Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1913: Destroyer


"Can't I go back?" Allen said.

The Creator said: "That's right, the low-dimensional universe cannot accommodate one master, you can only go to other high-dimensional universes. And even the high-dimensional universe cannot accommodate two masters. Of course, not all high-dimensional universes will There is a master, so this gives us the possibility of infinite exploration."

"But you can create creatures in the low-dimensional universe."

"The master does not need to enter the low-dimensional universe with the body. The will is our carrier. It allows us to freely enter and exit any dimensional universe, as long as you know the way to the destination."

"I understand that the main body cannot enter the low-dimensional universe, but can use its own power and rules to enter the low-dimensional universe through the will?"

The Creator nodded, "Yes, but even if the will can enter the low-dimensional universe, the power and rules it can carry are limited, otherwise it will also cause the collapse of the low-dimensional universe."

"That's easy." Allen smiled, then looked up at the void above his head. In his eyes, countless symbols flashed in an instant, and each symbol contained a lot of information, and each symbol could resonate with the rules of the universe.

Then he stood there, motionless.

The Creator first showed a puzzled expression, then frowned, then stretched out his hand and flicked in the air, and more complicated symbols appeared in front of him. Looking at those symbols, the Creator's body shook slightly, and said, "Are you looking for a way to my universe?"

When Allen re-perceived things, he found himself standing in a space. There is a big difference between this space and the universe he lives in. The space is not dark, the void is illuminated by a soft reddish light, and intricate galaxies extend to and fro, with countless planets dotted among them. From time to time, strange-shaped starships fly by, no matter what kind of starship they are, they basically follow the principle of geometric figures, and they are extraordinary in simplicity.

This is the universe where the Creator is. Allen took the reverberation of power left by the Creator into Eboynes as a clue, went upstream, and entered the universe where the Creator was with his will. The first impression that the high-dimensional universe gave Allen was that the source power was extremely abundant, and that the source power of the void could be easily accessed. For the creatures in the entire universe, it will be easier for them to reach the top of the source of power, and they will have more superpowers and supreme beings.

In fact, when Allen entered this universe, there were already several tentacles of a magnificent will that moved the tentacles of his perception, seeking him. And every will has crossed a long star road, but it is still very clear. These wills are all supreme, and the overall strength is above the supreme in the universe where Allen is located.

This is the high-dimensional universe, regardless of source power, civilization, and peak combat power, all surpass the low-dimensional universe.

Allen grasped one of the tentacles of will, and used it to trace to the place where that will was. As a result, the space, galaxy, and planets in his vision quickly expanded in his eyes, and then went away. When things were seen again in the field of vision, Allen saw a city. An extremely beautiful city, the evening light shines on the city, and those simple but elegant buildings glisten in the light. There are unnamed plants everywhere, and the vegetation in the city is very well done.

In the city, he saw many lives. Like the Creator's glorious warriors, they are all humanoid beings whose skin exudes radiance. Allen's will passes through one of them, and he immediately understands his body structure. This is a life form that has evolved to a very advanced level, between

Between body and energy. None of the organs and complex digestive systems that humans have can be found in their bodies. They absorb and store energy through something like a core, and supply it to the whole body through it. These beings have no blood. Only pure energy flows in it.

They seemed to have spotted Alan, who seemed to be pointing towards the sky. If Allen stood at the same angle as them, he would see his face printed on the floating clouds in the sky. This is a huge human face as large as kilometers!

Then some superpowers in the city attacked Allen, and lights of different colors rose into the sky, dazzling Allen's eyes in a blink of an eye. Although he was not substantially harmed, Allen was irritated. He remembered what the Creator had done to his universe, and then looked back at the creatures in the universe of the Creator to live comfortably. Immediately, the anger was exhausted, so the human face in the sky opened its mouth and said: "Since your ruler is named after the Creator, then I am the destroyer, destroying everything created by the Creator. In the next thousand years, ten thousand years, You will all remember my horror, and the roar of life from the lower dimensions!"

The human face disappeared after speaking.

Then everything began to become transparent, cities, buildings, spaceships, plants, creatures. The original colors were removed one by one, and then disappeared, like bubbles.

From a certain point, the planet gradually became transparent, and from that point, circles of flames spread. In the blink of an eye, the entire planet turned into a star of fire, and a furious will was transmitted from that planet, which was the counterattack of a certain Supreme Being. Allen stretched out his hand towards the planet in his consciousness, and suddenly the planet turned into a supernova in the universe. As for the Supreme, he returned to nothingness with the planet!

The other supreme beings conveyed mixed feelings of panic and anger. They tried to understand Alan and communicate with him. But Allen no longer accepted their will contact, he began to destroy the planet, the galaxy, and a star field. Wherever he thinks and feels, everything burns into flames. On this day, this high-dimensional universe shines with unprecedented light. On some advanced civilization planets, countless starships scrambled to escape from the planet, but they were swept in by the flames before they could fly at the speed of light.

On this day, a star field was completely destroyed, hundreds of millions of lives were buried in the flames, and the entire universe echoed with the same hymn-like voice, which was caused by the rules of the universe to resonate with Allen. And Allen's will is also transmitted to every corner of the universe through this burst of resonance, but only those Supremes who have touched the rules can hear his voice.

"Burn it, destroy it. The lofty beings outside the cage, tremble, this is resistance from inside the cage. Today is your judgment day!"

Allen continued to destroy everything touched by his thoughts, and he was even fascinated by this destruction. It turns out that after becoming a master, it is so easy to destroy a planet. He doesn't even need to deliberately destroy the planet, he only needs to destroy the atmosphere that protects the planet and increase the dose of the cosmic jet to make the planet self-destruct.

At this moment, he stood at the height of the gods, looking down at the universe.

Then there is a sense of weightlessness falling down.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he saw the withered dimensional wall above Eboynes, and the magnificent and huge planet of the Creator.

He returned to his body again.

In an instant, he understood that the Creator directly threw him back to Eboins in order to pull his will back from the high-dimensional universe. Entering the low-dimensional universe is like putting

A big fish was thrown into a small fish tank, and the tank almost burst in an instant. The reverberation of the collapse of the rules of this universe made Allen instinctively feel a sense of crisis. The imprint of this universe on him was so deep that his instinct immediately pulled his will back.

After the return of the will, the first thing Allen did was to release the master's simulation, and disintegrate the power and rules with himself, so the symbols on his body quickly disappeared, and finally only the complex mysterious engraving on his forehead remained. Allen spread his hands, and the person was suspended in midair. At this moment, an ark turned in midair and bit him with its mouth wide open.

Allen turned his head to look, and pointed out: "Get lost!"

The ark seemed to hit an invisible boundary, starting from the head and disappearing one by one, and finally the huge monster disappeared completely in the air.

Allen raised his head. At this moment, he released the master's simulation, but his power remained above the supreme, just one line behind the master, that is, just within the tolerance limit of the low-dimensional universe. It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, he, even the other three supreme beings of Orfascis, are all wiped out by a wave of hands to Allen.

In this universe, he has already stood at the pinnacle and has no opponent!

With a thought of Allen, the remaining glorious warriors, giants, and inorganic bodies in the sky turned transparent one by one, and then their figures flickered and disappeared into the air. In a moment of thought, he killed the entire army of the Creator without missing a single one. Orfascius looked at Allen in surprise, and said in a voiceless voice: "What happened to you kid."

Allen shook his head and smiled at him: "It's hard to say."

Then he raised his head and said, "You've got yourself in a cocoon, you're self-righteous and provide me with a chance to touch you. You originally wanted to use absolute power to make me despair. But you didn't expect that this would also give me a chance to learn, so that I have simulated to the level of master. Now, what do you do? If your body enters the low-dimensional universe, it is true that the low-dimensional universe will be destroyed, but it is relative. The destruction of a dimensional universe will also affect you, because when you come The path of the universe will be closed by the destroyed universe. Even if you can escape the big bang of the universe in time, you can only go to other dimensions, and then become a homeless stray dog."

"You didn't mention this to me before, so this is why you need to use Eboins to harvest the low-dimensional universe!"

The voice of the creator sounded: "That's right, I originally wanted to throw you into the low-dimensional universe and let the universe self-destruct from the inside. I didn't expect you to be so attached to this universe, and your instinct immediately pulled your will back, so as to avoid causing damage. Maximum damage."

"Then, this war should end here." Allen said, "You can't enter the low-dimensional universe, and your army can't do anything to me either. So, it's time to end. As for you, the Creator, after you leave, I will Reshape the dimension wall. You will find that it will not be so easy to enter this universe arbitrarily in the future."

(end of this chapter)