Earth’s Best Gamer

Chapter 3: Return to Earth



Looking into the field of vision, the familiar imitation white jade ceiling and transparent rows of classic crystal chandeliers, and the floor-to-ceiling windows on the opposite side occupy almost the entire wall.

Ji Ye's face showed a relaxed look that he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Well, no!"

"My bedroom was tampered with?"

However, immediately, he frowned.

The vigilance developed by fighting monsters in the wilderness jungle for more than a month, and the innate keen observation ability, allowed him to discover certain problems at the first glance.

He clearly remembered the location of most of the furnishings in his bedroom.

For example, the large antique blue and white vase from the Republic of China period directly opposite does not completely adhere to the mahogany hollow carved cabinet in the corner, but maintains a certain gap between the two.

Also, this twelve-inch gilded Egyptian pyramid simulation souvenir should be placed at an angle where the tip is facing the axis of the European-style silver-plated clock above, but now it is obviously deviated.


Ji Ye's face instantly became serious.

The three-story villa left by my parents covers an area of more than 500 square meters. Even though Yangcheng is only a fourth-tier prefecture-level city, its total value is close to tens of millions.

The security system of such a villa community is naturally very complete. With special greetings, he has never had any problems when he went out to "work" in the past.

Could it be said that during the period when he was in the "land of inheritance"

Did something major happen on the earth as well

Spiritual energy revival, alien invasion, doomsday coming

However, looking out through the panoramic floor-to-ceiling glass on the opposite side, there are orderly pedestrians and an environment without any abnormalities.

Obviously, all of these possibilities are unlikely.


Instead, through the angle of the panoramic glass window, Ji Ye noticed that there was a young man with short hair standing on the balcony on the second floor of the villa.

He held a black mobile phone in his hand and put it to his ear, saying something to the other side.


"I've been watching here, but there's been no movement."

"Well, don't worry. Boss, I'm doing things steadily!"

"By the way, when you come here, don't forget to buy me a bucket of instant noodles. I want Laotan pickled cabbage flavor. I haven't even had lunch yet."

On the balcony of the second floor of a single-family villa, a short-haired young man wearing a black windbreaker chattered endlessly into a black phone.

"who… "

However, as if he heard something, the short-haired young man on the phone suddenly turned his head.


What came face to face was Ji Ye, who jumped straight down from the bedroom on the third floor, swinging a fist with the sound of wind using the "Seven Star Mantis Fist" technique!

"yes… "

However, the short-haired young man was surprisingly agile.

In fact, it must have been after extremely professional training that he made defensive movements reflexively and blocked Ji Ye's fist.

However, the core key of "Seven Star Mantis Fist" is "no strikes, no strikes, just strike with one strike, ten strikes in a row", and the head, shoulders, elbows, fists, knees, hips and feet can all be used as offensive weapons!

Therefore, even though the short-haired young man had good skills, when he lost the opportunity, facing Ji Ye who had mastered the "Seven Star Mantis Fist" in the inheritance place, he barely resisted for a few times and was cut down by a hand knife. On the side of the neck above the artery.

"You... Ji... Ji..."

The short-haired young man with white eyes seemed to want to say something, but in the end he muttered vaguely and fell to the balcony.

"Hey, Xiao Xing, what happened? Why is there the sound of fighting?"

"Ji? Is the target back from offline, Xiao Xing..."

The unmarked black mobile phone in his hand fell to the floor during the fight between the two, and a surprised and eager questioning voice came from the phone.

"Target? Get offline and come back!"

Ji Ye frowned as he heard the content inside.

Combined with this, it seems that the neat skills and on-the-spot reaction of the short-haired young man are not something that a thief can possess

"What do you do?"

Thinking of some possibility in his mind, Ji Ye picked up the black phone on the ground and asked in a deep voice.

"We... well, it's not Xiao Xing's voice!"

"You are... are... Comrade Ji Ye, right? We are from the Joint Affairs Bureau. What did you do to Xiao Xing?"

On the other side of the phone, there was the voice of a middle-aged man. Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted and his tone was slightly urgent.

"He's fine, he just fainted temporarily... Joint Affairs Bureau?"

Ji Ye frowned, almost confirming a certain guess in his mind.

"The Joint Affairs Bureau is a special department established by various countries for the 'Place of Inheritance' under the initiative of the coalition government... It is a joint agency composed of elite personnel jointly transferred from various provincial and municipal departments, military, police, etc.!"

"Xiao Xing has his ID on him... I will rush over right now. I hope Comrade Ji Ye will stay in the house for the time being and not go anywhere. We will talk about everything until we meet."

Hearing that the short-haired young man was fine, the other person was obviously relieved.

Then, he said a series of words quickly.

"Joint Affairs Bureau!"

After hanging up the phone, he rummaged through the short-haired young man and found a black notebook with the national emblem on it.

Ji Ye knew that what the other party said was probably true.

Okay, this doesn’t seem like much of a surprise

After all, after the "Land of Inheritance" was opened, messages appeared in the heads of people all over the world, and millions of people were directly "landed". Countries will definitely launch comprehensive actions on this matter.

Not to mention, there is also a "coalition government" formed by various countries for unification.

This is an international organization jointly established by various countries after the three world wars in the 20th century, especially the outbreak of the nuclear war that resulted in catastrophic results. Nowadays, at the level of international affairs, it has stronger political voice and influence than a single country!

"So it's like I mistakenly mistook the legendary special department personnel for thieves and beat them unconscious as soon as I returned to Earth?"

Ji Ye looked at the black ID in his hand and the short-haired young man who passed out on the ground next to him, who was probably from the military or the police, and said.

However, it is not a complete typo.

The living room was a little messy, and there were even a few drunk Coke cans and food packaging bags in the living room, which proved that at least the short-haired young man had been here for a long time.

As a master, it is naturally impossible to say that I am happy about this.

"So, if you fight, let's fight."

Under the supervision of the coalition government and developed media, even official personnel in various countries are more civilized in their behavior and try to be as positive as possible.

Moreover, modern society attaches great importance to the privacy of personal residences, and Ji Ye is definitely on the right side.

"Now, let's go online and get some information."

Therefore, after returning the black certificate to the short-haired young man, he chose to open the computer in the room and enter "Place of Inheritance" to query.

"Place of inheritance·Forum!—United Government·Officially sponsored!"

The search company has always placed advertisements in the first few search results on the search interface, but this time there is only one search result on the entire home page.

["A must-read for offline staff!" (Top)]

["Place of inheritance, opportunity for human civilization to enter the universe?"]

["A conspiracy of aliens, or a game of a god-level civilization? A discussion on the nature of the inheritance place."]

["Age advantage + elite leader in this industry, why haven't you been able to become one of the millions of 'pioneers'!"]

["Technological knowledge can be brought back to reality. What about magic, superpowers, and cultivation?"]

["Latest news, those who complete the trial can obtain talent skills!" (Hot Rise)]

After opening it, there is a coalition government badge, and you can choose forums in languages from all over the world. The homepage is a bunch of popular posts with hundreds of millions of views.

After thinking about it, Ji Ye opened the first post that was marked red and pinned to the top, because the poster behind this post with more than 2 billion views was the official "Coalition Government".