Easily Set Aflame

Chapter 58: Yi's twins


In the next ten days, she quickly integrated into the family.

Yi Wenze's mother is a person who likes cooking very much, especially Chinese food. Jiahe was also happy to chat with her. In the next few days, he spent more time with his mother. When the two woke up every day, they were studying what to eat for two meals a day. When it comes to dishes that neither of you can cook, look up recipes online and study them in detail.

In the end, Yi Wenze and his father couldn't take it anymore, so they persuaded the two of them to barbecue in the yard at night, not to prepare two or three hours for a dinner, and leave the two big men aside.

"Jiahe, you have a good appetite," his mother was very satisfied, brushing the fresh vegetables with olive oil with a white brush, "I just like the little girl who can eat and drink, and be healthy."

no longer a little girl...

She smiled and said, "I usually eat a lot in winter, and I don't have much appetite in summer. Maybe I'm still in China now, and I still have a good appetite in winter." The people in front of her looked at her deeply, and suddenly lowered their voices: " Have you taken any defensive measures?" Jiahe snorted, and was asked for a long time without saying a word.

It's so direct, even my own mother never asked so directly...

She lowered her head and brushed oil on the chicken wings with all her might. After holding it for a long time, she said softly, "No."

Probably not, these months are normal menstruation. There is no excessive reaction, except... She thought about it, it seems that except for some changes in the bust, the rest is the same as usual, shouldn't it

The more she thought about it, the more embarrassed she became, and the people around her were still looking at her.

The flames were constantly moving, and the chicken wings were placed on top, and the aroma soon came out. Suddenly someone handed a seasoning brush to her, and she regained her senses. She hurriedly went to sweep it twice, and heard his voice asking, "What are you thinking?"

Jiahe's face became even hotter, and he didn't speak for a long time.

The last time I misunderstood my pregnancy, I tested it with anticipation for a long time, but it didn't. If it happened again this time, people would die of laughter... In the increasingly strong aroma, she finally looked at Yi Wenze secretly with an uneasy look: "Do you think... Should I take a test? "

It's over, I still say it.

Her eyes were fluttering, and she almost burned her hands.

Yi Wenze took the things in her hand, and he was very surprised: "I have made an appointment, you may have to get up early tomorrow morning." Huh? Jiahe looked at him in disbelief: "When did you make an appointment?"

"Before I came, when I was in Shanghai," he put all the baked goods on the plate, "I'm afraid you were too nervous and didn't tell you in advance." Jiahe stared at him in a stunned manner, then walked back and continued. Baking something new, after a long time, he stared at him faintly and said, "I don't feel it, how can you feel it..."

"I'm the child's father, how can I not feel it?" He looked flat, of course.

She thought about it for a while, and felt that it seemed to make sense. Although there was no scientific basis for it, Quan should be careful and have a good understanding...

"Gene Era"

The next day before waking up, he was picked up by him and started to get dressed.

She was in a daze for a long time before she remembered what she was going to do today, looked at what he wanted to say, and found that he was dressed very appropriately. Since being with him, Jiahe thought that he was slowly becoming immune. When he opened his eyes so suddenly, he was still amazed.

Seeing her staring at him, he was helpless: "Are you awake?"

She hummed, gave up this crazy idea, and followed him downstairs obediently.

When the two arrived at the hospital, they started to check in an orderly manner. She was only taken by Yi Wenze, and she kept going into various rooms to do various tests. All the doctors were just polite to her, but they didn't say any more useful information. .

When he finally waited for the report, he and the doctor had a few words in private.

Jiahe sat on the sofa and looked at his expression without any turbulence, guessing that maybe he was afraid that he would be disappointed, so he talked to the doctor in advance. I have to say that he is very careful about this.

In the end, she left the hospital very uneasy and did not question him.

If there is, the doctor will have a very detailed explanation and doctor's order... Looking at Yi Wenze's face, it seems that he has nothing to say, probably because he is afraid that he will be disappointed again, and he is thinking about how to tell himself. Just thinking about it in such a mess, she began to feel a strong sense of guilt again, and kept thinking about various rhetoric in her mind.

It wasn't until the car came to an open green space that it stopped slowly.

At the end of the green space is the sandy beach, the sea that is too clear, glows white in the sunlight, just looking at it like this makes people feel good. She followed him out of the car and walked along the beach, no one near or far, just the two of them.

It was quiet, except for the sound of waves.

Have? still none

Is he trying to surprise himself? Still thinking about how to comfort yourself

Jiahe sighed secretly, what a tangled life, why not ask directly

"In the future, what do you want the child to be called?" he asked indifferently.

She followed behind him, her entire face hidden in the shadow of the sun hat, stepping on the footprints he had left on the beach, following every step of the way. What is it called? Haven't really thought about it. She looked at Yi Wenze's well-dressed back, and felt guilty again. When she got back, she would make persistent efforts... "Did you think about it?"

"Ai Jia, Ai He." He answered quite naturally.

She paused and saw him turn his head: "Don't you like it?"

Her eyes were slightly sour. What's wrong? Is he more and more romantic, or is he more and more girlish. Isn't it just two names? It is also the most vulgar and most visible way of showing love in China. How many times has she written such a dialogue, but when she thinks of the child's surname Yi, she will call her this name again...

The heartbeat is getting slower and slower, as if it is about to stop.

She watched him come back, looked down at herself, and then sniffled and said, "How do you know it must be twins?"

His voice was laughing, and he looked at her calmly: "The doctor told me, and the report said the same."

She stared at him, stared at him.

After a while, she stammered and asked, "Really, really?" Her hand subconsciously pressed against her lower abdomen, she couldn't believe what he said, and she felt an inexplicable feeling of crying with joy after begging for a child for many years. It was really scary.

He stretched out his hand, smoothed her hair that was a little messy in the wind, lowered his head to her ear and said, "Jiahe, marry me."

A simple sentence, gentle and irresistible.

It's like saying 'Good morning wife' to her softly every morning, and it's like asking her casually 'Hungry? ', but it completely burned her heart. She looked up at him blankly, her eyes seemed to be overwhelmed, and a large amount of tears rolled out in an instant.

Damn, even such a simple proposal, you can cry like this...

As a screenwriter, she understands too much that when all romance is put into reality, it is like thunder. She even thought that if Yi Wenze said something or did something in public, she would definitely be embarrassed to death, so embarrassed that she would have a heart attack before she could experience happiness. That's why she always thought that she would propose marriage by herself, so as not to be too vulnerable and be frightened.

Happiness does not need surprises, as long as you wake up every day to see you. This is the ending she wanted.

And now, it was exactly as she thought. He always knew what he wanted, it was just a deserted beach, and no one was watching.

Only him and himself, plain and light, but only sweet, pure and pure only sweet.

"Don't want to?" He lowered his voice and asked again.

Jiahe gritted his teeth and looked at him. Do it on purpose. With your child in my belly, do I still want to be a single mother? But she worked hard for a long time, but she couldn't say anything, and her body was hotter than the scorching sun by the sea. She cleared her throat and wanted to say something, but her eyes were wet again.

Yi Wenze smiled and lifted her sun hat, kissed the tip of her nose lightly, and knelt down on one knee. The white trousers and the fine sand whitened in the sun are perfectly blended together.

Jiahe looked at him stupidly, his soul seemed to have flown out of his body, standing at a distance looking at himself...

His eyes were all serious, and just looking at her so intently made her unable to resist her heartbeat, and her hands were already soft.

"I used to have depression, but fortunately that summer, I met someone who helped me get to where I am today. I also had failed marriages, and fortunately, in the spring of 2011, I met someone Man, let me not only want to be with her, but also want her to only look at me for the rest of my life," he took out a box from his body and opened it very lightly, the wedding ring shimmering in the sunlight with an enchanting light, Lying quietly in the box, "The luckiest thing is that they are the same person. Do you think that if I don't marry her home, the whole world will refuse?"

In a strange country, on a strange beach, only the people in front of you are familiar.

She looked at him, even the gesture of the proposal and the dialogue were so impeccable. The two just looked at each other like this. After a long time, she stretched out her hand and said in a hoarse voice, "I don't think I can be an enemy of the whole world."

It was a very small ring, with no deviation in size, and when he put it on her ring finger, he also crossed and held her hands.

Like the special effects in the script, the slow motion brought his eyes and face closer. The first time the two met in the real sense, when he turned around, he looked at her like this. His eyes only fell on her, and his deep, dark eyes were full of laughter.

Frames of pictures flashed in her mind, and he had lowered his head, but when he was about to meet, she suddenly smiled: "I think, I'm wrong, I seem to have done something against the whole world. ."

After he finished speaking, he reached out to hold his face and kissed him actively.

At the moment when her lips and teeth met, she suddenly felt that she had explained it like this in her life. Five years, ten years, twenty years, and forty years, the rest of her life was handed over to him.

Because it is Yi Wenze, it can only be happiness.

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