Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1912: dominate


In the creator's space, two figures merged and then separated.

After they parted, a circle of strong impact spread out, and the space buzzed. In this space where there is no heaven and earth, only void, tactics are more widely used. Allen doesn't know how many rounds he has played against the Creator. The Creator still has a huge advantage in the use of power and rules, but obviously the adaptability and application of tactics are not as good as Allen.

It seemed like a giant with great power, he was high above the ground, and he rarely had the chance to be challenged. As a result, Kong has strength, but his combat experience is very shallow.

It is natural to think that the Creator may not have encountered a challenge for a long time.

He seemed to be aware of this too.

"You are right. In the long history, there were very few opportunities for me to do it myself. In the last 10,000 years that I can clearly remember, you are the first object that I need to do it myself. "

Allen shrugged and said, "Then don't I have to feel honored?"

"You really have to feel honored, after all, such opportunities don't come often. Then, you are probably thinking, can you use your advantages in combat experience and adaptability to make up for the gap between our strength and rules?"

"Isn't it going to work?" Allen asked back.

The Creator showed a very humane smile: "You probably can't understand that no matter what kind of life is capable of learning, and learning can promote their growth. In terms of learning ability and growth speed, my race has incomparably huge Advantage. Let's put it this way, if you don't have other new tactics, then you will probably be destroyed by me on the spot."

"So, in the battle just now, you have learned something from me?"

"That's right, it's experience." The Creator said, "Do you have a tool like an intelligent brain to help with calculations? I also have it, but my information processing ability is countless times that of your intelligent brain. I have collected just now Enough information and modeling analysis, so you have no effect on the tactics I have used. It can be said that if you still use the previous tactics, I can kill 100% when you shoot about you."

"It's scary." Alan put down his hand suddenly, "But don't forget, you are not the only one who can learn and grow."


"The Creator shook his head, "You are the stronger one among those ants, but I don't think you can learn anything in such a short time. "

"Who said no?" Allen said: "You have to know that learning does not mean improving strength or comprehending new rules. I just learn how you use power and rules. From the very beginning, I felt that you This race doesn't like things that are too complicated, so you are very good at integrating. Integrating power, rules and self. Don't you say it, you are both power and rules, and this is how you fight."

"That's right, but you have to know that if you want to know how to integrate all the forces into one like us, and also blend seamlessly, it will be difficult to do it without tens of thousands of years."

Allen said: "You're right, but whoever said I did it by myself, unfortunately, there are a few guys inside me. They also happened to spend a very long time, and for you Have a full understanding. So during the period of our battle, through observation, they already have a plan. Even if this plan is only to simulate your approach, rather than really understand the means you use. But for me, Seems like enough."

After finishing speaking, an engraving appeared between Allen's eyebrows. Just like the engraving he made when he was promoted for the first time, but compared to the original Liaoyuan Blade, this engraving is much more complicated, it is composed of countless precise lines, and then around this engraving began to appear one by one. symbol. These symbols are somewhat similar to Eboyins' language, but they are not the same. The meaning they represent is more profound, and each symbol can hold more information.

When seeing these symbols, the Creator sighed softly: "I didn't expect that with a low-dimensional civilization level, I would give you access to the information of the middle and high dimensions of the universe. But it is not impossible, after all, now you are in my In the body, what you touch and feel here are all high-dimensional cosmic information, and some of them have been deciphered through this, which can be called commendable."

Soon Allen's body was covered with such symbols, and these symbols representing high-dimensional cosmic information began to arrange themselves again, forming several large patterns, which looked like geometric figures in mathematics, and this digital geometry , is exactly the rule that is extremely close to the universe where the Creator exists.

It seems simple, but it actually contains huge information of orders of magnitude.

in these graphics

After that, Allen's body surface faintly lit up, and a golden light flowed under his skin from time to time. His hair turned into burning white flames, and his eyes shot golden flames. He floated up slightly, but his aura didn't become more majestic and powerful, on the contrary, he almost lost his aura. But looking at the vision on his body, even a blind person would know that he has stepped into another brand new realm.

A level higher than Supreme.

Allen let out a "huh", stretched out his hand and flicked lightly in the void, and strips of light like clouds and smoke appeared in the space.

"How about it, in a dimension close to mine, do you have a feeling that everything is under control? That's right, this is a form that can only be supported by a high-dimensional universe. This is the master. Dominate space, dominate energy, and rule the rules of the universe .In contrast, your Supreme is like a big child in our eyes. Only when you stand in the form of dominance level, in our eyes, you are a real opponent."

Allen looked up, "It seems that you don't seem surprised or threatened?"

"It's nothing. In our universe, there are multiple masters. When a new master appears, it's time for him to explore the second dimension. Since you have become the master, no matter what means you use, even the so-called Simulation, I also recognize your power."

"In other words, are you going to leave?"

"No, you are about to leave." The creator said, "After becoming the master, you can no longer tolerate the low-dimensional universe. The moment you enter, you will destroy a star field, and then the destruction will spread, eventually causing the entire universe to be destroyed." collapse. That’s why I didn’t fully enter your universe, if I did, your universe would perish in a very short time.”

"In other words, you can't go back."

(end of this chapter)