Earth’s Best Gamer

Chapter 14: Prelude to the slaughter of the snake


A place of inheritance.

The sky is high and cloudless!

On the top of the mountain a thousand meters high, behind a rock, Ji Ye lay motionless.

The "Mantis Invisibility Cloak" he was wearing had automatically transformed into the exact same color as the rock. Even a golden eagle with a ninth-level mortal vision would probably have difficulty finding his location quickly.

"His, hiss..."

In a quiet pool about a hundred meters away in a straight line, a black snake with inky jade scales and a pair of horns on its head was slowly swimming towards the shore.

"The most lethal part of a snake creature's body is its heart, which is where the saying goes, 'hit the snake seven inches'."

"Because it is responsible for blood transfusion throughout the body, as long as the heart is destroyed, the snake will die!"

"In addition, the 'three-inch' position on the snake's body is also critical, because this position is the most fragile and easiest to break on the snake's spine. Once interrupted, the channel that communicates the nerve center with other parts of the body If it is destroyed, it will lose its ability to move significantly."

"Of course, due to differences in size and species of snakes, the specific 'three-inch' and 'seven-inch' positions are different. The length cannot be measured rigidly from the head to the back. Instead, it needs to be judged with rich experience!"

Staring at the black snake swimming in the water, Ji Ye recalled this information in his head.

In fact, as a professional wild survivalist, he naturally already knows the common sense about "seven inches" and "three inches" of snakes.

However, it was not as thorough as it is now.

Because with Ling Chen's efforts these days, he has personally dissected hundreds of snakes of various types.

Ji Ye's eyes were now looking at the black snake in the pool that had dragon blood and could swallow golden eagles, tigers and leopards alive. It was as if he was looking at a bowl of white hot steam with some green onion sprinkled on it. "Black Jade Snake Meat Soup"!

Speaking of the level of "transformation from the ordinary", the forum has provided more detailed statistics in the past few days.

Magic, infuriating energy, supernatural powers, firearms, electronic devices...

These things that, to some extent, represent that humans have mastered extraordinary power beyond their own strength, are all assigned to this level in the place of inheritance!

"But according to the forum!"

"Things at the mortal level do not mean they are definitely more powerful than the mortal level!"

For example, a magic apprentice with a particularly weak body, although he has mastered a trace of magic through meditation, is qualified to call himself "transformed".

But this trace of magic power can't even cast a spell, and if faced with an ordinary person with strong body, he will still be punched to death.

Even being able to cast magic does not mean that you will not be smashed to death, because magic does not mean defensive magic, or even if you master defensive magic, it does not mean that you can cast it when someone is close...

Therefore, in theory, even if this black snake belongs to the "First Mortal Transformation" and is a "Commander Level" creature that is stronger than the elites, if it is hit in a vital position such as the heart by the ninth-level Mortal Level "Barbarian Bull Crossbow", It will definitely be fatal!

Well, what a bully heavy crossbow!

Ji Ye took a look at the "Barbarian Bull Heavy Crossbow" that was placed beside him and was also camouflaged under the Mantis Invisibility Cloak.

Speaking of which, in the test, this barbarian heavy crossbow was indeed amazingly powerful. Even if it flew a distance of 150 meters, it still had powerful killing capabilities.

However, the relative weight is also a bit exaggerated, fully exceeding 20 kilograms. With the arm strength of ordinary people on earth, it is impossible to raise it stably and aim, let alone use it in combat!

But this is not a big problem for Ji Ye, because his current attributes have improved to a certain extent compared to when he killed the bronze bull a few days ago.

[Race]Human (Earth)

[Talent] Fusion (Mortal Level·Inheritance)

[Level] Ordinary level nine (elite)

[Skills] Man Niu Body Tempering Strength (Perfect), Seven-Star Mantis Fist (Mastery)

[Items] Barbarian Bull Heavy Crossbow, Black Bee Arrow, Flame Explosion Arrow, Purple Jade Double-Handed Knife, Cowhide Boots, Mantis Type I Invisibility Cloak...


After the offline meeting five days ago, I learned about some of the special features of the stronghold. Ji Ye had already made up his mind to complete this task.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to consume almost all the experience points these days, and finally deduced "Manniu Body Tempering Strength" to the "perfect" level.

As a result, his level has reached "Ordinary Level 9 (Elite)"!

Of course, it is definitely not enough to face the black snake head-on.

After all, two male and female golden eagles that had also reached the ninth level worked together to attack him, and in the end, one of them was killed and the other injured, and he took advantage of them.

Therefore, Ji Ye's real trump card is still the two large crossbow arrows with special colors and shapes placed next to the Manniu heavy crossbow!

One is completely ancient silver, and the arrow parts of the other four are black!

Naturally, the effect of the ancient silver-colored "Fire Explosion Arrow" needs no further explanation, but the black arrow is the result of a new round of testing after the cooling down of his "fusion" talent skill was completed today.

[Black Edge (Crossbow Arrow)]

Level: ninth level ordinary level

Grade: Excellent

Description: A special-quality crossbow arrow fused with the venom of a giant black bee will quickly cause nerve paralysis in part of the target creature's body after hitting it.

It can be obtained from a group of purple-eyed black wasps that are no more than first-level mortals, but each one is the size of a fist, and there are often hundreds of them. Even eighth- and ninth-level mortal creatures have to stay away. These venoms.

The bottle of cologne he collected, which he originally planned to sell for newbies' money, was really a big contribution!

"His, hiss..."

When Ji Ye recalled this incident, the black snake had completely swam out of the pool, and after climbing ashore, its fully exposed body was more than fifteen meters long.

Then, he climbed towards the side of the mountain at an even faster speed than in the water!

"Well, are you going to enter the 'fog area' again?"

Seeing this situation, Ji Ye's expression changed.

In the past few days, Ji Ye, in addition to preparing for the black snake, also tried to spend some time on this mountain to find the "only human stronghold" mentioned in the mission.

However, there was no success.

First, because a thousand-meter-high mountain is too large.

In addition, there are a large number of monsters of various seventh, eighth, ninth and even metamorphosis levels hidden in it. It is impossible to conduct a comprehensive investigation now.

Secondly, there is a large area to the south of this mountain that is always covered by a foggy area. He certainly would not dare to venture into it without knowing the situation inside.

However, during these days, the black snake would crawl into the fog area for a period of time every day. When it came back, its belly would be bulging and its movements would be much slower.

Obviously, this black snake with dragon blood came to the fog area to hunt for food.

After all, it’s not always like the first day when a golden eagle comes to your doorstep, and its appetite is far beyond that of its kind on earth that can survive a month of starvation after just one meal of a mouse or a frog!

"So, the best time to take action is when it leaves the water pool to eat in the foggy area and then comes back!"

Ji Ye was not in a hurry to take action.

Instead, watching the black snake enter the churning mist, he chose to continue hibernating on the rock.

Feeling thirsty on the way, I drank a bottle of "Nestle Mineral Water" that popped up after killing two flaming cardinals over a foot long on the road.

But to be honest, Ji Ye still prefers drinking Nongfu Spring.

Although mineral water tastes exactly the same in the eyes of many people, the latter actually tastes a little sweet when you taste it carefully!