Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1905: Advent



In the arena of the Demon King, Frius faced the energy projection of Spinak in front of him, and the Black Emperor swept out with a sword, and the front immediately cleared a blank space. Only half of Spinak's energy projection is left, and Frius has already seen the dawn of victory.

But at this moment, those projections and the arena suddenly disappeared completely. Frius settled down and found that he had returned to the space of Eboins. The black emperor's face was so handsome that his facial features were slightly distorted, and he said angrily: "Spinac, can't you let me win once? Do you have to do this every time, when I finally see a winning chance, you take it away!"

The voice of the Demon King came from behind: "It's no longer necessary, look at your head, Frius."

Frius raised his head when he heard the words, his pupils shrank suddenly. In the sky above him, the sky of Eboynes was rapidly disappearing like an erased painting. Instead, there is a deep, empty space. That space is not absolutely dark, but has a space-like scenery. From time to time, rays of light flashed by, and in the distance, there were halos flickering like nebulae. More importantly, between Eboins and that space, there are six-sided grids flickering from time to time, as if there is a huge network that separates the two spaces.

"This is..." Frius lost his voice: "Dimensional wall? Is this really a dimensional wall?"

"Obviously yes, it seems that the Twilight Son has been killed by Alan and the others. Now, the Creator has come." The fog around Spinak dissipated, and a face similar to Alan appeared. He raised his head, and his eyes flashed brightly: "I have finally waited for this moment, and finally, I can go to the universe where the Creator is!"

The Black Emperor suddenly came to his senses and shouted, "Don't even think about it, Spinak, I won't let you escape!"

He raised his sword and rushed, his figure flashed intermittently in the air, but when the long sword without light slashed down, Spinak's figure had already dissipated. The Black Emperor raised his head, and there was a purple rainbow hanging in the air, and Spinak had already swept straight towards the wall of the dimension.

"Stop, Spinak!" The Black Emperor yelled, raised his sword and chased after him, plundering a black band of light, and followed closely behind the Demon King.

The two bands of light rushed upwards, but at this moment, an invisible shock wave was pressed down from the sky. This shock wave was so large and wide-ranging that there was no gap at all. Like an invisible palm pressing down on the air, Spinak and Frius snorted at the same time, the two of them advanced instead of retreating, hitting the shock wave, and immediately spread a circle of source force ripples from the two of them as the origin, but the two Everyone passed through the shock wave. But one shock wave was too heavy, the second came again, and the third followed...

Shock waves pressed down from high altitude one after another, and the whole Eboins trembled. When the first shock wave fell, a large number of low-level combat units died, and the shields of the starships near the Twilight Hills flickered, and the hulls shook. After the second shock wave fell, the shield of the starship was almost transparent, the hull sank slightly, and all the low-level units on Eboins were shaken into powder. The third shock wave fell, the shield of the starship disappeared, sparks spewed out from the hull, and the shaking hull fell towards the ground. Gushing out of the cracks.

Every shock wave is a huge test for this world and the creatures in it. After several shock waves fell, looking around, within ten thousand miles, only the Hill of Dusk could still stand above the horizon. All other things were razed, and a huge engraving rose on the platform of Twilight Hill. the one with sky

The engraving of the flat pattern is raised by Orfascist to counteract the impact of the shock wave.

Looking up at the sky that has become nothingness, Allen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, just the impact of the Creator's arrival on the wall of the dimension caused such a huge shock. Fortunately, it is in Eboins. If it is placed on any planet, the shock wave alone can cause a catastrophic disaster.

"Look, look there!" Someone raised his hand and pointed to the empty space above his head.

Allen looked in the direction of his finger, and there was a little light flickering in that direction. Originally, it wasn't unusual for a light to flicker, but that light was growing rapidly, and it looked like something was approaching rapidly.

"Here comes..." Orfascius roared: "The Creator is here, everyone be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, it was originally a light group the size of a bottle cap in the distant sky, but it suddenly became as big as the sky, illuminating the sky above the Dusk Hill. Then the world shook, and the violent vibration almost threw people off the ground. Even Allen had to lower his center of gravity slightly to maintain his standing posture, and it was even more unbearable for others. Like Lucy, who didn't even reach level 30, fell to the ground, and Allen released his Qi machine to wrap around the people around him, sharing their pressure, and letting them stand up again.

Looking at the sky again, after the strong light passed, some things could be vaguely seen. Allen squinted his eyes, and suddenly saw something, his whole expression froze. He saw a mountain peak, but this mountain peak was hanging upside down, and then that mountain peak collided with the dimensional wall, and was smashed to pieces by the dimensional wall! Next he saw the winding mountains, the vast ocean, floating clouds and countless unnamed birds.

He saw a world!

A planet, perhaps

"Hell, is this the Creator?" Orfascius called out. "This is a planet at all!"

Before that, everyone including Alan regarded the Creator as a kind of life. There are many forms of life, which can be organic matter, machinery, or even energy bodies. Its body shape can be as large as no edge, and as small as a human being. But he never thought that what hit the dimensional wall at this moment turned out to be a planet!

"That's the Creator?" Allen was not sure at this time.

"That's the Creator!" Miro's voice sounded in his mind, "Although I've never seen the Creator before, there's nothing wrong with that aura. Alan, it's the Creator, a super planet!"

"Look, it disintegrated!" Lucy whispered at this moment.

Allen saw that the Creator was too huge, and the entire planet could not be accommodated in his field of vision. What Allen sees now is only a corner of the Creator's body. However, even if there is only one corner, it can be clearly seen that the planet's ground is breaking, and it is not an irregular crack, and the ground will never crack along a straight line, so Lucy uses disintegration to express .

Because, that is a conscious split!

A huge straight crack appeared on the planet's ground that Allen could see. Looking from the cracked ground, it was not a dark abyss, but a hot and bright light! Even though there is a dimensional wall separating the unimaginable energy breath, Allen can still feel it clearly. At this moment, he seemed to be standing in front of a tsunami, feeling as if he would be submerged at any time.

If this planet is the Creator, then the Creator is disintegrating now, and the ground is rising and falling as seen from the dimensional wall.

Oceans are parting, mountains are sinking and rising. Soon, on the side far away from the Hill of Dusk, a part of the planet could be seen falling towards the dimensional wall. It seems that a mountain range is slowly descending, and its volume is so large that it almost separates the world. Soon, it hit the dimensional wall, and the dimensional wall instantly lit up. The crystal lattice composed of hexahedrons is unprecedentedly clear, and it almost shoots out fierce flames outward.

Outside the dimensional wall, the mountain range that the Creator descended from was constantly being worn away, strong shock waves acted on the inside of the world, and the balance marks used to absorb the shock waves became flickering. Allen suddenly raised his figure, higher than the engraving, his wings spread, and a sun suddenly appeared in the sky. Under the radiance like the sun, the shock waves falling on the evening hill were all annihilated. Orfascius used his balance power to absorb the shock wave, while Allen directly destroyed it domineeringly.

With the joint efforts of the two supreme beings, finally the powerhouses on Twilight Hill can move freely, and even the surrounding starship group has stabilized.

"Cracked..." I don't know who yelled: "The dimensional wall has been torn apart!"

Allen looked, and sure enough, after the dimensional wall resisting the Creator's hanging down the mountain spewed out bright light, large pieces of lattice began to disappear, so the mountain range was able to enter Eboins, and they fell slowly, wiping out a large area. firelight. In the end, the mountains fell on the land of Eboins, and there was a muffled sound between the sky and the earth. Then the terrifying gust of wind blowing from that direction made Allen almost breathless.

A moment later, there was a second muffled sound, but it was from the land on the other side, and another mountain range of the Creator also entered Eboins. After that, the dimensional wall above the head began to disappear piece by piece, and huge gaps appeared one after another. The breath of the Creator poured down from these gaps, it was a magnificent, vast, and difficult to describe with words. If you really want to describe it, then in Allen's view, facing is another world!

Even, another universe!

"This is really... Spectacular." Spinak raised his hands high, as if trying to catch something: "This is the Creator, and the Creator is actually a planet, which is really unexpected. Great, it turns out that the universe over there , has bred planet-level life, what a magnificent universe it should be!"

Said soaring into the sky.

The Black Emperor gritted his teeth and said, "Don't even think about leaving, Spinak. Even if you go to other universes, I will hunt you down to the end!"

The two rainbow lights, one purple and one black, gradually rose, and finally, they got through the dimensional wall and headed for the planet of the Creator.

At this time, all the living beings in Eboins, no matter where he came from, no matter what kind of civilization he came from, at this moment they heard a voice, and that voice said in a language they are familiar with: "I am the eternal fire, The eternal light. We balance the world of countless dimensions, making it eternal. I am order!"

(end of this chapter)