Eastern Palace

Chapter 51: Extra 3 Yuanyang tile Lengshuang Huazhong (1)


In the evening, there is no lantern, the sky is dark and unclear, there are dragonflies in the yard, flying around, flying very low, the hosta flowers under the steps are blooming, and there are dragonflies gently parked on the flower branches, only the flowers and leaves are shaking. Do not shake.

It was sultry like a thunderstorm.

People sitting under the porch will sweat quietly.

Awu was afraid that I couldn't think of it, so he sat silently beside me and shook a fan for me.

I can't help but think of when I was seven or eight years old, when I was a carefree child, and Awu was the same, always sitting next to me, swinging a fan for me, watching me read and write.

The summer days are long, and because I saw the white fan in A Wu's hand, I wrote poems about the fan on the thin silk.

"Cut the acacia fan, and the reunion is like the bright moon. Entering and exiting the sleeves of your arms, shaking the breeze."

Originally, it was just for the sake of things, but I didn't expect that when A Wu saw it, his expression changed greatly, and he said to me with a serious look: "Little lady can't write this poem again."

I looked at Awu in confusion.

A Wu said: "This poem is not good."

I also remember the second half of the poem: I am always afraid that the autumn festival will come, and the coolness will take away the heat. In abandoning the donation basket, the middle way of kindness is absolute.

It was the "Tuan Fan Song" by Ban Jieyu of the former Han Dynasty. Ban Jieyu was a famous talented woman and a famous concubine, but she did not end well. When he was favored, he tremblingly refused to accompany the emperor, and after falling out of favor, he lived in the Changxin Palace. There were only a few words in the scroll, which made people imagine that such a woman lived and wrote poetry.

I don't actually mind.

Because I will be a queen in the future.

Being a queen is naturally different from being a concubine.

Being a concubine without divine favor means nothing, so you have to worry about gains and losses. The queen is the wife who wants to stand side by side with the supreme emperor.

Not only me, but my father is also very promising.

We Guan Long Zhao's family is noble, and we are naturally qualified to enter the harem.

When I was thirteen years old, I met Li Chengyin, King of Jin for the first time.

Among the many sons of the Son of Heaven, he is the most special one.

His biological mother died early, and he was raised in the middle palace since childhood, and he was the adopted son of the queen.

My father once said in private: "It's a pity that it's not the Queen's own birth, so it's a layer apart."

The emperor has several outstanding sons. I know that the king of Jin is not very fond of the emperor.

Concubine Shu, the biological mother of King Jin, is a secret legend in the palace. People whispered about her because she used to be one step away from the back seat. The middle palace has no children, and Concubine Shu is also a smart person. No one who has seen her does not praise her for being smart. She can guess every moment of the emperor's intentions. It is rumored that the emperor once gave her the letterless paper, and she calmly wrote or painted the original paper, sealed it and sent it back to the original envoy, all of which made the emperor satisfied.

At that time, she was like a bright moon, shining brightly in the harem. Although it is not as scorching as the sun, when the bright moon is in the sky, the stars are dim.

If she has a few more years, she will definitely replace the queen.

And she died.

In the harem, wise people do not always live long.

Especially ambitious smart people.

Therefore, sometimes hiding clumsiness is also a kind of real wisdom.

King Jin is such a truly wise man.

He is not brilliant, and he is not expected by the Son of Heaven. He is not outstanding among the brothers.

But I know that this is a real smart man.

When my father was still hesitating between the King of Jin and the other kings, I said, I want to marry the King of Jin.

My father asked me, but I thought about it.

I nodded.

In fact, my father did not know, I had met King Jin once.

It wasn't intentional, it was just that my brother and I went out to see Sheliu, and people said that it was King Jin, so I immediately looked back.

He also rode a horse, held a bow, and smiled and talked to the people around him.

I also know the person around him, A Zhao, the little prince of the Pei family.

Pei Zhao has always been known as the Jade Man. Because he was born handsome and elegant, there are quite a few stories about him in the boudoir.

Unexpectedly, the King of Jin and him were on a par with him, and the two walked side by side, like two lotus arrows born in the summer, each other shining brightly. I suddenly thought that His Majesty was born with such a good face, Concubine Shu was a famous beauty, and it was only natural that King Jin was so handsome.

The drum sounded again, and it was King Jin's turn to shoot the willows. I couldn't help but rein in the horse, intending to take a look at his ability.

The King of Jin rode his horse while holding his bow, as if he had accidentally shot an arrow.

That arrow was not extremely brilliant, but it was not biased, and it hit the gourd tied to the willow branch. , King Jin covered his forehead with his hand, raised his head and looked at the oriole that was flying higher and higher, the sun reflected on his cheek, and the sweat on his face was as crystal clear as dew dripping on a jade plate.

I watched him look into the sky, and for some reason, I felt that he was far away from me, like a distant dream. Obviously he was only a few feet away from me. I feel unconvinced, because from childhood to adulthood, there is nothing that I can't grasp.

I don't know why there is such a fuss in my heart. Maybe it was because the sun was hot that day, and the proud eyes of the young man were all faintly hidden here, as if he was inadvertently. The golden thread on the top shone in the sunlight, and his whole person seemed to be shimmering as well.

I think it's him.

The historian tasted the appearance of Emperor Taizong's sun and moon, and the posture of dragon and phoenix.

I couldn't figure out what that was like until I saw King Jin.

I am determined to marry him.

My father hesitated a bit, but I calmly said, if King Jin is the crown prince, I will be the crown princess.

I know that the family is still a little bit half-hearted, but fortunately, King Jin looks from the bright side, because he is the adopted son of the middle palace, he is the closest to the crown prince.

All I need is that the family sees the opportunity to help him and push him into that position.

Father was still hesitating, but King Jin turned out to be smarter than I thought.

Of course, because King Wei made a big mistake.

King Wei couldn't hold his breath, the emperor was still alive and well, so he couldn't wait to stretch out his hand so long, and even tried to frame his brother, how could the emperor tolerate him.

The snipe and clam competed for the fisherman's profit, and the King of Jin easily became the biggest winner.

For a time, he looked at everyone in China.

I secretly rejoiced at my vision. I knew that my father had made goodwill to King Jin several times. King Jin, oh no, he is now His Royal Highness, and he is quite interested in marrying the daughter of the Zhao family.

I didn't think that it was the queen who flourished.

She was probably very reluctant to see me become the Crown Princess, so she secretly instructed the courtiers, skillfully pushed the task of pacifying the Western Regions to the Crown Prince, and then made a personal plan.

I really couldn't take this breath, so I sent someone privately and asked the prince to meet.

I knew the prince would come, and sure enough, he made the appointment as scheduled.

In fact, it was the first time we really met. In order to hide people's eyes and ears, I was wearing a long hat, and through the gauze that covered my face, I saw him standing by the jade railing in front of the courtyard well and smiled at me.

He smiled very nicely, as if the sun that day was shining on his face again, his face as fair as white jade was shining brightly.

I couldn't think of anything to say to him for a while. There was a tree of apricot flowers in the corner of the courtyard. With a bang, the oriole flew up, circled and fell again, still pecking at the petals.

I suddenly thought of the oriole that day when the willow was shot. I don't know where it flew. Could it be the one in front of me

Originally, I was very courageous. I thought a lot about what to say to him, but I don't know why I really saw him, and suddenly I felt that I didn't need to say anything.

He really understood my mind.

He broke an apricot flower for me and said, "Please don't worry, little lady."

I took the apricot flower, which was elegant and fragrant, and the apricot flower in the hairpin was also a good omen. I finally said: "I only hope that the flag of Langjun will be victorious and return to the court as soon as possible."

I embroidered a pair of arm guards for him. I have done a little bit of hard work in the needle scorpion, and I have some reputation among the boudoirs. After all, the queen will sacrifice silkworms in person.

My small characters are embroidered on the inside of the armguard, the words Thurse.

The Crown Prince is an elegant man, and he is also a sympathetic man, because the next day, he ordered someone to bring me a bunch of pearls. Those pearls were so blue and lovely that I ordered them to wear them as bead curtains. Even when I saw my rich father, who was used to seeing wealth and honor, he was very happy. Quite shocking. After all, it was more expensive and luxurious than pearls, a treasure from distant foreign tributes.

This action of the prince naturally regarded me as a jewel and a pearl, and my father was also very satisfied.

Someone in the court deliberately embarrassed the prince and asked him to lead the Yulin army to the Western Regions. Those Yulin Lang were all the sons and daughters of powerful and powerful people in the capital, so they could fight, but without frowning, he took Pei Zhao and several thousand Yulin to the west of the capital.

I just waited for news in Beijing.

The Western Regions are so far away, thousands of miles away, and it will take a few months to get there. When I go back and forth, even if I forget about it, I can only look at the wild geese in the sky.

In ancient times, letters were tied to the feet of wild goose, and they were passed on for thousands of miles.

But I can't write to him.

I don't know if he is safe, or if he has pacified the states in the Western Regions.

Until Pei Zhao sent his horse to Beijing.

Only then did I know that something happened to him in the Western Regions, he stumbled and fell into a cliff, his life and death unknown.

It's amazing, I'm not panicking, the person I like is naturally destiny, I don't believe that he will be so lucky.

Besides, how could the military guards fall off the cliff? I don't believe the vague words in Pei Zhao's biography. I know that someone must be plotting against the prince and plotting his life.

But he grew up so peacefully in the deep palace, I don't believe he would be tricked.

Sure enough, His Royal Highness returned safely.

However, he also brought back a woman, who is said to be the princess of Xiliang.

All the officials in the court had their own thoughts, but it was a great achievement for the prince to pacify the Western Regions. The officials persuaded the emperor not to make the foreign woman the crown prince, and some people proposed to marry the princess of Xiliang to the king of Huainan. I know that my father is also working secretly, and no one wants the position of the crown princess to fall on the head of a foreign woman.

I know that I am afraid that this matter will be difficult to harmonize, because the emperor is unpredictable, and sure enough, His Majesty quickly decreed that the princess of Xiliang will be married to the crown prince and become the crown prince.

My father was very disappointed and asked me, "A-nun, do you still want to marry the crown prince?"

I know that as long as I say a word, someone will naturally get rid of the Princess Xiliang for me. She lives in a post house. The maid was still dumb, and no matter what method was used, it was always very easy to make Princess Xiliang die silently before the wedding.

I hesitated, not because I felt sorry for Princess Xiliang's life, but because I was worried that the emperor felt that our Zhao family's hand was too long.

The Son of Heaven would not tolerate King Wei, and he would not tolerate a courtier playing this trick in front of him.

I persuaded my father to forget it. As for whether to marry the crown prince, I decided to see him.

After a year, the prince seems to have changed a lot, but nothing seems to have changed. He just became pale and thin. It is said that he was seriously injured in the Western Regions, and his life was almost on the line. But now, he has recovered, but still has a faint look of tiredness.

I felt subtly that he seemed to be a little further away from me. I can't tell, it's just a woman's intuition. Although he still treats me kindly, I always feel that he does not have me in his eyes, his eyes always seem to be looking through me, looking at another place.

He still gave me a tumbler.

I smiled and said, "You have already given me a dendrobium."

He said, "This dendrobium is for you to string together as a rabbit."

I didn't know that Thurse could string together a rabbit, but he suddenly became interested, and ordered someone to bring a needle and thread and show it to me in person.

The prince is very serious about playing such children's games. The rabbits strung together seem to be realistic, and the eyes are made of black agate beads, which are simply vivid.

He tied the knot and held the little, clear green rabbit in his hand to show me, and he smiled and said, "Look, it's done."

I've never heard him speak so softly, as if he were a different person. My heart suddenly rejoiced, at this moment he was no longer so alienated, so unreachable, but approachable, especially his eyes, looking at me pulse and pulse, he said: "It's fun, wait until tomorrow. I'll give you another pair of live bunnies, you can compare them to see if they look like them."

I put the beaded rabbit in front of the curtain, and the candles flickered at night, so that both the beaded curtain and the rabbit were full of green. I crouched down on the mat and looked at the beaded rabbit, the light shone its shadow into a small ball, rather like a little mouse, the candle flame flickered, the shadow grew longer, and the rabbit's ears in the shadow became longer Now, it's not like a mouse anymore, it's like a rabbit. I thought of Li Chengyin bowing his head and stringing beads. He was so serious and careful. He dressed every bead carefully. For some reason, I felt soft in my heart, and finally decided to marry Li Chengyin.

Even if I can only be a good Di, I know that the Crown Princess is nothing but a false name.

Sure enough, that Crown Princess really had a false name.

The crown prince disliked the Xiliang woman very much, and never looked at her directly.

On the contrary, I persuaded the prince from time to time that it was always acceptable in terms of face, and perfunctory one or two.