Eastern Palace

Chapter 21


He had quarreled with me before, but he had never been so vicious. Although I was afraid, I still mustered up my courage and said loudly to the assassin: "In terms of honor, I'm much more honorable than these two men, don't think that one of them is the emperor and the other is the prince, but when it comes to importance, I can't compare to me. Since you are an assassin, you must know that I am not only the prince concubine of the current dynasty, but also the princess of Xiliang. For the sake of the eternal friendship between the two countries, I married Li Chengyin. Although you have held your majesty hostage, your majesty's temperament Tenacity, I will definitely not be coerced by you, and I will definitely force His Royal Highness and these Shenwu Army to smash you into tens of thousands of pieces immediately. Even if you are rebellious and desperately trying to assassinate His Majesty, it is a big deal for the prince to ascend the throne. You have nothing to do but die. If His Highness is taken as a hostage, His Majesty has more than a dozen sons, His Highness will definitely not be coerced by you, and of course, in front of His Majesty forcing these Shenwu army to smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces, His Majesty can't make another prince, except for one death, you will also There is nothing else. But I am different. I am not only the crown princess, but also the princess of Xiliang. If I die, Xiliang will definitely turn against the whole country. I won't let me die, if you take me as a hostage, I guarantee you are safe and you can get out."

"Bullshit!" Li Chengyin was furious, "Before the enemy, what are you doing here? Someone! Take her back to the East Palace!"

I just stared at the assassin: "Think about my words, right or not?"

I don't know what words I said touched the assassin, but after a while, he nodded slowly.

I was overjoyed and said, "Let go of Your Majesty, I'll go with you!"

The assassin looked at me coldly, and finally said, "Come here first." His voice was very strange. It seemed that when I was just learning Central Plains Mandarin, there were no ups and downs, and it was unpleasant to say. But the matter was urgent, and I didn't have time to think about it, so I bargained with the assassin there: "Let go of Your Majesty first."

The assassin didn't speak any more, but gently retracted his sword in another point. Seeing that the thin layer of skin between His Majesty's throat was about to be cut open, I had to shout: "Don't move, I'll go first. "

Li Cheng Yin rushed up to stop me, but I stabbed him with a "swipe", he had to dodge sideways, and I had already rushed to the assassin's side in a few steps. The assassin grabbed me with one hand, and the other hand naturally loosened slightly. At this time, he did not know where to make a few "swoosh" sounds, and the arrows were fired straight at the assassin from a high place. The assassin stretched out his hand really well. With a twist of his figure at an impossible angle, he slashed the arrows with his sword. His Majesty took the opportunity to break free from his control. I raised the sword and stabbed the assassin, but he shot As fast as a ghost, the "swipe" has already knocked down my sword, and it was so slow, I had already stretched my arms and rushed towards him. Push him away.

His Majesty was pushed back a few steps by me, and Zeng Xian immediately grabbed His Majesty's arm and pulled him out of the assassin's sword light. The assassin's icy fingers had already pinched my throat, and even colder than his hands was his sword, which immediately lay across my neck.

"Xiao Feng!"

I heard Li Cheng Yin call me, and I turned my head, only to see his face and the miserable look in his eyes.

I think I will always remember his face if I die. I know that neither His Majesty nor he will let the assassin go. I am not that important, nor is Xiliang. He and I both knew what I said just now, it was a lie.

The Shenwu Army came around to protect His Majesty and Li Chengyin. I smiled at Li Chengyin. Although I knew that my smile must be ugly, I tried my best to open my mouth. If this is the last time, I don't want it. Crying, I want him to remember the way I laugh.

My lips parted, and I said silently, "Fire the arrow."

I know that the Shenwu Army must have ambushed archers in high places on all sides. This person has such a high level of martial arts, killed so many people, and once threatened His Majesty.

But Li Chengyin seemed to have not seen my lips at all, His Majesty said solemnly, "Don't act rashly!"

I didn't expect His Majesty to give such an order, the assassin's cold sword was still in my throat, Li Chengyin took a feather arrow from Zeng Xian and said sharply, "If you dare to hurt my wife, I will, Li Chengyin. Exhausting this life, it will shatter every inch of your flesh and make you die! You let her go immediately, I allow you to leave safely at this time, and you will do what you say, with such an arrow!" Li Chengyin said He folded the feather arrow into two pieces with a "click", threw the broken arrow at the foot of the assassin, and shouted, "Release!"

The assassin seemed to sneer, then turned the hilt of his sword and knocked it hard on the back of my head. I just felt black before I passed out.

When he woke up, he was cold and hungry, and his hands were tied, so he couldn't move. It took me a while to remember that the assassin took me as a hostage, and Li Cheng Yin swore his arrows to release him. So where am I now

Now it's dawn, all I can see when I open my eyes are the branches. The dense pine and cypress cover the blue sky. I don't know how long I've been in the dark, I don't know where the assassins went, and I don't know where this is.

There was the sound of running water in my ears, the wind was blowing and it was getting colder and I was shivering. Although I couldn't move, I was able to move my eyes. I could see that there was a piece of dry grass beside my left face, and a pile of soil and rocks beside my right face. No matter how far away I can’t see it, I’m hungry, and I can’t help but feel dizzy, thinking that if the capital is so big, even if the Shenwu Army closes the city and searches for it, waiting for them to search inch by inch, I’m afraid it won’t work in a few days. . If I can't wait for the Shenwu Army to search, I will starve to death, which is really pitiful.

While thinking about it, a corner of the robe suddenly appeared on my left. I squinted my eyes for a while, and recognized that it was the robe that the masked assassin was wearing last night. I didn't expect him to leave me and fly away. Maybe it was because of martial law in the Nine City, Shenwu Army and Yulin Army searched too hard, so he also took me as a talisman. This person is highly skilled in martial arts, kills like numbness, and even dares to coerce the Son of Heaven. He is obviously a desperado. Now that I'm in his hands, I don't know how he'll torture me, and I can't tell the fear here. But fear turned into fear, and I knew in my heart that fear was useless, so I had to deceive myself and closed my eyes, and my heart was overwhelmed.

After a long time, I didn't hear any movement, but suddenly I smelled a seductive fragrance. I wanted to keep my eyes closed, but the fragrance was so seductive that I finally couldn't help opening my eyes secretly. It turned out that there was a pack of Astragalus mutton next to my face. This kind of thing, not to mention in the East Palace, even in the street market, is just a normal food, but I slept all day yesterday, and I didn't even eat dinner. I don't know how long I've been unconscious, I've been hungry for a long time. This package of lamb was placed next to me, and the aroma rushed into my nose, which really made me feel uncomfortable.

In particular, my stomach is still unsatisfactory and growls loudly.

But my hands are tied, and if I beg that assassin... Humph! We women of Xiliang have never lost such a face in front of the enemy.

Unexpectedly, before I begged, the assassin suddenly broke the rope in my hand, I struggled to get up, and then looked at the assassin carefully. With his face still covered, Kei sat under the tree, holding the sword and looking at me coldly.

It seems to be the river here because I hear the sound of running water. There are withered and yellow reeds everywhere, and there are water birds screaming and screaming in the distance. The wind blows through the woods, which is very cold. I looked at the bag of mutton and secretly swallowed my saliva, but I slowly moved my wrist, thinking how to escape. This assassin gave me food, and he must not kill me for a while, he must be afraid, but how to escape from him, with his high martial arts, I am afraid that even A'Du is not his opponent.

The assassin seemed to know what I was thinking, and said, "Run away, pick your hamstrings." His words were very brief, and there was still no fluctuation in his tone. It sounded very strange, but I still understood it. He was saying that if I dared to escape, he would break my hamstrings. I'm not afraid, I squinted and grimaced at him. How to say that sentence, life and death are fate, wealth is in the sky, since that is the case, it is better to eat mutton first, lest I starve to death before others come to save me.

Thinking of this, I picked up the mutton and began to feast on it. I don't know if I'm very hungry, but this mutton tastes a bit like the taste of the imperial chef in the inner palace. It's delicious, so delicious, so delicious! When people are hungry, everything tastes delicious, not to mention Huangqi mutton. I ate it with relish, and the assassin finally couldn't help but sneer.

While chewing on the mutton, I said, "I know what you're laughing at... Isn't it just laughing at my dignified crown princess, who looks so ugly when I eat? Che, is it ugly when I eat? What do you have to do with you, a gangster? Let's talk about our women from Xiliang. , and never prudently.

You brought me captive here, don't think I can spare you by giving me mutton, and tell you, this time you are in trouble. Do you know who my grandfather is? If our Xiliang man knew that you had tied me up, he would definitely put a horse on you and trample you into a muddy flesh. If you want to save your life, you should stay in the Yumen Pass for the rest of your life, so as not to be trampled to death by thousands of horses as soon as you step on the boundary of our Xiliang. But even if you stay in Yumen Pass, I'm afraid you won't be able to save your life, because my father, you know that he is the son of today. To provoke the emperor. And my husband, Li Chengyin, is the current crown prince. Do you understand the crown prince? The one who will be king in the future. If he gets angry, although it can't compare to the anger of the emperor, it will be easy to cut you into meat sauce..."

I ate the mutton excitedly, even frightening and bragging, talking nonstop for a long time, the assassin should not answer me, I ate all the mutton, he still didn't say a word, very boring. I saw that he was wearing an ordinary cloth robe, and the sword in his arms did not have any markings. I really couldn't tell the origin of his identity, and I didn't know why he took His Majesty hostage. Thinking of this, I suddenly remembered something.

There is Sun Er making trouble in front, and assassins kidnapping the emperor in the back. If you say that there is no relationship between the two, I would not believe it if you kill him. But how could a scoundrel like Sun Er know a martial arts assassin... I rolled my eyes and tried my best to think about the possible clues in the middle. The assassin looked at me coldly, and I'm not afraid to look at me, what kind of talent is there not in your Majesty? Even Li Chengyin is not stupid, he will definitely think of Sun Er who is making trouble from the ink-splashing door, and then start to track down the assassin from Sun Er.

Assassins are highly skilled in martial arts, come and go without a trace, and are difficult to trace. But that Sun Er is a well-known Poppi, and he has a number in the market. That Poppi grew up in Gyeonggi, and his five relatives and six dependents are all in Beijing. If he can run the monk, he can't run away from the temple. As long as there are clues, sooner or later, I can be saved from the clutches.

This assassin single-handedly singled out the top masters of the Shenwu Army, and he was almost invincible in the world. He must have a great background. But before such a person started, in order to avoid the eyes and ears of everyone in the workshop, he instructed the assassin Sun Er to single out the top masters of the Shenwu Army, and he was almost invincible in the world. But before such a person started, in order to avoid the eyes and ears of everyone in the workshop, he instructed a second grandson to make trouble. Don't worry, Li Chengyin and I were also led to the front building. If we were not led away at that time, Will I be killed by an assassin in a confused way... I shuddered at the thought of this, and suddenly felt that it was not easy for me to live safely today. If it wasn't for A'Du protecting me, but A'Du... I jumped up and stared at the assassin, "Did you kill A'Du?"

The assassin didn't answer, just looked at me coldly.

I remembered that in front of this person, I could be considered helpless, but if he really killed A'Du, why would I have to fight him. I gave him a stern look, thinking in my heart that A'du's martial arts are very good. Although this assassin is better than hers, if he wants to kill her, he will not be injured at all. A'Du is like me, even if he is dead Come with the other party to burn all jade and stone, how can you leave a few wounds on his body. If he was able to retreat completely, A'Du was definitely not dead. I thought about it and felt that the reason was too weak, so I guessed the character of this assassin. To be honest, I couldn't figure it out for a short while. So my heart was up and down, only thinking about A'Du.

At this time, the assassin drew his sword, pointed at me, and said lightly, "Since you've eaten enough, let's go."

It turned out that the mutton was the last meal, just like the prison meal before the beheading, it would always feed the prisoner. In my heart, I was not very afraid, because I knew it was useless to ask for mercy. I stiffened my chest and said, "If you want to kill, kill, anyway, my father will definitely avenge me. There is also the emperor, and Li Chengyin... and A'Du, if A'Du is alive, he will definitely be cut off. your head, and then give your skull to my father as a wine bowl."

The assassin looked at me coldly, and I suddenly remembered another person, and told him triumphantly: "Also! There is a peerless master who is my old crush. If you kill me, I promise that he will not in this life. Forgive you. My good-looking swordsman is better than yours, and his shot is faster than yours. His sword is like lightning, and it will cut your head at any time, so just wait!"

The assassin was not moved by my words at all, and the long sword in his hand handed out two more points. I sighed, and if I died after I was full, it would be considered a death without regrets. It’s a pity that I didn’t know how safe A’Du was before I died.

The assassin listened to my sigh and asked coldly, "What other last words do you have?"

"There are no last words." I couldn't help sighing again, "If you want to kill, just hurry up."

There seemed to be no emotion in the cold eyes of the assassin, and he said, "You would rather die for your husband, but you are a kind and righteous woman. Don't worry, my sword will definitely be happy."

But I couldn't help shouting: "Who said I died for my husband! The difference is huge! You are holding your Majesty, he is not my husband! As for my husband... I owe him a sword, Just pay him back."

As soon as the assassin moved his wrist, he was about to hand out his long sword, and I suddenly called out, "Hold on."

The assassin looked at me coldly, and I said, "I'm going to die anyway, can you take off your face towel and let me see what you look like. After I die, I'm still a confused ghost, killing even I don't know who my people are, and there is no reason to want to turn into a serious ghost."

My words were nonsense, and the assassin was obviously impatient, and handed out his sword again. I shouted again: "Wait a minute! Before I die, can you let me play a tune with a scorpion. We people in Xiliang, if we can't play a tune before we die, we won't be able to enter reincarnation in the future."

I didn't expect him to believe my nonsense at all, but the assassin nodded.

My mind was a mess, but I couldn't think of an idea how to escape, I could only delay for a moment. I fumbled around in my sleeve, pretending to be looking for a scorpion, but I secretly touched something, and suddenly I pulled it out and splashed it on the assassin's face. The thing I touched was Yanzhi, the red powder was light and thin, and was blown by the wind to the assassin's face. This thing is very fragrant, the assassin must have thought it was some kind of poisonous powder, but this person is really good, and when he waved those fat powders, he was agitated by the strong wind on his sleeve, and it was lifted up to ten feet away, not to mention it was not poisonous. , I'm afraid the poison won't touch half of him, but what I want is his wave. With his wave, I took the opportunity to pop out another thing. whistle.

I didn't lie to him, I really have an old relationship, although I can't remember the circumstances of his relationship, but that old relationship is really a peerless master today. He gave me this horn, I only used it once, to save A'Du. Now that I am in danger, of course I have to pop out and let him come and save me quickly.

I haven't seen Gu Jian for a long time. I don't know if he will come in time. I was so anxious that my vest was sweating. , lifts me upside down. Although I'm not fat, I'm still a human being, and the assassin was holding me like a baby. He threw me hard with his left hand and threw me far away.

Like a kite with only a broken string, I drew an arc in the air, and I couldn't help falling straight down. I was scrambling to catch something, but there was only wind. Before I could react, I heard a "thump" sound, and the icy water all around came up. It turned out that the assassin threw me into the river.