Earth’s Best Gamer

Chapter 28: Discuss


On the second day, it was bright and clear.

Ji Ye walked out of the room and saw outside the door, nearly an acre of open space in the center of the temple that had been transformed into a martial arts arena.

Lu Zhishen's upper body was exposed with blue embroidery, and his two arms, which were comparable to the thighs of ordinary people, were each holding a stone lock weighing hundreds of kilograms.


With a loud roar like thunder, he raised his hand and threw it into the sky. It flew to a height of about two feet before falling to the ground again.

"Bang, bang!"

He quickly picked it up in the air, swung it around, and threw it up again.

After repeating this for more than ten times, the two stone locks were allowed to fall to the ground, creating a circle of flying dust in the sand pit on the ground.

"Come on, everyone!"

And this turned out to be just a warm-up exercise.

Next, Lu Zhishen shouted at Shen Sheng, and asked twenty young and strong men in short shirts who were specially selected from among the hundreds of people in Erlong Village standing opposite him to attack him at the same time!

"Big boss, be careful!"

The twenty copycat men shouted and rushed forward together.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

However, it is obviously them who should be careful.

Although he was surrounded by twenty people, Lu Zhishen, who was over eight feet tall, stood out among them.

A pair of casserole-sized fists were waved continuously, as if the devil had come to the world, knocking the men rushing to the side to the ground one by one.

They even directly reached out to grab some men's clothes, and then threw them several meters away and landed in a sand pit as if they had just thrown a stone lock.

In the blink of an eye, all twenty people were knocked down by Lu Zhishen.

"Your strength is too weak, and there is no coordination at all between you."

"Next, everyone must work harder to practice martial arts. They must train themselves as quickly as possible to become elite warriors capable of going to the battlefield!"

Lu Zhishen shouted to these "elite" personnel in Erlong Mountain, his voice sounding like thunder.

"Next, I will pass on to you a set of Arhat Boxing. Although it is only an ordinary boxing technique, it is the most suitable for tempering and building foundation!"

After Lu Zhishen finished speaking, he started another set of boxing skills on the martial arts field.

However, even though he was called an "arhat", Ji Ye felt more like a Buddhist Dharma Protector using force. His punches and kicks were incredibly powerful, and he caused a continuous sound of wind that broke through the air. This is power. Excellent performance and speed.


In the middle of the demonstration, Lu Zhishen punched a tree next to the martial arts arena. The tree trunk, which was as thick as an adult's calf, was instantly interrupted by a fist as big as a casserole, and the fallen leaves flew all over the ground!

"Good boxing skills!"

"Leader Lu, let me have a discussion with you!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and then a figure quickly rushed to Lu Zhishen's side, and punched Lu Zhishen's chest with the same sound of breaking through the air.

"The village leader?"

The big men in Erlong Village next to them were a little surprised.

Because the person who rushed into the martial arts arena turned out to be Ji Ye.


Lu Zhishen turned around and blocked Ji Ye's attack with "Arhat Fist".

However, in the blink of an eye, just like the short-haired young man Xiao Xing in the Earth Villa before, he was subjected to a series of attacks by Ji Ye.

What "Seven Star Mantis Fist" is best at is taking the lead and launching a series of attacks like autumn wind sweeping down fallen leaves. Moreover, the power and speed of Ji Ye's fist this time were obviously more than twice as strong as the Earth's body.

“Bang bang bang bang…”

However, Lu Zhishen's strength was obviously not comparable to that of the short-haired young man. Facing Ji Ye's attack, he was calm and calm. He waved the Arhat Fist in his hand and actually neutralized all Ji Ye's series of attacks.


"Master, your boxing technique seems to be similar to Arhat Boxing. Could it be that the two are related?"

However, after receiving a series of attacks from Ji Ye, Lu Zhishen suddenly felt a little confused.

"Leader Lu has great eyesight!"

Ji Ye stopped his attack and sighed in praise.

During the last time he was offline, he had checked the detailed introduction of "Seven Star Mantis Fist" online. It was discovered that "Seven Star Praying Mantis Fist", also known as "Arhat Mantis Fist", is closely related to the legendary Shaolin martial arts.

And Lu Zhishen was truly worthy of being a man of real ability. He was actually able to discern some clues after a brief confrontation.

However, speaking of it, according to Lu Zhishen, "Hunyuan Gong" itself was also created by monks in the temples of Mount Wutai.

Therefore, he has a total of three skills, and two of them are related to monks. Could it be that he is destined to be a monk

Khan, of course this is just a coincidence.

However, it was precisely because of the similarities between "Seven Star Mantis Fist" and "Arhat Fist" that Ji Ye couldn't help but compete with this top figure from the Water Margin.

"Okay, village leader, you're welcome to the Sa family!"

This was the first time Lu Zhishen called him "Sajia", and he was obviously interested in "Seven Star Mantis Fist".

The two sides fought again.

Seven Star Mantis Boxing is mainly about flexibility, front and side attacks, virtual and real, both long and short, hard and soft, and the use of hands and feet.

Lu Zhishen's boxing rules are relatively large-open and large-close, full of force, but also typically rough and fine, leaving no gaps.

The two sides fought for more than twenty rounds, but there was no winner yet.

"The village master's skills are really great!"

"He was actually not at a disadvantage in the battle with the master."

"Of course it should be like this, otherwise how could the village leader kill that demonic snake!"

"Fortress leader, come on!"

And a group of men from the Erlong Village who had been taught a lesson by Lu Zhishen were whispering beside them.

The gaze he looked at Ji Ye changed from the initial fear of his status as the "Chosen One" to one of closeness.

In some cases, sparring is also a means for men to resolve distance.

"Huh, uh... so happy!"

In the martial arts arena, Ji Ye, who had fought Lu Zhishen for twenty rounds, was gasping for air.

However, the voice was filled with excitement.

It is really difficult for people on earth to understand how comfortable it feels to be able to unleash all your strength in a fight with someone.

Especially at this time, his strength was so strong that he felt he could kill a cow with one punch.

Because his current attributes have become.

[Race]Human (Earth)

[Talent] Fusion (Transcendence Level·Inheritance)

[Level] First level of transformation (Elite)

[Skills] Hunyuan Jin (Mastery), Seven Star Mantis Fist (Dacheng)

[Items] Black Snake Sword, Black Snake Blood, Mantis Type I Invisibility Cloak, Purple Jade Double-Handed Sword...

"Hunyuan Jin" has reached the level of "mastery" and is almost close to "small success".

The "Seven Star Mantis Fist" being used at this time has gone a step further and has become the "Dacheng" state.

This is naturally the result of last night's practice in the second half of the night.

The biggest bug in "fusion" talent skills is that it is not simply a matter of fusing a skill with perfect evaluation.

The most important thing is to let him know this skill well, so the speed of practice can naturally be increased to the highest level!

Of course, there seems to be a problem in the middle.

That is, even if you know it very well, you can't directly practice a skill to this level with only half a night left.

Unless you practice with "experience", has Ji Ye's experience been exhausted

This is indeed the case, but one of the functions of merit points is that they can be converted into "experience points" at a ratio of one to one hundred!

Although, I guess the difficulty of obtaining merit should be higher than the experience.

After all, the former can be transformed into the latter, but the latter cannot be transformed into the former.

However, the mentality of wanting to quickly gain "internal strength" made Ji Ye choose to transform.

Afterwards, Ji Ye finally practiced "Hunyuan Jin" to the point of "mastery" before dawn.

Moreover, because he spends a lot of time training and improving by practicing "Seven Star Mantis Fist" and running "Hunyuan Jin" while fighting.

Therefore, this only boxing skill has reached the level of Dacheng.

It is conceivable that in this situation of consuming experience points, it is equivalent to playing "Seven Star Mantis Fist" for several months.

As soon as he went out, he saw Lu Zhishen performing a set of "Arhat Fist" that was similar to it. How could Ji Ye, who had a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, say that he would not be itchy and invite a fight


After the two sides separated again, Ji Ye shouted.

"Hunyuan Jin" was running at full strength, and I felt that my arms were filled with power at that moment, as if all the blood in my body was flowing into it, and I was eager to explode.

"Leader Lu, please give me a full punch!"

After Ji reminded her loudly, she pounced on him again.


With a final muffled sound, the two fists hit each other's blocking arm, and then each of them retreated backwards.

Lu Zhishen took five steps back, but Ji Ye only took four steps back!