Eastern Palace

Chapter 31


I finally asked Gu Xiaowu: "Would you like to marry me?" Gu Xiaowu seemed a little surprised, glanced at me, and said, "Of course I do." "But I have a bad temper, and you I am from the Central Plains, I am from Xiliang, you like to eat millet rice, and I like to eat mutton. I don’t understand what you say in the Central Plains, and I also don’t understand your affairs in the Central Plains. If you are asked to stay in Xiliang, here Thousands of miles away from the Central Plains, you will definitely miss home. If you are told not to stay in Xiliang and go back to the Central Plains, where it is thousands of miles away from Xiliang, I will definitely feel homesick. Although you killed the white-eyed wolf king, you are not seen. It must be because of me, you also said that you were just passing by while selling tea... Even though I am young, I know that this kind of thing is reluctant... "I have talked a lot, since the beginning of the two of us I have been talking about the acquaintance until now, and I have mentioned all the inconveniences, and my mouth is dry. Gu Xiaowu didn't interrupt me, until he saw me put down the lamb chops to drink water, he asked: "What I said so much, it's actually something outside the body. I just ask you, are you willing to marry or not? For me?" I almost spit out all the water in my mouth, I stared at him for a long time, and suddenly my face became hot: "Would you like to... um..." "Say it!" He urged me, "Do you really want to?" Wouldn't you like to?" I was very confused, every scene these days was like an illusion and like a dream. Things happen so quickly, I really never thought about getting married so quickly before, but Gu Xiaowu, I thought he was annoying at first, but now I don't like him anymore. I didn't know how to answer. Looking at the little autumn fireflies flying all over the sky, I suddenly felt heartbroken and said, "Then you will catch a hundred fireflies for me, and I will promise you." But suddenly stood up. I stared at him in a daze, but he was like an urchin, and even raised his hand and turned a big somersault. I saw him all rise up into the air like a star - no no, meteors don't look like this, he was about to fall into the riverbank. Suddenly he waved his hand, and I saw him grab several fireflies in his grasp. Those spirits flickered between his fingers. I pulled up the hem of my robe and hurriedly said, "Quick! Quick! "He put those fireflies into the sack I made with the hem of the clothes, and I watched him jump up again. The martial arts of the Central Plains are like a painting, a poem, and freehand brushwork. His every move is like a dance, but there is no such heroic dance in the world. He was spinning at an incredible angle in mid-air, chasing those ethereal fireflies. There was a breeze on his sleeve, and I pointed in the direction for him: "On the left! There are better ones on the left!" The laughter of the two of us floated far away from the river bank. There were more and more fireflies in the hem of my clothes, more and more, and they all glowed together, like a group of bright moons, which were held in my arms. All the fireflies by the river were gone, they were all caught by Gu Xiaowu and put into my arms. "There are a hundred of them, right?" He came closer, put his head against mine, and lifted a corner of my hem with his slender fingers, "Would you like to count them?" There is a faint cool fragrance on Xiao Wu's body, which is not found in Turks and Xiliang people. I feel that this faint fragrance makes me feel uncomfortable all over, and my face seems to have a fever. He is really far away from me. is too close. Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and his hair brushed against my face, soft, soft and itchy. I could not help loosening my hand holding the hem of my clothes. Those fireflies flew up one after another, and the bright moon spread out, turning into countless tiny meteors. , Gu Xiaowu and I were surrounded by these meteors for a while, their shining light illuminated our faces, and I saw his dark eyes, staring at me. I thought of those people who were singing outside A'Du's tent. That's how they looked at A'Du, their scorching eyes were like fire, and they were almost softened. However, Gu Xiaowu's eyes were much gentler, his eyes reflected my shadow, I suddenly felt that something in my heart was quietly softening, which made me feel uncomfortable and comfortable. When he saw me looking at him, he suddenly became embarrassed. He turned his face to look at the fireflies in the sky and said, "They have all run away!" I couldn't help but say: "Like a shooting star!" He also laughed: "Meteor!" Countless fireflies flew into the air, like thousands of meteors passing by our fingertips, when the gods released the meteors, it was like this. This situation is like a dream. I don't think I'll ever forget this night by the river, with thousands of fireflies all around us, flying by lightly, and scattered in all directions, like the golden light of meteors piercing the night. I think of the song in the song, the god and the person he loves, standing in the galaxy, just as gorgeous and bright as this. It's really too close. Suddenly a gust of wind blew, his hair brushed against my face, soft, soft and itchy, my hand holding the hem of my clothes couldn't help but loosen, those fireflies scrambled to fly up, the bright moon spread out and turned into countless tiny meteors. , Gu Xiaowu and I were surrounded by these meteors for a while, their shining light illuminated our faces, and I saw his dark eyes, staring at me. I thought of those people who were singing outside A'Du's tent. That's how they looked at A'Du, their scorching eyes were like fire, and they were almost softened. However, Gu Xiaowu's eyes were much gentler, his eyes reflected my shadow, I suddenly felt that something in my heart was quietly softening, which made me feel uncomfortable and comfortable. When he saw me looking at him, he suddenly became embarrassed. He turned his face to look at the fireflies in the sky and said, "They have all run away!" I couldn't help but say: "Like a shooting star!" He also laughed: "Meteor!" Countless fireflies flew into the air, like thousands of meteors passing by our fingertips, when the gods released the meteors, it was like this. This situation is like a dream. I don't think I'll ever forget this night by the river, with thousands of fireflies all around us, flying by lightly, and scattered in all directions, like the golden light of meteors piercing the night. I think of the song in the song, the god and the person he loves, standing in the galaxy, just as gorgeous and bright as this. It's really too close. Suddenly a gust of wind blew, his hair brushed against my face, soft, soft and itchy, my hand holding the hem of my clothes couldn't help but loosen, those fireflies scrambled to fly up, the bright moon spread out and turned into countless tiny meteors. , Gu Xiaowu and I were surrounded by these meteors for a while, their shining light illuminated our faces, and I saw his dark eyes, staring at me. I thought of those people who were singing outside A'Du's tent. That's how they looked at A'Du, their scorching eyes were like fire, and they were almost softened. However, Gu Xiaowu's eyes were much gentler, his eyes reflected my shadow, I suddenly felt that something in my heart was quietly softening, which made me feel uncomfortable and comfortable. When he saw me looking at him, he suddenly became embarrassed. He turned his face to look at the fireflies in the sky and said, "They have all run away!" I couldn't help but say: "Like a shooting star!" He also laughed: "Meteor!" Countless fireflies flew into the air, like thousands of meteors passing by our fingertips, when the gods released the meteors, it was like this. This situation is like a dream. I don't think I'll ever forget this night by the river, with thousands of fireflies all around us, flying by lightly, and scattered in all directions, like the golden light of meteors piercing the night. I think of the song in the song, God and the person he loves, standing in the galaxy, just as gorgeous and bright as this.

Da Shanyu sent an envoy to tell the king and father that he had chosen a husband-in-law for me, Gu Xiaowu. Father Wang was in a dilemma between Yuezhi and the Central Plains, so he immediately wrote some reply letters, asking A Weng to make the decision for me and preside over the marriage. By the time the reply from the father arrived, the wedding had already begun.

Turkic marriage customs are solemn and simple. The ten-mile company has slaughtered countless fat sheep, and the wine is fragrant everywhere. These days, Gu Xiaowu has become friends with the nobles of the Turks. The Turks respect heroes the most. He first shot the white-eyed wolf king, and then won the competition in the competition. In the eyes of the Turks, he is already young. Promising hero. The priest sang joyous hymns, and we stepped on the red felt and slowly walked to the high platform to worship the gods.

At this moment, he heard the hurried sound of hooves, and the scout rushed to Da Chanyu and sat down.

Across the lively crowd, I saw Da Chanyu's brows wrinkled. I didn't care that the priest even stretched and emphasized singing praises. I turned back and ran in front of Da Chanyu: "Aweng!" Da Chanyu touched me. With a long hair, he smiled and said to me: "It's okay, King Yuezhi sent some people to scold them, and I'll send troops to send them off." Gu Xiaowu had already walked behind me at some point, and he followed the Turks. The etiquette bowed to Da Shanyu and nodded his shoulders: "Da Shanyu, let me go." "You?" He is a battle-hardened veteran, and although Gu Xiaowu's archery skills are exquisite, in the face of thousands of enemies, I'm afraid that no matter how sophisticated his archery skills are, it will be useless. "Then Dadanyu will take care of his work and send 30,000 cavalry to fight." Gu Xiaowu said, "If Dadanyu is not at ease, please send a general, and I will sweep the formation for the general. It can be regarded as a small skill." Da Danyu was still hesitating, but He Shi said: "The Central Plains' tactics are good, and they led the people to defeat the Yuezhi people on the way." Da Danyu finally nodded and said to Gu Xiaowu. He said: "Go, bring back the head of General Yuezhi as a sacrifice to the gods at your wedding." Gu Xiaowu knelt down in accordance with the etiquette of the Central Plains, and said, "May God bless you!" He stood up When he was about to leave, he glanced at me and said, "I'll be back when I go." I was very worried. Seeing him turn around and walk out, I quickly followed a few steps and tied my belt around his waist.

According to the wedding ceremony, if the newlyweds exchange belts, it is already a ceremony. Under the witness of the gods, the two officially became husband and wife. I wanted him to take off his belt and tie it for me, but the slave had already brought his horse. I didn't even have time to talk to him, he recognized the stirrup and mounted the horse, and said to me, "I'll be back when I go." I pulled his sleeve, reluctant to part in my heart. I remember many things, remembering that I waited three days and three nights on the dunes just to wait for this man; remembering that I was taken off the horse and he saved me; thinking of the story he told me that night; Wolf King. He also won Heshi; I think of those fireflies by the river, and since then, I have made up my mind to never part with him... But now that he is going to fight and kill the enemy, I can't help but feel very concerned.

He probably saw the look in my eyes, so he smiled and leaned over to touch my face. His fingers were slightly warm, not like his father's hands, nor A Weng's hands, but rather like A-Niang's hands. I wonder why he didn't leave calluses on his hands since his arrows were so good

I always think of these trivial things when I am inexplicable. He has already withdrawn his hand, and the formation of the 30,000-strong team has been completed. The general sent by Da Chanyu to send troops is my eldest cousin, Yimoyan, the grandson of Da Chanyu. Imoyan smiled and said to me, "Sister, don't worry, I will take care of him." I liked Imoyan very much, because he used to hunt with me when he was a child, and he loved me like his own sister. I said loudly: "Who wants you to take care of him? Just take care of yourself, I'm still waiting for you to come back for a drink!" Everyone burst into laughter and said, "Don't worry, little princess, wait for the roast lamb to be cooked. , we came back with the heads of the Yuezhi people." Gu Xiaowu followed Yimoyan's chariot. He also put on the Turkic leather armor, and the helmet covered most of his face. I searched for his face in the crowd, and he smiled at me again, then raised his hand and waved at me. I saw the belt around his waist, my belt was folded over his belt, I just hurriedly tied a knot, I couldn't help but worry if the belt would come loose later, if it did, That's too unlucky... But don't let me think about it any more. Thousands of troops rumbled, smoke and dust rose from the ground, and the army marched out, rushing out of the company camp like a tide, rushing towards the grassland, and after a while, Mercedes-Benz reached the end of the horizon. At first, a long black shadow could be seen from a distance. At the end, after turning the gentle slope, nothing could be seen.

Seeing me standing there with a look of disappointment, A'Du couldn't help but made a gesture to me. I understand what she means, she is comforting me, they will be back in a while. I nodded. Although the Yuezhi King had fifty thousand soldiers, they were all exhausted soldiers from afar. The elite soldiers of the Turks used one block to ten, and thirty thousand was enough to meet the enemy. Moreover, the king's tent is stationed here, and there are 100,000 horses, and they can immediately help.

Roast sheep squeaked in the volcano, slaves offered mare's milk and wine, and there were laughter and laughter everywhere. Everyone knows that, but soon there will be news of victory, and then the Turkic sons will return. I remembered the matter of saying goodbye just now, and I couldn't help but feel a fever on my face. When Imoyan came back, he didn't know how he would laugh at me! He would definitely say that I was reluctant to take care of Xiaowu, and when he came back, he would definitely take the lead in making fun of me. The young aristocrats of the Turks were vaguely led by Yimoyan, and those people were mocking at this evening's Saige Conference. I was worried for a while, thinking that Gu Xiaowu can't sing, and when he comes back, I must tell him, so as not to make a fool of himself during the song competition.

I don't know, they will never come back.

Many, many years later, I saw records about this day in the history books of the Central Plains. Few words, almost insipid: "In July, Prince Cheng Yin personally entered the Western Regions, joined the countries of the Yue clan, attacked the Turks with an army of 400,000, and the Turks Tirghada Shanyu was fierce and did not surrender, and died in the chaos of the army. The Turks were killed. More than 200,000 people were killed, and the family was wiped out. "I don't remember anything about that day. I only remember that before He Shi died, he was still holding his bow tightly. , seeing that it is impossible to live. He tried his best to put A'Du and me on a horse, and the last sentence was: "A'Du, take good care of the princess!" There are tens of thousands of meteors. If the gods let go of their hands, then all the stars in his hands will fall down. It will be like this... A'Du is desperately steering the horse, and I have been running and running. There was fire on all sides, blood on all sides, and the sound of slashing on all sides. The hundreds of thousands of troops from the Central Plains and Yuezhi seemed to have emerged from the ground. Although the Turks resisted stubbornly, they were no match for such a formidable attack... Countless people fell behind us, and countless bloodstains splashed on us. If Without Heshi, we would have no way to escape from the encirclement of hundreds of thousands of troops, but in the end Heshi died. A’Du and I fled on the grassland for six days and six nights before being caught up by the pursuers.

I was injured on my leg, and A’Du also had several minor injuries, but she still pulled out the knife and protected me behind her. The hatred that erupted in my heart was like a raging fire, burning my whole body to dryness. I thought to myself: these people, these people killed Aweng; these people, these people killed Gu Xiaowu; these people people, these people killed all the Turks. Although I am not a Turk, my bloodline is half Turkic. Now it's just me and A'Du. Even if I shed the last drop of blood, I won't embarrass Aon, nor will I embarrass the Turks.

At this time, one of the people in the Central Plains escaped, and A’Du rushed over with a knife, but the man just gently and skillfully stretched out his hand, and A’Du’s knife fell to the ground with a bang. I stared at the man dumbfounded, this man must be able to witchcraft, right? Otherwise, how could the spell take away A'Du's knife and make her unable to move at all

A'Du glared at that person. A'Du was rarely angry, but I knew she was really angry. I picked up A'Du's knife and slashed towards that man. I have red eyes, no matter who, no matter who, I will kill him!

That person just stretched out his hand and lightly tapped on me, and my eyes were darkened, and I didn't know anything.

When I woke up, I was carried face down on the back of a horse, like a bag of millet, and the mud splashed by the horse's hooves kept hitting my face, but I couldn't move. There are horses hooves in all directions, and countless horse legs rise and fall one after another, like countless splendens being blown by the wind, I was so dazzled that I had to close my eyes. I don't know how long it took, the horse finally stopped, and I was taken off the horse's back, but the acupuncture point on my leg was blocked for so long that I couldn't stand still, and I fell to the ground.

The floor is covered with thick felt. This must be the camp of the Central Plains General. Is that the Lord Protector? I looked up and saw Gu Xiaowu. Countless Turkic warriors had died in battle, especially the 30,000 Turkic elite soldiers who met the enemy in advance. Not a single one came back alive, but Gu Xiaowu, he is still alive and well. .

Not only was he alive, but he also changed into the clothes of the Central Plains. Although he did not wear armor, he was as polite as a scholar in the Central Plains, but I knew that such a tent would never be for a scholar. There are many guards around him, and the general of the Central Plains who caught us actually knelt down to salute Gu Xiaowu as soon as he came in. The armor on the General of the Central Plains made a crisp sound. This is the highest etiquette in the Central Plains. It is said that the Central Plains people only have This is the kind of ceremony that will be done when you see the most honorable people. I suddenly understood, Gu Xiaowu, Gu Xiaowu turned out to be the inner responder of the Central Plains! It was him, he was the one who attracted the enemy's surprise attack. I don't know where the strength came from, I spit at him with all my strength: "Spy!" The guards on the left and right yelled loudly. Someone kicked me in the leg, and I rolled back to the ground with a soft leg. I saw Lord Tuhu, who also bowed to Gu Xiaowu in salute. They all spoke the Central Plains dialect, and I couldn't understand a word. Gu Xiaowu didn't look at me. Lord Tuhu said a lot to Gu Xiaowu. I watched Gu Xiaowu with a sullen face. Finally, everyone left the tent. Gu Xiaowu took the dagger and walked towards me.