Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1897: Master of the universe


A flaming giant ax occupied Allen's field of vision.

The one wielding this huge ax is a burly man, wearing a completely asymmetrical armor, but no matter the face that is not angry but majestic, or the armor full of spikes, they are all translucent voids. film. The projections of these Twilight Sons are not even called the will body, they are just a kind of energy projection reproduced by instinct. However, these projections can all use the proud killing skills of each generation of Twilight Sons, and they even exude an aura that is not inferior to the super strong, and they are close to the Supreme!

Just like the battle ax that was slashing towards Alan at this moment, thunder sounded out of thin air as it passed, and a huge thunder beast loomed in the air, leaping towards Alan with a posture full of tension. There was a series of light noises in the air around Allen, and the Thunder Beast arrived at the end, and messy electric snakes had already appeared around.

When the ax fell, it might have the power to destroy the city.

When there was no time to go, Allen took a step forward, swung his left shoulder lightly, and turned his whole body slightly at an angle, letting the battle ax pass by. Then a golden light appeared between the two, and the projection of the Son of Twilight suddenly dislocated, shaking and then disappearing into the air.

Allen walked forward slowly, facing more than a hundred figures. He didn't walk fast, but he went a hundred meters away in a flash, and then sent the hymn of ashes into the chest of a projection that hadn't had time to attack. Allen pushed the sword and walked quickly, pushing the projection to pull out a gray-white flame tail in the space, and stabbing the next two projections that had just made a slashing posture. In the end, the gray hymn trembled and trembled, a white sword flower bloomed between the three projections, and the projections immediately disappeared.

The figure in front of him flickered, and a determination that Allen had to pay attention to struck. Allen looked, and had a face-to-face with a man with a dignified and heroic face.


The Son of Twilight, who had donated the endless sword suit to Alan, stabbed with his sword at this time, and as he stabbed with his sword, the world in Alan's eyes seemed to be continuously shrinking and compressing around the edge of the sword, so a terrifying wave A sense of oppression arises spontaneously. Allen couldn't help sighing, Taylor's sword power is really terrifying, even if it's just a re-engraved projection, the sword is seven or eight times as strong as him.

As if under the terrifying pressure of the whole world pressing towards him, the hymn of ashes bounced, and the flames of the source device, which was originally spewing ash flames, converged and condensed into substance, forming a simple gray sword. The point of the gray sword's sword point hit the sword projected by Taylor. The moment it touched, it was like two worlds colliding fiercely. The sense of compression was immediately stretched, and an invisible impact spread violently from the two sides' sword edges as the origin, and the space seemed to be blown up. A rippling curtain was raised, and the rippling waves passed by, and more than a dozen projections were annihilated without even a chance to make a move.

Allen's long sword was touched with a touch.

The sword in Taylor's hand turned into thousands, and thousands of swords were arranged like a wheel. A huge circular sword array pressed towards Allen, and the lightning flashed between the swords at dusk. There are tens of thousands of swords.

Allen stabbed with a sword obediently.

The surface of the hymn to ashes lit up, and a golden streak burned at the core.

Allen turned his sword into a rainbow, crashed into the sword wheel, and passed behind Taylor's projection.

One sword breaks ten thousand swords!

As the sword wheel collapsed, Taylor's projection also dissipated.

Allen closed his eyes, and the gray-white hymn passed forward without warning. A thin figure with an ape face and four arms appeared in front of Allen's eyes, but before he had time to attack, he was pierced by Allen's sword through his throat.

"Get out!" Allen shouted lightly, his long sword trembled, and the projection suddenly produced thousands of gray lights, and the figure quickly dissipated in the gray lights.

At this time, a majestic air mechanism appeared above the head.

Allen opened his eyes and looked up, but it was a heroic woman like a Valkyrie who raised a huge epee in her hand that was completely out of proportion to her figure, and the sword was lit with fire. When she slashed down with a sword, the vision in Allen's eyes split in two.

That sword, empty out!

The space was literally torn apart by a sword, and there was a desperate darkness in the middle. That is the abyss, nothingness, and the acme of destruction. The power of this sword is as powerful as Frius's sword that reaches the sky!

Allen screamed, the golden king flame ignited all over his body, and the long sword flashed through the air when he pointed at the person, crashing into the deep and empty black space, and then crashing out from the other side of the space. The hymn of ashes was closed, and Allen didn't look at it, and swept to those more figures high in the sky.

The projection holding the giant sword swayed, and a little golden glow appeared from the throat, and then the golden color was dyed, turning into raging flames and burning it to ashes.

"It's really exciting." After many projections, the Son of Twilight folded his arms around his chest: "To be able to combine strength, sword skills and body skills to such a degree, he is indeed the guy who was selected to carry out the dawn plan. It really hurts."

"However, no matter how many times you destroy it, I can release these re-enacted energy projections as many times as I want!"

At the end of the sentence, Taylor's projection gradually appeared behind the Twilight Son, followed by the giant sword girl, and then the ape-faced man. The projections killed by Allen reappeared one by one, and then passed by the Twilight Son, continuing into the battlefield.

Seeing this scene, Orfascius couldn't help gnashing his teeth and scolded: "Rogue!"

The Son of Twilight said with a faint smile, "Each to each other."

With a swipe of Allen's long sword, several projections were wiped out. Raising his head, Taylor's Ten Thousand Swords Wheel, Ranjie's Dusk, and the other sons of Dusk's ultimate moves came out one after another. The entire space vibrated, and the source force that kept the space was no longer stable, and there were black cracks that branched like tree roots everywhere. Allen stood still, and his eyes fell on Ranger's projection: "The dusk you taught me is more than that powerful."

He raised his sword.

An inexplicable sense of oppression came to the sky.

Orfascius raised his head, and the emperor couldn't help but squinted his eyes. He could feel that a powerful energy was descending. This force didn't seem to be simply formed in the sky. To be precise, it came from outside the space and invaded the space in a pervasive way. Where it passes, the space is invaded layer by layer, and the matter will decompose at the molecular level under such energy movement. Immediately, Orfascius understood what kind of killing move Twilight is. It was an unavoidable killing skill that could only be resisted with force. In other words, dusk is like a sieve, which will filter all matter in the space, and completely annihilate the fragile things, without exception.

Dusk is like a skynet, but this skynet is impenetrable!

At this time, the sky was sprinkled with scattered golden light, and the whole space was dimly yellow, as if the sunset was just above the head. When the rays of light are dyed layer by layer, like a large brush across the curtain, everything is painted golden. Whether it was Taylor's sword wheel or other projected ultimate moves, they all struggled and disappeared in this sunset-like dim light. In the end, there were more than a hundred projections, and none survived.

The space vibrates, and even the infinitely expandable hall projection breaks into pieces like crystals in the twilight light, breaking down into the most primitive source power. Then the entire space resounded with a terrifying loud noise like thousands of giant beasts roaring at the same time. The sky that originally exuded a dim yellow color turned into darkness, and the darkness descended layer by layer, as if a piece of ink was dripping down. After this piece of ink falls and flows, you can see some other


It was a magnificent dome.

Orfascius froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered that it was the dome of the wither hall in Eboins!

Allen's Twilight not only killed all the projections, but also destroyed the projection space of the Sons of Twilight, bringing them back from the Supreme Cemetery to the Withering Hall. This is something that even Orfascist has never done, and what kind of extreme destructive power should it be to cause such a result. Even the Twilight Son opened his eyes wide, and his hands were different. He couldn't believe that Alan actually shattered the space and smashed the supreme cemetery created by the Creator!

The black light converged at the central point of the withering hall, and finally disappeared. At this time, both Allen and Orfascius could hear the roar outside the hall, and feel the collision of the source of the battle outside the hall, and they returned to Eboins.

"You see, your home court may not be really unbreakable." Allen said indifferently: "Also, stop playing those useless tricks. It is useless to release more energy projections. A thousand super strong Or, don’t even think about killing a real Supreme, don’t you understand such a truth?”

"It really surprised me, Alan. Really, although I have tried my best to overestimate you, I didn't expect that your power of rules would have such destructive power. Your power represents the ultimate destruction, and even space is bound I can't stand you. Have you ever thought that if you want, you can tear down the 'wall' of this universe, and you can transcend this universe with your own strength!"

The Son of Twilight spread his hands and said, "That is the ultimate freedom that even I have never thought of. You will become a super life like the Creator who can pass through the multiverse at will. In the end, you will become a legend, a myth, and an immortal existence !"

"Really? Then I would like to try, use this extreme destructive power to destroy you, and the instigator behind it." Allen said solemnly.

"No, no, you're still young, and you haven't understood what this means at all." Twilight Son shook his head and said, "You who have such power, you who have the power to destroy space, the war with the Creator is completely meaningless. How many universes are there, so many that even the Creator has never fully visited. You don’t have to stay in the universe harvested by the Creator, you can go through the sky. And the Creator will not enter the universe you are in, believe me, He wouldn't want to raise an enemy like you."

"You and him are the supreme life forms in the universe, and you are the masters of billions of beings in the universe. The master will not fight with the master, which means that countless universes will disappear. But I want to remind you that you are just You have the potential to become the master of the universe, but now, with this immature power of destruction, you still cannot destroy the Creator."

The Twilight Son pointed at him and said, "So you should understand, you have no reason to fight the Creator at all, you can go through the void now, tear the dimensional wall of this universe, and go to other universes that the Creator has never been to Bar."

(end of this chapter)