Earth’s Best Gamer

Chapter 20: Rare achievements and talent upgrades


"Hoo, hoo..."

The place of inheritance, the top of the mountain.

At the bottom of the cliff, which was equivalent to a seventeen-story building, Ji Ye's breathing was slightly rapid.

Turning his head, he saw the upper half of the cliff behind him, which was covered by the fierce smelly blood mist spitted out by the mortal-level black snake, causing it to quickly corrode, wither, and emit black smoke.

Ji Ye couldn't help but feel lucky and satisfied with his full preparation in advance.

This rock was chosen as the ambush location precisely because of this possible dangerous situation and to provide a way out.

However, Black Snake's last move was indeed somewhat unexpected.

Ji Ye deliberately attacked the black snake when it couldn't get close to the water source, thinking that the black snake's extraordinary ability to "manipulate water flow" was abandoned.

But he didn't expect that the black snake was far more cunning and ferocious than ordinary low-IQ beasts.

First, he pretended to be dead in an attempt to lure him closer, but when he failed, he blatantly forced out all of his own blood, mixed it with venom, and launched a desperate attack!

Fortunately, Ji Ye never relaxed his vigilance from beginning to end.

Because he has a good understanding of snakes and knows that even after death, such creatures may attack reflexively.

On the earth, there are often people who butcher snakes, and they are accidentally bitten by the chopped off snake heads, which results in poisoning and even death.

Facing a "transcendence level" black snake, he was naturally more vigilant, and his vigilance obviously paid off.

[“Kill the Black Snake (Level 1, Commander), gain experience points: 299, merit: 5!]

After waiting for about ten minutes, the kill prompt finally came out in Ji Ye's head.

[Clear the threat to the human stronghold, obtain merit: 100, rare merit: 10!]

[Performance evaluation: perfect.]

[Get a special reward: The inherited talent skill level is improved. Currently, two transformation levels can be combined, or some special things. ”]

And it’s not just kill tips.

At the same time, two other pieces of information appeared in Ji Ye's mind.


Rare merit

Compared with the previous brief information explanations, this time the meaning and use of meritorious deeds and rare meritorious deeds are more detailed.

[Merit], as the name suggests, represents a kind of merit and honor!

Generally speaking, only by doing something that is helpful to the race or civilization can you obtain merit.

For example, he killed this mortal-level black snake that occupied the water source and threatened the only human stronghold nearby.

For the human race, it was naturally considered a meritorious service, so he was rewarded with meritorious service.

However, killing wild monsters is not actually the most effective way to obtain merit. In fact, if the wild monsters themselves do not pose a real threat to the race or civilization, even if you kill high-level monsters, you will not get "merits"!

On the contrary, if you kill other "players" from competing, hostile races or civilizations, you will almost certainly get "merits".

Obviously, this piece of information itself has been confirmed. The Land of Heritage does have other civilizations and racial "players"!

Moreover, it is in competition with humans, even hostile!

As for the uses of meritorious deeds, they are quite diverse.

For example, it can be converted into "experience points" according to a certain ratio for practice, and it can also be used as "currency" for transactions under certain circumstances.

You can also rely on your merits to learn from the "strangers" who appear in the inheritance place of this civilization, or ask for help...

Even those who have enough meritorious deeds and "log in" again after death will receive "preferential treatment" when they are reborn.

"This... feels a bit similar to the 'power of merit' in the mythical world? Merit, isn't it based on this..."

Ji Ye secretly guessed in his heart.

Rare meritorious deeds are also a type of meritorious deeds.

But, just like rare talents, so do rare items. Compared with meritorious deeds, it is more difficult to obtain and even more rare!

In addition to being able to realize all the uses of meritorious deeds, the most important point is that it can influence, intervene, and spread to the original plane, the universe.

For example, by consuming "rare merit", you can even project and manifest certain things from the inheritance place onto your own planet or continent.

"Project to your own planet!"

Facing this piece of information that could be said to have caused a global sensation on Earth, Ji Ye's expression was unexpected, but it didn't show too much surprise.

In fact, the question of "Is it possible for items from the Land of Heritage to be brought back to Earth?" has been the hottest topic in the top ten ever since the forum was established!

Various experts, professors, and scholars have already been arguing about this, citing various examples to prove that their guesses are the most likely.

It even got to the point where they were criticizing each other and became incompatible with each other.

The most ridiculous thing is probably that almost all of these experts and professors who have enough energy to publish research results on forums and gain a lot of fame have never entered the "land of inheritance" at all!

After all, people in the land of inheritance are fighting for life and death every day, so how can they bother to argue with others on the forum.

"The place of inheritance can affect reality... This is probably within the expectations of the experts."

"However, being able to directly manifest things, including martial arts, physical fitness, supernatural powers, magic... This is a bit beyond expectations!"

"Because, according to the opinions of those experts and scholars, the earth should belong to a technological plane, which is different and exclusive from things in the world of magic and cultivation civilization... Is it because the earth is connected to the 'Land of Inheritance', which has an impact? ?”

Ji Ye sensed the information in his head, his bronze eyebrows slightly furrowed, and his face showed a look of thinking.

"However, this will obviously change the situation where only science and technology attracts attention from various countries."

"It's no wonder that in theory, someone has completed the stronghold mission ahead of schedule and should have known about the existence of the rare feat. However, the coalition government did not disclose this news."

Ji Ye thought to himself.

In fact, information about "merit" has been posted on the forum in the past few days.

However, there is no mention of "rare meritorious deeds" in any post. It is obvious that the coalition government has blocked relevant information.

After all, the possible impact of this news is too great!

And it is really because it is very difficult to obtain "rare merit", so it is possible to say that this information has been kept secret until now.

"live streaming?"

Ji Ye was slightly stunned.

Then, an idea popped into my head.

As for the further uses of these two "merits", the information that comes to mind is not mentioned at the moment.

However, Ji Ye believed that he would figure it out in the future.

"As for the 'fusion' talent skill, it seems that it requires perfect performance in this special task before it can be improved... I am afraid that the difficulty of this upgrade is too high."

Therefore, Ji Ye next focused on his talents.

His "talent skills" were upgraded so quickly, which undoubtedly really surprised him.

Originally, he thought that it would be like the settings in some games, which require a certain number of uses before they can be improved.

However, the current upgrade conditions are undoubtedly very harsh.

Being able to kill the black snake with a "perfect" posture was not only due to his adequate preparation, but also largely because the black snake was only a "first-order mortal transformation" creature after all and did not possess much extraordinary power at all.

The enemies encountered in future missions will never be as easy to deal with as the Black Snake. How easy is it to obtain a "perfect" rating again

"Huh, it depends on people!"

"After all, the 'perfection' of a place of inheritance does not require it to be absolutely flawless. That is really impossible."

However, Ji Ye was not afraid of the landlord because of the difficulties, so he quickly put it behind him.

Moreover, after all, the 'fusion' talent level has been improved, and the attribute of being able to fuse "special things" has been added. This is already something worthy of celebration.

In addition, Ji Ye discovered that the hourglass above the upgraded "fusion talent" had disappeared.

"It means... after upgrading, does the cooling time also get refreshed?"

Doesn't this mean that he can now use his "fusion" talent to fuse things at the mortal level

Although he currently only has something like the "Fire Explosion Arrow" that transcends the realm of mortals.

Even strictly speaking, it was not actually on him, but was still burning on the body of the black snake on the top of the mountain.

But obviously, there should be more than one transcendent-level item in his hands soon!

Ji Ye raised his head and looked at the top of the mountain that had stopped burning, his eyes a little eager.