Eastern Palace

Chapter 40


I know that Li Cheng Yin glared at me, but I ignored him. Concubine Xian seemed very happy, and immediately ordered Aman to serve at my case. After the feast in the middle of the night, when she left the palace, she specially ordered someone to prepare a carriage to send Aman off and follow me behind my carriage.

Giving a banquet in the palace is a very tiring thing, especially with a heavy hairpin. The car was shaking so badly that it almost broke my neck. I took off the heavy hairpin and let out a slow sigh. I hope that such a day will never happen again in the future.

Finally, the car stopped, the curtain was lifted, and the little yellow doorman outside held a lantern and put a stool for me to get out of the car. As soon as I bowed, Li Chengyin suddenly dismounted from the horse, walked over angrily, and kicked the stool over. They were so frightened that the little yellow gates all retreated and knelt far away.

"What are you doing?" I asked impatiently.

As a result, he stretched out his arm, like an eagle catching a chicken, and grabbed me out of the car.

A'Du came to save me, but Pei Zhao silently reached out to stop her. Li Chengyin carried me on his shoulders, I yelled, and then saw A'Du and Pei Zhao fighting, Pei Zhao's skills were so good, A'Du couldn't rush over for a while. I scolded Li Chengyin, kicked and bitten, pinched his waist, and pulled off a piece of white jade embedded in his belt, but he walked forward on his own and carried me all the way into the Lizheng Hall. .


My head hit the porcelain pillow, it hurts! Li Cheng Yin threw me on the bed like he was throwing a bag of rice. I got up right away, and he pushed me down again with his arms out. I haven't fought for several months, and my hands and feet are really slow. The two of us were only close to dismantling the main hall. The waiter once poked his head at the door, but Li Chengyin threw a vase at him and almost hit him with a bang. Take the door with you. This fight left me out of breath and out of breath. By the end I was finally paralyzed there, not wanting to move at all. I stopped struggling, and Li Chengyin was much more gentle.

Li Cheng Yin still hugged me from behind. He seemed to like hugging people like this, but I always felt embarrassed when I put my pillow on his arm.

In fact, he was probably very tired too. His breath was tickling in my neck, and he was mumbling something, which was probably sweet talk to coax me.

I didn't say a word.

After a long time he didn't speak, I slowly looked back, he fell asleep with his head tilted.

I put my hand on his eyelids and he fell asleep, motionless.

I got up carefully, put on my underskirt first, and then opened the window. A'Du came in quietly and handed me a pair of scissors.

I sat under the lamp and began to cut my nails carefully.

Be careful not to blow the white powder out of your nails with your own breath.

This kind of ecstasy powder from the big food is really powerful, I just scratched a little of the skin on Li Cheng Yin's arm, and now he is sleeping like this.

After cutting my nails, I washed my hands again to make sure that none of the drugs were left, and then put on my night clothes again.

A'Du handed me the knife, and I looked at Li Cheng Yin who was asleep, just one knife, just a light knife in his neck, all the hatred would be dissipated.

He didn't sleep peacefully. Although it had the effect of a drug, his brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyelids moved slightly, and he seemed to be dreaming. I gently put the cold blade on his neck, he didn't feel it, as long as I put a little force on my hand, I could cut his throat.

The corners of his mouth moved slightly, as if he was in great pain in the dream. I exerted force little by little, and bloodshot oozing out from between the blades, which had already cut through his thin skin. The pain seemed to be felt in the dream, the muscles on the face began to twist, and the fingers moved slightly, as if trying to grasp something. He seemed to be yelling, but the sound was so soft that I could barely hear it.

My hand trembled, but the knife fell to the ground with a bang. A'Du thought Li Cheng Yin was awake, and hurriedly grabbed it. I covered my face with my hands.

I finally remembered, remembered that I fell into Wangchuan three years ago, but he jumped down after me, he held me, we fell rapidly in the wind... He held me and spun in the wind... He kept on I wanted to grab the stones on the mountain wall, but we fell too fast, and the chaotic gravel fell with us, like the stars falling from the sky like raindrops... It was like that night by the river, countless fireflies from Flying up between our sleeves, like a splendid star shower, illuminating my face and his face... He is the only one staring into my eyes... I meet again in my dreams again and again, I dream again and again See, but I didn't know that it was him.

Until I remembered what happened three years ago again, I couldn't remember what he said when the wind blew past my ears.

It turned out to be just this sentence: "I will forget with you."

The ice-cold clear water of Wangchuan rushed up to drown us. I was breathing hard in the water, and I swallowed and vomited in ice-cold water. He jumped down and tried to grab me, but in the end he just said this to me.

"I'll forget with you."

All the difficulties and dangers, all of them, he knew, and he felt sorry for me.

At the top of the Forgotten River, when he followed me and jumped down without hesitation, he actually wanted to forget everything like me.

He also clearly knew that Gu Xiaowu was already dead, and like me, he drowned in Wangchuan.

We are all lonely ghosts, and we have never been alive. I lived with three years of oblivion, and he used three years of oblivion to obliterate everything in the past.

In this world, who will suffer more than who

In this world, forgetting may always be happier than remembering.

A'Du picked up the knife and handed it to me again.

I don't have the courage to kill.

I stared at his face, even in a dream, he was just as distressed. The little prince he called him many years ago lived so pitifully, and he is still so pitiful now. In this East Palace, without any of his relatives, he is alone after all, living in this world, walking alone towards the throne. Go, all the emotions, all the enthusiasm, all the compassion and cherishing, all the way to give up. Maybe forgetting would be a better punishment for him, he'll never know that I once loved him that much.

I pulled A'Du and turned around.

Originally, Li Chengyin asked Pei Zhao to arrange more than a dozen masters by my side, but tonight I had a fight with Li Chengyin. Right out of the Lizheng Hall.

It has always been commonplace for us to get out of the East Palace. What's more, we planned for a long time this time. Not only did we get a clear picture of the time of the Yulin Army's patrols, but we also took advantage of the middle of June, when the servants of the East Palace were redeployed, and a very small side door was left. A'Du and I were dodging and dodging all the way along the palace wall. We were about to approach the small door when A'Du suddenly grabbed me.

I saw Yong Niang standing there alone, holding a lantern in her hand. The small lantern was swaying by the wind. She looked around from time to time, as if she was waiting for someone.

A'Du and I hid behind a clump of green bamboos. After a long time, Yong Niang was still standing there.

I pulled A'Du's sleeve, A'Du understood, slowly pulled out the Jin Cuo knife, and quietly walked towards Yong Niang.

Unexpectedly, Yong Niang suddenly sighed and sat down on her knees.

A'Du turned the back of the knife upside down and hit Yongniang's acupuncture point.

I stretched out my arms, hugged her stiff body, and whispered, "Yongniang, I'm leaving, but I will miss you."

In this East Palace, only Yong Niang, like A'Du, once took care of me meticulously.

The corners of Yong Niang's mouth were slightly opened, and her dumb hole was also sealed, so she couldn't make any sound. I hugged her again, and found that her chest was bulging, which made me ache. I didn't know what it was, but when I took it out, it turned out to be a bag of gold leaves. Yong Niang's eyes were still looking at me, her eyes slowly glowed with water, she blinked at me, my nose was sore, and I suddenly understood that she was waiting for me here.

This package of golden leaves was also what she planned to give to me.

I don't know what to say. In the past, she always forced me to endorse, forced me to learn the rules, forced me to do this and that, forced me to please Li Cheng Yin... So when I prepared the escape plan, I used to be very careful beware of her.

Unexpectedly, she had seen it long ago, but she did not report to Li Chengyin. If she really told Li Cheng Yin, we would never be able to leave.

In this East Palace, there are people who really treat me well.

A'Du tugged at my sleeve, and I knew that if I stayed a little longer, there would be an additional risk of being discovered. With tears in my eyes, I hugged Yongniang hard again, then pulled A'Du, and slipped out of that small door.

This door is reserved for handymen to go in and out. There is an alley outside the door. We turned over the alley, crossed many houses, and crossed the various squares of the East Market. Then we didn't get into the rice until it was almost dawn. Luo's wine shop.

Milo is waiting for us. She told us in a low voice: "The city gate going west must be checked tightly, so I'm afraid it won't be easy to get out. Today, a team of Korean ginseng merchants is going out of the city. They were going northeast. I bought the team leader. You can follow them out of the city. Those Goryeo people are short, so you won't be suspicious." She had already prepared Goryeo's clothes, hats and beards, and Adu and I were dressed up. Get up, put on a Goryeo shirt, glue on a beard, and finally put on a Goryeo hat, and look in the bronze mirror, they are simply two small Goryeo businessmen.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, people were walking around in the street market, and the inn was bustling with excitement. The shop next door opened the floor, the proprietress was brushing her teeth with a poplar branch, and the fat boss was yawning and talking to Milo. Those Goryeo people also came downstairs, speaking Goryeo words that were fast and tongue-tied. Since Pei Kuang, the general of the cavalry, pacified Goryeo, the trade between the Central Plains and Goryeo has become more frequent.

We ate pancakes and made breakfast with Korean merchants, then packed up and prepared to go on the road. This group of Koryo merchants had a horse team of more than 100 horses. They came from Korea to sell ginseng and medicinal materials, and then from Shangjing to sell silk tea back to Korea. The cavalry waited in the yard to be loaded, boxes of goods being hunched on horseback. The copper bells hanging around the horses' necks clattered... Caught in the noisy Goryeo dialect, it was lively and noisy.

A'Du and I each rode a horse, and we were mixed in with the Goryeo merchants' cavalry and followed them out of the city. The gate of the city was indeed checked very strictly. Someone told us that there were fugitives lost in the Tianjiao in the city, so all nine gates were checked more strictly. Of course, the most stringent one was the gate to the west. Those who were a little suspicious were detained and sent to Jingzhao Yin Yamen. A'Du and I have ghosts in our hearts. The so-called lost and fugitives probably refers to me and A'Du.

Because everyone had to be questioned, the queue at the gate of the city was getting longer and longer, and I was anxious. It was our turn with great difficulty, and the captain guarding the city seriously checked the customs clearance letter, counted our number, and frowned, "Why are there two more people?"

The leader of the Goryeo made a gesture for a while, with half-familiar Central Plains dialect in between, so that the guards at the city gate understood that they met two companions from their hometown in Shangjing. They were originally detained in Shangjing before the war. , so plan to go back together.

The man said: "No, there are fourteen people on the letter, so there can only be fourteen people, and there can be no more than one."

I suddenly had a brainstorm and pointed to myself and A'Du, imitating the blunt accent of the Korean people in the Central Plains: "The two of us, stay. They're leaving."

The colonel looked at us for a while, then thought for a while, returned the letter to the leader, then pointed to the other two Koreans behind us, and said, "The two of them, stay. You can go."