Eastern Palace

Chapter 54: Extra 3 Yuanyang tile Lengshuang Huazhong (4)


I knelt there and listened to my own voice and said, "Your Highness is so suspicious of me?"

This scene was really ridiculous.

The loyal Lu Erlang was killed in the downtown area and silenced.

My father panicked, and it took a lot of effort to get in touch with me again.

My father also wanted to kill the Crown Princess, so I said indifferently, "If the Crown Prince is not happy, please don't try again."

I think the prince is more and more like the emperor, they are all the kind of people who don't make a sound, but are completely in the chest.

He is the person who will be the emperor in the future, how can he not be like his father.

The father was not reconciled, and he made the last attempt, and the result was that he lost everything.

I was expelled from the East Palace, claustrophobic in a secluded palace room.

The situation at home, I guess also guessed.

His father was beheaded for the crime of treason, all the males in the family over the age of 12 were killed, and those under the age of 12 were exiled for thousands of miles. As for the women, under the nest, An has finished eggs.

The rain finally started, I stretched out my fan to pick it up, and the water droplets fell on Bai Wan's fan and quickly spread out, like a cloud of tears.

A Wu said: "Little lady, don't be worried, His Royal Highness may be angry for a while, and besides, there are adults outside to help, so it won't make the little lady embarrassed. There are times of misfortune, and bad luck turns into good luck."

I was lazy and didn't want to talk.

Awu doesn't know what's going on outside, I've already lost my family.

Where will the bad luck turn into good luck, the best moment of my life has passed.

Fortunately, this life is not long, and the remaining days are not too difficult.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and some of the rain floated under the eaves and landed on my clothes, soaking my clothes and sticking to my skin.

I looked down and saw the red mark on my chest. It was the burn from eating crabs with the Crown Princess. After the injury was healed, this red mark was left, like a flower.

What was I thinking at that time, the princess is really pitiful.

Unexpectedly, the most pitiful person was me.

The rain was rushing, and it was getting heavier and louder. The leaves of the plantains were cracked and cracked. I sat by the window and watched the sky finally darken.

it's dark.

Li Chengyin came after nightfall. I originally thought that I would never see him again in this life.

However, he still came, with a cool rain.

I looked at him with a bit of disappointment.

He looked calm and sat down before the case.

"I know you want to see me," he said.

I said, "Thank you, Your Highness."

That being said, I'm too lazy to even owe a debt. What etiquette, what respect, I don't care anymore.

Awu looked at me nervously, and I waved her down.

She was very disturbed and looked back at me frequently.

I hardened my heart not to look at her, but just smiled and stared at Li Cheng Yin. Awu may feel that the arrival of the prince is an opportunity, and I may have the opportunity to beg his forgiveness and return to the East Palace.

The East Palace is really a distant and unfamiliar place.

The attendants held candles, all the lights in the room were lit, and they were claustrophobic here for many days, and it seemed that it had never been so bright.

Under the light of the candles, Li Chengyin's face was still so bright.

I suddenly remembered his biological mother, Concubine Shu.

In the harem, a woman like the bright moon.

What will she think before she dies

The youngest son who is waiting to be fed is still the grace she has received, and all the jealousy of the sixth palace.

It was the huge, terrible secret that ultimately killed her.

The attendants brought wine and food, just like the countless nights spent in the East Palace before, I sat opposite him and ate together.

Tonight's dishes are all my favorites.

It's hard for him to remember.

I held the chopstick, ate a little, and put it down.

He asked, "Don't use any more?"

I shook my head.

The attendants were all out, and the lights were on me and him.

The shadow is still reflected in one place, but it is as intimate as ever.

I remembered many, many days in the past. After dinner, he would sometimes read a book, and I would snuggle quietly beside him, watching the dark night outside the window and the moon rising gradually.

The moonlight shone on the two of us, and I lay quietly on his lap. It was so quiet back then.

In spring, when apricot flowers bloom outside the curtain, he will break a flower and put it on my hairpin for me. In summer, I cover his face with lotus leaves, he will open it with a smile and use lotus petals to make incense for me. In autumn, watch chrysanthemums and eat crabs. It snowed in winter, and the two of them leaned against the smoked cage, listening to the rustling of the falling snow outside the curtain.

At that time, I wholeheartedly believed that the person in front of me was my beloved. Heaven and earth, never bear each other, never forget each other, life after life, a pair of lovers.

How crazy, how crazy.

Up to now, it is really the beginning of a big dream, and I look around in a daze.

I suddenly smiled and said, "His Royal Highness is willing to come to see me, I'm afraid I want to ask about the old affairs of Concubine Shu."

After all, I know what the Zhao family did back then.

"That doesn't matter anymore," he said lightly.

Yeah, that doesn't matter anymore. He has already avenged his revenge, no matter what he did after the abolition, no matter what the Zhao family did, it was no longer important.

That old incident was just an excuse for him. What he wants is to kill the people who should be killed, eliminate the forces that should be eliminated, and secure the position of the prince until the future, to hold the world in his hands.

I said, "His Royal Highness is really a person who refuses to be cold-hearted. I thought that His Highness had already cut off all emotions and six desires. If I hadn't seen His Highness hold the cat in the water with my own eyes, I would have thought that His Highness would not even hate it so directly and simply. "

He was not moved by my words at all. What if Xiaoxue drowned himself, anyway, the Crown Princess would never know.

But I know, but I won't tell her.

That stupid girl, just let her live in her own stupidity.

I said, "Does Your Highness think that if she kills that cat, she will not like General Pei? If she likes a person, it won't change just because she loses something."

The prince remained silent.

I smiled, suddenly feeling hopeless.

"His Royal Highness gave me cold medicine for three years, just to prevent me from having children. Your Highness is so cold and cold, and he likes the Crown Princess, does he like it so fiery?"

I originally thought that he secretly ordered people to put medicine in my diet to prevent me from having children, because he was wary of the queen, because he was afraid that it would be difficult to be comprehensive and hurt my heart.

But it turned out that, all along, I was self-indulgent.

The prince remained silent. Even if I mentioned the Crown Princess, he still didn't want to look at me.

I think there is no need to say more.

I asked him, "Is there any wine?"

Obviously there is a pot on the case, but I just asked him.

He was silent for a moment, about a breath, before he raised his hand and gave a crisp high five.

Just like when he was still in the East Palace, the crown prince didn't like being surrounded by too many people, and every time he came, he would turn away everyone. At that time I felt very happy, just me and him together, how wonderful.

Sometimes in the middle of the night when I was thirsty and wanted to drink a cup of water, he would give high fives like this, and the waiters outside the hall would sneak in and follow our instructions.

At this juncture, I always think of these irrelevant little things.

High-fives could be heard far away in the night, and the sound of rain was just outside the curtain. How could the rain this summer be so long and mournful, it was like the autumn rain, pattering.

There are distant footsteps approaching.

Someone held a lacquer plate and brought a jug of wine in a celadon bottle, which smelled very fragrant.

The man respectfully put the wine on the table, and then bowed out.

From beginning to end, it seemed that he didn't even look at me.

I reached for the bottle and poured myself a glass.

My fingers were shaking slightly, but luckily the wine didn't spill.

I looked at the wine in the glass, it looked like a good wine, the wine was amber, the Lanling wine tulip, and the jade bowl was filled with amber light. I raised my glass and drank it without hesitation.

In the throat, it just feels strong.

I remembered a long, long time ago, when I first entered the East Palace, and the Crown Prince ordered me to temporarily live in the Congyu Building, which is not far from the Lizheng Hall where he lived. I was very happy with this arrangement.

Cong Yulou was originally an interesting place to enjoy the rain. In the hot summer, a canal was dug and a waterwheel was installed. When the summer was high, the water from the car in the canal was poured on the roof tiles, and it was like a waterfall, cool and refreshing.

What I like the most is the mandarin duck tiles on the Congyu Building, each of which is engraved with the mandarin duck pattern.

Every piece of mandarin duck tile has been washed by the clear stream of the waterwheel, so clean and spotless, like black jade, it is clear.

What was I thinking then

You are like the moon in the sky, and you are like flowers in the water. [1]

Accompanying each other like shadows.

But it turned out that the mandarin duck tile is cold and frosty, and who is the emerald quilt cold

The poison was slowly attacking, and when I looked out of my eyes, I could no longer see his figure. Mengyao saw that he seemed to be standing up and turned to leave me.

I know I will never see him again in this life.

This separation is really painful and long.

I held the table, blood poured out of my mouth and nose, the death so close at hand didn't make me sad, I felt relieved.

In fact, there were originally three things that I wanted to tell the prince.

I know that he killed the cat, but he forced me and the Zhao family to deal with it, and finally expelled me from the East Palace.

I know that he made me take the herbal medicine for three years in order to prevent me from becoming pregnant, so when Xu Niang was happy, I was so angry and misguided.

I know that even so, I can't help but love him, like it's been a long, long time ago.

But the last thing, after all, could not be said.

So be it.

The blood gushed faster and stained the clothes instantly. My eyes gradually lost sight of anything, and I couldn't control my body, so I fell down and knocked over the food table.

Suddenly thought of the princess.

She somehow learned to eat crabs or not.

I don't know why I think of her, maybe because she was sad for a long time when I heard that Xu Baolin died. I wonder if she will be sad after I die.

In the East Palace, if there is someone who really feels sorry for me, it's probably her.

The rain was rumbling, I gradually lost my hearing, and the world finally fell silent.


[1] Quoted from the lyrics of "Treading Song".