Easily Set Aflame

Chapter 18: Sudden scandal (1)


The phone hangs up at this point, and Jiahe is still in the fog.

Yi Wenze put his mobile phone aside, picked up the phone, and dialed an internal line: "Aqing, please bring in some food, thank you."

The clear porridge and side dishes, I don't know if it was because of the cold, or if he kept watching himself eating it, it was bland and tasteless in his mouth. After finally eating everything, he put down the bowl: "What time is it?"

Yi Wenze raised his wrist: "Nine o'clock."

nine o'clock? …

She slept until the middle of the night: "I'm sorry to bother you for so long."

He was noncommittal: "Would you like to sleep for a while?"

Sleeping... Jiahe was interrupted by his words, and suddenly felt that he was really right in front of him, and slept grandly for a long time.

In the past, I had also watched him act in a TV series and fell asleep. In my room, I slept in a daze with the quilt in my arms, and I felt that I could listen to the voice of my idol and sleep, and I was really happy. But now, obviously not an order of magnitude.

It was a dark room with only the two of them, one lying on the bed and the other sitting beside the bed.

"I slept too much, I want to go out and watch TV." Jiahe was bored for a long time before he stammered out a very nutritious sentence.

After a long silence, he smiled and said, "Is it okay to watch the DVD?"

She was stunned for a moment before she realized that there was no cable TV at Yi Wenze's house...

Originally, it was to avoid the embarrassment of being alone, but in the end, it was just a change of place, from the guest room to the study. Compared to last night's excitement, it was a lot quieter tonight. Ah Qing casually said that Wu Zhilun was participating in an event tonight, and he was estimated to come over in the middle of the night, and then told Jiahe where the flower tea was, where was the pot, and even the tea wax. The location took her to take a look...

In fact, her fever has subsided long ago, but she is a little weak, but compared to Yi Wenze, she is still a healthy person.

So, since Ah Qing closed the door, she immediately took on the role of taking care of her.

Make tea, light tea wax, and put the transparent teapot on the fire.

Then she stopped and looked at Yi Wenze who was sitting behind the desk: "Want to go downstairs to get something to eat?"

Yi Wenze smiled: "No, the discs are all on the shelf, go and pick them."

Since it was proposed by himself, Jiahe couldn't be more polite. He could only look carefully at the rows of CD racks. The variety is very rich, especially the discs on the shelf, which are all recently released.

A glance at Gillian's new film, "Previous".

The review of this play was not bad, she didn't think much about it, so she stuffed the disc into the disc player.

It was a little funny at first, but as it went on, most of the scenes were ambiguous between Gillian and her ex-boyfriend, and the more they looked, the more strange they became. Jiahe calmly lowered his voice and glanced at Yi Wenze quietly, seeing that he was still looking at the materials, and he didn't seem to notice the movie scene, so he was secretly relieved.

But when the disc was changed in the middle, he suddenly made a sound.

"Why, it doesn't look good?"

Jiahe hesitated for a moment: "No, I suddenly realized I've seen it."

"In the recent Hong Kong-produced films, several small productions are good," Yi Wenze said while holding a stack of documents to sign. "That 'Zhi Ming and Chun Jiao' is also good, very close to real life."

Jiahe blurted out: "Is that the movie about love in seven days?"

Shawn Yue and Yang Qianmi smelt sodium sakura oil back to the sedan chair, Bogou, Zhuo ci 辏 羝 羝 羛 ∠ 蟛 also looked at the splendid temple and climbed the scorpion.

Yi Wenze seemed to be very leisurely, and put down his pen: "Both films have good reviews, which one do you prefer?"

Listening to this, it seems to be asking, one is the ambiguous of the ex, the other is the fast new love, which one do you prefer

The flame of tea wax, without haste or slow, scorched the tea.

Jiahe hesitated: "To be honest, I don't really like watching urban movies, I prefer "Evil in the East"."

Very old film, in college, she can memorize almost all the lines.

"Go look at the third row of shelves, the tenth, it should be this disc." He suddenly said.

"Old version new version?"


She walked over according to the words and pulled it out. It really was this disc.

"When it came out in 1994, the box office was bleak for a while, but because it won a lot of big prizes, it suddenly became popular." He stopped and smiled at Jiahe, "You should have been in your teens at that time."

Jia Hemo did some calculations: "Under ten years old," she asked casually, seeing that he had received it well, "You also like this movie?"

He replied: "If you look at the editing, I like it very much, but I don't really appreciate the character of the protagonist."

Jiahe thought of his brother Leslie Cheung, and couldn't help sighing: "Self-exile?"

Yi Wenze smiled: "It's his attitude of avoiding feelings."

Jiahe didn't expect the topic to come to this point. He didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only type haha, and while saying that his brother's acting was good, he put the disc into the disc player and continued to kill time. It wasn't until about eleven o'clock, when the movie was nearing the end, that Ah Qing knocked on the door and said that Qiao Qiao was here. Jia He heard this as if he had received an amnesty order and fled downstairs.

Qiaoqiao carried two boxes of Qianyi Ding and was drinking water downstairs, and winked when she saw her: "One box is for you to please idols, and the other box is for me to please Besida people, how about it, it's interesting, right? "

Ah Qing laughed, making Jia He extremely embarrassed.

She helped Jojo take one box of noodles to the kitchen, and the other to the guest room.

"Can I sleep with you?" Jojo said suddenly.

Jiahe looked at her inexplicably: "Why not?"

Qiaoqiao immediately fell on the bed and said with a smile, "Don't delay your good deeds."

Jiahe finally understood what she meant: "Don't make trouble, if you hadn't driven my car away, I wouldn't be living here tonight."

Jojo swept her up and down, left and right: "I came back when you fell asleep in the afternoon, why didn't you drive away?"

"Did you come back this afternoon?"

"Of course, if you have a high fever, I dare not come back?" Qiao Qiao laughed, "Unfortunately, I am obviously superfluous. Even Wu Zhilun's acting skills dare not be a light bulb, let alone me."

Jiahe was speechless, she slept soundly in the afternoon, no matter how she edited it, it would be difficult to decipher it, so she simply remained silent.

Qiaoqiao tossed for a while before falling asleep holding the pillow. However, Jiahe thought that he slept too much during the day, tossing and turning on the bed, and didn't fall asleep at one point. When he went out to pour water, he subconsciously looked at the study, but the light was still on.

She hesitated for half a minute, then walked upstairs slowly and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Yi Wenze's voice was a little low, and he could hear tiredness.

She half opened the door and saw that he was still sitting behind the desk, facing the computer.

The tea wax has long since been burned, leaving the bottom of the tea.

On the screen is still the paused picture when he went downstairs. Maggie Cheung is wearing a red dress and freezes on an action.

He typed the last word before looking up at her: "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Fortunately, Jiahe thought of an excuse before he came up, and just smiled and said, "I was hungry when I fell asleep, and it happened that Qiao Qiao brought a box of the first diced, and it was cooked anyway, so you can eat it together. "It's more calm to make a draft in advance, and she admires her composure more and more.

"it is good."

"Would you like to add an egg?"

She didn't know much about the tastes of Hong Kong people. If it wasn't for the popularity of Jojo, she didn't even know the brand of 'Comeen Yiding'. She only believed that when cooking noodles, you should beat an egg in it to taste delicious.

He nodded again and smiled even deeper: "Okay."

Jia Heben wanted to ask a few more questions, but remembered that he probably didn't know what was in the refrigerator, so he might as well go and see for himself. If there is anything delicious, add some. Seeing that Yi Wenze seemed really interested, she hurriedly went downstairs and rummaged through the kitchen. It is estimated that the Shanghai aunt came to bring a lot of things today. She quickly dug out the lunch meat and eggs, took out the pot and boiled the water, only to find that the box of noodles had not been removed.

There was a wide plastic bag on the box. She squatted on the ground and slowly tore it along the edges with her fingers. She heard the sound of water boiling. When she was about to stand up, a hand behind her turned down the fire.

She turned around and Yi Wenze leaned against the edge of the marble table and said to her, "The scissors should be in the cabinet on the right."

Jiahe hurriedly squatted down to get the scissors, opened the box, and took out two packets of noodles.

The boiling water kept steaming and making a slight noise.

When she opened the bag and took out the noodles, Yi Wenze had already cut the luncheon meat, took out a clean plastic plate, and cut it with one knife. ashamed.

Next, beat the eggs and put the meat.

He was almost always doing it, and Jiahe slowly turned into someone who was handing things. It wasn't until he started to stir with bamboo chopsticks that Jiahe remembered that he just said he wanted to cook noodles for him...

She was a little embarrassed and began to look for words: "It's a coincidence that the two movies I talked about today have a sub-section of cooking noodles. It seems that you Hong Kong people really like to eat this."

With a half-smile, he glanced at her: "Take two empty bowls."

Jiahe hurriedly went to the cupboard again, took out two large white porcelain bowls, and quickly filled them up.

He went to pour some cold water again and started to boil it.

"Why don't you eat first?" She helped him tore open another bag of noodles.

"It's okay, it'll be fine soon," he said.

She was a little embarrassed: "I originally told you to cook it for you... Are your legs okay when you go downstairs like this?"

He said calmly: "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't need to play and run, it should be fine."

Jiahe was stunned. If he had asked him to play and run, he would probably be smashed to the ground by the brokerage company, down to the fans.

Small blisters spread from the bottom of the pot and slowly began to boil again.

She handed over everything that should be handed, there was nothing else to do, and she couldn't find anything to say, so she could only stand beside him, staring at the bubbles at the bottom of the pot to distract herself. It wasn't until he poured out another bowl of noodles that she hurriedly reached out to pick up the pot, wanting to wash it first.

Unable to defend against the ground, he touched his hand like this.