Eastern Palace

Chapter 35


I teased the kitten and talked to it: "Meow, do you want to eat fish?" The kitten let out a "meow", and the tongue licked my fingers again, and the fine thorns on its tongue brushed me well. Itchy, I couldn't help laughing, holding the cat to show A'Du: "Look, its eyes are so beautiful." A'Du nodded. I asked Yong Niang to fetch milk to feed the cat, and then discussed with A'Du what to name the kitten.

I asked A’Du, “Is it okay to be called Xiao Hua?” A’Du shook his head, and I also felt bad. This kitten was pure white and didn’t have a single stray hair. It really shouldn’t be called Xiao Hua. "Then let's call Xiaoxue..." I was talking to A'Du non-stop, I wanted to make a nest for the kitten, and I wanted to name the kitten... I don't even know when Pei Zhao left.

But since having this kitten, I am not so lonely in the East Palace. Xiaoxue is very lively and can play for a while after chasing her tail. In the courtyard, the peach and plum blossoms withered, red as snow, the petals fluttering in the air, and Xiaoxue always jumped up and scratched with her claws. But there are piles of petals piled up on the covered bridge, but it doesn't smell either. Occasionally, a pink butterfly flies by, which is even more incredible. Xiaoxue can chase it and jump around in the yard. Wherever the butterfly flies, it jumps up. where.

Yong Niang always said, "Where is this cat, it's even more naughty than a fox spirit." The days passed so smoothly. Every day, I see Xiaoxue running around mischievously; I see the flowers in the courtyard bloom and wither, the cherries hang down like crimson beads and hang on the branches; I see the peaches and plums also bear fruits the size of soybeans Underneath the green foliage. Time is like water in a ditch, flowing silently, and each day passes quickly. I used to sit on the steps at night and watch the moon rise gradually from under the leaves. For thousands of years, the moon has risen quietly like this, without sadness, without joy, without sound, and the wind and dew of the day shines on the glazed tiles like a thin layer of silver frost. The galaxy in the sky was silent, Xiaoxue crouched beside my feet, "Mimi" cried, I touched its warm and fluffy neck, and hugged it into my arms. I waited quietly, I was waiting for the best time to escape from this delicate cage.

Originally, because I had been ill all the time, the ceremonial notes in the East Palace were simple, and many things were not asked of me again. In the past, although Zhao Liangdi was in charge, I was still in charge of many major events on the surface. I was ill for so many days, and even the ceremonies and banquets in the palace were absent. When my illness gradually got better, Xu Baolin became ill again.

She was very ill, and after all, the medicine was useless, but no one in the East Palace seemed to care. If Yong Niang hadn't talked about it, I wouldn't have known that Xu Baolin was dying of illness.

For some reason, I decided to see her. Maybe it was pity, maybe I wanted Li Chengyin to feel that nothing was out of the ordinary. Or, let Li Cheng Yin feel that I am still that innocent and stupid Crown Princess, without any scheming.

Xu Baolin still lived in the most remote courtyard, and the two maids who served her had already changed. Although there was no trouble with the witchcraft thing, Zhao Liangdi had an excuse to treat her more and more meanly. After I was ill, I was too busy to take care of myself, and naturally I took less care of her. I really regret it, if I had caught it sooner, she might not have gotten this sick.

She was as thin as a dead bone, and her hair had lost its luster, and the ends of her hair were withered and yellow, like a mess of grass. I vaguely remembered the first time I saw her, when she was still in the palace. She had just lost the child in her womb and was described as haggard. But at that time she was haggard, because the flowers were beaten by the torrential rain, so she fell to the ground sweetly. Not like now, she is like a chrysanthemum left in the west wind, even the last vein of fresh beauty withered.

I called her for a long time before she opened her eyes and looked at me, her vision was dazed and blurred.

She didn't recognize me very much, and after a while, she lowered her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Yong Niang tactfully told me what the imperial doctor said, Xu Baolin couldn't hold on for a few more days.

She is only eighteen years old this year, and the youth of the girl is fleeting. This lonely East Palace is like a monster, constantly devouring all the beauty and beauty. A girl who is like a flower has only a short period of half a year, and it withers away like this.

I felt very sad. When I came out of the yard where she lived, I asked Yongniang, "Where's Li Chengyin?" Yongniang didn't know either, so I sent someone to ask, only to find out that Li Chengyin and King Wu had gone to the court.

I walked to the main hall to wait for Li Chengyin, and waited until dusk, when I saw seven or eight light cavalry, surrounded and guarded by Yulin Lang, all the way through Mingde Gate. Pass through the vast flat field in front of the hall and come straight here. I suddenly felt very confused. I haven't seen Li Cheng Yin for several months. A long time ago, although I didn't see him every day, but every once in a while, he would always come to me aggressively, for the sake of messing things up. Quarrel with me. But now I don't see him or fight with him anymore.

I actually avoided him all the time. After I remembered the past. I should have killed him and avenged everyone.

Maybe, go see Xu Baolin today. Just to find a reason for myself to come to see him. As I watched him come over on horseback, I suddenly remembered that on the desert grassland, he ran towards me on his horse, showing such a brilliant smile.

Has he never laughed like that before? After all, it was Gu Xiaowu, not Prince Li Chengyin.

The house attendant came forward and waited for Li Chengyin to dismount. He threw the whip to Xiaohuangmen and stepped on the steps, as if he didn't see me.

I stood up and stopped him, and I said, "Go and see Xu Baolin." He finally turned his face to look at me, and I said, "She is dying." He ignored me and went straight to went to the temple.

I stood there alone, the early summer wind blowing on my cheeks with a warm breath. Spring turned out to be over.

If it was in the past, I would have quarreled with him and forced him to see Xu Baolin. Even if I tie him up, I will tie him up. But now I know clearly that if I don't love it, I don't love it. Even if I have to take my last breath today, he is afraid that he has long forgotten her. Forget the woman with bright eyes and white teeth, forget that they once had flesh and blood, and forget how many nights and how many lonely times she had looked forward to.

Just like he forgot about me, forgot that I once hated him and loved him, forgot that he once caught me a hundred fireflies, and forgot my last decisive leap, cut off everything between me and him .

This—everything, isn’t it that I seek benevolence

The weather was getting hotter day by day, and Xu Baolin fell into a drowsiness. She was getting weaker and weaker every day. By the end, not even a drop of water could get in. I went to see her every day, and Yong Niang persuaded her that she thought I had just recovered from a serious illness. I take care of her like I take care of the dying self in my heart.

I stayed by Xu Baolin's side, and those palace servants were often a little bit afraid and did not dare to criticize again. It's much better than the one he didn't care about before. But Xu Baolin was already so ill that all the care was superfluous to her.

At dusk, the weather was hot, dragonflies were flying around in the courtyard, and the words on the banana leaf under the wall did not move, and there was no wind. The sky was faintly purple, but there were heavy dark clouds in the western sky, and it might be raining.

Xu Baolin felt better today. She opened her eyes and looked at the people around her. I held her hand and asked her, "Do you want to drink water?" She recognized me and smiled at me.

She didn't drink water, and an hour later she fell into a coma again, and then her breath gradually weakened.

I called the imperial doctor, and after he checked the pulse, he said to me: "People from Baolin Fuze will be safe and sound." Although I have no knowledge, I also know that the imperial doctor said such words, but he was not saved.

Yong Niang wanted to convince me to leave, but I just refused. Yong Niang had to send someone to quietly prepare for the funeral. The sky was getting darker and darker, and the house was stuffy like a steamer. The candlelight dimmed and slanted on the patient on the bed. Xu Baolin's face was pale, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching. When I leaned closer to her lips, I heard the two words she said, so soft that there was almost no sound. It turned out to be "His Royal Highness." I felt very sad, maybe she was dying Before, I just wanted to see Li Cheng Yin.

But I could not persuade him to come here.

This man, who provoked her, left her alone and left her alone in the deep palace. But she couldn't forget him.

Even if you are lucky, even if you are unwilling, even if you are just inattentive.

The way she wanted, as long as he looked back occasionally, he couldn't get it.

I held Xu Baolin's hand, trying to give her some last warmth, but her hand gradually became colder.

Yong Niang gently persuaded me to leave, because I wanted to change Xu Baolin's clothes, and there were many things in the funeral, Yong Niang once told me, and some high-sounding things. For example, if I send a letter to the Ministry of Rites, maybe she will be awarded a slightly higher rank, or she will be rewarded as a petty official to her family. I watched Gong E put a jinpa on Xu Baolin's face, she has no breath anymore. Whether it is sadness or joy, everything has disappeared, and the short-lived years have come to an abrupt end.

There was a dull sound of thunder in the distant sky, Yong Niang left behind to preside over the small funeral, and A'Du followed me back to the bedroom. When I was walking on the covered bridge, I heard a faint sound of music wafting over from the main hall. The sound of the music is very far away, I suddenly remembered that night by the river, I was sitting there, the singing of the Turks floated in the distance, it was a subtle love song, the warriors of the Turks always sang outside the tent of their beloved girl, Sing your heart to her.

At that time, I never felt that the singing was so beautiful, ethereal like fairy music. The abandoned fireflies in the grass by the river are like misty meteors, and they are like a handful of gold sand sprinkled by someone. I even think that those little bugs are the messengers of the gods. They are carrying delicate lanterns and flickering a little in the cool night. It was like a world apart from the scattered firelights in the camp over there, the laughter and laughter.

I watched him rise into the air, and I watched him grab several fireflies in one hand, and those elves flickered between his fingers. The martial arts of the Central Plains are like a painting, a song Poetry, freehand brushwork. His every move is like a dance, but there is no such heroic dance. He was spinning at an unbelievable angle in midair, chasing those ethereal fireflies, and his sleeves brought a breeze... Those fireflies rushed to fly, and the bright moon scattered, turning into countless tiny meteors, for a while my Gu Xiao Wudu is surrounded by these meteors, and their shining light illuminates each other's faces, and I see his big black eyes, staring at me... The singing is so far apart, it is like the heaven on earth.

My blood rushed up inch by inch, and the ink-like sky in the distance suddenly flashed a ferocious electric light. The purple arc was like a sword, winding and flickering, drawing a crack in the sky.

I said to A'Du: "You go back first." A'Du refused, and followed me two more steps. I untied the gold wrong knife and the scabbard from her waist, and then said to her: "You Go and pack up, take the important things, and when I come back, we will set off to go back to Xiliang." A'Du's eyes were full of doubts. She looked at me puzzled, I urged her repeatedly, she had to turn away.

I am determined to put an end to everything today.

I walked slowly into the main hall, only to realize that there was no feast here. There was no one in the hall. Gong E, who was on duty, did not know where to go. Li Chengyin was sitting under the window alone, playing the flute.

He was wearing a plain robe and looked attentive, not like the way I was used to seeing him in the past. The eyebrows are even condensed. It was as if he had changed. I suddenly remembered Gu Xiaowu. When we first met, he seemed to be so steady. But then he was in high spirits and would laugh out loud at me.

I never knew he could blowjob.

I don't know what kind of tune he was playing, but the tune was light and calm, and it seemed to be lost.

He heard footsteps, put down Guan Xiao, and when he looked back, he saw it was me, and his expression was quite indifferent.

I was holding that anger in my heart, but I couldn't control it any longer. I pulled out the golden knife and jumped on it. He obviously didn't expect me to come in and do it, and it was so aggressive, but he instinctively avoided it.

I kept silent, and only made a whirring sound with the golden wrong knife in my hand. I basically didn't have much effort, but I had the knife in my hand. Although Li Chengyin was agile, he could only dodge for a while. I made every move with a desperate attitude, and Li Chengyin's parry gradually became embarrassed, and he almost got hurt several times. But I don't know why, he doesn't call people, that's fine. My knives gradually lost their rhythm, and the first thing I fought was anger.

Later, when the strength is weak, it is difficult to gain the upper hand. The two of us fought in silence. After a long time, I was out of breath. Li Cheng Yin finally twisted my arm and took the knife from my hand. He threw the knife far away, and I took the opportunity to bite him hard. The salty breath rushed into his teeth. He pulled my shoulders while he was in pain, and we both fell to the ground. I grabbed the copper lion pressing the lichen at random. As he was smashing far away, I took the opportunity to take a bite on his tiger's mouth. The salty breath rushed into his teeth. He pulled my shoulders while he was in pain, and we both fell to the ground. I grabbed the copper lion pressing the lichen at random. It was hitting his leg, and the delicate carvings ripped through his clothes and ripped open a long slit. He frowned in pain and couldn't help but press the sore spot on his leg with his hand. I saw the old scar on his leg. It is a deep and ugly beast's tooth marks, tearing off a large piece of flesh, even after many years, the scars are still hideous and terrifying. I suddenly remembered what Gu Jian had said, it was the wolf bite, the white-eyed wolf king bit his leg. In order to marry me, he went to kill the white-eyed wolf king. But he didn't want to marry me at all, he just wanted to deceive A Weng, in order to cooperate with Yuezhi... The regret in my chest became more and more surging. But in such a wrong time, he had already pressed me to the carpet and twisted my arm violently.

I kicked and kicked with my feet, and he had to press me down so that I wouldn't move. My neck was full of sweat, and even the gauze on my body was sticking to my skin. The fight made his forehead full of beads of sweat, and a line of sweat dripped down his face. down to the chin. It was about to drip, and it was about to drip on my face. I was in a hurry to get out of the way. But Li Chengyin thought I was going to struggle to grab another bronze lion not far away. He reached out and grabbed my shoulder. I didn't expect that I was twisting my body to dodge. The clothes were torn. His nails cut through my skin and it hurt so much. I was annoyed, and when I bowed my legs, I planned to kick him, but he swept past him. Suddenly there was a dull sound of thunder outside, and a purple electric light reflected on the window screen, illuminating the hall as bright as day. I saw that his face was flushed and his eyes were red, as if he was drunk, and suddenly he staggered towards me again.