Eastern Palace

Chapter 58: Extra 5 A full rack of roses and incense (1)


Amu came back from hunting and gave me a bunch of wild roses.

This kind of flower is very delicate, and the petals will fall off when you touch it a little. I hurriedly ordered the flowers to be placed in a crystal vase. Although this kind of flower was born in the mountains, it has a fragrant fragrance and a unique style.

In the evening, my mother came to talk to me, saw this bottle of wildflowers, asked about the calendar, and learned that it was given to me by Amu, she couldn't help smiling: "Your Majesty is joking with you."

I pretended not to understand her.

I'm the only girl in the family, with seven or eight older brothers, my father got me when he was forty years old, so he was naturally spoiled. When I was a child, I hung out with boys, fought naughty, and there were all kinds of things. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I beat up King Qi, who molested people's women, on the street. King Qi, who was lustful and daring, found out that I was Pei Yu's daughter, so he gave me the nickname "Wild Rose", which means it's fragrant and white, but it's a pity.

After going back and forth, this nickname was called. Of course I didn't take it seriously, but my father was so angry that he felt that I would really not be able to marry in the future, so he decided to cure my temper, locked me at home, and invited me to Several gentlemen came to teach me, forcing me to learn how to write and write, and almost bored me.

In the end, the late emperor saved me. When I was fourteen years old, I was hired as a prince concubine, and I heard the late emperor jokingly said: "Pei Qing doesn't have to worry, day after day he sighs that it is difficult for a young lady to marry, and marrying my family as a bride is just a matter of already."

When my father received the decree, he almost fainted. Although he was worried that it would be difficult for me to marry, he never thought of marrying me into the emperor's family, especially since the late emperor only had one son, and Amu was the prince, and he would be the emperor in the future. of. No matter how my father looked at me, he felt that I could not be a good princess, let alone a queen.

But the emperor's decree had already been issued, and my father would condone me again, but he couldn't resist the decree, so he had to invite more masters to teach me, trying to teach me reluctantly before returning home.

To be honest, I didn't even think about marrying Amu because I knew him too well. My second brother, Pei Zhongan, was a student in the East Palace and grew up with the prince. The prince has no other brothers, only one younger sister, Princess Chaoyang. The late emperor always loved Chaoyang, so he often announced me to enter the palace to play with Chaoyang. When I was a child, I often saw the prince and often bullied him, but soon I was no longer his opponent, because he was a boy and he was stronger than me. We fought countless times. There were countless times when I secretly stuffed something like a dead snake, half a mouse into his book bag, and he responded to me with all kinds of weird bugs countless times. Chaoyang kept smiling and said that I and I Amu is a natural foe. But Chaoyang and I are really good friends. We don't have sisters, but Chaoyang always tells me that if she has a sister, it must be like me. Chaoyang has been even happier since the late emperor ordered me to be the crown princess, because in the future we will be able to be more intimate as sisters-in-law.

But when I married Amu, Chaoyang was already dead.

Chaoyang's death made the late emperor depressed and depressed. He fell ill on and off for several years. The wedding of the prince and I was all held while he was sick. That time, he was sick for a long time, and the Imperial Physician's Office was a little panicked. It was at this time that I married into the East Palace, and some people in the court were mean, saying that the royal family married a bride at this time, it was like a civil celebration.

I have been a crown princess for six years, the first emperor passed away, Amu ascended the throne and changed to Yuan Chengping, and I was established as the queen. It's been four years since Chengping. In all, it was ten years ago that I married Amu.

In the past ten years, Amu and I have both grown up, and I have gradually come to understand that being self-willed is the privilege of childhood, and being a queen is not one that can be self-willed and self-willed. In addition, Amu and I have been together in the past ten years, plus our childhood friendship, we get along as naturally as relatives, so I feel that although I did not do very well with this queen, I did not make a big mistake.

With my temperament, if I didn't make a big mistake, it would be a good luck.

My mother accompanies me to dinner, and before the soup comes, the Chinese envoy suddenly came to report: "Your Majesty is down."

The old practice in the palace is that the emperor comes to the central palace every five sessions, but Amu and I are a young couple, and we have never followed such an outdated example. Amu always comes whenever he wants.

Before I could stand up, Amu had already walked in. The evening sun came in through the window, and it shone on his figure. He was very tall. For some reason, I suddenly felt that he was a little different today. Maybe it was because the days together were too long. I have known him since I was four years old and married him again. He has been with me for ten years, and he has been with me longer than anyone else in this world.

When he came I should get up and salute. I got up in a hurry. He had already pressed my shoulder and motioned me to sit back in the room. This is also a common thing. It turned out that when we were in the East Palace, the two of us knew each other informally. For this, I was taught by the masters.

Sitting down, Amu saw the fruit on the table, and he said, "I originally wanted to have dinner with you, but you have already eaten it."

"I haven't finished eating yet." I ordered people to change to new dishes, as well as new cups and chopsticks. Sometimes Amu would drink a glass of wine in the evening and tell me some gossip between the court and the public, and sometimes we would do nothing. Said, taking advantage of the unpreparedness of the palace staff, slipped to Taiye Pool to row a boat. But today Amu obviously had something on his mind. I poured him a glass of wine, and he quickly finished it. I poured him another glass, and he stopped his chopsticks and said to me, "There is something..."

When I saw his Qiqi Ai's appearance, I couldn't help laughing "Pu Chi" and asked, "What's the matter, Lang Jun, is it possible that you want to confer a concubine for some beauty?"

Having said that, Amu couldn't help but laugh, probably because the emperor's words and deeds taught him, and Amu was not interested in beauty. Occasionally, there are people in the harem scratching their heads, but Amu is always too lazy to take a look. That's why I made fun of him. But after a while, he withdrew his smile and said to me: "Sixteen Mother, Princess Zhao is going back to Beijing."

I have to think about it before I can understand why Amu specifically mentioned Princess Zhao to me.

Princess Zhao is Yuan Shan.

I haven't seen Yuan Shan in ten years.

When people are young and ignorant, they always do ten or eight absurd things. When I was young and ignorant, I did more than a hundred thousand absurd things. Just like Yuan Shan.

Amu is different from me. From the day he was born, he was placed in high hopes. Although his biological mother was only a humble girl from a humble background, the queen had no children and raised him in the middle palace. Later, the queen died, and within a few years, his biological mother also died of illness, the late emperor was very indifferent to women, there was no favorite concubine in the harem, and Amu didn't even have a brother. All the courtiers knew that he was going to be an emperor in the future, and the late emperor took great pains to choose his grandmaster. Therefore, Amu's youth was calm, and when he was a teenager, he was praised by the ministers.

But the late emperor disliked Yuan Shan very much, and after vaguely guessing Amu's mind, the late emperor married Yuan Shan to the distant king of Zhao.

We were both young at that time, and I also heard Amu say to Chaoyang, "I killed Shanniang."

Most of the childhood love is the most unforgettable.

So I thought about it and said calmly, "It doesn't matter, I will definitely take good care of Shanniang."

Amu seemed to have a lot to say, but in the end he didn't say anything.

At this time, it was already dark, and the maids were sticking to the wax sticks to light the lamps. The bright full moon rose, and the light was scattered on the steps. The silk, emptily caged in front of the hall, on the night of early summer, the night wind is fragrant. Amu asked, "What kind of incense is this? It looks like a floral fragrance."

I smiled and told him, "It's the scent of that wild rose."

Only then did Amu pay attention to the crystal bottle at the bottom of the curtain. Under the dim candlelight, the petals of the wild rose drooped down, like delicate and translucent thin jade.

I couldn't help but say "Yeah", although this kind of flower is born in the mountains, it is the most delicate and weak, and it has already fallen and withered after being raised in a bottle for only a day.

Amu seemed rather unhappy, and said, "I will send it to you tomorrow."

I smiled and said, "Okay."

Amu sat for a while longer, ate my fried tea, and then returned to the Temple of Nectar.

The tea utensils were still scattered on the table. I supported it with one hand and watched the maids clean up the tea boxes. My aunt came out quietly and knelt quietly beside me.

When everyone retreated, Niang Yao said: "Now that Princess Zhao lives as a widow, I am afraid that she has the intention of returning to Beijing this time. The little lady is really confused, why should she make wedding clothes for others."

It was very quiet at night, and I didn't know where there was a small insect, chirping. Seeing that I was ignoring me, My Lady became more and more anxious: "The little lady has been in the palace for ten years, don't you know that people's hearts are sinister?"

I listened to the chirping of insects, and yawned loudly: "My lady, I'm sleepy."

My mother saw that I looked like a broken jar, and she was full of words, so she had no choice but to let me go.

Until I fell asleep, the maid blew out the candles outside the curtain, and I fell asleep on the pillow seat, when I suddenly remembered what my mother said. Ten years in the palace seems to be just a matter of fingertips. When I first entered the East Palace, my father was ten thousand uneasy, but Amu treated me very well. His Majesty was already ill at that time. Although he was still strict with Amu, he treated me with tolerance and kindness. He often said to Amu: "The bride Yu Gui, people are all sparse, you will try your best to take care of them.”

Amu naturally took good care of me, Chaoyang was so frail, he was used to being an older brother, and he was always thoughtful.

I have known him since childhood, and there are many things that I can't hide from each other, and I can't hide them from each other. For example, the only person Amu loved in his youth was Yuan Shan. For example, when I was young, I actually wanted to marry the most famous handsome guy in Kyoto, Han Zhi.

But in the entire Kyoto, how many girls do not want to marry Han Zhi? After I became the crown princess, Han Zhi was the crown prince's guest at the time. Once, Amu specially invited him in and had a hand-to-hand chat with him, just so that I could see the famous and romantic boy who had grown a beard. turned into a mean old man.

I was very disappointed after watching it, and said to Amu, Han Zhi is as handsome as he is, but he looks very ugly with a beard. You must never grow a beard in the future. Amu laughed, and immediately agreed to me. I don't know if he took it seriously, but he hasn't grown a beard for so many years.

I fell asleep in those mottled and tiny past events, and didn't wake up until the morning bell. Morning grooming is very tedious. When I was brushing my hair, Amu ordered a bunch of roses that were still condensed with dew. I took the bunch of flowers and still put them in the crystal vase. Yesterday's flowers fell a bit, making the flowers delivered today look even more beautiful.

"Where did Your Majesty get these flowers so early?"

The person sent by Amu replied, "Your Majesty went to Chenghui Hall this morning and folded these flowers from there."

I couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Chenghui Hall is a secluded place. It is said that when the late emperor was still the crown prince in the East Palace, Chenghui Hall lived in the concubine. Qinhe was forbidden to walk in the middle of the year, and the fire destroyed many palaces. Some palaces were rebuilt, some were demolished and replaced with pool gardens, but there were also several palaces that were abandoned for no apparent reason. When I married Amu, the East Palace had been renovated, and the place where the Crown Princess lived was also far away from Chenghui Palace.

I don't know why, but I suddenly wanted to take a look at Chenghui Hall. My aunt was quite helpless to my whim, so she offered to accompany me.

Chenghui Hall is not far from where I live, so I walked slowly, and it took me just two brews of tea to arrive. In fact, the palaces in this area are not badly damaged, but the walls are blackened, the dark blue glazed tiles still glow brightly in the sun, and there are many corrugated pines growing between the sparkling green tiles, and birds The sparrows flew around, and under the bright sun, they looked quite desolate.

Because Amu had been here in the morning, the front of the hall was roughly cleaned. I walked into the courtyard along the corridor, and rose vines were climbing on the rockery, and the white and pink flowers were blooming prosperously. It's just that the flower stand on the other side collapsed, and weeds filled the air, showing that the place has been uninhabited for a long time.

I stood on the corridor for a while, and the morning breeze blew my jacket and it was cool. My lady said to me: "Little lady has been smooth since she was a child, everything went well, and she has never encountered any embarrassing things, so she always has a good mind to guess others. Yes, the late emperor's Empress Mingde was killed by life."

I had never heard of Empress Mingde at all, and my wife told me that she was the original wife of the late emperor when he was in the East Palace.

I stood on the corridor, surrounded by the fragrance of roses, and listened to my maiden tell me a terrifying deep palace story.

A foreign woman married into the court of the Central Plains. She was completely innocent and innocent, while another Liang Di was deeply loved by the prince. In order to win the position of the prince, she poisoned the prince to death.

Niang Yao sighed deeply: "Later, His Highness the Crown Prince found out about this, so he demoted that Liang Di to a commoner, and then executed her, but the Crown Princess will never be able to live again."

I said disapprovingly: "But Amu has no favorite concubine."

Yao Niang was so angry that her eyebrows almost stood up: "How can Niang Niang call your Majesty's small characters at will? It's a matter of course to plan ahead and take precautions before it happens."

After all, she still taught me to guard against Yuan Shan.

But if there is another person in one's heart, how can it be prevented.

I perfunctory my mother a few words, folded a bunch of roses, and then turned around.

I also put this bunch of roses in the crystal vase, and now the flowers in the vase are squeezed together, which is very beautiful. A lot of fresh flowers covered yesterday's flowers, although some scattered petals kept falling at the bottom of the curtain, but the fragrance of the flowers became more and more abundant.

My mother tried to persuade me, but I insisted on my own way and sent someone to meet Yuan Shan outside the city.

Because she was a widow, Yuan Shan refused once, and I wrote a letter to her personally before she came to the palace.

I have not seen Yuan Shan for ten years. She is of noble birth. Her father is the concubine Liang Zhang, and her mother is Princess Yongshou Chang. Yuan Shan is a famous lady in Kyoto and my old playmate. A lot of people don't know how Yuan Shan and I got along. After all, she and I have completely different temperaments.

I sat in the hall and watched Yuan Shan slowly ascend the steps from the distant steps. She still looks tall and beautiful, her steps are light, and the breeze blows her sleeves, making her dress flutter like a cloud, getting closer and closer.

I gradually saw her face clearly, she didn't seem to have any changes over the years, she was still as delicate and warm, like a piece of jade. Because of her widowhood, she dresses very solemnly, but the brilliance of Girls' Generation is replaced by a restrained brilliance, making her more dignified and beautiful.

My conversation with her was a little unfamiliar at first, but it gradually became better. When I asked about the customs of Qingzhou, Yuan Shan answered very briefly, but it was also quite interesting. I have hardly ever left Kyoto, so I yearn for unfamiliar places. Yuan Shan said naturally: "If Her Royal Highness doesn't dislike it, there are still a few earthen objects brought from Qingzhou, which are given to Her Royal Highness."