Earth’s Best Gamer

Chapter 1: Purple jade mantis


Scorching sun, jungle!

Humid and muggy!

Click, click!

A struggling fourth-level sub-adult anaconda was locked between the translucent purple knife-like forelimbs. A seventh-level mortal level purple jade mantis that had completed the hunt and was close to human size had its triangular head shaking its dark green mouth. Open and close the device and enjoy your own delicious "spicy strips" with great immersion!


Suddenly, a ray of green light flew out from the bushes next to it, accurately hitting the purple jade mantis's green compound eyes, which were like jade.


Amid the splashes of dark green juice, one could see that it was a bronze-colored crossbow arrow.

The extremely sharp triangular tip is as destructive as a pistol bullet when shot at close range, and it directly penetrates the purple jade mantis's triangular head!

["Kill the Purple Jade Mantis (Ordinary Level 7, Ordinary), gain experience points: 21!"]

"Still nothing came out!"

"Sure enough, if you kill a creature with a lower rating than yourself, is it difficult to get trophies?"

After being hit in the head by a bronze crossbow, the Purple Jade Mantis struggled for several minutes and finally stopped moving. Ji Ye, covered in camouflage painted with grass juice and holding a bronze crossbow in his hand, walked out of the bushes. , his eyes were a little disappointed.

Such a giant mantis looks like a work of art. Any wings or carapace on its body can be auctioned according to the specifications of jewelry on the earth, killing pearls and diamonds instantly!

It's just a pity.

This... is not the earth!

The incident started about a month ago.

One day, everyone on the earth suddenly received a message in their heads at the same time.

[The "Land of Inheritance" is opened, and there will be millions of people on the earth who will become the first pioneers to "land"!]

Whether he was lucky or unlucky, he became one of the first one million people. After "landing", he appeared in this endless jungle filled with all kinds of strange and dangerous creatures.

Paralyzed black bee swarm, grimace butterfly, flame pattern scorpion, golden lion...

As a human whose initial level assessment was no more than "Ordinary Level 5", Ji Ye was able to survive until now without even having a knife at the beginning.

To a large extent, this is due to his unique and special profession. He is a video UP master of extreme challenges and wild survival who is quite famous in the circle!

In addition, there is... high response ability to sudden crises!


Just when Ji Ye leaned down and grabbed the crossbow arrow on the purple jade mantis to retrieve it.

Suddenly, his eyes froze, and he quickly jumped forward and sideways.


A pair of translucent purple mantis swords nearly one meter long slashed at his original location, and the body of the purple jade mantis on the ground instantly became three pieces!

"Elite-level purple jade mantis!"

Ji Ye, who sensed the danger by relying on the changes in light and shadow on the ground and dodged the fatal sneak attack, quickly turned around, his face painted with camouflage looking a little solemn.

This is a purple jade mantis that is a full circle larger than the one on the ground. If it were to stand up, it would be slightly taller than the 1.82-meter mantis. Compared with the mantises on the earth, it has a pair of sharp edges that are more eye-catching. The "big knife" is dripping green blood belonging to the same kind!

Fortunately, the habits of the purple jade mantis are similar to those of its kind on earth, and it is a "hunter" rather than a "warrior".

Therefore, when the surprise attack failed to capture Ji Ye, the elite purple jade mantis did not continue the attack. Instead, it remained motionless and stopped in place like a piece of wood!

However, Ji Ye knew very well that the purple jade mantis's pair of emerald compound eyes, which were composed of thousands of small eyes, had completely locked onto him. As long as he moves, he will launch a new wave of more fierce attacks!

There was a strange confrontation between the two sides for a while.

However, although Ji Ye's face was a little solemn, his eyes were not too panicked.

Just because he has experienced this kind of crisis too many times in the past month or so.


After exhaling slightly.

The next moment, the bronze-colored crossbow in his hand was suddenly raised.


Almost at the same time, Ji Ye pulled the trigger of the bronze crossbow and shot the first three-sided arrow with strong wind.

The elite purple jade mantis also moved!

A pair of scabbard-like wings behind him stirred up strong winds, and he "ejected" in an instant. Even though a green hole was shot out of his neck by a bronze crossbow arrow comparable to a bullet, the body holding a pair of broadswords rushed towards Ji Ye's position without being affected at all.

Facing the oncoming purple jade mantis, Ji Ye's figure quickly moved sideways, moving at a speed that surpassed the sprint champion on earth!


While running at high speed, the bronze crossbow held in his hand was extremely stable, and he continuously fired the second and third crossbow arrows towards the neck of the pursuing purple jade mantis!

[Bronze Bull Crossbow]

Ordinary level 6·excellent quality.

Description: The weapon can be pre-installed with five crossbow bolts.

Bang, bang!

Two crossbow arrows once again hit the neck of the elite purple jade mantis at close range, and two more green holes appeared!

However, the purple jade mantis was faster than him.

After two arrows, he had caught up with him.


A pair of "purple swords" that were far more exaggerated than the mantises on Earth slashed at Ji Ye's head with a sound that broke through the air!

Facing the crisis, Ji Ye's body suddenly dwarfed, rolling over the ground full of rotting leaves regardless of the moisture. Although his movements were a bit ugly, he narrowly and calmly avoided the fate of being "beheaded"!


While he was rolling, the fourth crossbow arrow came out with a sound of breaking through the air, and hit the elite purple jade mantis' neck again.


Moreover, the wounds caused by the bronze crossbow arrows fired from an extremely close range made the holes caused by the three previous crossbow arrows almost merge into one.

This also caused the purple jade mantis that tried to continue attacking at the next moment to twist its triangular head at high speed...


Even if it is an elite creature, it is impossible to say that it can continue to hunt prey even after breaking its own neck!

At least, the Purple Jade Mantis, who is a seventh-level mortal, can't do it yet.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

After exiting more than ten meters away, Ji Ye looked at the seventh-level elite Purple Jade Mantis, which had its triangular head tilted up and was attacking indiscriminately before dying, cutting off the surrounding plants into pieces. Ji Ye was breathing violently and rapidly. But one hand was firmly covering his chest, and blood was oozing crazily from between his fingers.

Although his actions were extremely decisive, the scene of the battle just now looked more like a movie.

However, this is not a movie after all, but a real life and death fight.

Faced with this top-notch insect predator that was born with two machetes, "full-level basic knife skills" and is famous for its speed, how could it be said that it could perfectly dodge all attacks

The wound from the shoulder to the chest is more than a foot long and is as deep as the bone. This is a serious injury that may be fatal if not treated properly even in a hospital in modern society!


Gritting his slightly chattering teeth, Ji Ye quickly reached out and took out a jade-white jade pendant from his arms and placed it on the wound.

Along with his words, some milky white light spots sprinkled from the white jade pendant. When it came into contact with the wound, it immediately stopped bleeding and healed.

[Healing Pendant (Binding)]

The initial accessory can release extraordinary energy to heal trauma!


However, although the wound healed amidst the pain and itching, the color of the jade pendant was much darker.

Moreover, the remaining light red scars and more than ten other similar marks are undoubtedly enough to prove what kind of difficulties and dangers he faced in more than a month.

However, every adventure and life-and-death battle also represents an opportunity!

["Kill the Purple Jade Mantis (Level 7 Mortal Level·Elite), gain experience points: 55!"]

About two minutes later, after the purple jade mantis that went crazy before death finally stopped moving, a message appeared in Ji Ye's head.

Along with this message, a gray-white light suddenly appeared on the one-meter-long purple knife-shaped forelimbs of the seventh-level elite Purple Jade Mantis on the ground.

Then, it quickly shrank toward the center and turned into a gray-white ball of light the size of an adult's fist.

In addition, the pair of wings on its back could change color according to the environment, which also prevented Ji Ye from discovering its lurking transparent wings, which also shrank to form another ball of light.

Finally, a third gray ball of light emerged from the triangular head that was twisted off by itself!

"Finally, the spoils are out!"

"Sure enough, do we still need to hunt dangerous elite creatures?"

Ji Ye, whose face was a little pale due to the severe pain, couldn't say much joy after seeing this scene.

This world of "Land of Inheritance" has a rule similar to the game on earth. After killing a creature, you have a chance to get trophies from it!

Most of the trophies are related to the target that was killed, but the categories are all kinds of strange.

For example, there are science and technology, magic, fantasy, cultivation...

There are even things from the earth!

For example, he once successfully obtained a can of "Red Bull" after killing a reddish-brown fifth-order snail the size of a millstone.

Yes, you heard it right, a 250ML can of "Red Bull" is still within the shelf life even according to the instructions above.

I don’t know if the manufacturer of Red Bull should be happy or worried when they know that they can obtain such hard-core product placement in a different world

["You get: Purple Jade Double-Handed Sword, Mantis Type I Invisibility Cloak, "Seven Star Mantis Fist"!"]

After recovering from his injuries, Ji Ye walked to the body of the elite Purple Jade Mantis, and after touching it with his hand, he learned the information about the trophies represented by the three light balls.

The "Purple Jade Double-Handed Sword" in the first ball of light.

It is a pair of short saber-like weapons made of purple jade. The structure can fit perfectly on the forearm. The blade part that can be popped out is almost transparent. It can be said to be extremely concealed and used for surprise in battle!

The second ball of light contains the "Mantis Type I Invisibility Cloak".

It is a tight-fitting windbreaker that can wrap the entire body of a person, and can automatically camouflage and change color according to the surrounding environment.

As for the "Seven Star Mantis Fist" in the third light ball.

But it is an item that comes from the earth just like the 250ML can of "Red Bull" before.

Ji Ye remembered that this seemed to be a boxing technique created by a martial artist in the Qing Dynasty. Although it was not as famous as Tai Chi and Wing Chun, it was still able to occupy a place in traditional martial arts!

"He actually has a skill!"

After seeing "Seven Star Mantis Fist", Ji Ye's face showed joy for the first time.

The rules of this "land of inheritance" are similar to those of a game. It is natural to learn this "martial arts" and it won't take several years or even more than ten years like it does on Earth!

In fact, when he touched the third ball of light, a prompt appeared in his head.

"Do you choose to spend experience points to learn "Seven Star Mantis Fist"?"

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