Eastern Palace

Chapter 12


I held Li Chengyin, and half of his body was covered in blood, and blood continued to gush from the wound. I was anxious and scared, but he asked me, "Did I hurt you..." Before I finished speaking, a mouthful of blood spurted out. With his name: "Li Chengyin!"

I have always hated Li Chengyin, but I never thought of wanting him to die.

I held his hand in panic, his mouth was full of blood, but he smiled: "I have never seen you cry... Are you afraid... afraid of being a little widow..."

He was still joking and laughing at this time, and my tears were pouring out even more. I was busy trying to hold down his wound, but where I could hold it down, blood was gushing out from my fingers. Those blood were warm and greasy. Yes, with so much blood, I'm really scared. Many palace maids rushed in when they heard the sound, and when some saw the blood, they screamed and passed out, and the hall suddenly became a mess. I heard Pei Zhao shouting orders from outside, and then he barged in. Seeing him was like seeing a savior: "General Pei!"

Pei Zhao saw the situation and immediately called someone: "Go and wear the imperial doctor!"

Then he rushed forward and stretched out his fingers to seal the acupoints around Li Cheng Yin's wound. Seeing that I was still holding Li Chengyin tightly, he said, "Prince Concubine, please let go of Your Highness, so that you can check on His Highness's injuries at the end."

I had no masters, but Pei Zhao was so calm, so calm that I felt at ease, I let go of Li Cheng Yin, and Pei Zhao unbuttoned Li Cheng Yin's shirt, and then frowned. I don't know what he meant by frowning, but I found out after a while, because the imperial doctor came quickly, and almost half of the imperial hospital was moved to the East Palace. The palace also got a message, Kui Ye opened the east gate, and the emperor and empress Weifu Jian Jia came to visit in person.

I heard the imperial doctor say to the emperor: "The wound is too deep, please forgive me for being ignorant and incompetent, I am afraid... I am afraid... Your Highness' injury... is extremely dangerous..."

The queen was already in tears, and she cried silently, even wiping her tears with a handkerchief. The emperor's face was ugly, I didn't cry anymore, I had to wait for A'Du to come back.

Pei Zhao has already sent a lot of people to chase the assassin, and I don't know if they have caught up. I am not only worried about Li Cheng Yin, but also A'Du.

At dawn, A'Du finally came back. She was seriously injured and was carried back by Pei Zhao's people. When I called A'Du's name, she only opened her eyes slightly and glanced at me. She wanted to raise her hand, but after all, she had no strength. She just moved her fingers slightly. I followed her gaze, and she looked at the placket of my clothes.

The front of my shirt is covered in blood, all of Li Cheng Yin's blood. I understood what A'Du meant. I held her hand and told her with tears in my eyes, "I'm fine."

A'Du seemed to be relieved, she shoved a hard object into my hand, and then passed out.

I was in pain and regret and hatred.

Li Cheng Yin was injured by the assassin in front of me, he pushed me away, and I watched the long sword pierce into his body. Now, that person hurt A'Du again.

It's all my fault. Before I came, I asked A'Du to give me the sword. A'Du didn't even bring the sword, so he went after the assassin.

A'Du, who has always followed me, took his life to protect my A'Du.

I always feel sorry for her, always I make trouble and let her suffer for me.

I cried a lot.

No one came to persuade me. The East Palace was already in a mess, and everyone was concerned about Li Cheng Yin's injury. He was seriously injured and was about to die. A'Du is about to die, and Li Chengyin, my husband, is also about to die.

Chunrong I cried for a long time, until Pei Zhao came over, he called softly, "Prince Concubine." Then he said, "The people of the last commander said that when they arrived, they only saw Miss A'du fainting. He died there, and there was no trace of the assassin, so he had to send the girl Adu back first. Now that the nine gates are closed, Shangjing is under martial law, and the assassin cannot leave the city. The Imperial Forest Army is closing the city to search, please rest assured, the Crown Princess. Assassins will never run away."

I looked at the thing A'Du gave me. It was very strange, like a piece of wood with strange patterns carved on it. I didn't recognize what it was.

I gave it to Pei Zhao: "A'Du gave it to me, maybe it has something to do with the assassin."

Pei Zhao suddenly gasped, he must know this thing. I asked, "What is this?"

Pei Zhao took a step back, returned the piece of wood to me, and said, "It's a big deal, please show your Majesty the Crown Princess."

I also think I should leave this to the emperor, after all, he is the emperor, the father of my husband, and the most powerful emperor in the world. Someone wants to kill his son, to kill A'Du, he should trace the murderer for us.

I wiped away my tears and asked the palace maid beside me to report that I want to see His Majesty the Emperor.

Both the emperor and the queen were still in the bedroom. The emperor quickly agreed to summon me. I walked in and saluted him: "Father."

I rarely see His Majesty the Emperor, and every time I see him, he is always on the throne very far away. This is the first time it is so close. I found out that he was actually as old as my grandfather, with gray hair on the temples.

He was very kind to me and called left and right: "Hurry up and help the Crown Princess get up."

I refused the help of the internal officials: "A'Du next to Erchen went to chase the assassin, but was seriously injured and was just rescued by Yulin Lang. She gave this to Erchen, but Erchen didn't know it, and now it is presented to Your Majesty, it must be Items related to assassins." I lifted the piece of wood and kowtowed, "Please send someone to verify it."

The official took the piece of wood and presented it to His Majesty the Emperor. I saw the Emperor's expression changed.

He turned to look at the queen: "Mei Niang!"

Only then did I know that the queen's name was Mei Niang.

The queen's face also changed greatly. She stood up suddenly and pointed at me: "You! You are a frame-up!"

I looked at her inexplicably. The queen turned around eagerly and knelt down: "Your Majesty, Ming Cha, Yin'er was raised and raised by Chen's concubine. Chen's concubine's whole life's hard work has been put on Yin'er, and she will never harm him!"

The emperor did not speak, but the queen turned her face and scolded me: "Who are you under the orders to use such means to falsely accuse this palace?"

I can't even recognize the Chinese characters, and I don't know what is engraved on the wood. I have never seen anything like this before, so I just stared at the queen inexplicably.

The emperor finally spoke: "Mei Niang, I'm afraid she never knew what this thing was, how could she falsely accuse you?"

The queen was shocked: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, don't believe the rumors. Why did the concubine want to harm the prince? Yin'er was brought up by me, and the concubine regarded him as her own son..."

The emperor said indifferently: "My own son... Not necessarily."

The empress covered her face and wept: "Your Majesty's words are simply slander. Apart from not being pregnant for ten months, what is the difference between the concubine and his biological mother? When Yin'er was more than three months old, I took him to the Central Palace. , the concubine brought him up, taught him to be a man, taught him to read... It was the concubine who persuaded His Majesty to make him the crown prince, and the concubine put all her life's efforts on him, why did the concubine send someone to kill him?"

The emperor suddenly smiled: "That Xu Baolin is so innocent, why did you want to harm her?"

The queen suddenly raised her face and stared at the emperor blankly.

If I don't ask about things in the harem, that doesn't mean I don't know. Enough of the evil you've done. Why do you want to kill Xu Baolin, not to get rid of Zhao Liangdi. Zhao Liangdi's father and brother are both armed with heavy soldiers. In the future, when Yin'er ascends the throne, even if she is not made the queen, the imperial concubine will always be indispensable. With such a foreign family, how can you not be regarded as a confidant. You are so worried that Yin'er will be stable, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that he will make trouble with your mother-in-law? "The queen reluctantly said:" Why should the concubine be worried... The concubine did not understand what His Majesty said. "Yeah, why are you worried?" The emperor said indifferently, "It's just that Yin'er knows how his biological mother, Concubine Shu... died."

The queen's face was ashen, and she finally collapsed there.

The emperor said: "Actually, you are still too eager, so why not wait another 20 years? When I die and Yin'er ascends the throne, if Zhao Liangdi is to be the queen, he will definitely turn against Xiliang, and if he uses force against Xiliang then If we win, my dynasty and Xiliang will be at odds with each other from generation to generation. I'm afraid that this battle will continue, and the two countries will suffer. There will always be a day when people's grievances will boil. If you lose, you just use this to make a big fuss. I don't know if he abolished him and established a new emperor. I'm afraid you already thought of this move when you persuaded me to let Yin'er and Xiliang marry. Why did you suddenly become impatient? Could it be because of the prince and the prince Concubine Qin Se and Ming suddenly, this pair of little sons and daughters is so good, it's beyond your calculations?"

The Empress murmured, "My concubine and Your Majesty have been married for thirty years. It turns out that Your Majesty thinks about this concubine so badly."

It's not that I think about you badly, it's that you do badly yourself. "The emperor is cold and authentic," karma, doing too much evil will always lead to flaws. You killed Concubine Shu, but I did not wrong you. You caused Xu Baolin to have a miscarriage and locked up Zhao Liangdi, but I never asked you. I always thought that you were just protecting yourself. If my son couldn't handle these tricks, he wouldn't be fit to be the prince. Now that you are insane and want to murder Yin'er, I can't bear it. Tiger Poison doesn't eat his children. Although he is not your biological son, he was raised by you after all. How can you bear it? "The queen finally burst into tears:" The concubine didn't... Even if Your Majesty refused to believe it, the concubine really didn't... The concubine never sent anyone to murder Yin'er. "I felt a chill in my heart, I couldn't believe my ears, I couldn't believe everything I heard. The usual noble and kind queen turned out to be such a scheming woman.

The emperor said: "Do you have to turn out all the personal and physical evidence for the things you have done? Do you have to order the court order to interrogate you? If you are willing to plead guilty, I will see you as a married couple in thirty years. Your love will save your life. "The Queen's tears are like rain: "Your Majesty, the concubine is really wronged! The concubine is wronged!" The emperor said coldly: "Twenty years ago, you sent someone to concubine Shu's office. There is a huge poisonous black jelly in the medicine, and the recipe that wraps the black jelly is still halfway there, and it is placed in the second dark cabinet of your central palace. You insist that I send someone to search it out. Are you forcing you to swallow that black jelly?" The Queen heard his last words, her whole body softened, and she collapsed on the ground and fainted.

I just felt that everything tonight was like five thunders hitting the top. Now those thunders are still roaring vigorously in my head, one after another, which shocked me and made me dumbfounded.

The emperor turned his face and waved to me. I walked over carefully and knelt in front of him. He stretched out his hand, slowly touched the top of my hair, and said to me: "Son, don't be afraid, no one dares to hurt you with your father here. In fact, it was also mine when I asked Yin'er to marry you. Meaning, because I know that you girls in Xiliang are the best and most sincere." I'm not afraid because his palms are very warm, like Dad's hands. And in fact, he looks a lot like Li Chengyin, I have never been afraid of Li Chengyin.

The emperor said to me: "Take good care of Yin'er. He has no mother since he was a child. If someone is really kind to him, he will give his heart to you." I don't need him to say, I will take good care of Li Chengyin.

But the events of this evening still frighten me, and I am genuinely frightened. Everything in the palace is so terrifying and people's hearts are so complicated, just like the queen, I never imagined that she was the one who killed Xu Baolin's child, just because she wanted to put the blame on Zhao Liangdi. Human life is really contemptible in their eyes, inferior to ants. And Li Chengyin's biological mother, Concubine Shu, why did the queen kill Concubine Shu because she wanted to take away Concubine Shu's son

It's all so horrific it makes me shudder.

Li Cheng Yin was seriously injured, and he was still in a coma three days later. I stood beside him in disbelief.

His wound worsened, he had a high fever, and he couldn't get in the dripping water. Even the decoction had to pry his teeth open and fed it in little by little.

I think this time he might really not be alive.

But I didn't cry. At the most dangerous moment he pushed me away, if he can't live, I'll just accompany him to death.

Our girls in Xiliang don’t cry all day long. I’ve already cried once, so I won’t cry anymore.

Li Chengyin was in a coma, and he kept mumbling something. I put my ear close to hear it, and it turned out that he called "Niang", just like the fever.

I remembered what the emperor once said, and my heart softened for a while. He is really a pitiful person. Although he is a prince, he has never seen his mother since he was a child. And the queen is so scheming, if Li Chengyin knew that she killed his mother, he would definitely be very sad.

Many imperial physicians guarded Li Chengyin. The emperor had already issued an edict to depose the queen, and the court and the opposition were shaken, but the edict listed many counts of the queen, especially now that Li Chengyin's life and death were uncertain, and the ministers were inconvenient to say anything. I heard the palace maids privately say that the queen's family is extremely powerful, and they are inciting the officials of the province under the family, and they are going to oppose the dethronement of the queen without the endorsement. I don't understand those things in the imperial court, and now I realize that being an emperor is not something you can do whatever you want.

I guarded Li Chengyin in the morning and went to see A'Du in the afternoon.

There were many wounds on A'du's body, and she also suffered serious internal injuries. Adu's martial arts were so high, and the assassin wounded her like this, he must be a peerless master. Because the wound always needs to be changed, the things in A'Du's pocket have already been taken out and placed on the coffee table. I saw a lot of things I handed over to A'Du, most of which were things I bought at random, such as a mud whistle shaped like a bird, or a red velvet flower. I gave them all to A'Du, and she always took them with her, afraid that I would use them.

My A'Du, A'Du who treats me so well, it's all me that implicated her.

When I saw the dysprosium, a thought came to my mind, I picked up the dysprosium and walked away quietly.

Almost everyone in the East Palace was concentrated in Li Chengyin's bedroom, the garden was deserted and there was no one.

I blasted the dysprosium into the air and sat there waiting in silence.

After a while, a light wind seemed to blow, and Gu Jian landed in front of me without a sound.

When he saw my appearance, he seemed surprised and asked me, "Who bullied you?" I knew that I must be ugly. I cried too long that day, my eyes were swollen, and I didn't sleep for days and nights , his face is definitely not much better.

I told him the matter briefly, Gu Jian was silent for a moment, and asked me: "Do you want me to kill the queen?" I shook my head.

The queen has killed too many people, she should not continue to live in this world. But the emperor will judge her, even if he doesn't kill her, he will depose her and put her in a cold palace. For someone like the Queen, this was enough, and it made her feel worse than killing her.

I begged him: "Can you find a way to save A'Du, she was seriously injured and never woke up." Gu Jian suddenly smiled: "It's really funny, you don't ask me to save your husband, But he begged me to save A'Du. In the end, do you dislike your husband, or do you like A'du too much?" Li Cheng Yin suffered trauma, even the gods were helpless, if he couldn't make it through, it was him. But A'Du went after the assassin because of me. She suffered internal injuries. I know you have a way." Gu Jian said with a gloomy face: "Yes, I have a way to save her, but why should I? Want to save her?" I was instantly angry: "You once said that if I encounter any danger, I can come to you, but you refuse to help me!" Gu Jian said: "Yes, but I didn't promise you. , help you save others."" Now A'Du is worried about his life, A'Du's life is my life. She can give up her life for me. Now that she is seriously injured, it means that I was seriously injured. If you refuse to Save her... "I pulled out that golden tumbled knife and put it across my neck, "I'll die in front of you!" Gu Jian stretched out two fingers and lightly flicked the golden tangled knife , I couldn't hold it, and the Jincuo knife fell to the ground with a "clang".