Eaglewood Crumbs

Chapter 92: Fanwai Six Changming Lanterns (3)


On the fifth day of July, it is advisable to travel and relocate.

Liu Weiyang wrote down this line of words on the paper.

After Rong Yu left, the large lake suddenly turned blue and green, as strong as poison.

He suddenly remembered that one day, they visited a small country in the Western Regions, where the wine was very famous, and the people there actually worshipped the evil gods of the West.

That wine, blue in color, strong as poison, is called Bi Luo.

He remembered being drunk at the time. He never drinks alcohol. Although he can forget his sorrows when he is drunk, when he wakes up, he will only feel more lost. What he needs is not escape, but sobriety.

Rong Yu was about as drunk, looking at him and smiling, that smile seemed to be blown away: "You actually don't look like him at all."

"He? Heretic God Xuanxiang?"

"I've always wondered, why should I use my blood to feed that dying salu tree? How can I change the cycle of heaven and earth?"

"But you already know the biggest secret in the world."

Rong Yu Yaoyao raised his glass to him: "Do you know why I was chosen by the Underworld? Because I have no heart."

He gave a rare smile: "What's so good about your heart?"

Even now, he still believes that useless feelings should not exist. He just thought it through and then determined to do what he wanted to do, that's all.

Rong Yu left a few words on the table: Southwest, Zhu Cuishan.

The southwest is located in the sloping soil, 800 miles of green hills, rushing rivers, vast and boundless, and several peaks intertwined. It is a good place to walk like a big dipper.

He went southwest alone, dormant in it, waiting for an opportunity.

He strung together all the stories that Rong Yu told him, forming a line, but his memory was still blank. He still doesn't remember anything, not even who he is.

He kept waiting, kept searching, and was disappointed again and again.

- Until the old meet.

Flower essence is very noisy. She said that it was because she had been in the same place for hundreds of years and thousands of years, unable to move or speak, so once she had a human form, she could move and speak, and there would inevitably be more nonsense. He felt that these words were not too different from Hu Zhuo. He was Sharotuosheng. He had been in one place for thousands of years, and then he took the form of a human. He didn't want to talk so much nonsense.

Liu Weiyang thought of the sapphire-like lake inlaid in the snow-capped mountains. The man said that he just wanted to have a heart expression, and he suddenly woke up.

When he regained his memory, he was unlikely to be able to call out the name Rong Yu so carelessly. Her name is also an indescribable chapter for Jiuzhong Tianting.

Rong Yu is a god.

He had indeed seen her.

It's just that at first, she was standing on the lotus platform discussing Buddhism and Taoism, and they were huddled together and listened attentively. When thinking about the wonderful place, it is often where she has a lotus flower on her tongue. Later, it was replaced by him standing in her former position, with a group of immortals below, she had not appeared on these occasions for a long time.

One day, when he was reading a book in the end of the earth, he suddenly turned to a record about the palace of the underworld, but it was written in a vague manner. He rummaged through all the books in the end of the world, and only collected bits and pieces of information. The Underworld was built with the last effort of the ancient gods, and inside is the ultimate mystery of heaven and earth.

Liu Weiyang thought that he had been lured into the devil by this mystery, and even disregarded the long-term war between the Western evil gods and the heavenly court, and entered the evil god's territory to find news about the underworld. Get in touch. In the end, in desperation, he opened the library where Di Ya stored the forbidden books.

This is against the law. At this time, he is already an immortal king with a series of immortal names on his name. Probably no one would have thought that the dignified Emperor Zixu would do such a thing.

Forbidden books are all sealed by immortal magic, and the immortal magic imprint left on it is still strong.

Liu Weiyang untied the seals one by one, and suddenly heard footsteps behind him, walking slowly in his direction. According to the law, no immortals are allowed to enter the study room where the forbidden books are stored. Who is that person

He turned his head abruptly and wanted to make a move, but he saw that person standing not far away, and his immortal magic couldn't reach her.

She looked at the banned book that had been unsealed, looked at him again, and said with a slight smile, "I'm Rong Yu."

Of course he recognized her too. It's just that in the past 100 years, she has never stepped out of the place where she practiced, and many immortals don't recognize her anymore.

Rong Yu raised her hand gently, and all the seals in the study suddenly shattered to the ground. A string of ancient words lingered on her fingertips. Liu Weiyang recognized a few passages from the forbidden book, which he had just read. , remember clearly. After a long time, Rong Yucai asked, "Are you looking for a book about the Underworld?"

Liu Weiyang admitted frankly.

"There won't be here." Rong Yu looked at him, as if reading out his question, "Because most of the books here are organized by me."

She turned her palm up, and the words suddenly changed, becoming something he couldn't understand, and a large piece passed by quickly: "These words are all recorded in my soul, you want to know this, why?"

"Just because I wanted to know."

Rong Yu smiled a bit sarcastically: "The secret of the Nether Palace can make you no one else in this world compares to you, and the Nine Heavens is no problem at all."

"I don't want to control the world, I just want to know what I don't know." Liu Weiyang narrowed his eyes slightly, "Don't you believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it." People in this world, whether they are immortals or mortals, are stuck in a quagmire, nothing but fame and fortune.

Liu Weiyang was tall and straight, raised his hand and pressed it on his chest, and suddenly a long thin line was drawn, which was his primordial spirit: "I can prove it."

Rong Yu took it without hesitation. Neither of their primordial spirits can be directly exposed to others. After all, it is the most vulnerable place in the body and even the entire soul. As long as she exerts a little force, she can make his primordial spirit shatter and never go beyond life. The human heart, however, is so complicated and circuitous. If that person hadn't intentionally shown it, even if she was a god, she wouldn't be able to find the other person's primordial spirit. And the shock from the depths of the primordial spirit told her that everything he said was true, and he just wanted to pursue the field he didn't know.

He probably has the disease of delusion too.

Rong Yu let go of his hand and handed him the words that kept wrapping around his fingertips: "You are not like a fairy now."

No desire or desire is the ultimate goal of their practice.

Those words were deeply imprinted in his Primordial Spirit, as if it were the eternal light in the Zixu Hall. His face was pale, his expression was indifferent, and he could still smile: "It doesn't matter."

At the end of the same year, the evil spirits of the West sent envoys and presented them with a finely crafted green glazed cup. When the glazed cup was filled with liquor, the blue light flashed for a while, and there seemed to be a vague figure shaking on the liquor cup.

It was a woman in a light blue shirt.

Liu Weiyang took a deep breath when he saw her face at first sight. He clearly remembered the delicate cinnabar mark between her eyebrows, and the pain of those ancient words imprinted on his primordial spirit. The two were inseparable.

Several immortals with profound cultivation in the same seat also had expressions of horror.

Only those little immortals who are not familiar with the world can still comment with a smile: "This fairy is more beautiful than the one on the Moon Palace."

The Emperor of Heaven was furious and sent the envoy to the Heavenly Punishment Platform on the spot, which also gave the Heretic God a reason to fight.

Rong Yu was a disciple of the goddess Nuwa. When the world was chaotic, she was transformed into a lamp, the only light source in the chaotic darkness. After the Pangu clan split the heaven and the earth, he collected Chaos in one place, and the later gods would take turns to guard it. She is the last person who will guard the Chaos Place after the first goddess Wa.

The ancestor of the Western evil god, Heilong, was cut off by the sword for provoking the goddess Nuwa, and the entanglement was very complicated.

Rong Yu was not present that day.

She has always lived in isolation, and she has no good friends.

Liu Weiyang didn't know whether she had heard of it or not. He quickly began to decipher those ancient words. He had never seen these words before, so he had to start searching from ancient books and slowly understand them. Every time he finished reading a paragraph, he became more fascinated by everything in the Nether Palace. He knew that the Nether Palace was the place where the chaos of heaven and earth was put away after the creation of the world.

What he has now is no longer a reverence for the ancestors, but a strange and eager challenge.

He knew that he was too addicted.

In the second year, the Heretic God officially started a war with the Jiuzhong Heavenly Court. The war had burned the border that had been quiet for many years, and it was even approaching.

The Evil God's envoy came again. This time, he didn't bring any glass wine cups, but brought a word from the newly enthroned His Highness Xuanxiang, who named Rong Yu by name and invited Rong Yu to Chumo City. Although the Heretic God would have to pay an extremely heavy price if he wanted to conquer the Nine Heavens, but for the Heavenly Court, the battle situation at this time was already in ruins, and I was afraid that it would collapse with a destructive force soon.

Rong Yu didn't know where to get this news, but he actually took the initiative to come to Tiandi, expressing his willingness to go to Chumo City. It's just that Xuanxiang said that it was an invitation on the surface, but in fact it meant taking her as a hostage.

The day she went to Chumo City, the sky was overcast. She lifted up the wide hem of her clothes, slowly stepped on the colorful Huaguang Cha, and then looked back.

Liu Weiyang was also in the flow of people seeing him off, only to see that she seemed to be looking for something, and then met his line of sight. She smiled slowly, opened her mouth, and seemed to say two words: goodbye.

The ancient characters branded on his Primordial Spirit seemed to move, and it was hot to the point of pain.

This was the last time he saw Rong Yu above the heavenly court.

The fragrance of tea filled the room, and they finally returned to reality from Chumo's demonic realm.

Liu Weiyang flicked his sleeves and pushed the ink-colored ceramic cup towards the noisy flower essence: "Please use it."

The flower essence was uncharacteristic, and even picked up the cup respectfully, and took a sip after watching the brown color: "You will still return to heaven in the future, right?"

Who cares.

Liu Weiyang replied lightly, "I haven't thought about going back yet."

"You are as strange as that His Royal Highness Xuanxiang..."

The string of colorful glass in the palm of his hand seemed to heat up slightly. It was Xuanxiang's soul, reminding him that what happened in Chumo's demonic realm was not just a dream. In this dream, he shook hands with Xuanxiang to make peace.

When he lost his memory, he still had a feeling that he and Xuanxiang could only survive one.

The two dynasties of Shaluo, the twins of dryness and prosperity.

As long as it is a twin sara, there must be one who cannot survive, let alone transform into a human form. They are the only exception.

He has lived too long, and those awakening memories are coming, and he needs to think quietly.

In fact, he and Xuanxiang met once when they were young.

At that time, he went down to earth to practice, and passed a wine shop, which was well-known far and wide. It was rumored that the person who opened this wine shop was a strange woman with both talent and beauty. Too much money, and don't give good wine to taste. In the mortal world, few women can do such a livelihood.

Several teenagers walking with him pushed and shoved, all wanting to go in and see the beauty of the mortal woman.

But there are already people in the hall.

The luxuriously dressed young Xuan Xiang sat slantingly in front of the low table, with a lazy attitude, as if there were thousands of mountains and rivers between his eyebrows, and he had a splendid beauty to his bones. He poured the wine for himself as if no one else was around, and said slowly: "Neishang Hu Ji Yu Guan Xiao, Jade Que Purple Pavilion Long Feng Luan. The temple is full of lamps, why is it hurt in autumn, and the candle shadow painting wall is a golden bottle, but instead of worrying, I lie on the knee of a beauty, A thousand years of romance is not as good as a drunk."

After he finished reading the last sentence, the lights on the wall suddenly dimmed.

The rumored strange woman lifted the bead curtain and walked out, smiling coquettishly: "Your Excellency's words are good words, but they are too dashing and unrestrained, not like a gentleman's feelings."

Xuanxiang raised his head and looked at her, his slender fingers slowly shaking the folding fan: "I'm just a little meaner than a gentleman, but a lot more magnanimous than a villain." He smiled intoxicatingly, but just looking at the woman like this, the other party unexpectedly Blushed.

The young man who went with him sneered: "Pretend to be so human-like!"

The other waved his hand: "Forget it, people have seen it, let's go quickly, if you are found, you will be punished."

"Hey, do you think that person looks a little like Li Shujun?" The beautiful young man in white suddenly said, his name is Bai Lian, he was born with a tall body, and his waist leaned forward slightly like a water snake. It's a pity that it's a man, and he is a slouch.

The others immediately turned their heads, stared at the young Liu Weiyang for a long time, and only reached out to pull his face: "It seems a bit like... But you don't think if Li Shu-jun laughs like this..." After the cold war, he shook his head and said, "It's scary to think about it."

At that time, Liu Weiyang was quiet and steady among a group of young immortals, but Xuanxiang was full of energy and destiny. The two of them were originally born from the same root, but they went in opposite directions and drifted farther and farther.

On the day of Rong Yu's reincarnation VII, Xuanxiang chased all the way to Huangquan Dao, and the ghost corpse under the sword almost filled Yewang River, and the river was red beyond the flowers on the other side. This chaotic battle almost caused the underworld to collapse.

The scene of that day was a hearsay from the fairy boy under the seat, which was then relayed to Liu Weiyang. Although this scene was raging, Xuan Xiang did not bring anyone back in the end, and it became their private talk behind the scenes. Bai Lianlingjun said that Xuanxiang must be too ugly, otherwise the king was so angry that Hongyan didn't even turn her head back, which would be a big shame.

Liu Weiyang knew, however, that Rong Yu had no heart. She was originally a glazed lamp in the chaotic time.

Liu Weiyang lowered his eyes, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise. Xuanxiang, you have exhausted your organization, it turns out that there will be a meeting today.

Hua Jing opened her mouth slightly, stared at him dumbfounded, and said with difficulty, "You... are you laughing?"

Liu Weiyang raised his eyelashes, but the smile on the corner of his mouth remained the same: "I suddenly remembered that Xuanxiang didn't know how he had someone he liked. He would want to follow her when she went to reincarnation."

They are really a pair of brothers and sisters. He was living in the mortal world and lost all his memory, but Xuanxiang slept in this seal for many years. This seal is like chaos in ancient times. There was only a dead silence.

He suddenly thought, maybe this life is an endless dream, and every time he feels awake, he will fall into another dream again, and so on, in an infinite loop. In Xuanxiang's dream, there is one person, and he can sleep for a lifetime. But what about his dreams

He has spent all his emotions in the pursuit of the mysteries of the Underworld, and the words engraved on his Primordial Spirit constantly remind him and stir up his eagerness to try. There will be nothing else that can easily disturb him. mind.

"Actually, according to the appearance of His Royal Highness Xuanxiang, few people see it and are not moved, right?" Hua Jing's thoughts are always a bit strange. They have lived for too long, such as Rongyu, Xuanxiang, or him, and they don't really care about their simple appearance.

"That's just Xuanxiang's wishful thinking. Even if he is standing in front of him now, that person doesn't recognize him." The sapphire-like lake embedded in the vast snow-capped mountains was Rong Yu's final destination. She was just a simple mortal.

"...Cough!" Hua Jing choked on the tea.

Then he was left alone in the tea room again.

Liu Weiyang picked up the string of colorful colored glaze and suddenly smiled softly: "You are too good at taking advantage of people's hearts, but you didn't expect that one day this would hurt yourself. She doesn't have ordinary emotions at all. She said that she wants a heart, But there is nothing good about having a heart, it will only make people hesitant, cowardly, timid, and ultimately emotional and do stupid things."

The colorful glaze glowed faintly.

"You and me this game, I win."