Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1916: The endless chase


The sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky.

It's just that besides a brilliant sun on that day, the outline of a planet can be vaguely seen in the distance, obviously this is not the earth. But it has a similar landform to the earth, at least the yellow sand here is endless, exactly the same as the desert area on the earth.

There are always countless similarities in the universe, and this place is no exception.

In the depths of the desert, there is a very old but elegant city, even if the sky is full of yellow sand, there is no way to cover it up. Because the city has a shield that protects the ancient city day and night. Most of the buildings in the ancient city were made of stone, but the temple in the center was made of some kind of unknown metal. Behind the temple stands a minaret. This minaret has no doors and windows, so for many years, no one has ever been able to enter the minaret.

The steeple towers straight up into the sky, and looks like a giant pillar supporting the sky and the earth from a distance. It is shining and reflecting the brilliance of the sun, and it can be seen even if it is extremely far away.

"Look, everyone, that is the most famous building in the City of Sacred Relics, the Holy Minaret. For thousands of years, no one has ever been able to enter the minaret. Once, a supreme being who came from afar wanted to enter the minaret, and he wanted to enter the minaret. There is no door. After ten years of fruitless stay near the minaret, I had no choice but to leave. Therefore, people call it a holy minaret, after all, even the Supreme Being cannot open it."

On a spaceship, the front end of the spaceship is an open porthole, and people standing in front of the window can have a clear view of things outside the window.

The passengers on this spaceship are not humans, but aliens with strange shapes. There is a guy with a head as big as a bucket but a small body. Its head is even soaked in a helmet full of blood; An asymmetrical eyeball; one that looks like a bug; and so on.

If you look at it by human standards, one of the passengers who sat quietly in the seat, wrapped in a dark cloak, looked much more normal.

This is an interstellar tour group. In this high-dimensional universe, wars no longer exist and diseases have been eradicated. All living beings are actively seeking more mysteries of the universe, and even have begun to migrate to other dimensional universes. Of course, not everyone is willing to leave everything they are familiar with and devote themselves to the exploration of the unknown dimension without hesitation. Therefore, traveling around planets in various star fields has become a very hot business.

At the beginning, interstellar travel was simply a matter of people going to an unknown planet for sightseeing. Later, people's tastes became more and more sophisticated, so the tourism projects became more and more complicated. Among these classified tourism projects, archaeological travel has become very popular recently. Many people like to go to those ancient planets to explore the traces that their ancestors may have left, so as to remember them.

Of course, those ancient civilizations with real value are strictly protected, and those that can be opened up have lost their research value. Not to mention, just like this sacred spire, no matter how much you study, you can't study flowers.

The spaceship began to enter the ancient city, headed to the port where the ancient city was anchored, and then took the land speeder to the sacred minaret. The passengers on the car talked a lot. Although they came from different star fields and different planets, today's universal language translator can let them speak freely. Only one traveler remained silent, and that was a strange man in a cloak.

The group was led by a female alien who could be called beautiful by human standards. She walked up to the cloaked man and said, "Sir, are you dissatisfied with this trip? If so, you can Speak out your suggestions, we will listen carefully, if it is of positive significance to us, I will

They will gladly accept it. "

"No." A very magnetic voice sounded from within the cloak: "You guys have arranged things very well, and I am very satisfied. It's just that I don't like getting too close to people."

"That's it, then I understand." The tour guide retreated very politely, and said, "If you need anything, please feel free to let me know."

The car finally stopped, and the passengers got off one after another. The tour guide had already begun to explain the history of the sacred minaret: "13,000 years ago, this place was still barren. At that time, this desert swallowed everything. Until one day, Someone saw a bright light in the desert, and then saw something rising. Yes, that is the Holy Spire. No one knows why it appeared, what is the meaning of its appearance. Only know that when it appeared, the desert It is much more docile, and oases have emerged in many places, allowing people thousands of years ago to build cities based on these oases. This city of holy relics is the earliest city, and it was built on the largest oasis under the sacred spire."

The tour guide retreated to the side, and the greenery in front of him, the trees were tall, and the cool breeze was blowing, which did not make people feel a little bit of heat. There is a large lake there, and there are many unnamed plants floating on the lake. They have white stamens all over the body and light purple leaves. The sacred minaret stands in the center of the lake. It rises from the big lake and points directly at Yunxiao.

The cloaked man walked towards the shore of the lake. The guide noticed this strange man and reminded: "Sir, it is best not to approach the holy lake. The locals regard this lake as a treasure of the desert. The people of Holy Lake are desperate, if you want to observe the steeple, I know there is another place, oh no. Please stop, sir."

Seeing that the strange man had stepped one foot into the soft soil on the shore of the lake, and the aborigines living in the holy city nearby had shown hostile eyes, the tour guide hurried forward. At this moment, there was darkness above the head. She looked up, and saw a black rainbow streaking across the sky. The shield of the holy city was like a vain cast to it. lake.

All of a sudden, the lake was full of waves!

I saw the tsunami-like lake water shooting towards me, and the face of the tour guide turned green. Suddenly, the man in the cloak seemed to sigh, and then raised his hand. The lake suddenly split in the middle, rolling past him and the lady guide behind him, washing away many tourists and indigenous people. Then the lady tour guide listened to the man in the cloak and said: "Get out of here quickly, miss, the man opposite is a bit bad-tempered."

The tour guide left in a panic, glanced at the cloaked man from a distance, and then really left.

The man lifted his hat, revealing a silvery white hair and handsome facial features. It's just that he looks very young, but for some reason, there are vicissitudes in his eyes that need to be accumulated over a long period of time. He sighed and said, "You're not finished yet. After you came to this universe, you chased me around. I think you know better than me how many star fields you have crossed."

Under the sacred spire, there was a black light, and one of them said: "Even if you escape to another universe, I will chase you to the end. Now I have nothing but to kill you!"

"Is revenge so important to you?" The cloaked man said: "Look at this universe, don't you feel that the past is far away from us. We can obviously have more time to explore the mysteries of this universe, so why bother?" Clinging to me. It's not an interesting thing for you or me."

"Of course you would say that, because for you, it is a pleasure to be able to explore the universe where your creator is. But it is not the same thing for me. If I give up chasing and killing you, my life What's the point!"


Pengren shook his head, pointed to the sky and said: "You have to understand that this is different from our original universe. There are as many as twelve Supreme Beings in this universe. Oh, one unlucky guy let that person be wiped out. But Even the weakest of the remaining eleven is far stronger than us. If you and I fight, do you think they won't interfere?"

"What do you mean?"

The cloaked man looked at the holy steeple and said, "When I was chasing you around the world, I collected information about this steeple. It should be left over from the Creator. After all, until now, no one has I haven't been able to enter the steeple. I think I have some clues to open it, but it will take a little time. If you can help me do some research, the day this dust tower is opened, I will give you a chance to fight with all your strength. Fighting inside, the Supreme cannot interfere, how about it?"

"Don't come here, it's not the first time I've met you. You guys must be planning something again."

The cloaked man spread his hands and said, "Come on, I bet, as long as you make a move, the supreme being of this universe will intervene. They are very strange, even though the Creator no longer exists, they are still maintaining the supreme power of this universe." The basic order, that is peace. They hate war, but that doesn't mean they are softies. You know, we are not that man who casually wiped out a Supreme with moderate combat power, I wonder if I have the ability .”

"Damn it, that's fine. But I'll be watching you all day, so don't try to play tricks on me."

"Of course." The cloaked man laughed: "Anyway, you will always find me, I can play tricks."

The black light approached, and a man in full armor came out from inside. Holding the handle of the long sword at his waist, he said, "Then, what are we going to do next?"

"It's very simple. The first thing is, we have to disappear from here, and then come in with another identity, if you don't want to attract attention." After finishing speaking, the cloaked man turned around and left.

The man in black armor followed quickly, and the two followed suit, leaving the holy city in a blink of an eye. The next day, there were two more tourists in the holy city. This is a tourist attraction, let alone two more tourists, even two hundred more would not attract attention.

However, three days later, when the sky was just dawn, someone roared into the sky: "Damn Spinak, you actually broke your promise! I knew I couldn't trust you, you old bastard, even if you chased to another universe, I'd never I won't let you go!"

The residents of the holy city who were awakened by the sudden loud noise, when they ran out of the house, saw a black rainbow light smashing through the shield and going away in an instant.

This is destined to be an endless chase.

PS: I wish this pair of good friends can chase after forever, spread flowers~~

PS2: Thank you Su in the flames of war, fat dudu and other friends for your positive comments. As a writer, it is undoubtedly the happiest thing to be recognized by everyone at the end of the book. At the same time, I would also like to thank all the friends who subscribed, especially Brother Xiang, the soul of the kitten, Xiaoshi Hourglass, wooukaide123 and other brothers who often reward and vote . Thank you for your company all the way, and I hope that you will also be in the journey of the next book!

(end of this chapter)