Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1895: Arena


"No one is in your way, including me, Frius." The voice of the devil came through the thick fog, "You are determined to revenge, but unfortunately, I don't even know where Rydel is. Yes You have been unable to let go, because you have never let go of yourself. And the persistence in everyone's heart determines what kind of ending it will lead to, so you have come to this day. Even, you walked in front of me."

"If you are willing to let go, if you are willing to let go of yourself, then you can bypass me and move on."

"But I can't do it..." Frius roared, "If I give up even this bit of persistence, then what am I left with!"

The source power surged wildly.

Frius raised his sword and slashed down, a black light seemed to divide the world.

The billowing thick fog was drawn into the black light belt, and it didn’t take long for Spinak’s dark mist to be sucked away by the light belt, and then the light belt slowly closed, and there was a loud sound in the world, a booming sound Pass thousands of miles.

Spinak stood empty in the air.

Frius reached out and wiped his face lightly. A wave of black light surged past, forming a mask on his face with source force. Although this mask has no facial features except for the eye sockets, judging from the lines and contours of the mask, it looks like a moving woman. Frius said softly: "Dolly, just watch, watch how I completely destroy the culprit who killed you."

The Demon King shook his head and said, "Why bother."

A black rainbow hangs in the sky.

Amidst Frius' long howl, the long sword without light dragged a dark band of light across the sky. Seeing that the black rainbow was about to hang over Spinak's side, the Demon King raised his hand, and immediately shot out chains from behind him. Purple flames were escaping from these chains. network of. After Spinak quickly disappeared into the network, Frius rushed into the network and slashed at one of the chains with a sword, but he couldn't shake it at all. He clearly felt that the power of his slashing was quickly dispersed by other chains in this network, like a drop of water falling into the sea, without even causing a wave.

Then everything turned upside down.

When Frius came back to his senses, he was standing on a piece of dark purple land. In the distance, there are mountains and clouds, and two moons hang in the sky, as if they have left Eboins and come to other worlds. Frius gritted his teeth and said, "What the hell is this!"

"My arena." The voice of the devil came from the sky, "This is a special space created by combining spiritual power, source power, and my power of rules. Here, I am the creator. Frius, You can play with my gladiators here."

"After the dark mist, there is this damn arena again, Spinak, don't you dare to come out and fight me head-on!" Frius yelled.

The Demon King said in a deep voice: "You are wrong, Frius. I have been fighting with you from the beginning, but my methods are somewhat different from others. But whether it is my dark fog or the current arena, in fact They are all symbols of my strength. Just like you broke through my dark fog with a sword, I have already lost one round, and now it is the second round."

Frius snorted: "But I don't want this kind of battle. What I want is a battle with you face to face, with swords intersecting!"

"It's a pity, I have the final say on what method to use. If you want to push me to that extent, then you have to destroy this arena first."

Frius gritted his teeth and said, "Do all these little tricks and watch me kill it with one sword!"

He raised his sword and swung it down, but he didn't cut out a black light band that reached the sky and ground like before. Frius felt that his power was quickly absorbed as soon as he released it. This space will absorb the escaping energy to maintain the stability of the space.

"It seems that you can't do it, so follow my rules. The rules of the arena are very simple. You only have one enemy at the beginning, and then double each time. As long as you can win ninety-nine games, the arena will will disappear. These are the rules I made myself, and even I cannot change them, so start your show, Frius."

The Black Emperor was no longer furious, and said in a very gloomy manner: "This is what I hate the most about you. You always look at everything with a high-level gaze. Spinak, this contempt that doesn't put me in the eyes, I will make you pay a heavy price!"

"I am waiting."

While speaking, the ground in front of Frius began to bulge, and a big claw suddenly protruded from the ground. It grabbed the ground to prop up its body, and then a gray head with hanging strips emerged from the ground. Green vine monster. It was almost like a hill. It let out a demonstrative roar, and then grabbed a huge boulder weighing several tons and threw it towards Frius.

The boulder flew halfway, a black light appeared in the center, and then the boulder split in the middle, the light passed by and printed on the body of the giant beast. The giant beast blinked its eyes, and suddenly its body split left and right, and blood spattered everywhere.

Frius pointed his sword at the air: "Spanak, release all your gladiators, I don't have the patience to fight with you one after another."

The devil said indifferently: "But what I have is patience. Don't forget, I never thought of defeating you. I was just delaying time. So, what else can achieve this goal? Obviously not, so you want to come out , just follow my rules. The next game..."

"Damn it." After Frius said, two phantoms appeared in front of his eyes, but they were two ten-meter-tall giants wearing thick armor. Swinging tomahawks and greatswords, they strode towards Frius. Frius turned into a black rainbow and passed them, and both giants were cut in half.

The third scene is four berserk thunder beasts. This kind of giant beasts live on some special planets. Those planets have thunderstorms all year round. The thunder giants feed on the energy of thunder and lightning, and they are even more violent beasts. As soon as the four giant thunder beasts appeared, they radiated electric light all over their bodies, and one of them even opened its mouth to spit out a thunder pulse wave, sticking to the ground and paddling towards Frius.

Frius swung four swords in a row this time before beheading the four thunder beasts.

The fourth scene is eight flaming dire wolves. There is only one planet in the Jotun star field that produces such monsters, and that is Chi Yanxing. The environment on that planet is similar to that of Eboyins, a hell of fire and blood. The Flame Dire Wolves are the kings on that planet. They devour fire and feed on it. They are life forms between living things and energy bodies. Due to the semi-energy body, this makes the flaming dire wolf immune to many physical methods.

However, they only persisted for a moment longer than the Thunder Behemoth.

Under the black power of Rius, killing these eight dire wolves is only a matter of breath.

The fifth scene is the sixteen bear warlords. These devil-like bears have always been known for their brutality. They are the masters of a planet called Beastmaster in the Jotun star field, and they are absolutely at the top of the biological chain. They grow natural biological armor throughout their bodies, capable of manipulating toxins and berserk energies. As soon as these bear warlords appeared, they charged Frius. The scene of the sixteen bear warlords charging together was like an army!

In the sixth scene, what Frius saw were thirty-two lightning giants, holding lightning as spears, brave and good at fighting...

The seventh scene is sixty-four lava thorns...

The eighth scene is one hundred and twenty-eight plague trolls...

There are a total of 256 staring demons in the ninth scene...

The number of gladiators who kept doubling not only became stronger and stronger, but also increased in number. Frius had given up using the aggressive method to force Spinak out. He could only abide by the rules of the arena and keep destroying the fighters released by the Demon King. Some gladiators were familiar to Frius, most of them from certain deadly creatures in the Jotun space. Some even Frius couldn't name them, such as a giant octopus that was transparent and had electric light flowing through it. There are also giant beings that are like giant whales, but are covered in fire and can walk freely in mid-air.

These fighters are transformed by the power of the demon king, and Spinac perfectly copied the characteristics of these creatures and their behavior patterns. While this opened Frius's horizons, he couldn't help sighing at Spinak's profound knowledge.

The battle went on like this for several days.

In the last battle, on the other side of Frius was an army composed of countless clones of the Demon Lord. This is a real army, and the soldiers that make up the army are actually copies of Spinak. Looking around, there are densely packed figures of the Demon King. This scene alone is enough to make people suffocate. Frius became excited instead. He let out a chuckle from the mask, pointed his sword at the ground, and walked towards the army of the demon king all over the mountain.

The first copy of Spinak floated over, and with a push with both hands, a large cloud of pitch-black mist gushed out from behind him, enveloping Frius in it. Frius's perception was immediately affected, and the mist released by the replica actually contained the power of the devil's rules. Frius believes that these replicas must be a weakened version of Spinak, but they can also use Spinak's chaotic power, even if it is only a few points, it is very difficult. They are equivalent to a small half of the Supreme, and their individual strength is not as good as the Demon King himself, but they are superior in number.

Too many to despair.

The last battle in the arena is Spinak's real trump card. The large number of replicas of the demon king is enough to make any supreme frown. Of course, Frius wearing a mask can't tell what his expression is, but from time to time a black sword light bursts out of the fog. One can imagine that Frius Si's fighting spirit was high at the moment.

"It's just what I want, Spinak. You show me, and I will kill all of your clones. Every time I kill one, it is equivalent to killing you once. It just so happens that I hate you, even if I kill you Ten thousand times is not enough for you!"

PS: I have something to do during the day tomorrow, so I will update it tomorrow night, everyone forgive me.

(end of this chapter)