Eastern Palace

Chapter 33


Along the way, I was ablaze with anxiety, lest I be one step behind, lest Xiliang would also be captured by Li Chengyin, just like they killed the Turks. We traveled in both wind and snow, and after hard work on the road, we finally arrived outside the Xiliang King City.

Seeing that the huge royal city was safe and sound, I could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. The gates of the city were still open, and when winter came, the caravans were few, and the guards of the city huddled in the gates, dozing off in sheepskin robes. A'Du and I quietly slipped into the royal city.

The familiar palace looked particularly solemn and solemn in the cold night of late autumn. We did not alert the guards guarding the palace, but entered the palace directly through a small gate. In fact, the palace of Xiliang is only guarded by a few thousand guards, and the management is very lax. After all, there is no enemy in Xiliang, and all those who come and go are business travelers. It is said that it is a palace, but it is actually not as well-guarded as the Anxi Protectorate. In the past, I used to sneak out of the palace through this small door, and after I went out to play in the city, I slipped back from here, and I was never found.

The whole palace seemed to be sleeping soundly. I walked back to my own room with A'Du. It was quiet inside, and there was no one there. The weather was too cold, and A'Du's face turned pale from the cold. I took a leather robe and put it on A'Du. Both of our boots were torn and our toes were exposed. I found two new pairs of boots to put on, and it's warmer now.

I walked along the corridor to the dormitory where my mother lived. I trot all the way, I just wanted to see my mother earlier.

There were no lights in the bedroom, but there was a fire in the palace. There were several huge braziers on the carpet. I saw Dad sitting by the brazier, and he seemed to bow his head.

I called softly: "Dad." Daddy's body trembled suddenly, he turned around slowly, and when he saw it was me, his eyes were red: "Child, where have you been? "I've never seen Dad look like this before, and my eyes couldn't help but get hot, as if all the grievances were going to flow out from under my eyes. I pulled Daddy's sleeve and asked him, "Where's Auntie?" Daddy's eyes were even more red, and his voice seemed to come from his nose, he said, "Child, run away, run away quickly. "I stared blankly at him, and A'Du jumped up and pulled out her knife. All around suddenly brightened up, and countless people rushed in with lanterns and torches. I know the person at the head. I know that he was the envoy sent from the Central Plains to Xiliang to seek marriage. Now he is full of energy, like a victorious rooster. , walked in at a pace. When he saw his father, he did not kneel and salute, but said arrogantly: "King Xiliang, since the princess has returned, the marriage contract between the two countries will naturally be fulfilled, and now you have no excuse to shirk the blame. "These people are really annoying. I pulled my dad's sleeve and asked him persistently: "Where's my mom?" Dad suddenly burst into tears. I've never seen my dad cry, and I was shocked. Dad suddenly pulled out his waist knife and pointed at those people from the Central Plains. His voice was hoarse and he said: "These people from the Central Plains, child, you should take a good look at these people from the Central Plains, it is they who forced your mother to death, it is they who forced us to Xiliang, and asked me to hand over your mother. Unwilling to be humiliated, your mother committed suicide in the palace.

They... They even broke into the palace, and they had to see your mother's body before they were reconciled... These people are murderers! It was the murderer of your mother... "My father's voice was like a murmur of a curse, and it echoed in the palace with a "hum". My whole body seemed to be hit hard. I took a step back and my father cut myself. His cheeks were covered in blood, and he raised his knife and charged towards the envoys in the Central Plains. His momentum was extremely fierce, like a lion. His father had already cut him off. His father was wielding his sword and panting heavily, but the soldiers from the Central Plains were approaching again, and someone shouted: "King of Xiliang, you killed the Central Plains envoy without authorization, are you trying to rebel! "A-Niang! My A-Niang! I came back after a lot of hardships, but I never saw my A-Niang again... I trembled all over, and pointed at those people and screeched: "Where's Li Chengyin? where is he? Where is he hiding? "No one answered me, but someone came out of the crowd, who looked like a general from the Central Plains. He looked at me and said, "Princess, the King of Xiliang was confused and killed the envoy of the Central Plains by mistake. Clarify it with him. I also hope that the princess will be calm and peaceful and not hurt the dignity of the two countries. "I recognized this general because he caught up with me and A'du on the grasslands, took A'du's sword, and took me to the camp of the Central Plains army. His martial arts must be very good, and I am definitely not his opponent. The last time I was able to escape from the Central Plains camp was because of my master. This time, my master is no longer there. Who else can save me

I said, "I want to see Li Chengyin." The general of the Central Plains said, "The King of Xiliang has promised to marry the princess to His Royal Highness, and the two countries will be in harmony. And His Royal Highness also has sincerity and came to the Western Regions to marry the princess in person. Princess I will see His Highness one day, why should I be in such a hurry?" I watched those people rush up, and my father slashed with a knife, but they were eventually subdued. There was such a big commotion in the palace, but not a single guard came to take a look. Obviously, this palace was already under the control of the people of the Central Plains. Dad was pushed to the ground by those people, and he shouted loudly. My heart is like a pot of boiling oil, my internal organs are suffering, I want to rush up, but those people put the knife in Dad's neck, if I move rashly, maybe they will kill. These Central Plains people always say that we are barbarians, but when they kill people, they are even more cruel and savage than us. I burst into tears, and the Central Plains general was still saying: "Princess, persuade the king, don't let him hurt yourself." All my voices were choked in my throat, and someone grabbed my arm, it was A'Du, Her fingers were cool and gave me the last support. I looked at her, and her dark eyes looked at me too, her eyes full of anxiety. I know that as long as I say a word, she will rush to fight for me without hesitation. But why? Why bother A'Du again? The Turks were dead, and Xiliang fell into the hands of the Central Plains like this. I said, "Don't kill my father, I will just go with you." That's it, sober for a while, confused for a while. When you are awake, you will kill those people from the Central Plains. When you are confused, it seems that nothing has happened. I would rather he be confused forever. When Aniang dies, so does the heart of the king. My brothers were all put under house arrest by the people of the Central Plains, and the women in the palace were frightened and scared.

How can I die so easily without revenge

I accepted the imperial edict from the Central Plains and decided to marry Li Chengyin. The Central Plains had just pacified the Turks, and they urgently needed to support new forces in the Western Regions to prevent the Yuezhi from gaining power. And although the Turks died, the various tribes in the Western Regions became even more chaotic. The emperor of the Central Plains issued an edict to designate my father and king as Dingxi Khan, which is an incomparably honorable title. For this reason, Yuezhi was very unhappy. They and the Central Plains coalition defeated the Turks. Originally, they wanted to swallow up a large area of the Turks, but Xiliang was about to marry the Central Plains. The countries in the Western Regions were originally led by the Turks. .

I put on the red wedding dress sent by the Central Plains, and under the escort of the Central Plains army, I slowly traveled east.

I didn't see Li Chengyin until I reached the foot of Tiangen Mountain. Originally, according to the rules of the Central Plains, unmarried couples could not meet before marriage, but in fact, we have known each other for a long time, and now we are on the march, and everything is simple, so under my repeated requests, Li Chengyin finally came to me. 's tent. The servants had long since been screened, and there were only two of us in the tent.

I sat on the blanket and didn't speak for a long time. It wasn't until he was about to turn around and walk away that I said to him: "You depend on me for one thing, and I will marry you with all my heart." He didn't turn around at all, just asked: "What's the matter?" "I want you to replace me Catch a hundred fireflies." His back was stiff, and he finally slowly turned around to look at me. I even smiled at him: "Gu Xiaowu, are you willing to agree?" His eyes still looked like they were by the river that night, but there was no more tenderness. The past was all an illusion. I already knew it. Belly Ming. And what about him? If you keep on acting like this, you're already tired. "It's winter now, and there are no fireflies anymore." He finally spoke, his tone was as calm as if nothing had happened, "Zhongyuan is very good, there are fireflies, beautiful birds, beautiful flowers, and exquisite houses, You will like Zhongyuan." I stared at him, but he avoided my eyes.

I asked, "Have you ever really liked me? Even a little sincerity?"

The wind outside blew light snowflakes and kept blowing in. There was a brazier in the tent, and the dim flame was blown up by the snow wind, shook it, and went out in an instant. It's so cold, such a winter.

A'Du and I fled in the middle of the night. Li Cheng Yin personally led 3,000 light cavalry to chase us. We fled into the mountains, but they kept chasing after us.

At dawn, A'Du and I climbed a cliff.

When hiding in the mountains, we often encounter wolves. Since the White-Eyed Wolf King was shot, the wolves have no owner and the fighting has been fierce. Every time I see a pack of wolves, they are always biting each other, and they no longer challenge humans at all. I think this is how the Central Plains deal with the Western Regions. They killed the Turks, just like killing the wolf king, and then the remaining tribes competed with each other, slaughtered, and fought civil wars... There will no longer be any tribes eyeing the Central Plains, just like those wolves, they only care about killing their companions and competing for the position of the wolf king. , it won't hurt anyone anymore.

The wind on the cliff made my dress rattle, I stood on the edge of the cliff, and the frost wind made me almost unable to open my eyes. If you jump, all these troubles will disappear.

Li Cheng Yin chased after him, I took a step back, the general in the Central Plains was worried that I would really jump, I heard him say loudly: "Your Highness, let the minister go and persuade the princess." I also understand a little bit, and I also know that the general's surname in the Central Plains is Pei, who is Li Chengyin's most favored general. But now General Pei couldn't persuade Li Chengyin. I saw Li Chengyin throw off the reins and dismount, and climbed straight towards the cliff.

I didn't stop him either, quietly watching him climb the cliff. The mountain wind is like smoke, and the clouds and mist are lingering under the cliff, and I don't know how deep it is. He stood on the edge of the cliff, panting slightly because he was walking too fast. I pointed to the cliff and asked him, "Do you know what's under here?" Maybe it was because the snow wind was too strong, and his face was very pale. I wiped the snow off my face with my hands. He probably didn't know what to say to me, so he just kept silent. I told him: "That is Wangchuan." "The water of Wangchuan lies in forgetfulness... There is such a legend in our Western Regions, maybe you have never heard of it: as long as you jump into Wangchuan, you will forget the world. All the troubles, reborn and become a new person. It's amazing, but the gods have such power, Shenshui can make people forget their pain, and Shenshui can also make people forget their troubles, but no one has ever been able to come back alive from the forgotten river, gods The favor, sometimes cruel... You threaten me with my father and brother, and I can't help but agree to marry you. "I even smiled at him." However, it is up to me to decide whether to live or die. "He stared at my face, but said: "If you dare to act rashly, I will let the entire Xiliang be buried with you. "" Your Highness will not. "I say calmly, this is the first time I call him His Highness, and maybe the last time," His Highness has the ambition to pacify the Western Regions and rule the world, and nothing can compare to His Highness's great cause. The Turks have just settled, and the Yuezhi is strong. His Highness needs Xiliang to contain the Yuezhi, and Xiliang is also needed to show His Highness's mind to all countries. His Highness calmed the Turks with thunderbolts, while His Highness appeased Xiliang, but with the heart of a bodhisattva. With the honor of the prince of the Celestial Dynasty, but condescending to marry me, a barbarian girl from the Western Liang Dynasty, as a concubine, all the countries in the Western Regions will be grateful to His Highness. "I looked at him mockingly," If Your Highness starts killing again in Xiliang, it will not only destroy a small Xiliang, but everything that Your Highness has painstakingly managed. "Li Chengyin heard me say this, his face changed slightly, and he finally couldn't help but take a step forward, but I took a step back. My heels were already in the air, and the wind under the cliff made me almost unsteady. I swayed as if I would fall down at any time, the wind blew my clothes and screeched, and my sleeves were like a thin blade, slapping my arms constantly. He didn't dare to come forward to force him any more, so I said to him: "I misunderstood you at the beginning, but now the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, it is the gods who punished me for this ordeal. "I said word by word," Life after life, I will forget you forever! "Li Chengyin was shocked, he rushed up and tried to grab me, but he only grabbed my sleeve. I raised my left hand, and the sharp blade in my hand cut open the sleeve with a "chi" sound, and half of my body was already in the air. He responded very quickly, and when he pulled out his belt, he swung it like a long whip, wrapped me around me, and held me up in the air. The belt turned out to be the one I wore for him that day, the wedding bride's belt, full of embellishments. Coral and pearls... I used to yearn to grow old together, I used to think that the world would last forever, I used to think that this is the person God made me fall in love with... I once tied him with my own hands before he left the wedding, with infinite love and admiration , I hope he returns safely and can tie his belt around my waist... At that time, we will officially become a husband and wife approved by the gods... I waved the short knife in my hand and cut the belt, the mountain wind was turbulent, and the pearls and jade were like one. The chaotic rain splashed in the field... I finally saw the look on his face, it turned out to be extremely painful... I only leaned back slightly, and the whole person had fallen. Countless people were screaming, and there was Pei from the Central Plains. General, his voice was even more horrified: "His Royal Highness... "Everything on the cliff disappeared in an instant, only the clear sky... Like the wind, holding up the clouds, I keep falling from those clouds. I rolled all over, my face turned downward, the sky was no longer visible, and the endless wind stabbed my eyes. A'Du told me that below this is Wangchuan, but what would Wangchuan look like? Is it a pool of turquoise water? Still the abyss that can devour people forever... The despair of the void surged up in an instant, I thought of A-Niang, maybe it's really good to go to see her like this. I have lost all my thoughts, and only my mother loves me the most in this world... Someone grabbed my hand, the whistling wind passed by my ear, that person pulled me, and we fell rapidly in the wind... He hugged me As I spin in the wind... He kept trying to grab the rocks on the mountain wall, but we fell too fast, and the chaotic gravel fell with us, like the stars falling like raindrops in the sky... like It was by the river that night, countless fireflies flew from our sleeves, like a splendid star shower, illuminating my face and his face... Only he stared into my eyes in the world... It was only me in the eyes... I I never dreamed that he would jump down and grab me. I always thought that he had never been sincere to me.

He said, "Xiao Feng!" The wind swept away the sound from his lips, so light that I could hardly hear it. I thought, I must have heard it wrong, or it was all an illusion. He would never jump off, because he was Li Chengyin, not my Gu Xiaowu. My Gu Xiaowu had already died, on the night of the decisive battle between the Turks and the Central Plains.

He said a Chinese language, which I did not understand.

That was the last sentence in my memory, and maybe he followed me down like this, just to say such a sentence to me, what is it, I have no intention of wanting to know... I feel relieved and ironed, I know the last In that instant, I wasn't alone... My heavy body smashed into the water, surrounded by clear water, like countless cold knives, slashing my skin. I gave up the struggle safely, and let myself sink into the bottom of the water, like a baby returning to its mother's body, like a flower falling into the earth, that is the most peaceful destination, and I already knew it.

Yuanshui "The water of Wangchuan lies in forgetfulness..."... "A fox is sitting on a sand dune, sitting on a sand dune, watching the moon. Well, it turns out that it is not looking at the moon, but is waiting for the girl who returns from herding sheep..." "It's too ugly! Change it!""I can only sing this song..."..."I will forget you forever!"...In my memory, there are lights that flicker and flicker, like the depths of thick fog gradually Spread out, revealing an illusory mirage. I suddenly opened my blurry eyes and everything became clearer. I saw A'Du, she was standing beside me, I also saw Yong Niang, her eyes were also red and slightly swollen.

I saw delicate flowers embroidered on the tent, and I slowly recognized that this was the East Palace, my own bedroom.

I slowly let out a breath, and felt like I had a nightmare, in which something terrible happened: I was kidnapped by an assassin, and then the assassin turned out to be Gu Jian, and I stood under the Chengtian Gate, I watched Li Chengyin upstairs... The most frightening thing was that I dreamed that I had known Li Chengyin for a long time. He took the pseudonym Gu Xiaowu, slaughtered the Turks, killed A Weng, and forced my A to death. Mother... Father was mad, and I was forced to jump off Wangchuan... This nightmare was so terrifying... I didn't dare to think about it at all... Fortunately, it was all just a nightmare, I slowly grabbed Yong Niang's hand and said to her I smiled and wanted to say, "I'm so hungry..." But I couldn't make any sound. There was a sharp pain in my throat, and the air was whirling in my mouth, but I couldn't speak. I was so anxious that I grabbed my neck with my hands, and Yong Niang pulled my hand with tears in her eyes: "Don't worry, Crown Princess, the imperial doctor said that you are just in a hurry, so you burned your throat. Take it easy and you'll be fine. ... "I looked at A'Du, and then at Shui Niang. Gong E held a cup of clear dew, and Yong Niang fed it to me personally. The sweet scent and cool taste of the clear dew made me feel very comfortable, and it suddenly eased. Sore throat. I swallowed, and Yong Niang said, "Slow down, slow down... Don't choke... Alas... I haven't had a drop of water in the past few days... I'm so anxious to be a slave... "How many days

How many days have I slept

I asked for a pen and paper than painting, and Yong Niang was busy ordering someone to bring it to me. Gong E was holding the inkstone. I was full of ink, but suddenly hesitated when I started to write.

Write what

What shall I ask? Ask if the Turks are really wiped out, ask my father, whether he has already gone mad? When I came to Zhongyuan, he never sent anyone to see me. Xiliang, which I thought about day and night, never sent anyone to see me. I didn't even think it was weird before, I only blamed Dad for being ruthless, but now I know that my Xiliang has long since become a fantasy. I didn't dare to ask A'Du at all, how could I dare to ask Yongniang

I couldn't write for a long time.

The ink at the end of the pen has condensed for too long, and finally fell with a "click", dripping onto the paper, and splashing a cloud of ink.