Eaglewood Crumbs

Chapter 90: Fanwai Six Changming Lanterns (1)


When he opened his eyes, it was a completely unfamiliar world. The lively village, laughing and playful children, and the smoke rising from the kitchen in the distance all made him feel unreasonably at a loss. He doesn't remember who he is, nor why he is here, or even why he exists.

He recalled painfully, but no matter how he recalled it, only the green hills that were visible in the shadows of the river filled his mind, like an ink painting.

But this is not enough.

"I'm Rong Yu." A pale cyan skirt appeared in front of him, and the toes of a pair of cyan embroidered shoes were vaguely exposed under the skirt. He raised his head abruptly, and what caught his eye was a beautiful and unprovoked face, his skin was as light as snow, and his black hair was luxuriously hanging behind his back.

She said she was Rong Yu, but she seemed to be sure that he would recognize her.

He stared at her, no matter how she was standing or where she was standing, she would neither threaten him nor be easily held hostage by him. A person who can make such a gesture, no matter how you look at it, it is unknown whether you are enemy or yourself. He thought for a moment, then suddenly turned around and left.

Rong Yu was slightly surprised: "Your breath... has changed."

His footsteps froze. Maybe she really recognizes him, and he doesn't even remember his name. If he can know his past from this woman, maybe everything will be much easier. But he can only think about it, he didn't dare to ask anything, his memory was blank, like a baby who first arrived in this world, without the ability to protect himself.

Seeing him ignoring her, Rong Yu was not annoyed, and followed behind him unhurriedly.

The peasants who passed by on the way stopped and looked at them in amazement. At first, he was just curious about the stranger who suddenly appeared, and when he went to the stream to rest, he knew the reason. His appearance reflected in the stream is haggard and desolate, which is in sharp contrast to Rong Yu's beautiful face and gorgeous clothes.

The reflection in the water swayed, and the face was extremely unfamiliar. He can't help holding his head in pain. He doesn't know how long this situation will last. If he can no longer have the memory of the past in his life, how can he live in this long but blank time

"Do you think your face is unfamiliar?" Rong Yu lowered her body slightly, took out a silk handkerchief and dipped it in the stream, and said unhurriedly, "You don't know everything about yourself, your name, background, past, or neither. Dare to hope for the future. You don't even dare to face it yourself."

A nameless anger suddenly rose in his heart, not so much anger at her words, but rather anger after being exposed. He turned around abruptly and stretched out his hand to her, confident in the strength of his hands, yet her neck looked so soft and slender.

The smile on Rong Yu's face didn't change, it was just a three-pointed light, neither deep nor shallow: "Your reaction hasn't changed."

He slowly closed his fingers, still an inch away from her neck. When he shot, he had already calculated it in an instant. The strength of the shot, the distance between the two, and even the somewhat poisonous sunlight above his head were counted. how can that be

"where is this place?"

"Liuzhou Weiyang."

"What was my original name?"

Rong Yu smiled slightly: "What do you think?"

He didn't say a word, and after a while he asked again, "Are you and me an enemy or a friend?" He didn't care what she would say, but just wanted to rely on her expressions and words to judge for himself.

But Rong Yu still smiled neither shallowly nor deeply: "What do you think?"

The rest of the journey became him behind her, not far or near.

When the sun went down, Rong Yu stopped in front of the small inn in the market town and said softly, "Let's go after one night?" He hesitated for a moment, but did as she wanted.

The shop assistant was waiting at the door, and when he saw a customer arrived, he immediately laughed: "Is the guest officer taking a break or staying at the store?"

"Two guest rooms, I'll leave tomorrow." Rong Yu put half a string of copper coins on the table, "please give that son some hot water to wash up."

The shop assistant glanced at her, but didn't dare to look any more, he could only glance at her secretly, and suddenly saw the man behind him looking haggard, he was speechless, these two people, no matter how they looked, didn't seem to be going together: "This, What do you call this gentleman?"

"My surname is Liu." He paused, "Liu Weiyang."

Liuzhou Weiyang. Liu Weiyang.

After he finished bathing and dressing, the shop assistant came in and carried the tub away, and was surprised to see his appearance: "Liu Gongzi?"

Liu Weiyang nodded slightly, and saw Rong Yu standing outside the door, smiling quietly: "I just went to the tailoring shop in the town, and it happened that a customer had ordered a robe before but never came to pick it up, so I wanted to make some changes. Can you try it and see if it fits?"

who are you

What's the point of doing these

Why won't you answer my question directly

He had too many questions to know, but in the end he swallowed it. Rong Yu took tweezers generously in front of him, clipped the blackened wick on the oil lamp, and then lit it. Beside the bean-like light, her face was as calm as water, threading the needle and thread to the edge of the outer robe in her hand. Corner stitching.

For some reason, Liu Weiyang suddenly felt that she should not sit in this position, should not appear in such a desolate market town, and should not show her female redness for him.

Something is always wrong.

Rong Yu seemed to feel his eyes and smiled slightly: "I have no other intentions. I just think that if there is another person similar to me in this world, I will live a little more interesting."

Liu Weiyang looked at her.

"You'll know in a few days." Rong Yu raised his eyes and saw that under the lamp, his eyelashes were thin, pressing heavily on his eyes, casting a small shadow on his eye sockets, and remembering that person was very busy. overlap. When she lost her mind, the sewing needle pierced into her finger instantly, and a small drop of blood appeared on the fingertip.

Liu Weiyang touched the human-skin mask at his hand, and could see that the mask was extremely delicately done, and it probably took a lot of effort to get to this point. Rong Yu went back to his room last night and left this for him, saying that maybe he would need it.

He slowly put the human-skin mask on his face, and repaired the places where the bronze mirror was not neatly fitted. The face in front of him could not be described as ugly or beautiful, it was just plain and unremarkable, making it easy to forget. It's just that he knows that this is just a human skin mask, and it's not his own face, which is even more acceptable to him than his original appearance.

He pushed open the door, and saw a woman with the same mediocre features and a pale yellow complexion standing at the door. He recognized Rong Yu at once, and nodded slightly: "Let's go now?"

The departure of the two caused Dian Xiaoer to be shocked again. He clearly remembered that the woman who approached the inn yesterday was a beautiful woman with jade-like skin, but behind her was a man who was very unsuitable for her, and after bathing and dressing, the man looked like a handsome young man. . After just one night, the two people with outstanding appearance changed again.

He patted his forehead and couldn't help but wonder if what he saw yesterday was a ghost in the suburbs: "Amitabha, it's time to burn some incense to get rid of the evil spirits..."

Rong Yu led Liu Weiyang to the next town, which was obviously much more prosperous, and there were many pilgrims on the street. Rong Yu said softly, "It will be the Buddha's birthday in a few days. I'm afraid all the inns in this area are full." Liu Weiyang didn't answer. Although she said this, she was not worried about the issue of accommodation.

Rong Yu took him into the backstreet and alleys, where the famous Hualiuxiang was full of goulan, wine shops, and gambling halls. She looked at the signboard and walked into a gambling hall. Liu Weiyang watched her stop at a table with large and small bets, and followed a group of excited gamblers to make bets. But the winning side is the lion's share. He noticed that every time she opened the dice, the first place her eyes fell must be the result that was to be played later.

Rong Yu changed his face, and then he no longer stood out. After winning a few, he quietly withdrew.

"You can actually hear the number of the dice." Liu Weiyang said firmly, "but you will deliberately buy the wrong one."

"Yeah, if you gamble too much and win too much, you will be noticed. It's not good for us. It's enough to win and lose, and to earn the next entanglement." Rong Yu saw that he was very rare. Take the initiative to talk to yourself and explain patiently.

"Why do those people continue to gamble even though they have already won?"

Rong Yu looked back and saw those people in the gambling hall, emotional and blurred, and said softly: "They have already fallen into this game, it's just that these people benefit, and some people will be famous. Everything in this world is mostly for the sake of Fame and fortune."

"Then what are you doing?"

Rong Yu was still more used to her speaking, while Liu Weiyang just kept silent.

His words had become too much today.

Rong Yu turned his head to look at him quietly, his eyes seemed to have been indifferent after too much experience. Liu Weiyang didn't know why, but a certain place in his heart suddenly moved. Even if his memory of the past was only blank, he would still remember this day and her eyes at this moment.

She had a facelift, and her appearance after the facelift was even ugly compared to her original face. But he didn't think that Rong Yu's original face was terrifyingly beautiful, and he didn't think that he was ugly now. He knew beauty and ugliness, but he didn't care at all.

She raised her hand and pressed the position of her heart, and smiled slightly: "I am here."

After that, Rong Yu borrowed a private house, and the two disguised themselves again, this time pretending to be two male pilgrims, and went to the most famous temple nearby with the incense crowd.

An old monk asked Rong Yu, "Where do you come from?"

"From outside the mountains."

"Where will your honored guest go?"

"Go to the mountains."

"Where is your hometown?"

"There is a Buddha in the heart, where is the heartland?"

The old monk suddenly put his hands together: "Two distinguished guests, why don't you take a break in the small temple for a few days, the Buddha's birthday is approaching recently, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient to travel."

Rong Yu bowed slightly in return: "Thank you, Master."

Liu Weiyang knew that they were playing a Zen machine, but this scene was inexplicably familiar, as if he had been somewhere - it seemed that he had seen such a situation in a very distant place.

Zhike monks led them to a meditation room in a quiet courtyard. There was nothing in the meditation room except a coffee table with books, oil lamps, and a few bamboo mats.

The wind blew through the outdoor bamboo forest, and the bamboo branches rustled softly. The old wooden floor seemed to have a faint scent of tea, Rong Yu knelt on the bamboo mat, raised his hand to support the coffee table, and carefully lit the lamp at hand: "This is called the Everbright Lamp, and it cannot be easily extinguished these days. "

Eternal light.

Liu Weiyang looked at the swaying light in the gradually dimming sky. He knew that his life, like this light, had been lit and was about to become brighter.

Once the confusion and confusion were swept away, he found that he had a lot to do. If he wants to pursue everything in the past, he must first learn to protect himself. His hands were stronger than he thought, even though they looked like they belonged to a weak scholar. After he quietly began to practice martial arts, he found that he could not even control his own strength, and even when he was eating, he would often break the bamboo chopsticks in his hands.

Rong Yu saw all these changes in his eyes, but he didn't care. She spends more time on contemplating meditation with the eminent monks, talking about critical joints, her tongue blooming with lotus flowers, and her thoughts are like a spring.

Liu Weiyang just listened on the side, as if all this has always been the case, but if he thinks about it carefully, he can't recall the reason.

The Buddha's birthday passed, and the two stayed in the temple for a few more days.

Rong Yu sat by the ever-bright lamp, smiled and said, "You haven't asked about your past in the past few days."

Liu Weiyang's face was flat: "You can't seem to say it."

"You can ask me another way."

Liu Weiyang was stunned, and thoughtfully: "Are you the same as me?"

Rong Yu thought for a while and replied, "I can't say that completely. I came from the same place as you, but I was prepared. Naturally, there were some problems in the middle, which disrupted my original plan."

"The same place? What do you mean?"

Rong Yu smiled apologetically: "I can't tell you this."

Liu Weiyang paused for a moment and asked, "What kind of person are you?"

This question seemed to have stumped her. She thought for a while before she said helplessly: "Do you still remember the Underworld? There are records of the secrets of the ancient prehistoric times."

The tea cup he was holding suddenly cracked into pieces, and the hot tea fell on his fingers and sleeves, and he did not change color.

Rong Yu sighed: "If my life is exhausted, I must enter the Nether Palace and continue to protect the world's biggest secrets for those ancestors. The mystery of the Nether Palace, as long as one or two glimpses, the world will be destroyed. There's nothing to bind you. I'm the chosen guard, so I can see all the secrets. But I don't want to."

Liu Weiyang suddenly found out the rules between them. For some reason, she couldn't tell his past directly, but she could remind him in a roundabout way by telling her own story.

"Afterwards, how did you come here—" Before he could finish his words, he was suddenly drowned out by the noise outside.

Rong Yuning looked out for a while, then stood up: "Liu Gongzi, I don't know what happened outside, why don't we go and have a look?"

Liu Weiyang stood up silently.