Earth’s Best Gamer

Chapter 35: Cultivation skills


"Quasi Commander, is there such a level?"

Ji Ye was a little surprised.

"Does exist."

Lu Zhishen, who was next to him, had relevant content in the additional information in his head.

Quasi-leader level represents elite creatures that are generally only slightly stronger.

However, in a short burst, it can almost exert a commander-level combat effectiveness!

"Fortunately, this mandrill is only a quasi-leader. If it is a leader, it may be able to continuously use that yellow light. The black snake sword of yours, village leader, may not be able to hurt it!"

Lu Zhishen said a little thankfully.

This mandrill is a second-level mortal creature. Although it is only a quasi-leader, because it can briefly burst out with leader-level power, even he cannot defeat it head-on.

Of course, the main reason was because he didn't have a suitable weapon in his hand.

If you are holding a mortal-level sword similar to the "Black Snake Sword" in your hand, or a hundred-jin cold iron Zen staff, then you can use the sword to break through the mandrill's black fur, or directly use the Zen staff to gut it Shockingly, even though this mandrill was of a higher level than him, Lu Zhishen had full confidence in defeating the mandrill in a single fight.

After all, he is just a monster, and his IQ is far inferior to that of humans!

While the two were talking, the mandrill's body began to glow with white light, and after about a few minutes, three trophies took shape.

The first item is a pair of black gloves with tiger fingers, which were transformed from Mandrill's sharp claws that are twice as big as Lu Zhishen and can directly grab hard rocks out of pits!

[Mandrill Boxing Gloves]

Level: Second level of metamorphosis

Grade: Excellent

Description: The gloves are made of a pair of the toughest claws on the mandrill's body, and can exert a certain amount of extraordinary power!

Ji Ye put it on his hand with a little curiosity.

When he punched it hard with his hand, it was immediately covered with a layer of misty yellow light, and the weight of the entire fist nearly doubled in an instant!

It's no wonder that even Lu Zhishen, who was born with supernatural powers, could not compete with this mandrill.

After all, the mandrill itself is said to be able to tear apart tigers and leopards alive, and with the blessing of this yellow light, there are probably not many creatures of the same level that can compete with it in terms of brute strength.

"Leader Lu, take this thing!"

However, Ji Ye, who already owned the Black Snake Sword and had a pair of purple jade swords on his arms, had little use for these gloves.


But Lu Zhishen did not refuse.

Regarding this world, although he has a lot of common sense information in his head, he has never seen it personally. For example, the claws of the killed mandrill in front of him can actually turn into a pair of "fists" in the white light. set".

I am quite curious about this!

Ji Ye, who handed the gloves to him, also felt a strange feeling at this moment.

Because, in the novels he had read, he had only seen sharing the spoils with players. When have you ever seen people from history or novels discussing equipment distribution together

However, while thinking this in his mind, Ji Ye had already reached out and picked up the second white ball of light.

Holding it for a moment, a stream of information was transmitted to the head.

[Earth and Stone Technique]

Level: Metamorphosis

Grade: Excellent

Explanation: Human masters refer to the skills created by the mandrill clan's innate abilities, which can absorb the five elements of earth energy in the earth and condense the power of stone!

Surprisingly, he has a skill!

Moreover, this seems to be a "cultivation method"

Ji Ye's breathing suddenly stopped slightly.


Although it has been confirmed that cultivation exists in this world, even the Western player who was "lucky" to be introduced to a cultivator and then learned Chinese without tears has become a celebrity on the forum.

Moreover, according to the analysis on the forum, in fact, there should not be much difference between the major systems in the inheritance land at the level of transformation.

However, in the hearts of most people on earth, "cultivation" is definitely still a higher level existence than "martial arts".

Although, the name of this "Earth and Stone Art" is just like "Hunyuan Gong", which seems to be very unqualified, and the quality evaluation is even worse than the latter.

But after all, it is a cultivation method!

"Cultivation and internal strength should be practiced at the same time, right? If that doesn't work, I still have the 'fusion' skill!"

Ji Ye held the ball of light in his hand, with excitement in his eyes.

He had thought before that with his "fusion" talent, he might be the only player who could not be bound by various training systems.

Of course, whether this is the case will only be known after testing.

However, Lu Zhishen showed no interest in this kind of "cultivation technique".

Because, as a "hero", he had acquired the most suitable martial arts training method when he came.


Ji Ye put away the "Earth and Stone Art" and prepared to practice after returning to the village.

Because it takes time to absorb the information in skills, there is a risk of being interrupted when doing this in the wild.

Then, he turned his attention to the last trophy.

The source of this trophy is similar to the one exploded by the black snake on the top of the mountain. It was extracted from the large amount of blood that poured out of the mandrill's head when he was beheaded. Blood crystal with slight yellow light.

[Blood of Mandrill]

Level: Special

Grade: Ordinary

Explanation: The blood in the mandrill's body contains a ray of spiritual blood from a certain 'mountain god', which has a strong restraint effect on evil spirits.

However, this time the "blood of the mandrill" cannot be directly integrated into blood.

Ji Ye guessed that maybe it was a patent that could only be obtained by killing creatures above the leader level.

"Can the blood of the mountain spirit destroy evil?"

The information prompted in the description also made Ji Ye's face look slightly strange.

It was originally thought to be an evil ghost, but in the end, the blood of the mandrill was able to restrain the ghost, because its blood contained the spiritual blood from the "Mountain God".

Ji Ye wasn't too surprised that this mandrill had "mountain god" blood in his body.

Because in ancient myths and legends, many mountain gods were actually cultivated by the spirits in the mountains and forests.

It is very possible that this mandrill is the descendant of a mandrill who cultivated himself into a "mountain god".

However, this made him want to complain. Why did it feel like "Journey to the West"? These monsters that seemed to have only mastered very low and extraordinary powers actually had extraordinary backgrounds, the blood of the Dragon King, Descendants of mountain gods…

In the future, they won't be like the bronze bulls before, coming to settle accounts one after another, right

Ji Ye muttered in his heart.

Not really worried, though.

After all, whether it is a black snake or a mandrill, the descriptions use words such as "a trace, thin". Obviously, even if it is really a descendant of a "dragon king or a mountain god", there should be an unknown number of generations between them. It is unlikely. Like a bronze bull, he accepts the death penalty.

To go one step further, speak more confidently.

As long as a certain amount of buffer time is given, even if they really come to the door, they may not be able to deliver the equipment to their door.

Isn’t the bronze bull a good example