Eastern Palace

Chapter 38


The corners of his mouth twitched, I leaned over a little, and Pei Zhao came forward to stop me: "Niangniang, be careful the assassins hurt people." I said angrily: "He's already like this, can he still hurt people? "

I approached Gu Jian's lips, and he actually murmured, "A'Du... how..."

I never expected him to think about A'Du. I said, "She's fine, she's just injured."

The corners of his mouth moved in a smile.

The wounds he suffered were all on his back, while A'Du's arrow wounds were all on his legs, and there was no arrow wound at all. I suddenly guessed somehow: "You hid her under yourself?"

He didn't answer me. He just looked at me, looked at me madly.

I suddenly felt a move in my heart, he saved A'Du. Originally, he was able to get away, but he had already put A'Du down. As long as he left A'Du, he might be able to force his way out. But he refused and took his own life to save A'Du. Why did he want to save A'Du? I almost asked knowingly: "Why do you want to save A'Du..."

"She... if she..." His voice was soft, as if it would be blown away by the night wind at any time, and I had to get closer. Only to hear him murmur: "You will...will be sad..."

I was deeply saddened, but he still seemed to be smiling: "I can... but I can't... make you sad again..."

I said, "Why are you so stupid and I don't like you...how are you so stupid..."

He looked straight at me: "It's me... I'm sorry you..."

I saw that his eyes were full of remorse, and I felt very unbearable. He obviously couldn't live, and my tears finally flowed out: "Master..."

His eyes were looking at the stars in the sky, and his breathing gradually became short: "That day... the stars were like today... just like today... bright... you sit on the sand dunes... sing... sing... fox..."

He was speaking in incomplete sentences. I understood what he meant at this moment. I said softly: "I know... I sing... I sing to you... "

I lifted his head halfway up, no matter what Pei Zhao thought, let alone what Yulin Lang thought, I just felt very sad, I was so anxious about that song, the only song I could sing:

"A fox... it's sitting on a dune... sitting on a dune, looking at the moon... ah, so it's not looking at the moon... it's waiting for the girl to come back from the sheep..." I sang Daan intermittently. I used to sing this song very proficiently, but I don't know what happened today. Almost every word will go away, I sang and sang, only to find that my tears were raining down, and my tears fell on Gu Jian's face , he kept looking at me. Looking at me with a smile. It wasn't until his whole body became cold and cold... that his hand fell to the ground. His white robe had been ripped apart by arrows for a long time, and I saw that a corner of his robe was half exposed, and I gently pulled it out. It turned out to be a pair of Hua Sheng. Already soaked with blood, I suddenly remembered, that night in Shangyuan, he bought me a pair of Huasheng. I once got angry and threw it at his feet. It turned out that he was still hiding in his clothes. What I don't want. He is so treasured in his arms.

I was half-kneeling and half-sitting there, my voice was mournful, like a strong wind blowing in the desert, whirling through my throat, inexplicably uncomfortable: "A fox...it's sitting on a dune... sitting on a dune... up, basking in the sun... oh, so it's not basking in the sun... it's waiting for the girl passing by on horseback..."

Pei Zhao came up to help me: "Prince Concubine..."

I returned my palm and slashed his face. He seemed stunned, but he still pulled me up: "The last will send the Crown Princess to see His Highness."

"I don't see anyone!" I snapped, staring at him, "You...you..." I repeated it twice, but I couldn't think of a word to accuse him. He was just following Li Chengyin's orders, and the culprit was Li Chengyin.

A'Du was dying, and Gu Jian died.

All because of me for me.

They set such a trap, Gu Jian could not have been fooled, just because of me.

Gu Jian could have been immortal, just because of me.

It was I who asked him to save A'Du.

He desperately tried to save A'Du.

Time and time again, the people around me have sacrificed their lives for me.

They killed A Weng, they killed A Niang, they killed He Shi, and they killed Gu Jian... They killed the people around me, the people who loved me, one after another... Pei Zhao said : "Ms. A'Du's injuries are in urgent need of medical treatment. Crown Princess, the last commander has ordered someone to ask for an imperial doctor..."

I stared at him coldly, Pei Zhao didn't avoid my gaze, and he didn't differentiate.

I don't want to say a word to him again.

But A'Du's injury is important, I won't let them touch A'Du, I will hug A'Du myself. Every time, A'Du hugged me, but this time I finally hugged her. Her body is really light. Last time she suffered such a serious injury, it was Gu Jian who saved her. Can she survive this time

The Pipa bone on A'Du's right shoulder was fractured, and a rib was also broken. The imperial doctor came to pull out the shaft of the arrow, straightened the broken bone, and then applied the wound medicine, and A'Du fell into a deep sleep.

I curled up in front of her sick bed, and I didn't even lift my eyelids when anyone tried to persuade me. I wrapped my arms around myself, thinking wholeheartedly, as soon as A'Du's injury heals, I will wait for her to go back to Xiliang.

Li Cheng Yin came to see me. My clothes were covered in blood and my hair was tangled. He frowned and said, "Change clothes for the Crown Princess."

Yong Niang was very embarrassed. As soon as I took a step forward, I pulled out the golden knife and stared at her coldly.

Li Cheng Yin waved his hand, and all the people in the room retreated.

He walked right up to me, and I saw his boots through my loose hair, one step closer, one step closer... I was about to stab him, but he slowly bent down and sat down, looking at me.

I looked straight at him.

He whispered: "Xiao Feng, that person must be eliminated. His martial arts are extraordinary, and he was able to hold the king and escape from the army. I can't help but kill him..."

I didn't even get angry, just looked at him lightly.

"It's my fault to use you as bait, but I have no choice. Zhao Liangdi is the daughter of an aristocratic family, and both father and brother are important officials. I have to have a proper name to get rid of her. The Zhao family and Gao Xiang are in trouble, and Your Majesty is also a constraint for the Gao Party. , so I decided to overturn the case for the Chen family. Once the old case of the Chen family is reopened, Gao Ming will definitely be removed... Zhao Liangdi framed you again... I can only do it first... Now you can rest assured, the matter is over... "

What he said was too complicated for me to understand.

He spoke a lot more, mostly about the court situation. Taking advantage of the grievances in Yueniang's family ten years ago, they have been tracked all the way. Now the Gao family has been beheaded and the Zhao family has also been put to death. Zhao Liangdi poisoned Xu Baolin, but framed me. Donggong, committing suicide with shame... The Gao family used to support the queen. After the queen was abolished, these people tried to get Gao Guifei to win the throne again. The Zhao family is even more eager to move. These people have helped the queen to plot against his biological mother in the past. The harem will always repeat such intrigue and conspiracy... He avenged his mother, and he traced the people and things twenty years ago, the most proud thing he did in his life, that's how it was Bar

What Gao Xiang, what Zhao Family, what Gu Jian, and even Yue Niang.

I do not understand.

Especially when he mentioned Zhao Liangdi, his tone was like crushing an ant to death.

The woman with whom he had been in love for three years, the woman he used to be like a jewel.

Is it all about acting

Not even half a cent of kindness

I used to hate Zhao Liangdi, especially when she framed me. But at this moment, I just feel that she is very pitiful, really pitiful.

Li Cheng Yin's heart must be carved out of stone. Not to mention a person, even a cat or a dog, after raising it for three years, wouldn't have the heart to kill it... I thought things would change after three years, but the only thing that hasn't changed is him. No matter whether he has jumped into Wangchuan or not, whether he has forgotten everything, he will never forget his power, his conspiracy. He always does not hesitate to use the people around him and his emotions to achieve his own goals.

He stretched out his hand to touch my face.

I feel disgusted: "Go away!"

Li Chengyin said: "They won't hurt you. They are all sharpshooters in Yulin Langzhong. Pei Zhao personally urged that all those arrows fell on your side, and none of them would accidentally hurt you. I shouldn't have taken you. Taking risks, in fact, I regret it in my heart..."

"What about A'Du?" I looked at him coldly, "If A'Du and Gu Jian died together..."

He was startled again, and said, "Xiao Feng, A'Du is just a slave..."

I slapped him in the face with a slap, he didn't dodge, I was shaking with anger: "She protected me with her own life, she followed me all the way from Xiliang... In your eyes, A'Du is just a Slave, but in my heart she is my sister." I thought of Gu Jian, thought of him dying to save A'Du, thought of what he said, he said he couldn't make me sad any longer. Even Gu Jian knew that if A'Du died, I would also die of grief.

Li Cheng Yin stretched out his hand and hugged me, he said, "Xiao Feng, I like you. I was ill that day, and you kept holding my hand until you felt numb. At that time, I thought, in this world How can there be such a silly girl, but I never thought that I would like you, a silly girl. When you were captured by the assassin, I was really about to go crazy... At that time I thought, if I can't save you, I will What should I do... I've never been afraid... But when you came back, you said that you liked Gu Xiaowu, I know that Gu Xiaowu is Gu Jian, I'm so jealous that I'm going crazy. Yes, I don't want to let him die, because He is not only an assassin, but also Gu Xiaowu. Now Gu Xiaowu is dead, it's my fault, I shouldn't kill him, but Xiaofeng, I have no choice, no one can hurt you from now on, I promise you , you trust me once, okay?"

My tears fall on the backs of my own hands, why do I cry so much

When I jumped off the Forgotten River three years ago, all my thoughts were gone. I just wanted to forget this person forever. I finally really forgot about him. I only remember what happened after marrying Li Chengyin. He was so handsome, so gentle and refined, and so graceful. At that time, I wholeheartedly hoped that he would like me, even if he could smile at me occasionally, it would be good.

Now he is holding me in his arms and saying such infatuated words, but all of this is not what I want.

I shook my head and took my hand out of his: "He's not Gu Xiaowu, Gu Xiaowu is already dead."

Li Chengyin stared at me blankly, and after a long while he said, "I've already admitted my mistake, what else do you want?"

I felt very tired and really didn't want to talk anymore, I leaned my head on the pillar: "You used to like Zhao Liangdi so much, and you quarreled with me every day because of her. But now you tell me that you lied to her. Gao Xiang has the closest contact, but now he tells me that he is rebellious, so he is full of slaughter... You used to hate me the most, and you kept saying that you wanted to leave me, but now you say that you like me... people like you... How can you tell me trust you… "

Li Chengyin stopped for a while, but did not move: "Xiao Feng, I am the crown prince, so there are many things that I have to do."

I suddenly smiled: "Yes, if a person wants to be an emperor, he will inevitably be hard-hearted and cold-hearted."

When Gu Jian said this to me, I didn't take it to heart at all, but now I finally understand.

As a man approaches the throne of the emperor, he will abandon many, many passionate emotions. For example, the friendship between A’Du and I, he couldn’t understand because he didn’t. He had never given such trust to a person.

I asked: "If one day, I endanger your throne, your country, and your society, will you kill me?"

But Li Chengyin avoided talking: "Xiaofeng, a place more dangerous than the imperial palace is the East Palace, and even more difficult than being an emperor is being a prince... You don't know how hard my journey has been..."

I interrupted him: "Will you kill me one day too?"

He stared into my face and finally said, "No."

I smiled and said slowly, "You will."

I slowly said to him, "Did you know that there is a place called Wangchuan?"

He stared at me blankly.

"The water of forgetting river lies in forgetting love..." I turned around slowly, humming that familiar song all the way, "a fox sits on a sand dune... sitting on a sand dune, basking in the sun... ah... so It's not basking in the sun, it's waiting for a girl to ride by..."

I know that the Gu Xiaowu in my heart is truly dead.

Li Chengyin knew that Zhao Liangdi had sent someone to poison Xu Baolin with a slow poison, but he didn't show any signs of making a difference.

A woman who has had a skin-to-skin relationship with him has a life like a mustard.

Li Chengyin obviously only used Zhao Liangdi, but he could still love her like a sea every day.

The woman with whom he had a white-headed covenant is also like a mustard.

Li Chengyin knew that Zhao Liangdi was framing me, but he didn't make a sound at all, still watching me fall into danger step by step, but instead took advantage of this danger to lure Gu Jian to come and take the opportunity to kill Gu Jian.

He won't jump off Wangchuan with me again.

The Gu Xiaowu in my heart really died like this.

I stood beside A'Du in disarray. When her injuries worsened and she had a fever, I thought of Gu Jian. Last time, Gu Jian saved her, but this time, she didn't.

When A'Du's fever was at its worst, I also fell ill.

It was raining heavily that day, and I walked over the covered bridge with a basin of ice on my own. As a result, my foot slipped and I fell hard.

That fall only broke my forehead, but at night, I also had a fever.

A'Du was also having a fever, Li Cheng Yin said that A'Du gave me the sickness and wanted to move A'Du out. He said that I had just recovered from the disease, and I could no longer be infected by A'Du.

Who made A'du like this

I was so angry that I was guarding A'Du with the Golden Wrong Sword, and no one dared to come forward.

Li Cheng Yin was also angry and ordered someone to drag me away.

A'Du didn't know where he was sent. I was locked in the inner hall. I didn't have the strength to make trouble anymore. I wanted my A'Du, but A'Du doesn't know where to go now.