Eastern Palace

Chapter 28


We hurriedly took people to seek Heshi. I was so worried, but Gu Xiaowu said: "Turkey people don't die so easily." I thought his words should be comforting me, but it really made me angry.

We walked around Tiangen Mountain until the sun was about to set, and I was about to despair. When Tiangen Mountain is so big, how long will it take to find Heshi? I was thinking that Heshi should not be eaten by wolves. If he was eaten by wolves, Aweng would be very sad. I also thought that Heshi was a famous warrior of the grasslands, so how could he be eaten so easily? There is no horse under his crotch and no arrow in his hand, but Heshi is Heshi, and he will survive no matter what.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, and the wind was blowing with the coolness of the night, the scout at the front suddenly shouted loudly. I quickly restrained my horse and asked, "What's the matter?" When he arrived at Heshi, he climbed out of the rocks, holding a large sharp rock in his left hand, blood on his right arm, and several people behind him, who kept getting up and standing on the rocks. Although they looked embarrassed and their faces were covered in dust, their eyes were still like warriors, staring at the people and horses in the Central Plains fearlessly.

I screamed, rolled over and got off my horse, scrambling and rushing all the way, and hugged Heshi. I may have touched his wound, his eyebrows were knitted together. But he immediately grinned: "Little princess!" The whole team cheered, and the people from the Central Plains were also elated, even happier than winning the battle in the morning.

We camped at the foot of Tiangen Mountain at night. The people from the Central Plains didn't bring many tents, and they all let the wounded soldiers live. He Shi's right arm was broken, and the Qianfu Changming people put wound flowers on him, and he didn't even snort. When I found Heshi, I let go of my heart and ate all the big naan in one breath. Gu Xiaowu sat across from me and watched me eat naan. Looking at it this way, the last sip was choked in my throat, and I couldn't go up and down, and I couldn't go down. Gu Xiaowu saw that I was choked, sat there laughing, and refused to hand me water.

I managed to find my water bag, took a big sip, and swallowed the piece of naan. But I have something to ask him, and I don't care about him, I just ask him: "Last night in Anxi Duhufu, what did you say to Lord Duhu, and he agreed to send troops to rescue him?" Gu Xiaowuyi Laughing, showing his white teeth: "I told him, if he sees nothing to die for, he will have no good tea to drink from now on." I believe - that's weird!

The stars in the sky are really bright. When I look up, the stars in the sky are like countless wind lanterns, thin and far, with shining rays of light. There is a faint white light band in the middle. It is said that it is the place where the gods bathe. It is a river of stars. When the gods are bathing, they may pick up the stars at will, just like we pick up the sand with our hands, thousands of stars. It leaked from the fingers of the gods and fell back into the Tianhe River. Occasionally, a star splashed out, so it became a meteor. At this moment, there was a flickering meteor, like a small bright arrow, swept across the sky quickly, and disappeared in an instant. I said "ah", it is said that when I see a meteor, I tie my belt in a knot, and at the same time make a wish, it can be fulfilled, but I am clumsy. I lay down on the grass annoyed, the meteor had long since disappeared. Gu Xiaowu asked me: "What was your name just now?" "There is a meteor!" "What's the name of a meteor?" "When you see a meteor, tie your belt in a knot, and make a wish at the same time, so that the wish can be fulfilled. Realized. "I'm too lazy to tell him, "You people in the Central Plains don't understand." He seemed to sneer: "What do you wish for?" I kept my mouth shut and didn't tell him. I'm not so restless. But he didn't expect him to pause for a while, and said in a long tone: "Oh, I see, you made a wish to marry the prince of the Central Plains." Now I really want to jump up:" The prince of the Central Plains has What good, I don't want to marry him!" He said with a smile: "I knew you wouldn't marry him, of course you made a wish to marry me." Then I felt that I was in his plan, so "Bah" With a sound, ignore him.

I lay down on the grass again and looked at the stars in the sky. It's so close, so low, it's almost reachable. There are so many stars in the place where the gods live, so it must be very lively.

A little cricket jumped into my hair, got tangled in it, and was still there screaming "hooah". I held it with my hands and slowly untied my hair from it. It struggled in my palm, itchy and itchy. I blew on it, and it jumped into the grass. , no longer visible. But it still hasn't gone because I heard it in the dark, "hooah".

Gu Xiaowu also lay down and pillowed on his saddle. I thought he was asleep, but he closed his eyes and said lazily: "Hey! Let's sing a song to listen to it." Ye Feng is really gentle, like a Mother's hand gently touched my face. I was also in a better mood, but I was accustomed to arguing with Gu Xiaowu: "Why do you want me to sing? Why don't you sing a song for me." "I can't sing."" Lie, everyone can sing Sing it! Just sing the song your mother sang to you when you were a child, okay? "Gu Xiaowu didn't speak for a long time. After a while, I heard his voice, and he said lightly: "I No mother. "I feel a little guilty, I have a brother who has no mother, and his mother died very early. Every time my mother treats him better than me. I knew in my heart that it was because he had no mother since he was a child, so his mother took special care of him. I got up and peeked at Gu Xiaowu's face, I was worried that he was not happy. But the starlight was hazy, and I honestly couldn't see what kind of look on his face. "A fox is sitting on a dune, sitting on a dune, looking at the moon. Well, it turns out that it is not looking at the moon, it is waiting for the girl who returns from the sheep... "I hum like a cricket," a fox and it Sitting on the sand dunes, sitting on the sand dunes, basking in the sun... oh... It turns out that it is not basking in the sun, it is waiting for a girl passing by on horseback... "Gu Xiaowu finally spoke, he frowned: "It's too ugly! Change! One!" "I can only sing this song..." A chirping sounded not far away. Before, I only knew that He Shi was a good archer, but I didn't expect that he could play so well. He only used one hand, so there were many sound holes that could not be pressed, but despite this, the melody of the scorpion was still ups and downs, and it sounded particularly nice in the cool night wind. I listened with my head held high, the tune played by Heshi was very sad, and gradually I could only hear the ten or so Turks singing in harmony. Their voices were like the wind in the desert, and like eagles soaring on the grassland, hovering in the deepest place, echoing incessantly. The world was completely silent, even the insects in the grass no longer whispered, even the horses no longer neighed, and even the people from the Central Plains quieted down and listened to their chorus.

I was stunned for a while, until the Turks finished singing, and everyone started laughing and cursing again. Gu Xiaowu asked casually: "What song is this?" "It's a Turkic expedition song. "I thought about it," is the song that was often sung before the expedition. The Sanger in the song is a famous Turkic beauty , her lover left her and fought in all directions, but in the end he didn't come back, only his horse came back. So she put her hand on the saddle, looked at the lover's quiver that was not used up, and sang this song. "He seemed to He smiled and said, "Then why do you have to fight everywhere?"" They are Turkic warriors, and fighting for the Turks, fighting everywhere is a last resort. "I gave him an angry look," Anyway, you said it. I don't understand." He said, "Why don't you understand this? There is a saying in the Central People's Republic of China, called 'Poor Wuding River Bone, like a man in a spring boudoir's dream', in fact, it is the same as this one. The story. "I was overjoyed when I heard a story, so I pestered Gu Xiaowu to tell it to me. He couldn't be bothered by me. After thinking about it, he finally said: "Okay, it's okay to tell stories, but you can't ask why. As long as you ask why, I won't tell you the story behind." Although the conditions are harsh , but I couldn't help but ask "why", it wasn't too difficult, I nodded and agreed immediately. Gu Xiaowu seemed to hesitate a bit, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "A long time ago, there was a Zixu Kingdom, and in this Zixu Kingdom, there was a young girl..." "Is she born beautiful? Is she good-looking?" I He couldn't wait to ask, "Can you ride a horse?" He smiled: "She is beautiful, very good-looking, and can ride a horse. When a girl in Zixuguo rides a horse, she wears a cap, which is a hat with a yarn on her head. This girl was riding into the street, but the wind blew her hat off... A young man found her hat and gave it back to her. Although this young man and the girl only met once, But they promised each other and agreed to marry, which is marriage. "I like the beginning of this story, I asked: "Is that young man handsome? Is he worthy of a beautiful girl?" He said: "Is he handsome or not? I don't know, but this son is the son of a general, and he is very brave and good at fighting. Not long after they agreed for life, this son received the order to go to war, so he led the troops to fight.

The girl was waiting for him at home, waiting, waiting, and waiting for several years, but the son did not come back. The girl's family members all persuaded the girl to marry someone else quickly. But the girl insisted that she would not, and kept waiting. Who would have guessed that the letter from the border finally came back, and it turned out that the young master had already died in battle. "He stopped when he talked about it, and I hurriedly asked: "Then what about the girl? She knew that the son was dead, but what should she do? "" The girl was very sad, but she wondered in her heart. The son's martial arts skills are superb, he is also good at reading military books, and he goes abroad all the year round. Woolen cloth? The girl locked herself in the room for ten days and ten nights, and finally made up her mind to find out the truth of the matter. But she is a girl and has no power or power in her hands. Although her family is an official, she does not have the ability to do such a thing. At this time, it happened that the king of Zixu Kingdom issued an edict to select a concubine. The girl was born beautiful, so she voluntarily entered the palace and became the king's concubine. She was gentle in temperament and quick-witted, the king loved her very much, and her status in the harem gradually became prominent. So she made friends with officials and used the power of others to verify the war a few years ago, and wanted to know what caused the son to die on the battlefield. Later, she gradually got some clues and knew that the son was not actually ambushed by the enemy, but was framed and killed by his own people. She followed these clues to track down, but found that this matter was related to the queen. "" The queen has been afraid of her for a day or two, because the king loves her too much, and now the girl wants to find out the real cause of the son's death. If the king knows these things, maybe the queen will not be a queen.