Earth’s Best Gamer

Chapter 47: Boar King


Snort, snore!

A third-level brown wild boar in its sub-adult stage was running in a panic in an open space among the trees.


A wind-feathered arrow made a sound of piercing the air, flew from the side, and hit its neck.

The moment the quadrangular pyramidal arrow hit, it tore off the layer of brown hair on its body that had not completely hardened, and then pierced through the thick skin and fat.

Even due to a certain degree of coincidence, the aorta in its neck was directly crushed. Therefore, after continuing to collide for half a minute, this third-level mortal brown wild boar fell to the ground.


About twenty-five meters away, Ji Ye nodded to Qin Yueyu, who was holding a black lacquer bow in his hand.

This is the territory of a group of nearly twenty brown wild boars, but today, they are surrounded by almost the same number of humans.


A fourth-level adult female wild boar, with red eyes, rushed towards a soldier of Erlong Village holding a vine shield in his hand.

"go back!"

However, the defense of this village soldier who had reached the sixth level was obviously not something that the fourth level could break through, and he was forced back into the open space in the blink of an eye.


Afterwards, Li Qing, who had been a scout, rushed forward and stabbed the wild boar with a short knife of about one foot in his hand, the blade reaching the hilt.

Then he quickly pulled back and pulled out the short sword that turned red.

The female wild boar, with blood spurting out from her neck and her eyes even redder, stood up again and rushed towards a defensive position guarded by a village soldier.


Then, he was pulled back again without any suspense, and fell to the ground directly.

Because Li Qing's knife just now stabbed the heart of this fourth-level female wild boar accurately.


However, at the time of death, the redness in the female wild boar's eyes faded somewhat.

Because the soldiers of Erlong Village who blocked the surrounding areas did not prevent those second-level wild boar cubs from escaping from the encirclement!

"This is a fourth-level mortal creature, a creature similar to us humans. It doesn't seem too difficult to deal with? Even if we do this, isn't it a little cruel..."

At the edge of the clearing, the other three female players looked at the battlefield filled with blood and screams, their faces turning slightly pale.

And "star" Xu Xue said with a little sympathy in her tone.

"The weak eat the strong, this is the inevitable law of the inheritance land."

"We humans are of a higher level than this group of wild boars, so they have become the target of being surrounded and killed. And if it is us who are being surrounded and the ones who attack are aliens, then the other side will probably not even let go of a baby in the village! "

Ji Ye shook his head, but his tone was serious.

His words were not just for the three female newcomers, but also for the selected Erlong copycat soldiers.

These wild boars are just monsters, so some of the cubs can be released. However, if they are also intelligent creatures, such as the eagle people on the other side of the cliff, they are likely to choose to kill them all.

It was precisely because of the pressure brought by the Yingren that Ji Ye felt that there was no time for these newcomers to adapt slowly. After leaving the village, he directly changed from the first-order red-haired rat, the second-order Mopan Frog, and the third-order Mopan Frog in one afternoon. Eight-legged turtle... Kill all the way to this group of brown wild boars that are similar to humans.

Of course, any monster on Erlong Mountain after this great change, even a pig, may be a fatal threat to humans.


Suddenly, there was a sound of running in the woods.

A male wild boar with black fur as straight as needles and covered with a layer of armor-like hard soil appeared at the edge of the clearing.

This is a male wild boar that can be called the king of wild boars. It weighs at least three hundred kilograms. Even trees with thick arms can be directly broken by it. A pair of white tusks are more than 50 centimeters long, which makes people confused after seeing it. I feel cold in my heart.


After rushing into the battlefield, he saw that all his "harem" fell to the ground, and the princes and princesses all fled in all directions. The Wild Boar King suddenly fell into a rage. The dirt on the ground was flying with his four hooves, and he moved crazily towards the largest number of people. Ji Ye and others rushed over.


Xu Xue's beauty suddenly turned pale and she screamed.

Qin Yueyu had just shot an arrow, and now he hurriedly picked up the arrow and prepared to hit it.

"I come!"

Ji Ye shook his head, took two steps forward, and then stood still.

It wasn't until the Wild Boar King rushed in front of him with red eyes and a pair of menacing white fangs that he stretched out his right hand. The yellow light on it flashed and directly hit the Wild Boar King's huge head.


The wild king pig, which weighed more than 300 kilograms and carried a powerful impact, came to an abrupt stop in an instant. Its head fell into the dirt on the ground. Blood was bleeding from its mouth, nose and ears at the same time, and its two forelimbs even made the sound of fracture.

"The Wild Boar King, who has probably reached the sixth-level elite level, if he can be killed quickly, he is likely to get loot."

Amid the wide-eyed reactions of a group of new players, the sixth-level wild boar king, who was obviously stunned by the smash, was picked up by Ji Ye with one hand and thrown directly into the encirclement.


A long arrow shot through the air and hit the eye of the fallen Wild Boar King first.


And when the Wild Boar King was in pain, he reluctantly stood up and tried to turn around and escape.

Li Qing had already pounced directly, stabbing the Wild Boar King in the neck with the short knife in his hand.

The angle of the cut is very clean and neat. Even the "armor" of the Wild Boar King that is mixed with soil and tree wax cannot resist it. The tip of the knife is downward from the throat, avoiding the bone defense and stabbing directly. Entered the heart of the Wild Boar King.


However, the male wild boar king, who weighed more than 300 kilograms, was not comparable to the previous female wild boar. He turned over in pain and fought back fiercely. His four hooves flew wildly on the soil, his eyes were blood red, and he held up a pair of long-looking wild boars. The sword-like fangs stabbed Li Qing in the stomach as he retreated.

Faced with this situation, Li Qing's face couldn't help but change color.

However, a man who was worthy of being a scout was about to be hit by a pair of fangs and his intestines were pierced by the wild boar king running around, vomiting blood.

However, Li Qing suddenly chose to roll sideways on the ground, avoiding the head-on collision of the Wild Boar King.


Immediately afterwards, Qin Yueyu's second arrow hit the other eye of the Wild Boar King. Although it failed to hit the eyeball completely, the blood that poured out was enough to obscure the Wild Boar King's vision.

Afterwards, this one, which should be the old pig king, was dragged back to the village and cooked by Lu Zhishen on the first day after his arrival. Therefore, the sixth-level wild boar king, who had only been on the throne for a few days, almost overturned all the trees and rocks in the open space. , and finally fell to the ground.

Then, gray light appeared on a pair of sword-like white fangs.

"The spoils are out!"

They had already done their homework on the forum, and the six new players who saw this scene had excited eyes.

In the gray light, a pair of fangs nearly half a meter long began to deform, and finally turned into two Tang knives about one meter long!

[Fang Knife]

Level: Ordinary level 6

Quality: ordinary

Description: Made from the tusks of the brown-haired wild boar king, it has relatively good hardness and sharpness. However, it may be more suitable for stabbing than for cutting.

The attributes are not that great and are just average quality.

The main reason was that Ji Ye's participation in the killing of this wild boar was a little too high.

According to statistics from the coalition government, the rules for obtaining loot quality and experience points after killing monsters in the Land of Heritage are mainly affected by two aspects.

The first is the level gap between them. There is naturally a difference between killing monsters and bullying mobs.

But this is actually secondary, and more importantly, it is affected by the process of players killing monsters.

For example, if the same monster dies "suddenly" while holding an AK and pulling the trigger, and if the same monster is killed after a fierce fight with a saber, the experience and loot gained are likely to be very different.

Generally speaking, if the performance of the killing process is wonderful, the loot will be better, and if you gain some understanding and insights from the fighting process, you will gain more experience points.

That makes sense, doesn't it

Because of this, the entire team killed many monsters this afternoon.

But except for Qin Yueyu and Li Qing, the experience gained by the others was not much, and the spoils revealed were very few.

"Fortress Master!"

At this time, Lu Zhishen came over from the jungle with two village soldiers.

"Leader Lu, have you investigated clearly?"

"We have found the location of the wolf den. However, village leader, are you sure you want them to face those wolves tomorrow? You must know that those wolves are very cunning. Although they are also at the fourth level, they are more dangerous. It’s far beyond what these wild boars can compare to!”

"It doesn't matter, I'm sure there won't be any big problems. The only thing I need to worry about is the wolf king who is suspected to be at the mortal level. When the time comes, I will need the help of Leader Lu."