Eastern Palace

Chapter 2


What a strange person, he insists that I know him, but I don't know such a strange person.

When I walked out of the alley, I found that A'Du was sitting by the bridge. She looked at me blankly, and I asked her, "Where did you go, I'm so worried to death."

A'Du sat there motionless, I shook her and she didn't move. At this time, that Gu Jian came over, and he flicked his finger at A’Du, only to hear a “chuck”, A’Du jumped up with a “huh”, pulled out her golden knife with one hand, and slapped me with the other. pulled behind her.

That Gu Jian smiled leisurely and said: "We fought three years ago, and I just grabbed your acupuncture point with one finger. Don't you understand that if I really want to do something, you can't stop it. live with me?"

A'Du didn't speak, just looked at him fiercely, like a hen protecting her young. Once Li Cheng Yin really pissed me off, A'Du glared at him like that.

I didn’t expect this Gu Jian to seal A’Du’s acupuncture points. A’Du’s skill is so great that ordinary people can’t get close to her at all, let alone restrain her easily. This Gu Jian’s martial arts is simply unbelievable. I stared at him dumbfounded.

He just let out a long sigh and looked at A'Du who drew his sword. And me, who was poking out behind A'Du... Then he glanced at me again, and finally turned and left.

I kept watching him walk away, the alley was empty, and the strange stone Gu Jian finally disappeared. I asked A'Du, "It doesn't matter, right? Are you injured?"

A'Du shook his head and made a gesture.

I know what that gesture means, she's asking if I'm sad.

Why should I be sad

I thought she was inexplicable, so I rolled my eyes at her greatly.

The sky was getting dark, and I took A'Du up to Wen Yue Lou to eat.

When we go out to hang out on the street, we always come to Wenyuelou for dinner, because the double-pinned mandarin duck here is delicious.

While sitting down to eat the roasted meat, Uncle He, who was selling drinks, came upstairs with his daughter, Sister Fu. Uncle He is blind, but he has a good hand on the huqin. Every time I come to Wenyuelou for a drink, I have to bother Sister Fu to sing a song.

Sister Fu has long been acquainted with us. She gave me and Adu a blessing and called me, "Mr. Liang."

I politely asked her to sing two songs, and she drank one "Cai Sang".

Eating double-boiled mandarin ducks, warming a pot of lotus liquor, and listening to Sister Fu sing a little song is simply the most beautiful thing in life.

The meat was still sizzling on the grill. A'Du turned the meat one by one with chopsticks, then dipped the roasted meat in the sauce and sent it to my plate. I was eating barbecued meat and drank a glass of lotus liquor. At this time, a group of people came upstairs. He stepped on the floor and made a "dong dong" sound.

I started to talk nonsense with A'Du: "Look at those people, they are not good people."

A'Du looked at me puzzled.

I said: "Though these people are all wearing ordinary clothes, but everyone wears thin boots with powder foundation, a knife around their waist, and almost all of them have wrist guards on their wrists and deerskins on their thumbs. These people are used to wearing fast clothes. Boots, familiar with bow horses, and swaggering through the market with knives... and have grown into this kind of virtue, then these guys must be Yulin Lang."

A'Du didn't like Yulin Lang either, so she nodded.

As soon as those Yulin Lang sat down, one of them called out, "Hey, sing a song! Come and sing "Languang Lang"!" Uncle He apologized to them tremblingly and said:

"This gentleman ordered two songs and just finished singing one. When this song is finished, we will come to serve the gentlemen."

That Yu Lin Lang slapped the table hard: "Fuck! What can't you finish singing! Come and sing for us, or I will kill you, you old blind man with a knife." Another person glanced at me and laughed Said: "If you want to say Jun, she is really handsome. She looks better than the lady who sings a little song. Hey! Lord Rabbit, come and accompany us to drink a cup."

I sighed, I didn't want to fight with people today, it seems that I can't avoid it. I put down my chopsticks and said lazily, "It's such a good shop, why did a bunch of unspoken things suddenly come here? It's really disappointing!"

When those people heard it, they were furious and clapped the table: "Who are you scolding?"

I smiled at them: "Oh, sorry, so you are not things."

The one who scolded at first couldn't bear it any longer, and he drew his sword and rushed towards us. A'Du lightly patted the table, and the dishes and bowls on the table didn't move at all, only the chopsticks jumped up from the shock. She picked up a chopstick, and before the chopstick fell back to the table, the man's obviously dangling blade had already stabbed in front of me. In the flash of lightning, A'Du thrust the chopsticks down, only to hear a scream, followed by a "clang" sound of the long sword falling to the ground, the man's palm had been nailed to the table by the chopsticks, and blood flowed immediately. As noted. The man screamed and stretched out his hand to pull out the chopsticks, but the chopsticks were nailed through the entire palm of the hand and penetrated the table, just like long nails, how to pull them out.

That person's companions had drawn their knives and wanted to rush up, but A'Du put his hand on the chopstick and glanced at them coldly. Those people were frightened by A'Du's aura, and they didn't dare to take a step forward.

The man who was pinned to the table was still screaming like a pig. I thought he was too annoying, so I grabbed a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and stuffed it into his mouth. .

I took the chopsticks that had just held the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, patted my palm lightly with the chopsticks, looked around the crowd, and asked, "Which of you still want to drink with me now?"

The group of people was so frightened that they didn't even dare to come out. I stood up, took a step forward, they took a step back, I took another step, they took another step back, all the way to the edge of the stairs, and one of them yelled, "Flee!" Feng Quan fled downstairs.

It's not fun... I haven't had time to tell them, I won't stick a chopstick in people like Du, I'm just frightening them.

I sat back at the table and continued to eat the barbecue. The person whose palm was nailed to the table was still bleeding. The smell of blood was really bad. I frowned slightly. A'Du understood what I meant, she pulled out the chopsticks and kicked the man. Holding the injured palm, the man rolled and ran to the stairs, even forgetting to take his knife. A'Du picked it up with his toes, bounced the knife, grabbed it in his hand, and handed it to me. The rules in our place are that the person who loses the fight will keep his saber. A'Du accompanied me to Beijing for three years, but he still hasn't forgotten the old customs of his hometown.

I looked at the bronze characters on the handle of the knife and frowned again.

A’Du didn’t understand what I meant by frowning this time. I handed the knife to A’Du and said, “Give it back to him.” By this time the man had already climbed to the top of the stairs. ' was nailed to the post beside him. The man shouted, and didn't even dare to turn his head back, like a hydrangea, he rolled down the stairs. When I came out of Wenyuelou, it was full of moonlight, and the top of the treetops was full of moonlight. I ate so full that my stomach hurt so much, I held my stomach with a frown, and followed A'Du with a lazy step. According to my current snail-like crawling method, I'm afraid it will be dawn when I climb back.

But A'Du was very patient, always taking a step, stopping and waiting for me to follow. We just walked to the corner of the street, when suddenly a group of people "hoola" poured out in the darkness. The first few people were clinging to the bright swords, and some people shouted: "It's just the two of them!"

Taking a closer look, it turned out that it was the group of Yulin Lang just now, and a lot of rescue soldiers were brought in at this time.

Why do you always have to fight and lose every time you go out on the street? I don't think I'm a person who likes to pick quarrels and stir up trouble at all!

I sighed when I looked at the crowd of black heads, there were always hundreds of them.

A'Du pressed the golden knife on his waist and looked at me as if asking.

I didn't tell A'Du, the words chiseled on the knife just now made me lose my interest in fighting. If you don't fight, then let's go and run!

A'Du and I ran all the way, and we never dared to pretend to be number one in the world in a fight, but when it comes to running away, if we were second in the capital, no one would dare to be number one.

For the past three years, we have been escaping on the streets every day, and we have had a lot of experience in being chased and chased away. Tail.

However, the group of Yulin Lang we met this time was also really good. They even followed behind and chased so hard that A'Du and I went around a lot and didn't get rid of them... I was too full. , After being chased by those bastards for so long, he was about to vomit. A'Du dragged me out of the alley and walked into a street. In front of me was a group of men and horses coming towards us. From a distance, these men and horses looked like Yulin Lang.

Wasn't that group of bastards laying an ambush earlier? I was panting on my knees, and now I had to fight.

The noise behind him was getting closer, and the group of bastards caught up. At this time, the torch lantern held by this group of men and horses was already in sight. The leader was riding a tall white horse. I suddenly found out that I knew this person, and couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Pei Zhao! Pei Zhao!"

Pei Zhao, who was riding on the horse, didn't see it really, but only glanced at me suspiciously. I jumped up and shouted his name again, and the man beside him took a step forward with a lantern, which illuminated my face clearly.

When I saw Pei Zhao swayed, I got off the horse and saluted me neatly: "Too..."

Before he could say the second word, I hurriedly interrupted him: "What the hell? There's a bunch of bastards chasing me behind me, help me stop them!"

Pei Zhao said, "Yes!" He stood up and pulled out the long sword on his waist, and gave the order in a deep voice, "Welcome the enemy!"

The people behind him were making a "swipe" sound of drawing a knife. At this time, the bastards had already chased after him. Seeing that the torch and lantern were bright, Pei Zhao stood first with the sword, and he couldn't help but slow down. The first few people managed to squeeze out a smile, but their teeth were chattering softly: "Pei... Pei... General Pei..."

Seeing that it was a group of Yulin Lang, Pei Zhao couldn't help but change his face and asked, "What are you doing?"

Pei Zhao was General Jin Wu, who was in charge of Yulin Lang. This time, those bastards are having a hard time. I dragged A'Du and happily took advantage of people's unpreparedness and slipped away.

A'Du and I climbed over the wall to go back. A'Du's Qinggong was very good, and he was silent. No matter how high the wall was, she gently carried me, and the two of us were already up. It was late at night, and it was eerily quiet everywhere. It's empty and big here, always so quiet.

We are like two little mice, sneaking in quietly. It was pitch black everywhere except for a few flickering lights in the distance. The floor was covered with a thick carpet, and it was soft and silent when I stepped on it. I groped for the bed, my comfortable bed... Thinking about it, I couldn't help yawning: "I'm really sleepy..."