Earth’s Best Gamer

Chapter 57: Brother Chong is a coward


It was not as expected by the two old men.

It is true that he is not a leader-level "hero" like Tiangang Disha!

After all, if killing a foreign minion can lead to "one hundred and eight generals", Ji Ye estimates that Erlong Village will be able to overwhelm the Yingren stronghold on the other side of the cliff without even needing to operate it!

Of course, if the opposite is the same. The result will only be that there will be more and more "heroes" on both sides, the combat level will increase rapidly, and then the players will directly become "cannon fodder"!

However, it is obvious that the real core of the Land of Heritage is the players who are the "Chosen Ones".

"Well, the evaluation turned out to be elite?"

However, this name is more formal than the previous "Two Niu and Two Dogs" for the little boss.

The level attributes were slightly beyond Ji Ye's expectations.

As the leader of the village, Ji Ye is the only one who can see the human attributes of the descendants besides Li Qing and Lu Zhishen who provided sacrifices and souls of civilization.

The "Eagle Man" whom Lu Zhishen threw a stone over the cliff and smashed his head into was only rated at the seventh-level ordinary level. Theoretically, the character who came should also be at the ordinary level, but obviously, because of the fusion of the power of the sacrifice, he became a A famous seventh-level mortal level elite.

Moreover, he was someone who had mastered an ordinary level of martial arts and basic military formations, which was enough to help Lu Zhishen train soldiers faster.

"I've met my brother!"

"I don't think I can meet my brother again in Erlong Mountain."

After arriving, the little boss immediately hugged Lu Zhishen with gratitude.

Like Lu Zhishen, he also obtained some information and memories after his arrival, and knew that the "soul of civilization" was created by Lu Zhishen and Ji Ye.

"Pei San'er, it's you!"

"Let's go and have a drink with Sajia later. We won't come back until we get drunk!"

Lu Zhishen's big bronze eyes were full of joy, and he even used the long-lost word "Sajia"!

Just because in his subsequent memory fragments, this old subordinate of Erlongshan was hit in the chest by a crossbow and died tragically during the siege, but now he was standing in front of him alive. How could he be unhappy

"Erlong Mountain, Sajia... I'll go, Lu Zhishen!"

After hearing the conversation between Pei San and Lu Zhishen in the hall, "Brother Miancheng Chong", who was also attracted by the situation in the hall and had not shouted for the time being, suddenly blurted out.

As a self-proclaimed "social figure", he is not the kind of ignorant fool. At least he has studied the two career guidance books "Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin" more deeply than many college students. !

Especially in "Water Margin", "Brother Chong" can even pronounce the names of more than forty "heroes" at once, and he is even more familiar with the origin of the famous flower monk "Lu Zhishen".

"The tattooed person I just scolded turned out to be Lu Zhishen... Is this stronghold the Erlong Mountain in "Water Margin"?"

"Brother Chong"'s eyes were a little dazed, and there was cold sweat on his forehead.


Safety leaned closer and heard what he said, and responded with two words with a sideways glance.

At this time, Xu Xue, who had been standing alone next to him, stepped into the core hall of the stronghold.

"That one is Lu Zhishen... This one can't be the dominatrix Sun Erniang, right?"

"Brother Chong"'s tone of voice became even more hypocritical, completely losing the arrogance at the beginning!

Just because Xu Xue was completely dressed in ancient costume at this time, and with a hairpin in her hair, she didn't look like a player at all.

And "Brother Chong" was indeed serious when he watched Water Margin. Many people only said that Sun Erniang, a "hero" who became famous for opening a human meat bun shop, ended up in Liangshan, but he knew better.

Because of this, cold sweat broke out on my forehead even more!

Death in the land of inheritance is not terrible, but there are many ways to die. Being chopped into minced meat and made into steamed buns is definitely the kind that is extremely scary.

Moreover, after dying once and landing, he turned out to be in the stronghold of Yangcheng, which also made him vaguely feel that he could no longer die casually!

"Fortress Master, I have something I would like to ask the main hall for help!"

Xu Xue naturally didn't know that some people already equated her, who considered herself beautiful, with a "dominatrix".

After entering the main hall, Liu Ye's eyes sparkled under the light of the butter candle, and she said to Ji Ye with a smile on her face.


Ji Ye looked at Xu Xue with a dull face, not reacting at all to this female star because he had already guessed what she was going to do.

"I want to redeem the initial equipment!"

Xu Xue stood next to Ji Ye and shouted to the sky above the hall with a little pride.


After she spoke, a white light emerged from her body, and it turned out to be a white stone-like object whose color was slightly opposite to that of the Soul of Civilization.

Then, the yellow power of luck floated again, transforming into the twin dragons spitting out a golden light of luck towards this "stone".

Immediately afterwards, the white light flourished!

When the light disappeared, a bottle that was only about finger height and similar to perfume fell into Xu Xue's hands.

"this… "

This is a personal initial item that is bound. Even if Ji Ye is the leader of the village, he cannot see its attributes.

However, the look of satisfaction and even surprise on Xu Xue's face shows that this bottle of what looks like perfume must be very functional.

After all, the player's initial items at least have extraordinary power.

"Thank you, village master. You must have been standing by my side and brought me good luck."

With a happy face, Xu Xue said "thank you" to Ji Ye, but it was obvious that she was looking for something to say.

In addition, there may be some element of showing off to other newcomers, after all, she is the first to redeem the initial equipment.

However, Ji Ye was sure that Xu Xue was not the only one who had obtained the "1 meritorious service" required for redemption.

Li Qing and Qin Yueyu, who killed many monsters in the battle, definitely have more than 1 merit point on their bodies, and even the security of "doing odd jobs" in the village probably has 1 merit point.

As for the two old men who were specially assigned to teach the residents of the village, Ji Ye guessed that they might have achieved 10 meritorious deeds.

However, none of them chose to be the first to redeem. Why

Obviously he is waiting and watching, wanting to know whether accumulating more meritorious deeds will affect the properties of the initial equipment!

Xu Xue's IQ is probably comparable to the first time she chose to log in to "Brother Chong" for the second time.

Ji Ye didn't even bother to remind her of the problems she might encounter if she sprayed perfume in this mountain forest.

Facing these newcomers, he has done enough. In the past two days, he has made them understand most of the information about the inheritance land, and they have adapted as quickly as possible.

Next, it's up to them how to develop.

There is no way he can teach these people step by step like a nanny!

"Are you Xu Xue? It's really Xu Xue. I am your fan. My dad, my brother, and my whole family are your fans!"

And perhaps those who really have the same IQ are particularly attractive.

At this time, "Brother Chong", who was still under control outside, could see Xu Xue's face clearly through the candlelight in the hall. He suddenly showed some joy on his face and shouted at her.

Apparently he felt that as Xu Xue was a star and had a good status in the stronghold, it would definitely be useful to help him.

"The village leader?"

In the Juyi Hall, Xu Xue looked a little ugly and looked at Ji Ye cautiously.

Although she is a bit narcissistic, she also knows that her initial performance was a bit bad, and Ji Ye didn't respond to her celebrity status, so she definitely didn't lose face at all.

If the tattooed young man hadn't said he was her fan, he would have been suspicious of her.

But this person claims to be her fan. If he really remains silent, what if he is exposed by the media after returning to Earth...


"This is a place of inheritance. No matter what your profession or identity is on earth, you are just a member of the human race here. From tomorrow on, show your abilities and contributions to the stronghold. Otherwise... there will be no one in Erlong Village. Feed the idle!”

Ji Ye walked up to the tattooed young man and said calmly.

It's not that I want to give Xu Xue face, but I am a player after all, and I can't just beat someone to death just because of my arrogant attitude!

"No, no!"

"I like the heroes of Water Margin the most. The name on this arm is just the name of a Sakura Country actress. I will find a way to get it off tomorrow."

"Brother Chong" is simply a model of admitting his mistakes. He is completely different from the arrogant one at the beginning, and his attitude towards admitting his mistakes is extremely good.

"Arrange him to live in your house today, find some wound medicine to rub on him, and bring him with you for training tomorrow morning."

Ji Ye arranged for two tall soldiers with weapons in their hands to "escort" the tattooed young man away.

Then, disperse everyone.

He declined Lu Zhishen's invitation to have a drink with him, and instead returned to the "village owner" house that had been renovated and built for him under the supervision of old man Hu Feng himself.

Because, through the experience accumulated and gained in these two days of fighting, he felt that he could already raise his strength to a higher level!