Eastern Palace

Chapter 24


Because I finally saw Li Cheng Yin, even though it was so far apart, I saw him at a glance. He was half leaning on the railing in front of the building, behind him was a gorgeous green canopy, the wind blew the tassels on the nine-curved canopy, and also blew the sleeves of his robes, and many people knelt down from a distance. I also saw His Majesty, because the surrounding crowd was roaring with thunder, and they all called out: "Long live!" I've never felt so far away from me, so irrelevant to me.

I saw Zhao Liangdi, she was wearing Zhai clothes, and she slowly approached the front of the building from the back of the building. She did not show her figure, but her shadow was reflected on the curtain, and I recognized her from the shadow. Then he watched her reach out from behind the curtain and put a black cloak over Li Cheng Yin's shoulders. The wind was so strong that it blew the cloak upside down. I saw the scarlet brocade of the cloak, and the patterns pierced by golden threads on the cloak, which were reflected by the lights upstairs, shining brightly. Li Cheng Yin turned his face away, the distance was too far, I couldn't see the expression on his face, maybe he was smiling at the beauty behind the curtain.

I have never been to Chengtianmen, and I have never spent the Lantern Festival with Li Chengyin. I never knew that every Shangyuan night, he would bring Zhao Liangdi with him, overlooking the Ten Thousands of Shangjing from such a high place. Thousands of lights.

Going back and forth, tonight, it should have been a good day in pairs.

I thought it would be different, I thought it would be different after something like that happened yesterday. When I was caught by the assassin last night, he looked at me like that, he called my name, he swears by breaking the arrow.

Everything made me think that there would be a difference, but just for one day, he stood here, standing here with other women, as if nothing had happened, admiring the prosperity of Shangyuan and accepting the congratulations of the people.

And I should be dead, and I should be missing, and I was his wife.

In a trance, someone called me "Xiao Feng".

I turned my face and looked at Gu Jian in a trance.

He was looking at me too, and I smiled slowly at him, wanting to speak to him. But when I opened my mouth, the cold wind came in, and the cold wind made me cough. Originally, my throat was so painful, but now when I cough, it hurts so much that my entire throat is about to burst. My head also hurt from coughing. A handful of pebbles were pushed into my head. The sharp edges and corners of those pebbles pierced my veins, making it difficult for me to breathe. I stooped over and kept coughing, coughing so hard that it was like I was trying to force something out of my body. I don't feel the pain, it's just so sad in my chest, maybe it's because of the cold, and I'm sick... I'm sick as it should be.

Gu Jian supported me, but I stumbled a bit, feeling as if something had cracked, splashing out in a hoarse voice, and my chest seemed to relax a little.

He lifted my face up, I heard my own voice, I said, "It's no big deal..." I saw a strange pain in his eyes, he suddenly raised his hand and wiped the corner of my mouth.

With the light, I saw blood on his fingers, and then there were mottled spots on his robe sleeves, little by little, it turned out to be all blood. My body was weak and I was groggy. I knew I couldn't stand up anymore. The blood just now seemed to spit out all my strength. He hugged me and whispered to me in my ear: "Xiao Feng, you cry, you cry." I pushed him away with my last strength: "Why should I cry? You deliberately brought me Come see this, why am I crying? You don't have to pretend here, why am I crying? If you say it, let me go back, now I'm going back!" "Xiao Feng!" He chased after me and wanted to support me , I staggered, but tried my best to stop. I turned my head and threw the Hua Sheng on my head and threw it under his feet, I looked at him coldly: "Don't touch me, don't follow me, or I will die right in front of your eyes, even if you have the best martial arts, I can't help looking for death, you can prevent it for a while, but you can't prevent it forever. As long as you follow, I can always find a way to kill myself. "Maybe it's because my tone was too decisive, he actually stood there, no Dare to come forward.

I staggered and didn't know how far I had walked. There were people on all sides and lights on all sides. Those lights were really bright and dazzling. I grabbed the collar of the fur coat, and felt that I was starting to get cold again, so cold that I even started chatting with my teeth. I knew I was running a fever, and my feet felt like they were stepping on sand, so soft that I had no strength. I stood weakly under the lantern, there were laughter and laughter everywhere, bustling people shuttled back and forth, and in the sky in the distance, a flurry of flames were blooming, it was the fighting flower of the Seven Star Pagoda, the bizarre Shangyuan, lively Prosperous Shangyuan, where am I going

The world is so big that there is no place for me.

A'Du, A'Du, where are you? Let's go back to Xiliang, I think Xiliang.

In front of me is a revolving horse with a beauty cut out of gold foil on it. The candle is steaming hot, and the revolving horse keeps turning. The beauty is sitting or standing, coquettish, angry or happy... , the beauty on the lamp seems to be Zhao Liangdi, she covered her sleeves and smiled, smiled at me lightly: Do you think there is any difference? Do you think you can hold a place in his heart? You thought that if you were a hostage for His Majesty, he would have some pity for you... but it was all in vain.

I leaned against the tree to stand firm, and the rough bark caught my temples, causing a slight pain, but I felt very comfortable... Because such a slight pain would actually ease the discomfort in my chest. A'Du is gone, in this Shangjing, I am alone after all. Where can I go? I will go back to Xiliang by myself, if I can’t go in a month, I can’t go in three months, I can’t go in three, I can’t go back in half a year, I can’t go in half a year, and I want to go back to Xiliang after a year.

I raised my head and looked at the moon, so bright and pure white moonlight shone on everyone gently. Shangjing under the moonlight is so prosperous and peaceful. In the past, under the moonlight, A’Du and I walked all over the streets and alleys of Shangjing, but this is not my home after all, I want to go home.

I walked slowly towards the west of the city. If I want to go back to Xiliang, I should go out from Guanghua Gate, go all the way to the west, go all the way to the west, and then go out of Yumen Pass, which is Xiliang.

I'm going home.

Before I could reach the Guanghua Gate, I suddenly heard the screams of the crowd. Countless people made a noise, and some people shouted: "Chengtianmen is on fire!" I thought I heard it wrong, and I looked south like everyone else. , I saw flames looming over the Chengtian Gate, and heavy black smoke came out from under the bucket arch. Everyone covered their mouths and exclaimed, watching the gorgeous building gradually engulfed in flames. Just now, those gorgeous beaded lamps, those vermilion curtains, those towering eaves... were swallowed up by the flames that jumped up one by one. The fire got bigger and stronger, and the wind helped the fire, and the entire Chengtianmen finally burned. stand up.

The streets were suddenly in chaos, and countless people screamed and ran, not knowing what to do. I rushed out of the slanted thorns to go to the Shenwu Army. I heard them shouting something. The noisy crowd took the initiative to make way, the fast horses galloped like a gust of wind, and then the firefighters also rushed out, carrying wooden The water dragon, and many carts filled with clean water, were dragged and galloped all the way. Every year in Shangyuan, fireworks are set off, and there are so many candles. Once the water leaks, it will be a big disaster. Therefore, Jing Zhaoyin has to prepare water trucks and water dragons every year. came in great use.

I saw a large group of Shenwu troops surrounded Chengtianmen, and soon after, I saw the guard of honor, and the long queue of Cuihua shaking, guarded by Shenkaijun, went to the palace, and I expected nothing to happen.

I shouldn't have any worries, the life and death of anyone in Chengtianmen has nothing to do with me.

I should only go back to Xiliang, tell my father that I am back, and then ride the little red horse, galloping on the grassland, and live my carefree life as before.

I saved a bit of strength and continued to walk towards the west city. The fast horses of the Shenwu Army passed by. I heard the sound of whips and a long shout: "Your Majesty has a purpose! Close the gates of the Nine City!" A series of voices have been transmitted, and they have been transmitted to the extreme distance, echoing from a distance, "Your Majesty has a purpose! Close the gates of the Jiucheng City!" Such a thing has never happened before, but the people have no objection. They have not recovered from the sudden fire, and they are still talking about it. The fire gradually subsided, and the water sprayed by countless water dragons looked like white dragons, criss-crossing each other, pressing down on Chengtianmen. A scorching mist of water rose in the air, and the air was filled with the smell of coke. "After closing the city gate, we can't get out?" "Cough, the fire was burning, and the city gate was closed for fear of an accident. When the fire at Chengtianmen was extinguished, the city gate could be opened naturally..." The people around him Qizui The eight tongues were talking, and the various voices were so noisy that I felt impatient. I couldn't walk, and even my breathing felt burning pain. It was more like a lump of charcoal in my throat. It was dry, scorched, and painful. I sat on the side of the road breathlessly, leaning my head against a tree.

I thought I would just rest for a while, but I didn't expect that I was leaning there, and I fell asleep in a daze.

It seems that when I was very young, I went out hunting with my father, I fell asleep on the horse, and my father carried me on his back and carried me back all the time. I slept peacefully on my dad's generous back, and I slept a little drooling because the clothes on his back were a little wet. I was too lazy to raise my eyes, I only saw the countless lights in the street market, faintly dazzling in the sight, one by one, like the meteors that can often be seen on the grassland in summer nights. It is said that when you see a shooting star, you tie your belt in a knot, and at the same time make a wish, and you can make it come true. If I want to make a wish, what else can I wish for

I pulled out my hand with all my strength, trying to tie the belt, but my fingers were limp, and I couldn't make up my mind, so my hand hung down, that's all.

That's it, that's all.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep completely.

I don't know how long I have slept, it seems like a long life, and it seems very short. This time I slept very deeply and deeply, but it was very light and light, because I always felt that there was a walking horse in front of me. The ground went round and round, and the gold foil on it was shining brightly, which stabbed my eyes and hurt, and there was a noise in my ear, and I would not be quiet for a moment. I feel so irritable, why not let me sleep peacefully

I knew that I was ill, because my body was either cold or hot, sometimes it was cold, and then it was hot. When it was cold, my teeth were chattering and rattling, and when I was hot, my teeth were chattering, because even the breath I exhaled was scorching hot.

I also murmured some sleep talk, I want to go back to Xiliang, I want Dad, I want A'Du, I want my little red horse... I want my old days, only I know what I want, In fact, never again.

When the blood came out, I knew it myself.

The pain in the chest was tight, and the consciousness was still shallow, so he fell asleep again.

In the dream, I rode my horse in the boundless desert, looking around, wandering around, maybe I was crying, and I heard my own whimpering.

What's there to cry about? Our girls in Xiliang would not cry for these things.

When I finally woke up, I felt pain all over my body, and my eyelids were so heavy that I couldn't open my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was actually A'Du, her eyes were red and she just stared at me like that. I saw darkness all around me, with stars leaking overhead like a sparse little light. I finally recognized that this is a broken temple, why am I here? A'Du helped me half up and fed me some clean water. I felt that the burning pain in my chest was much better. I squeezed her hand tightly and murmured, "A'Du, let's go back to Xiliang." My voice was actually hoarse and confused, even I couldn't understand it myself. , A'Du nodded, her cool fingers caressed my forehead, giving me a comfortable touch. Fortunately, A'Du came back. Fortunately, A'Du found me. I didn't have the strength to ask her where she went in the past two days. I was kidnapped by the assassins. She must be very anxious. With her by my side, my whole heart is relieved. When A'Du comes back, we can go back to Xiliang together.

I was so groggy that I almost fell asleep again. Suddenly, A'Du seemed to stand up, I opened my eyes with difficulty and glanced at her, she was standing beside me, she seemed to be listening to something, I heard it too, it was a faint thunderous voice, there was a large group of people, and they were right there. Come this way.

A'Du bent over to help me up, he was weak and weak, and he had almost no strength.

If the visitor is Shen Kaijun or Yulin Lang, I don't want to see them either, because I don't want to see Li Cheng Yin again, but I'm afraid A'Du can't take me to avoid those people.

The temple door was kicked open by someone, and at this critical moment, a white shadow suddenly slid down from the beam, like a huge bird with no friends. Mingjian stabbed brightly at the door. I heard many screams. I recognized that the person who flew down from the beam was Gu Jian. . All I could feel was blood rushing towards my head. Although I didn't want to see Li Cheng Yin again, Gu Jian was killing people.

A'Du was holding the Jin Cuo Dao in his hand, and watched Gu Jian and the Shenwu Army fighting each other vigilantly. I took out the Jin Cuo Dao from her hand, and A Du looked at me suspiciously.

I slowly approached the fighting circle, and the Shenwu Army thought that I was with Gu Jian and rushed towards me with their weapons in hand. Gu Jian's martial arts skills are too high, and although he is surrounded by people, every time someone rushes towards me, he can always use his free time to pick up a sword and pick it up, and then intercept it. He made a neat shot, and the sword was not empty. Every time the sword light flashed, someone fell down in front of me.

Warm blood splattered on my face, and more and more people fell a few feet away from me. As if they were not afraid of death, the army of gods and martial arts rushed forward one after another, shattered by the white sword light. And then took my last breath within my reach. I was shocked by this innocent killing, I wanted to shout "Stop", but my voice was hoarse, barely able to speak, and Gu Jian didn't seem to hear it.

I gritted my teeth, swung the knife and rushed towards Gu Jian. He deftly avoided my knife, my hand was weak, and the knife fell to the ground. At this moment, I heard a heavy sound of breaking through the sky, as if a huge stone was smashing towards me, I instinctively looked up, A'Du rushed towards me, smoke and dust rose from all sides, a huge stone. The sound seemed to shake the heaven and the earth, and the entire small temple was almost shattered by the sound.