Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1900: Soldiers die on the battlefield


The Twilight Son, who was originally standing still like a puppet, suddenly burst out with a breath. Orfascius was stunned, and saw pieces of twilight source light rising from his body, and the twilight-like light boiled and surged on his body, so the injuries on his face recovered one by one. When the Twilight Son's eyes were shining again, he raised his hand and moved, then the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a smile.

Then Allen also had an air reaction, and the two returned from the spiritual kingdom to the material world.

"What a pity, Alan." The Twilight Son raised his hand and gestured with two fingers: "It's just a little short, I have to say, you did a good job. This is the first time in my life The real death is so close. To be honest, for a moment, I thought I would really die in that strange country. But unfortunately, you still fall short, and I will not give you the same chance again!"

Orfascius asked loudly, "What's going on?"

Allen shook his head: "It's hard to say."

"It's really hard to say. To be honest, I was scared. But now, it seems to be back to the original point." Twilight Son spread his hands and said: "Here, are you sure you can kill me?"

Allen didn't answer, his body was filled with qi, and the aura soared at the moment, and the whole withering hall trembled for it. The Son of Twilight narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Didn't you always want to destroy the Withering Hall? Then I will give you a chance now, Alan, do you want to change the way of fighting?"

"In what way?" Allen said.

"I leave the hall to you. If you are quick enough, you can destroy the hall before I kill all your companions outside. How about it, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Twilight Son laughed.

Allen's pupils dilated slightly, and he said decisively, "I won't let you do this."

"It's a pity, are those companions outside the hall more important to you than the entire universe? Or are you a greedy guy who wants to take care of both ends?" Twilight Son raised his hand, "However, should you do this? Do it, I'm afraid it's not up to you to decide."

A faint yellow light flickered in front of him, and a sharp blade appeared in the light. Then the surrounding light flashed continuously, and every time the light flashed, it was a sharp blade. The light flickered non-stop, and countless long blades appeared in front of the Twilight Son. Thousands of sharp blades are arranged in a circle to form a sword wheel matrix. Allen is already sure that this guy can reproduce the abilities of each generation of Twilight Son. Even the abilities possessed by the voters of the Road of Burning Blood can be reproduced. The previous Twilight Legion obviously came from Segres' Shadow Legion. Now, it was Taylor's sword wheel.

Twilight Son pushed forward with both hands, and the tens of thousands of long swords in the sword wheel were raised in circles like closed flowers, pointing at Allen, even including Orfascius. Then a sharp blade dragged out a flash of yellow light and flashed away. Allen raised the hymn of ashes and flicked it out. But next, long blades flew towards him, and the blades were connected like rivers and rivers. This river of swords surged in. Allen raised the source tool and cut it, dividing the river of swords in the middle. The river of swords in the middle did not disappear, but turned into two tributaries flexibly, one swept towards Orfascist, and the other circled around He made a circle and crashed into Allen's back.

Allen and Orfascius had to defend against the attacks of the two sword rivers. Taking this opportunity, the Twilight Son flashed past their heads. He stepped on the speeding Jianhe, passed Allen and the two, and rushed out of the hall. As soon as he left, under the traction of Qi, the two sword rivers also chased after him, and merged into one, like a huge tail across the air. Allen and Orfascius chased at the same time, and now they can't care about destroying the withering hall.

Outside the hall, on the platform of Twilight Hill, the battle is still going on

go on. The defense line of the coalition army has been retreating again and again, shrinking the defense line, coupled with the ability of Duke Gulliver, barely resisted the strong attack of the kings. Pushing away a king with a shield, Gulliver suddenly looked towards the hall. Suddenly, a figure shot out from the hall, it was the Son of Dusk. He crossed the light steps, dragging a long belt composed of thousands of long swords behind him, skimmed in the air and turned around, the river of swords swung around in the air, and then shot down.

Rain of swords all over the sky.

Every sharp blade turned into a faint yellow light, and suddenly the twilight light seemed to light up above everyone's heads. Thousands of light rays shot down densely, Gulliver roared, released the source power without reservation, and then transformed For defensive purposes. Then they saw tower shields formed by source force quickly build a shield wall in front of everyone, then the second, and the third. There was only time for the three shield walls to be raised, and the rain of light had already fallen, hitting Gulliver's shield walls hard, and tens of thousands of light spheres suddenly appeared. Each ball of light is caused by the collision of the source power of Twilight Son and Gulliver.

When Allen swept out of the hall, he saw the dense ball of light. He shouted and swung his sword in the air.

There are more golden moon arcs on the Dusk Hill.

The arc of the moon fell, and the rain of swords in the sky was cut out of a vacuum, and then a series of fireballs exploded in mid-air, and the collision of the fireballs formed a tumbling flame. At this time, Allen fell before the line of defense and said loudly, "Are you all right?"

Laura, who was guarding in front of Lucy, was in a state of shock, and the princess was also pale, but both of them were unharmed, thanks to the three shield walls and Alan's slashing the sky to interrupt the attack of the Son of Twilight. However, several alien powerhouses were still injured by the sharp blade. At this moment, the wound could not be closed, and blood and source power were constantly flowing out.

Orfascius also swept out of the hall, looking at Lucy first. Seeing that his daughter was fine, he was relieved. Then he looked at Gulliver again, and when his eyes fell on the Duke, the emperor shook his body and shouted, "Gulliver!"

Allen was startled when he heard the sound, and turned to look at the Duke. Duke Gulliver panted, then looked down, but there were three sharp blades stuck in the deadly part of his chest.

The rest of the shield wall came crashing down.

Allen and Orfascis grabbed the Duke's side almost at the same time. Allen reached out and wiped away the sharp blade, and the long sword immediately disappeared without a trace under his golden king flame. But the wound on Gulliver's chest was shocking, especially the sword at the heart, which had pierced his core. The source of power and vitality flew quickly on the Duke, and Allen could clearly feel that the Duke's body temperature was dropping rapidly. Orfascius trembled even more, not knowing whether it was sadness or anger.

Duke Gulliver and him have always been like brothers. The two have experienced countless wars, but they never expected that Gulliver would die here today.

The Duke forced a smile, and said to Orfascis: "Your Majesty, you don't need to be sad. A soldier died on the battlefield, and I deserved it. Not to mention dying on such an important battle, I can contribute to the creatures of the entire universe, and my death is worth it. Just In the future, I will no longer be able to assist His Majesty, please forgive me."

"No, you won't die, as long as I'm here, you won't die." Orfascius injected the source power into the Duke's body, but it only made Gulliver's face a little bloody, but he couldn't save him after all. Vitality that quickly fades away.

Gulliver looked at Alan again, and said apologetically, "I have always wanted to apologize to you personally for what I did to you. Your Highness Alan, can you forgive me?"

Allen knew that he was referring to shooting himself on Paradise Star, and he shook his head: "Grand Duke Gulliver, I have long forgotten about that incident."

"That's good, I don't have any regrets, I just hope that the two of you can turn the tide and give this universe a chance..." Gulliver closed his eyes with a smile

Eyes, life is cut off!

"Bastard!" Orfascius shot out golden flames from his eyes, let go of Gulliver, grabbed the arbiter and jumped up, hitting the Son of Twilight in mid-air.

There were roars all around.

Those strong aliens also rushed towards the Twilight Son one after another, wanting to avenge Gulliver.

Allen remembered that the Sons of Twilight could not attack in groups, and immediately shouted: "Your Majesty, stop!"

But at this time, Orfascius, who was full of grief and anger, couldn't hear Alan's voice. The emperor was so arrogant that he seemed to kill the Son of Twilight with a sword. Allen could only hand over Gulliver's body to Lucy, Lola and the others, and hurried there to prevent accidents.

Those kings rushed over, obviously trying to stop Alan.

Allen shouted coldly: "Go away!"

The hymn of ashes began to arc again, and a golden crescent moon was drawn flatly, knocking down those rushing kings in pieces. But at this time, Orfascius had already slashed at the Twilight Son with a sword! Allen was stunned, and the Twilight Son didn't make any defense or evasion, allowing Orfascis to slash his shoulder with a sword in anger, but Allen could see clearly that Orfascis' sword didn't hurt him at all. Almost at the same time, a strong foreign star screamed, his shoulders and an arm flew out, as if cut open by an invisible sword, he fell down involuntarily in mid-air.

Then another strong alien stabbed Twilight Son's waist with double swords. At the same time, Orfascius snorted, sparks suddenly sprayed out on his waist, and two scratches appeared.

Allen suddenly understood, he finally knew why the Twilight Son was not afraid of group attacks. He must have used some kind of ability to divert everyone's attacks on him to other people. The strong man with the broken arm, that arm was obviously the Son of Twilight who diverted Orfascist's slash. And the scar on the emperor's waist now diverted the attack of the other strong man.

More attacks headed towards the Twilight Son.

Including Orfascist, who was dazzled by anger.

With a long whistle, Allen swung his sword towards the sky and slashed away. A golden city wall suddenly rose around the Twilight Son, deflecting the attacks of Orfascist and other strong men. The emperor was stunned, and recognized Alan's rejection of the city, turned around and said angrily: "Alan, what are you doing!"

"Your Majesty, calm down." Allen spread his wings and lifted him up in front of Orfascius: "Haven't you noticed that all your attacks have been diverted by him. If you continue to attack, you will only hurt your own people."

Orfascius woke up like a dream, and immediately shouted: "Everyone stop!"

The corner of Dusk Son's mouth curled up into a smile and said, "It's really boring. I wanted to see you guys kill each other."

(end of this chapter)