Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1909: deprivation


After the Creator was quiet for a while, he said slowly: "I understand. It is really difficult to have an equal dialogue in two completely different worlds. At least, two-way communication is impossible. Maybe you are right, we are selfish, Then we will carry out this selfishness to the end. However, you already have a very advanced life form, and our country can allow your existence. Now I give you a choice, join us and leave the low-dimensional dimension. In time, You will also become a side by side with us. Only then will you truly understand the meaning of everything we have done."

Allen smiled and said: "I have been facing choices since a long time ago. And I am also constantly choosing, choosing the side that is more beneficial to me."

"It's the right thing to do."

"That's right, but this time, I'm going to be willful." Allen said loudly, "Go out with your legion, Creator! Otherwise, I will destroy you!"

The Creator said calmly: "This is your choice? What a pity, it seems that our war can only continue."

When Allen just raised the Deep Hymn, the ground under his feet suddenly disappeared, followed by the surrounding scenery like a digital holographic projection. When the image reappeared, Allen was in a white space. There is no sky, no earth, only a dim light everywhere.

"Where is this?" Allen yelled.

"This is a space between the material and the spiritual. At the same time, here, you can really touch me. This is my reward for you. Although I don't think you have a chance of winning, but out of appreciation for your courage, I still intend to give you such a chance." Someone came and appeared from the misty white light.

When he saw that figure, Allen thought he was looking in a mirror. Because the person who came out from there looked exactly like him. Even if you scan with the most spiritual equipment, you will not find a single difference. Allen said coldly: "It's boring."

The Creator who appeared in the image of Allen had no expression on his face. He said: "The shape is meaningless to me. I can be as big as a nebula, or as small as an incalculable point. Now it is just for your convenience. That's why I appear in this form. If you don't want to, then I can too... "

His figure became blurred, and a second later a new image appeared, this time it was Lanny, Ellen's mother.

Allen narrowed his eyes.

"It seems you

Still not satisfied, what about these? "The creator connects and changes, from Archimedes to Horn, from Lucy to Lola, he changes into everyone Alan knows, "These are your forms with strong emotions, so I read it It's more convenient, why are you still not satisfied? "

For a moment, the Creator even transformed into Bai Fen, the intelligent snow wolf who had lived with Allen for several years. Finally the Creator ceased to change and appeared with a face without features. Allen shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's use my image."

The Creator then returned to his original form.

"So, can we start?" Allen asked.

The Creator spread his hands: "Anytime."

So the next moment, Allen was already stuck to him, piercing through the Creator's body, and the sword edge stabbed out from behind him. But the Creator showed no signs of injury at all. He said: "The devil's praise can hurt my agent, but it is useless to me. After all, it is in my hands, and I understand it thoroughly to every molecule."

He stretched out his hand to hold Shen An Jue Song, and the source device twisted immediately. Allen heard Milo's scream, the sound seemed to come from a very far away place, and then the source device disappeared, and directly returned to the original form of the dagger and fell down, floating in the void. Allen looked at the dagger floating in mid-air, and he knew very well that all the awakened forms of the source device had disappeared so far, and even the soul of the device disappeared.

In that brief moment just now, the Creator erased everything.

The Creator said: "You have been wrong from the very beginning. Use my power to fight against my creation. It seems a very clever approach, but it is meaningless to use it on me. It is like water droplets coming from the sea. Returning to the sea, what kind of damage can it cause to the sea?"

"Your family was originally a container that existed to easily withstand the will of the agent. Your power also comes from me. It is a ridiculous thing to use my power to deal with me." The creator made a call Snap your fingers.

The endless sword suit on Alan's body turned transparent and then disappeared completely. Allen's pupils shrank, and he no longer felt any connection with Taylor's power. Apart from Taylor, the other inheritances of the Twilight Will also disappeared, that is to say, Allen couldn't use their power.

Fortunately, the Golden King Flame is still there, maybe it is his own power, so it has been preserved, and even the Creator cannot erase his power. These

Things do not belong to the Creator. Otherwise, if the Creator could easily erase a universe, there would be no need to wage war.

"Without the source device, without those reverberations of will, you like this, are you still going to fight with me?" The Creator snapped his fingers again, and a set of black armor appeared on his body immediately. It was the endless sword outfit, and the black layer obviously had the power of deep sorrow. He used the power that he deprived of the past from Allen, and now uses it on himself, and the combination is more perfect than Allen. At least Allen didn't think about it, and the deep sad song can still be used in this way.

The Creator was still dissatisfied, he shook his head, "So you plan to use these combined powers to deal with me? I really don't know, what is the use of this combined power, let me teach you a lesson, you That's how it should be used."

The pitch-black endless sword on his body separated into pieces, twisted in mid-air, and turned into quicksilver-like objects, and then these black quicksilver kept gathering together, and when the form finally stabilized, it formed a black dagger. Only the handle and the blade, without any decoration, simple to the extreme. But that dagger gave Allen a very dangerous feeling. In that dagger, the Creator perfectly combined the power of Twilight's will and the deep sadness. If Alan is to do this, even Alan doesn't know how many years it will take.

Allen said bitterly: "Is this the power of high dimensions..."

"Yes, with the knowledge system of your dimension, it is difficult to understand how I did it. Then, let me ask you one last time, join us? As long as you join, you will also master this knowledge, these powers. Even , you may grow up to be better than us, and you will become an important member of us." The Creator stretched out his hand, "So, what are you waiting for?"

(end of this chapter)