Eastern Palace

Chapter 48: Extra 2 I don't believe that there are white heads in the world (4)


Pei Zhao heard the sound of horses' hooves gradually receding in the night, and couldn't help but sighed in annoyance.

He and Li Chengyin are both monarchs and confidants. They grew up together since childhood, and the tacit understanding between the two is naturally extraordinary. It can be said that this Highness's thoughts, he can always guess seven or eight points. Tonight, he took the risk of the world and asked twice, that is, his friendship.

It's just that the emperor's family, where can there be any room for that little affection.

This time, the west came to have a comprehensive plan, and the Central Plains has always focused on strategy and sought the perfect strategy. Using soldiers together is not boring, so all aspects are considered carefully.

Pei Zhao has always been serious, but this time, for some reason, he didn't send a letter to his father in Beijing, or even told anyone.

Even he didn't understand why.

A few days ago, he pretended to be a trader and went to see Li Chengyin in the warehouse, but there was no one in the house, only the gerbils Aba and Axia were eating beans in the cage. When he saw the ladder down, he knew that people were on the roof. , then go up the escalator. There was a rack full of tea cakes hanging on the roof. The nine princesses were probably tired from playing. She leaned against the rack and fell asleep with her cat in her arms. Li Chengyin sat next to her and covered her from the sun with his sleeves. A cat slept soundly, but the man with his sleeves stretched out with a smile on his lips, looking sideways at the sleeping man.

The sun is as big as the two people's shadows are short, shrunk into a ball, like two children snuggling.

Pei Zhao didn't disturb him, and quietly stepped back from the ladder. The warehouse was full of coolness, exuding the faint aroma of tea leaves. He brewed tea for himself, and after eating it, the roof was still silent, as if there was no sign of it. people at. The sunlight slowly moved through the pane, and Pei Zhao understood in his heart how short this breath was and how long this breath was. At this moment, why break the shallow dream of the day.

Especially, this shallow dream is so easy to wake up.

In the dream, does Li Chengyin really hope that he is Gu Xiaowu, a tea seller

Probably, even he himself does not know.

When Gu Xiaowu caught a hundred fireflies by the river in the camp of the Jieshuo King's tent, the princess's eyes seemed to reflect star waves.

The two of them stood in the middle of countless soaring fireflies, just like standing in the Tianhe, with countless meteors passing lightly.

Make a wish, when you see a shooting star.

Li Cheng Yin suddenly remembered what she once said, still carrying a childish look, and told him seriously that by quickly tying the belt into a knot, his wish would come true.

He couldn't help but want to tie the belt in a knot, but if he tied it wrongly, he couldn't tie it. She stretched out her hand from the side, scolded him with a smile, "Idiot!" and tied the belt into a knot for him.

He had forgotten what wish he wanted to make, and the glowing fireflies flew beside her face, and even a firefly stopped in her hair, twinkling like a brightest, little night pearl.

He didn't know how to be so bold, so he suddenly kissed her on the face. The Ninth Princess was probably frightened, and after a while, she ran away.

"Hey, you promised to marry me!"

He shouted from a distance behind.

She was probably shy and didn't turn her head back. She covered her ears and ran faster. She ran about half an arrow away, then suddenly turned back and took Xiaoxue, who was sleeping late, out of his jacket. Xiaoxue Mimi screamed, poking her fingers sleepily, not understanding what was going on. He took the opportunity to grab her hand: "the cat is mine, what are you taking it for?"

"Nonsense!" The princess, probably because of her guilty conscience, made a righteous appearance, "Xiaoxue is mine, what you gave me is mine, and besides, this is my dowry."

She turned her head and ran away.

In the palm of the hand, there is still a delicate residual warmth, and I don't know whether it was left by Xiaoxue or her.

He didn't know why, but he touched his face with that warm hand.

She had never kissed him, but she promised to marry him.

He knew that she agreed with sincerity.

Gu Xiaowu agreed.

Gu Xiaowu, a former tea dealer in Central China.

He stood in the evening wind, looking back at the river bank, the little fireflies scattered, like a hazy dream that was gradually dissipating. There was a long singing voice in the distance. It was from Jiexuo, singing a love song in front of the beloved girl's tent.

The river flowed rushingly, like a pale silver yarn under the starry sky. He sat by the river for a long, long time, until the dew fell, the moon slanted to the west, and little by little the fireflies dissipated and could no longer be seen.

On the day of the wedding, when Pei Zhao led a heavy army in ambush outside, there was a trace of anxiety in the bottom of his heart.

Behind him, there are hundreds of thousands of heroic soldiers, fierce and fierce, everyone is excited and ready for the upcoming battle.

But he thought, His Highness will not miss the appointment, will he

This thought flashed through his mind like lightning, but then disappeared like lightning. He thought, if he really didn't come, His Highness would only be a tea dealer in Xiliang. Thinking of this, for some unknown reason, it was obviously a terrible thing, but deep in his heart, he felt a little vague. look forward to.

However, if it is really such a nonsense, I am afraid that it will be a huge disaster. When the emperor is angry, millions of corpses will be buried, and blood will be shed for thousands of miles.

In the end, when Li Cheng Yin introduced Jie Shuo's elite soldiers into the siege as promised, Pei Zhao didn't know whether he was silently relieved or sighed silently in the bottom of his heart.

That bloody battle was the most severe battle Pei Zhao had ever experienced. Jieshuo was fierce in nature and would not surrender. A 400,000-strong army surrounded the Jieshuo clan. The battle lasted for several days. The people's position was chaotic, but they were still quite capable of fighting.

The whereabouts of the Ninth Princess were also unknown in the chaos, and Yulin Lang reported that he saw her beheaded to death by the chaotic army. When Pei Zhao heard the news, he felt so good. It's just that there are corpses all over the place, piled up, and the flesh and blood are blurred. At the moment, it is impossible to distinguish the authenticity of the news, and it is unknown which corpse is the nine princesses of Xiliang.

After a great victory, at night, the Mohu people set up camp. Pei Zhao was very cautious and set up camp further upstream in the river.

It was getting dark, and fireflies were floating by the river.

Li Cheng Yin sat by the river and watched the fireflies fly quietly like shooting stars.

Pei Zhao approached slowly and called out "His Royal Highness".

Li Cheng Yin didn't make a sound, he stretched out his hand and caught a sparkling firefly. The firefly was on and off in his hand, like a small lantern that was about to go out. Yes, a heart, beating to the death.

Pei Zhao said: "His Royal Highness didn't have dinner, and I have to march tomorrow..."

Li Cheng Yin stretched out his hand, and the firefly struggled to fly up, swaying, and finally flew higher, and gradually flew with the fireflies by the river. The river water reflects the stars in the sky, shaking the stars, so that people can't tell which ones are fireflies and which ones are stars.

"Azhao..." He finally spoke, his voice was like a little firefly, as if the wind could blow it away, he said, "Am I very timid, she is dead, I am Don't dare to look at it."

Pei Zhao didn't know what to say. He was holding a piece of flax cake in his hand, and Li Chengyin had not eaten for a day. He originally wanted to persuade him, but at this moment, he felt unable to speak.

Li Chengyin's voice became even softer: "Xiaofeng and Xiaoxue will never be separated. She clearly wanted to say that Xiaofeng and Xiaowu will never be separated, but I was timid and just pretended not to know. Ah Zhao, it turns out that I am such a timid person."

Pei Zhao said, "His Royal Highness..." He was about to persuade him when a loud commotion came over. Then, a Yulin Lang rushed over on his horse and shouted from a distance, "General!" , "Princess Xiliang has escaped! Our men have chased after more than a hundred miles, and they are already catching up! Send me back to report!"

Pei Zhao couldn't help but be startled, and turned to look at Li Chengyin, only to see that he had never heard of it, Yu Linlang repeated it again, and Li Chengyin said, "If that's the case, then go after him." He He even smiled, "Leave my horse, I'll go after it myself."

"His Royal Highness!" Pei Zhao stopped him calmly, "His Royal Highness has been tired for days, let the last commander lead someone to chase him."

Li Chengyin stared at him for a while, as if he didn't recognize him. After a while, he nodded, "Then you can go."

Pei Zhao bowed his hands as a salute, and was hurriedly waiting to turn around, but he heard Li Cheng Yin's voice soft and slow, and said, "Don't kill her."

Pei Zhao faintly had this plan in his heart, and after hearing his remarks, he had no choice but to respond.

Pei Zhao led his men to chase for six days and six nights. The soldiers were divided into four groups, chasing and blocking, and finally all the people caught the desperate ninth princess. She was finally captured alive and sent to the central army tent.

She fled for several days, her body was covered in blood, her hair was disheveled, but she was as alert as a small beast, her eyes were wide open, and her hands were tied by beef tendons, but they were held in front of her chest, as if she was protecting something. . Pei Zhao looked at it for a long time, only to realize that she was protecting the cat. The snow-white mass was so hungry that it was powerless to even cry.

I don't know how she escaped from the chaotic army, and she was in a hurry with this cat.

The cat's ears were covered with blood, and she didn't know whether it was her injury or the blood on someone else's body. At this moment, she hugged the cat and glared at Pei Zhao fiercely.