Earth’s Best Gamer

Chapter 108: The fisherman is successful


"Boom, boom, boom..."

The sky has just dawned, but under the cliff, because the tide has risen to a certain level, a life-and-death battle between the two races has already begun.

Compared with the last time yesterday, the number of mud monsters has increased, to about forty. It should be that they forcibly consumed the power of luck at night and used the "soul of civilization" obtained from the battle to attract some tribesmen to come.

But this obviously doesn't mean much, just because their attack intensity has dropped compared to yesterday.

Mainly because during yesterday's defense, a lot of the "ammunition" they had reserved, especially the "red, black, and yellow" special ammunition, was consumed. In today's battle, most of the "ammunition" they had reserved could only be used as shells. .

The suppressive force caused by this is obviously insufficient. After all, once ordinary stones and heavy objects fall into the water, no matter how fast they are, the impact will be quickly absorbed by the water, and the lethality will be greatly reduced!

On the contrary, although the mirage clan itself does not have ultra-long-range attack methods, it has cleverly transformed some defensive items.

For example, there are some large blisters that are so tough that even rocks will bounce off when bumped into them, and they can also isolate flames.

Some mirages even put the bodies of their fallen comrades on their heads and continued to move forward despite the crazy shells of the mud monsters.

Obviously, the mirage clan is determined to capture the mud monster's stronghold. After all, their type is too special. It is really difficult to win against other land alien races.

Mud monsters may be their only choice to advance their stronghold!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Under this most intense attack, the mud monster's ammunition finally ran out. In the end, except for a few mud monsters who were left to continue the long-range bombardment, the rest rushed towards the sea and entered the final battle. fight.

Facing this close combat, the Mirage Clan is no longer passive!


Under the water, when the mud monster rushed about five meters away from it, a shell similar to that of a large oyster, as smooth as a round plate, suddenly flew away from the body. The edge was as sharp as a blade. It directly cut the rushing mud monster in half from the middle.


Even more than that, after directly cutting off the mud monster, the disc with a blade-like edge continued to fly in the water for a certain distance, and then spun back at high speed, cutting the mud monster in half for the second time. There is quite a bit of legend. The feeling of "blood drops" in it!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

However, the mud monster's body structure was very special after all, and it did not die directly even if its heart was not injured.

It even seemed that because of being underwater, the cut body healed together again upon contact.

Then he pounced forward and used his huge body to forcibly wrap the mirage clan, entangled together like dough wrapping oysters.

"The time is almost up, take action!"

And after the two alien races began to engage in close combat on a large scale.

From the foggy area of the canyon, twenty fully armed Erlong Village sailors rushed out, with mud monster skins on their heads and knives and forks in their hands!

A mud monster that was holding out a few "cannonballs" from the water seemed to have noticed something and was about to turn around and look towards the rear of the battlefield.


A white bone sword penetrated directly into its beating heart like a drum.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Ye drew out the black snake sword and continued to pounce towards the next mud monster in the water.

Perhaps because of the fusion of the dragon's bloodline, the black snake sword in his hand feels more handy than before. The most important thing is that this sword has the ability to control water flow. When swung underwater, , unexpectedly felt no resistance at all.

In addition, he himself can also rely on consuming the "dragon's blood" in his body to control the flow of water, and even breathe freely in the water as if walking on flat ground.

It can be said that his combat effectiveness has not diminished at all in the water, and is even stronger than on land.


When a mud monster discovered Ji Ye, he directly fired the "stone" shell in his arms.

It's a pity that Ji Ye, who has become proficient in manipulating water flow through experience and practice, can't even dodge. He uses the sea water to deflect the rocks with a thought.

Then, with a single stroke of his sword, he penetrated the second mud monster's heart!

"Puff puff… "

On the other side, the sailors from Erlong Village also succeeded one after another in a many-to-one situation, and killed all the mud monsters left behind in the blink of an eye.


There was no need to say more after that. Everyone waved their weapons and attacked a cave-like mud monster stronghold under the water!

"Pah, pah, pah..."

However, after more than twenty weapons were chopped down, they were all bounced away immediately.

Because on the surface of the cave, a layer of brown power of luck emerged, and inside there was a vaguely smaller version of a mud monster, roaring silently at the people in Erlong Village.

Obviously, this is the power of luck in the mud monster stronghold!

Just as Erlong's village is protected by the power of luck, the mud monster's stronghold is also protected by the power of luck.

Theoretically, if the power of luck is sufficient, no matter how powerful the attack is, it cannot be said to be broken.

However, the mud monster's stronghold is only one level, and it attracted a large number of tribesmen last night, which consumed a lot of luck power. Under the continuous attacks of the black snake sword in Ji Ye's hand, the color quickly became dim!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Within a certain range, all clan members will feel the attack if the stronghold is attacked.

Obviously, the mud monsters who were fighting with the mirage clan had sensed it at this time. The hearts in their chests were beating like drums, and their voices were extremely urgent!

Then everyone rioted, trying to get rid of the mirage tribe and go back for rescue!

However, how could the mirage clan, which had finally managed to get close, say that they had just left

In particular, the wisdom of these mirages is obviously superior to that of the mud monsters. They believe that once the mud monsters are kept away, they will probably fall into the disadvantage of being attacked by the mud monsters with "cannonballs" before!

Therefore, they clung to the mud monsters one by one to prevent them from rescuing them.

As for the human race, the other party's help was really worthy of thanks. They seized the opportunity one by one and attacked harder.


In the end, the black snake sword in Ji Ye's hand stabbed dozens of swords continuously without any resistance, completely wiping away the "power of luck" at the core of the mud monster's stronghold.

Another strike of the sword broke the opponent's last layer of protection.


Suddenly, a large amount of brown luck power began to gather towards the center, and finally formed a "Qi Luck Core" the size of a fist similar to the heart of the Mud Clan, which was caught in Ji Ye's hand.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Even though it was held in the hand, this luck core, which looked like the heart of a mud monster, still beat heavily twice, revealing the resentment belonging to a race.

["Destroy the ooze monster stronghold, obtain merit: 100, rare merit: 10!"]

However, after sensing the information that had appeared in his mind, Ji Ye knew that the most important result had been achieved.

"Ashore... huh?"

Afterwards, Ji Ye used gestures in the water to direct the rest of the soldiers to go back together.

However, when he raised his hand, his eyes suddenly became wary.

Just because all the movements of the village soldiers around him suddenly stopped, and the Erlongshan sailors who followed him suddenly all held knives and rushed towards him!

When a normal person faces this situation, he will definitely be stunned for a moment and then fall into a dilemma.

Because of this situation, it is obvious that the sailors in the copycat must have been manipulated by some kind of force.

Facing them, to kill or not to kill

Ji Ye's choice is... kill!

The black snake sword in his hand cut through the water and struck directly at a copycat sailor who was slashing towards him with his sword!


The white black snake sword slashed through the copycat sailor's neck, but it passed directly through the body like a ghost.

However, the sound of the black snake sword hitting the entity was heard immediately afterwards.


A large "blade disc" with a diameter of about two meters was directly knocked out of the water by the powerful force of the black snake sword and inserted into the mud next to it.

"Psychic attack?"

Ji Ye's eyebrows were raised.

Just because the scene just now was the hallucination caused by some kind of mental attack on him.

However, precisely because it was a spiritual type of attack, it was unavoidable that the effect on him was greatly reduced. Just because Ji Ye had listened to Nie Xiaoqian playing the piano for several days in the Luck Battlefield, and even more so. This allowed the level of divine consciousness to break through to the "fourth level of metamorphosis".

It can be said that the ability to resist this kind of attack is far beyond ordinary people, and he has got rid of it in an instant after being attacked.

Relying on the ability given by the dragon's bloodline, he could clearly sense the subtle movement of the water around him, and thus resist the attack of the entity hidden in the water.

And it is obviously impossible for a mud monster with obviously low intelligence to be able to perform this kind of spiritual attack. Such a large "blade disc" illustrates the opponent's identity.

A leader-level "hero" from the Mirage Clan!