Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1910: new supreme


Allen didn't answer, and directly hit him with a fist burning with golden flames. The Creator then knew his answer, and the Creator, who was almost like Alan's mirror image, sealed Alan's fist with a single stroke of the pitch-black dagger, and at the same time, all the golden king flames on the front of the fist disappeared. Allen squinted his eyes, although he was deprived of many abilities of the Endless Sword Suit and other Twilight Will, but at this moment, with a punch from his Golden King Flame, even the mountains would have to be shattered. But when it hit the Creator's inconspicuous dagger, both the source force and the impact kinetic energy were completely absorbed. The dagger that fused many forces together is the ultimate embodiment of the rules, and it also represents the Creator's superiority. High-dimensional rules above this universe.

Pushing Alan's hand away, the Creator was not polite, and pointed at Alan's chest with a knife. Alan didn't dare to be careless, and moved aside sideways. At the same time, his palm was shaped like a knife, and the golden king flame ignited again on the edge of his palm, and he slashed towards the Creator's chest. The Creator seemed to have very little experience in combat, he didn't dodge, and pulled the dagger horizontally. At this time, he was slashed by Allen with a knife, and at the same time the dagger also scratched Allen's chest.

The two separated.

The Creator was kicked back by Allen, but Allen took the initiative to back away.

He looked at his chest, and there was already a scar on his chest. What spit out from the scar was not blood, but a golden slurry. Allen exhaled, and sprayed a thin piece of golden king flame onto the wound, sealing the wound. Looking at the Creator again, he received a knife from him, but he didn't realize it.

"It seems that you still don't understand that the way of fighting between you and me is completely different. You still have the imprint of the low-dimensional universe on your body. Your way of fighting, the use of rules and power are all the same." The Creator said, " And the experiment I use is to integrate power, rules and self. I am power and rules, and there is no difference between me and them. No matter how powerful your power is, even if your power of rules is destructive Ultimately, even if you can shatter the void, can you shake the entire universe? Can you affect the Great Thousand Rules? Obviously, you can’t.”

"So the battle between you and me, from the very beginning, you have already lost."

The Creator ran over seemingly clumsily, but within three or two steps, he had already reached Alan's side, and he picked it up with a knife. Allen's whole body burned with golden king flames, clapped his palms, and clamped the dagger tightly. Then destroy the Golden King Flame, trying to annihilate the Creator's weapon. But that dagger is like a black hole, allowing Alan to destroy the power that can destroy the world, but it can't do it even if it turns red and hot. The Creator flicked his wrist, and the dagger cut between Alan's palms Open a wound, thus withdrawing, and then stab Alan between the eyebrows.

Allen bypassed, stretched out his hand to catch it, and had an extra golden long sword in his hand. A sword pierced into the creator's body and pierced out from his chest. The Creator just lowered his head, stretched out his hand to hold the sword lightly, and the golden long sword turned into nothingness, then turned around and slid away with a knife, pulling out a black light to force Alan back.

Allen looked at him silently, feeling for the first time that he had nowhere to start. His power, his rules, can't affect the Creator at all, how can such a battle be fought

Allen is at a disadvantage in the Creator's world. On Eboynes, the Star Alliance's coalition forces are not like this.

Orfascis almost supported the entire battle line with his own strength. The emperor who turned into a golden titan had killed more than a dozen shining giants, but there was still light shining from the planet of the Creator. When they fell, a large number of shining fighters were formed, some of the larger light groups formed high-level fighters, and finally a large number of rays of light gathered to form a shining giant.

The number of this Legion of Glory is rising crazily. From the beginning, it was equal to the number of the Star Alliance.

Now, the number is already five times that of the coalition forces! There were as many as a hundred of the shining giants. After they fell, they bypassed Orfascist and shot at the starships of the coalition forces, especially the main ships with huge firepower, and the mother ships that provided the endurance guarantee for the combat airships!

Under such circumstances, the superpowers in the coalition army can only deal with these shining giants separately, otherwise they are allowed to destroy the main ship and mother ship, then the low-level combat power of the coalition army will lose its support, and will soon be destroyed by a large number of glorious warriors. submerged. Only in this way, the pressure on the ordinary strong will increase greatly. They need to stop the senior fighters in the Legion of Glory. These radiant high-ranking fighters behind them are comparable in strength to ordinary powerhouses, and without the suppression of super powerhouses, it is almost impossible to cull them quickly. Moreover, there are so many of them, it is very difficult for ordinary strong men to intercept them.

Orfascist chopped off the heads of the two shining giants with a sword, and glanced around, only to see that a main ship was roughly torn apart by the two shining giants, and the hull was thrown to the ground. There were black spots in the broken hull Tossed out, those are the personnel in the ship. Orfascius roared, and the arbitrator threw himself into the ground. A moment later, the earth roared, and the ground bulged up. In an instant, long belts composed of countless metal particles rose from the ground, like a head of metal dragons. Their shapes are also strangled for it.

The emperor strangled dozens of giants in one go, but at this moment, the top of his head lit up again. Orfascist raised his head, and another large group of brilliance spewed down, and the densely packed brilliance warriors fell like raindrops, as if the legion could be endlessly regenerated. And this time, those diamond-shaped bodies, giant triangles, and black cuboids like coffins that have not appeared before have fallen with the light rain.

"It's endless." Orfascius roared, raising his hands up. All of a sudden, the ground within a thousand miles of the Twilight Hill shook, and long metal dragons rose into the sky. Thousands of dragons leaped between the sky and the earth, and bumped into the legion of the Creator. The magnificent picture is like the epic murals in the temples!

A large burst of flames exploded in the sky, and countless glorious warriors were strangled by the metal dragon, falling down one after another, turning into a real rain of light. What's more, the shining giant was pierced through the chest by the golden dragon, and a huge ball of light exploded in the air. What were more bombarded by the golden dragon were those diamond-shaped bodies, giant triangles, and the black cuboid as big as the main ship was also drilled by the golden dragon. For a moment, the entire sky was lit up by the light of the explosion, visible for thousands of miles.

The flames above Orfascist's head rolled like a sea of flames in the air. With the power of one man, the emperor killed countless enemy troops. But before the allied forces could be happy, they saw glorious warriors falling through the sea of flames, and behind them were shining giants as big as mountains.

Seeing this scene, even Orfascius felt powerless. His gaze penetrated the endless brilliance, and landed on the huge invisible planet of the Creator: "Alan, you need to hurry up."

Then he kicked up the arbitrator, and Orfascius leaped towards the sky after running a few times, with golden light blooming all over his body, like a sun rising on the earth. This round of sun crashed into the Legion of Glory, immediately drowning a large area of enemy troops, blasting a huge vacuum for the coalition forces.

But as far as the overall battle situation is concerned, it has not played a key change.

The battle is still going on.

On the platform of Twilight Hill, when Lucy looked up, all she could see were bright figures, and countless glorious warriors almost filled the platform. Catherine and Lola were around her, and the powerful members of the nearby Star Alliance also gathered together. At this time, it would be extremely stupid to fight alone. Only by joining forces can there be a chance of survival. Brilliant warriors rushed in, Catherine's long spear, Laura's red queen long sword, and the weapons and killing moves of many strong men were exhausted.

The numbers unfolded, killing and repelling the incoming glorious warriors wave after wave.

The hair on Lucy's forehead was already wet with sweat, and she had forgotten how many shots she had fired. Even with the Golden Rose and Endless Destruction in hand, her lethality is comparable to that of a superpower. But for her who has not yet broken through level 30, it is obvious that her source power can no longer keep up with the consumption.

Suddenly, two high-ranking fighters rushed over their heads, and Lucy immediately raised her gun to bombard them. A golden bullet and a void blast killed the two high-ranking fighters. Then Lucy felt a burst of fatigue, and her legs softened and she fell to the ground.

At this moment, several glorious warriors broke through the line of defense suddenly, and all handed out the great sword of glory to Lucy.

Catherine and Laura stared at each other, seeing that they couldn't defend themselves.

At this moment, one of the glorious warriors suddenly froze all over, and then his body shattered. The other was knocked out by a ball of black light, and the remaining one was beheaded by countless sword blades, and Catherine and her two breathed a sigh of relief. Bai Luo came to Lucy with a chill all over his body, Hubble, who stretched out his hand to pull back the Dark Star, came from behind, and Belmode, who turned into a black knight, passed over the heads of everyone.

Seeing these familiar figures, Lucy was greatly relieved.

The battle continued.

The entire battlefield was raging with flames of war, but not far from the Hill of Dusk, there was an oval-shaped stone that no one cared about. The strange thing is that since the start of the war, no one knows how many powerful men or gunfire from warships fell on it, but not even a single piece of its stone coat has been blown up. At this time, a high-ranking warrior was knocked into the stone. It pressed its hands on the stone and was about to get up, when suddenly its whole body shook. The naked man looked down, only to see a hand popping out of his chest. This hand is so beautiful, with slender fingers and crystal clear nails, as beautiful as a shell. But such a seemingly powerless hand easily penetrated its body and extinguished its source of power. As a result, the light in this high-level warrior's armor disappeared, and the armor fell to the ground with a clatter.

Behind it, the oval-shaped stone vibrated loudly, and strips of magma spewed out continuously from inside, and finally exploded completely, and the surroundings were full of chaos. Such a vision attracted a large number of glorious warriors, and they landed nearby, waiting intently.

After a while, a deep but pleasant female voice sounded from the hustle and bustle: "Are you soldiers of the Creator? You should be right, you have a smell that I hate, so disappear."

Suddenly all the glorious warriors trembled, the radiance on their bodies changed from extremely bright white to fiery red, and then one person sprayed flames from the armor. Disappeared without leaving a trace.

There was a roar like a hymn between the heaven and the earth, which was the echo of the power of the rules touching the world. Orfascius looked at the battlefield in disbelief, looking at the thick hustle and bustle, he felt that it was a supreme new student.

It's just that this Supreme, it seems that the power of rules is too single, like a sharpened knife, which is used before it can be polished to perfection.

So Orfascis knew that this was an existence that forcibly pushed himself to the supreme state. This kind of existence will only be short-lived and cannot last forever. Maybe it can only last for a while, and then it will fall from the supreme position.

But at least during this time, it is supreme!

(end of this chapter)