Eastern Palace

Chapter 30


I hurriedly walked outside the king's tent with A'Du. Da Chanyu's tent was called the king's tent. It was made of countless cowhide masks. The auspicious sentence of , the gold powder that has been filled in is illuminated by the sun after the autumn, and the strokes are so bright that one hardly dares to look at it. Those golden shadows are reflected on the ground, and every sentence and sentence is a prayer for God's blessing. In that brilliant golden light, I narrowed my eyes and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in front of the tent. Although he was wearing a robe common to people from Xiliang, this person was nothing like us people from Xiliang. He turned his head and smiled at me. Sure enough, this person is not from Xiliang, but from the Central Plains.

Gu Xiaowu, the businessman who sells tea.

I couldn't help but ask him: "What are you doing here?" "Marry you." I stared at him dumbfounded. After a long while, I asked him with a smile, "Hey, are you here to sell tea again?" Gu Xiaowu doesn't After answering again, he slowly fiddled with the things on the ground with his toes.

When I saw something like that, my jaw almost dropped.

It was a giant wolf with dark fur, almost twice the size of an ordinary wild wolf, almost like a foal. Even though it was dead stiff, it still stared at it, as if ready to devour people at any time. It only has a circle of white hair on its left eye, as if it was painted with mare's milk, and it is snow-white and snow-white. I rubbed my eyes and froze for a while, then squatted down again and plucked out a hair on its left eye. The hair was white from head to tip. It wasn't painted, it was really white.

At this time, the Turkic nobles had gathered in front of the king's tent. They watched the bizarrely huge wolf corpse silently. A bold child rushed up, plucked the hair on its eyes like me, and looked at the sun. , and then shouted: "It's white! It's white!" The noisy voices of the children made me uneasy, but Aon's voice came straight through the crowd: "Whether we are Turks or not, we are warriors. "Everyone made way for Da Chanyu, A Weng walked out slowly, he glanced at the wolf corpse on the ground, nodded, then nodded to Gu Xiaowu and said, "Okay! "If you want to compliment Da Shanyu, it will be more difficult than melting all the snow on the top of Tiangen Mountain. But Gu Xiaowu killed the white-eyed wolf king, and Da Chanyu personally promised that whoever kills the white-eyed wolf king must be sure who he will marry.

I never thought that this person would be Gu Xiaowu. I followed behind him and kept asking him how he killed the White-Eyed Wolf King.

He said lightly: "I was passing by with people selling tea, and I happened to meet a pack of wolves, and I killed the wolf." I opened my mouth slightly and didn't believe it. It is said that King Yuezhi brought 30,000 horses into Tiangen Mountain, and he didn't find a single hair of the White-Eyed Wolf King, but Gu Xiaowu passing by the tea vendor could kill the White-Eyed Wolf King

I can't believe it!

But what Da Chanyu said must be counted, and many people in the Turks started to talk about it. Seeing that this tea seller in the Central Plains, he is really going to marry the princess of Xiliang. Gu Xiaowu is regarded as a hero, I still think he is bluffing, but Heshi got drunk that day and started arguing with him, and the two had a match.

Their competition was very boring. It turned out to be better than shooting bats on the grassland at night. Whoever shoots more will win.

Only those who have shot a bat know how difficult it is to shoot.

Although the Turks felt that Heshi was sure to win, they still made a bet. I also think that Heshi is sure to win. Although the bones of his right hand are not good, even if Heshi uses his left hand, there is no one in the entire Turkic who can match his divine arrow.

In just half a day, the competition became well known. Everyone else said that Heshi wanted to marry me. After all, he was the most powerful warrior under Dachanyu's account, and he might still be the most powerful general under Dachanyu's account in the future. And I, although the princess of Xiliang, everyone knows that Da Chanyu likes me the most. If he marries me, Da Chanyu will definitely trust him more.

But I don't think He Shi would have such many strange thoughts. I think maybe A'Du told him that I don't want to marry Gu Xiaowu.

Although I vaguely feel that Gu Xiaowu is not an ordinary tea dealer. But I still hope that I don't get married so early.

The Turkic priests sang hymns, poured the sheep's blood into the wine bowl, and then handed the wine bowl to the two heroes who were about to compete, and they both drank it in one go. The two of them are going to have a showdown tonight. He Shi was a famous hero among the Turks, and Gu Xiaowu, because of the white-eyed wolf king, was regarded as a hero by many Turks. The competition between the two made everyone eager to move. And I was very embarrassed, not knowing what to hope for the outcome.

If Gu Xiaowu wins, do I really have to marry him

What if Heshi wins? Am I going to marry Heshi

I was taken aback by this thought, Heshi just taught Gu Xiaowu a lesson on my behalf, so that I would not be so arrogant, just like Heshi taught the boys who were singing outside A'Du's tent on weekdays, if they made too much noise, He Shi will think of a way to quiet them down. I think it's the same, Gu Xiaowu killed the white-eyed wolf king, no one will be convinced. He didn't even care, he told Aon openly that he wanted to marry me.

That's why He Shi wanted to teach him a lesson.

This time, even Da Shanyu heard about it. He was so excited that he wanted to see it in person. Uneasy, I followed behind A Weng, along with the people watching the fun, rushed out and walked all the way to the river. The samurai in front of the tent brought arrows and piled them at the feet of the two of them. He Shi held his own bow. When he saw that Gu Xiaowu was empty-handed, he said to Gu Xiaowu, "I'll lend you my bow." Can’t you find a bow in the camp With that weak appearance, it would be difficult to draw the bow. He Shi probably thought of this too. He didn't want to take advantage of Gu Xiaowu, so he said to Da Danyu, "Let him use my bow, and Da Chanyu will give me this bow to use." Yu shook his head and said, "I can't even draw a bow, do you still want to marry my granddaughter?" The onlookers laughed. Many Turkic people didn't believe that the White-eyed Wolf King was really killed by Gu Xiaowu. , so they still have a trace of contempt. Gu Xiaowu held the bow as if he was playing the piano, and plucked the bowstrings with his fingers. The bowstrings clanged loudly, and the onlookers laughed even louder. He was originally born fair and gentle, like those bought from the Central Plains musicians in the Turkic aristocracy. Now he plays the bowstrings like this, which is even more despised by the Turks.

It was getting dark, and the sky by the river was full of bats. Da Chanyu nodded and said, "Let's start." He Shi and Gu Xiaowu were surrounded by a hundred arrows. Whoever shoots a hundred bats first will win. He Shi opened his bow first. Although he used his left hand, the arrows were not empty, and people were dazzled. It was only in the blink of an eye that bats fell from the sky one after another. On the other hand, Gu Xiaowu, who was here, took his time, drew five arrows, and slowly put on the bowstring.

I called out "Gu Xiaowu", although I don't know if he can shoot arrows, but he should also know that arrows are shot one by one. Gu Xiaowu turned his head, smiled at me, and drew his bow.

To be honest, I never thought that he would draw that bow with such ease. Not only was the bow drawn, but five arrows were fired in a row, as fast as a shooting star, almost connected end to end, and the people next to them could not help but exclaim. "Lianzhujian! Lianzhujian!" Several Turkic nobles shouted in shock, and even Da Shanyu nodded involuntarily. A great general in the Central Plains, the good envoy Lianzhujian, once fought against the Turks, and used this Lianzhujian to shoot and kill the Turkic Zuo Tuqi King. But that is a legend after all. After decades, the Turkic nobles have never seen Lianzhujian again. And Gu Xiaowu did it in one go, firing five arrows every time. Although those bats flew around, they couldn't help but shoot arrows and arrows. One by one, the black bats fell beside his feet, like a chaotic torrential rain. Although He Shi shot fast, he was not as fast as him, and Gu Xiaowu finished the hundred arrows in a short while. The slaves picked up the bats and formed a black mass on the bank of the river. A hundred bats were like a hundred strange black flowers, stacked together into huge black hills.

Although He Shi also shot a hundred bats, he was slower than Gu Xiaowu. He Shi's face was calm, and he said, "I lost." Gu Xiaowu said, "I use a strong bow to be able to shoot arrows. If you change your bow, I will definitely be slower than you. And your right hand is inconvenient. Use your left hand, if you want to say that I beat you, it is my victory.

Neither of us has lost, you are a real warrior, if your hand hadn't been hurt, I would definitely be no match for you. "Gu Xiaowu's archery skills have shocked everyone. Seeing him speak so calmly, the crowd couldn't help shouting hello. Turks have a calm temperament and like to do things happily. People like Gu Xiaowu can greatly appreciate it. The temper of the Turks was relieved. Da Chanyu smiled cheerfully: "Yes, our Turkic warriors did not lose either. "He stared at Gu Xiaowu, said," said the people from the Central Plains, what kind of reward do you want? ""Da Chanyu, you have given me the most precious thing. "Gu Xiaowu seems to be smiling," In this world, what is more precious than your little princess? "Da Danyu laughed, and the other Turkic nobles were also elated, this marriage was really settled like this.

The priest chose an auspicious date, and taking advantage of the cool autumn weather, he was going to hold a wedding for us. I hesitated a lot in my heart, and quietly asked A'Du: "Do you think it's better for me to marry this person, or not to marry this person?" A'Du looked at me with her jet-black eyes, and her eyes were always filled with nothingness. Calm and peaceful. I couldn't make up my mind, and finally I finally got the courage to ask Gu Xiaowu to meet by the river.

I don't know what to say to him, but if I'm so confused and married to him, I always feel a little uneasy.

In the autumn night, the night wind was already quite cool. I wrapped my leather robe tightly and wandered by the river, listening to the "rushing" of the river water and the chirping of geese in the distance. I raised my head and looked around. A big bright star had risen to the west, and the sky was a deep purple like grape jelly.

The wind blew the Achnatherum splendens with a rustling sound, and Gu Xiaowu stepped on the splendens splendens and walked towards me.

I suddenly felt a panic in my heart. He wore a Turkic robe, like all Turks, and had a machete stuck at his waist. These days, Gu Xiaowu has been very fond of Da Chanyu. He is not only good at archery, but also speaks Turkic dialect. Although he is a native of the Central Plains, Da Chanyu trusts him more and more, and he also keeps his iron The bow was given to him. And Heshi had almost become brothers with him since the competition that night. Gu Xiaowu taught Heshi how to use Lianzhu arrows, and Heshi also taught him some things on the grassland. Every time Da Shanyu sees the two of them, he can't help nodding in relief. He Shi even exchanged waist knives with Gu Xiaowu—the Turks exchanged knives, in fact, to form a righteous alliance and go into battle to kill the enemy. So Gu Xiaowu's belt was actually Heshi's machete. As soon as I saw the sword, I remembered that Heshi once handed it to me and urged me to go first.

Gu Xiaowu also saw me, he smiled at me from a distance, and I smiled at him too. Seeing his smile, I suddenly calmed down. Although I didn't speak, he didn't speak, but he must understand why I invited him here. Sure enough, he said to me, "I brought you one thing." My heart was pounding, couldn't it be the belt? How should I answer if he is going to give me his belt? According to the custom of the Turks and Western Liang, the man must sing before giving out the belt... He never sang to me. I felt embarrassed in my heart. My heart was beating fast and fast, but I heard him say: "You didn't have enough to eat at night? I brought you a large piece of roast lamb chops!" He couldn't even utter a word, he puffed out his cheeks, and it took a long time to say: "You are not full!" Gu Xiaowu's face was inexplicable: "Of course I am full... I think you are full at night. I didn't eat anything, so I brought you a lamb chop." I was silent and angry, listening to the singing of unknown birds in the distance. The river water roared loudly, and a fish jumped up in the water, splashing a splash of water. Gu Xiaowu put the large piece of fragrant lamb chops in front of me. I really didn't eat anything at night, because I was thinking about going on a date with Gu Xiaowu by the river, so I didn't know how to eat at night. Now seeing this fragrant lamb chop, my stomach is rumbling. He laughed and handed me the knife and said, "Eat it!" The lamb chops are delicious! My mouth was full of oil, and I asked him cheerfully: "How do you know that I like to eat lamb chops?" Gu Xiaowu said something from the Central Plains, which I didn't understand. He said it to me again in Turkic dialect. : "There is nothing difficult in the world, I'm only afraid of those who have a heart." I have never heard such a sentence, and I don't know why my heart is moved. A caring person, what kind of person is a caring person? Although Gu Xiaowu and I have not known each other for a long time, I have always felt that I have known him for a long time. Maybe it's because we've been through so much between us, and every time it's him who helps me and protects me. Although he always made me angry every time he said something, this sentence made me not angry.

The two of us sat silently by the river, and in the distance came the singing of the Turkic people. It was a subtle love song. The Turkic warriors always sang outside the tent of their beloved girl and sang all their heartfelt words to her. hear.

I have never felt that the singing is so beautiful, as ethereal as fairy music. The fireflies flying in the grass by the river are like misty meteors, and they are like a handful of gold sand scattered by someone. I even think that those little bugs are the messengers of the gods. They are carrying delicate lanterns and flickering a little in the cool night. In the camp on the other side of the river, there were also scattered firelights, and the laughter and laughter seemed to be separated from each other. I suddenly realized that if the gods looked down on the human world from the clouds in the Nine Heavens, would they feel the same way? So ethereal, so illusory, so distant and vague.