her husband's familiar voice rang in her ears..."

Tang Zhou suddenly leaned over, hugged Yan Dan's waist from behind, and said slowly, "I don't know where I lost my head, can you see it?"

Yan Dan was very disdainful, just trying to scare her like this would be too bad. It would be much more interesting for her to say anything casually, so she turned her head away, who knew that the timing was too good, his lips were just from the side of his cheek. He wiped it and stopped on her lips. She jolted, pushed Tang Zhou away, and threw herself on Qin Qi's side: "Where's the water? It's so dirty, woo woo..."

A water bag was handed over from the diagonal, and she took it without looking and started to scrub her lips with water. It's terrible, she just kissed a mortal, and it was Tang Zhou. I wonder if a hundred times is enough

Seeing her desolate appearance, Tang Zhou frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "What you are holding in your hand seems to be my water bag."

This bolt from the blue suddenly hit her Tianling cover firmly. Yan Dan turned to look at him stiffly: "Huh?"

Tang Zhou turned his head to look at Qin Qi: "It seems that she was frightened, so it's your turn to come first."

Qin Qi patted Yan Dan's back, and said cheerfully, "Don't be sad, it's just a kiss. If you feel that you're at a disadvantage, just go back and kiss it. Brother, do you think so?"

Tang Zhou was very useful: "Junior sister is right."

Yan Dan squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, heartbroken.

"...I just said to that ghost, what's so great about you having no legs? I don't have a chest yet..." Qin Qi exhaled, blew out a candle, and looked at her fellow junior, "It's your turn."

Another round came down, and there were only a dozen candles left on the ground.

Yan Dan still held his head desolately and squatted on the ground without saying a word.

Tang Zhou looked at her, raised his eyebrows slightly, lowered his voice and asked, "What the hell are you doing? You've already kissed her, and you've washed it so many times. Do you still care about this?"

Yan Dan moved, thinking in her heart, that's right, she's not the kind of woman in the mortal world, she won't lose a piece of flesh with a kiss, even if she's disgusting, she can endure it. She raised her head and smiled at Tang Zhouming: "I don't take this kind of thing into my heart."

"Really, I think you care a lot. Could it be that you were kissed for the first time?" Tsk tsk, although his temperament is a bit stubborn, his essence is still pure.

"How is this possible? I wouldn't care if I told you about this kind of thing, and I wouldn't be missing a piece of meat anyway." Yan Dan snorted.

Tang Zhou's face sank slightly, and he said blankly, "Really." He leaned over, kissed her on the lips again, and said slowly, "Anyway, you won't take this kind of thing to your heart, kiss. One kiss is also a kiss, and two kisses are also kisses, there is no difference."

Yan Dan was stunned for a while, and then rushed to Qin Qi's side: "Water! Where is the water, woo woo woo..."

Qin Qi looked at her and said cheerfully, "Don't wipe it, just come back with a kiss. Although we are women, we can't be bullied by men!"

Yan Dan is very sad, what kind of disciples are you teaching

So Yan Dan spent the longest night in her life.

But the most important thing about exorcising ghosts was unsuccessful.

When the dawn dawned, groups of black shadows shrank under the shade of the trees, whispering.

"Wow, it's so scary, how can mortals come to the ghost forest to tell ghost stories..."

"Shut up, those are not ordinary mortals, they are Celestial Masters. They were born to bully us. When they see Celestial Masters in the future, they must flee quickly, or they will end up like that monster. Do you understand?"

"Wow wow wow, that monster is so pitiful, it was bitten twice by that male celestial master, how desolate..."

"I thought the demon was so powerful, didn't I fear the Heavenly Master as much as we do? Next time we'll go to Kuanlan Mountain and pull down the mountain master there, hum hum hum!"

Yan Dan walked at the end of the group, and these whispers entered his ears so smoothly.

Tolerable, unbearable...

She should have been patient, but how could these ghosts be so damned

As soon as she turned around, she walked quickly to the shade of the tree where the dark shadows gathered, and said in that cold voice: "I'm very desolate, isn't it? Pull it down, don't you?" A voice from the underworld: "Give it all to me to die..."

Hundreds of ghosts flee.

Qin Qi admired her very much: "I used to think that Miss Yan was so delicate and soft, she couldn't hold anything other than chopsticks, but I didn't expect her to be so powerful. I really underestimated her."

Tang Zhou thought thoughtfully: "Well, does she seem very angry..."

Yan Dan stood there with his arms crossed, and there were large groups of black shadows kneeling at his feet. Those shadowy figures with crying voices, trembling pitifully into a ball: "The king of the mountain, spare your life, the king of the mountain..."

Since then, the ghost forest has regained its tranquility