Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1920: give it to me


Paradise Star, Balegon Empire.

Granier, known as the Empire, has gradually spread the title of Lucky City recently. The origin of the title is because the city was divided by the previous princes and faced off between the north and the south; it was also invaded by the Panlong Empire; and the last Burning Legion was raging. In the midst of continuous war, Granier miraculously avoided all the flames of war and became the most intact city in the entire empire.

Therefore, more and more people come to this lucky city, hoping that they can be as lucky as Granier in their future life.

On Gold Street in Granier, a tavern has recently gained a reputation. This tavern, which had been renamed "Modera", almost closed down due to poor management, and was later sold out. The new owner of the tavern is rich and powerful. When it opened after renovation, it advertised to entertain adventurers for free for a month. At the beginning, the passing adventurers just entered the tavern with the idea of giving it a try, but after they tasted the delicious and free wine, more and more adventurers would linger in this tavern.

The owner of the tavern also fulfilled his promise, supplying more than a year's worth of alcohol in the previous tavern in one month, and gained a reputation among Granier. From the second month onwards, the tavern starts charging, but as long as you show your adventurer certificate, you will get half-price hospitality for the whole store. Although it is no longer free, the wine and food in this tavern are delicious, so the number of customers continues unabated. In addition to adventurers, passing business travelers and residents of the city also began to patronize this tavern.

Most of the guests in the tavern were men, and these people not only came for fine wine and half-price discounts, but also for the young and beautiful hostess. When the hostess of the tavern appeared in front of everyone, no one could believe that this beautiful woman with long legs was actually the woman of the tavern. Of course, things like beautiful women are always easy to get involved with right and wrong, and it didn't take long before a group of local gangsters came to the tavern to make trouble. What made people dumbfounded was that the hostess of the tavern was not only beautiful, but also used a sword well, using a two-handed sword.

Obviously, this woman is not an ordinary character yet. Afterwards, adventurers who came and went began to gather here, and the tavern also began to evolve into a place for the circulation of various news, and news mongers began to station in this tavern. Of course, the tavern provided them with a place to communicate and also received a certain percentage of dividends.

The Modera Tavern has gradually become a scene in Granier. If adventurers passing by don't sit in the tavern, they will lose the capital to brag to their companions. What's more, every season, the tavern will launch several new categories of fine wine, and the business is booming.

At the beginning of the night when the lights came on, the Modera tavern was already full of people. Today, there are poets and dancers who are touring all over the country performing in the tavern. There is strange music in the tavern, and the dancers are choreographing dances on the stage. The poet is singing a familiar poem for the guests, telling The best is an epic war of imperial princes fighting off monster hordes.

The hostess of the tavern was wiping a glass behind the bar, and there were a few regular customers sitting beside her, but they were members of the local Adventurer's Association.

An old man took a sip of his wine and said, "Qira, to be honest, I can't sleep if I don't come to you every night for a drink."

The hostess named Qila said with a smile: "Then you should come here often, Mr. Buffon."

The old man laughed: "Of course I will come here often. Now my wife thinks that I also bow under your pomegranate skirt. This is a great injustice. Although I have repeatedly emphasized that it is the wine of Modera that seduced me, but She just doesn't believe it. There's no way, who made our Bella such a beautiful woman?"

The men next to me smiled knowingly, and a handsome man said, "Don't blame me for being talkative, Kira. Although you are very strong

The situation, and we are here to take care of it, generally nothing will happen. But you are always a woman, I am not looking down on you, I just want to tell you that women still have to find a home. "

"Thank you, Mr. Vitch." Kira smiled, "But who told you that I don't have any men anymore?"

"Oh, then why haven't you seen your so-called man since you came to Granier for almost half a year?" the old man Buffon said.

Qila looked towards the door and said: "He went to a far door, and when he comes back, you can see him."

Suddenly, shouts and curses sounded from the direction of the stage, followed by screams from dancers. From the looks of everyone, it seemed that someone was causing trouble. Bella snorted, and the old man smiled and said, "Don't worry, you just stay here. Vicky, go over and see who is making trouble here."

Vicki called the two men next to him and squeezed past him, thinking that the matter would just go away. Suddenly there was a bang and a strong source of light appeared, and several men from the Adventurer's Association staggered to and fro. A rough man came out, full of alcohol, and shouted: "I heard that the owner of this tavern is a beautiful woman, come out and meet you, Mr. Tanley. If you are satisfied, I will give you the money that Mr. Tanley has." gift."

Qila walked out of the bar and said coldly: "You are not welcome here, please go out."

When the man saw Bella's eyes lit up, he laughed loudly and said, "She really is a beauty, so please stay with me tonight."

Then strode toward Bella.

A very strong source of light appeared on his body. The old man opened his eyes wide and said loudly: "Qila, come back quickly. This is Tanli the butcher. You can't deal with him!"

But it was too late, and Kira was about to be caught. A hand was placed on the man's shoulder out of thin air, and the strong man who looked like a bear suddenly fell to the ground. He got up in embarrassment and shouted, "Who is it?"

"Aren't you going to see the owner of the tavern? I am, so you made a mistake."

Bella froze there, and then a dim light appeared in her eyes. In front of her, a cloaked man lifted his hat to reveal a rare lock of black hair. He looked tall, thin, and slender. He stood there and smiled slightly at Bella: "Sorry, I'm late. Master Allen, he..."

At the end of the sentence, Qila had already crashed into his arms, hugged him tightly and said, "Just come back, don't say anything else. As long as I can see you again, I am already very happy."

The man relaxed, put his arms around her and said softly, "Me too."

Then the man named Tanli got up and shouted: "You seem to have forgotten me!"

The tall and thin man laughed, "Look, I'm really forgetful. But I remember, Bella asked you to go out just now."

"Then, get out of here!"

The door of Modra Tavern exploded suddenly, and a man was thrown out like a dead dog, lying motionless on the ground. Didn't die, just passed out. Bella held her head while looking at the door and said, "This door was only changed last month!"

The man hugged her and said, "I'll change it. From now on, leave everything to me."

On this day, people know that Modera has a male master, and his name is Belmode.

Pretty rock star.

On an unnamed hillside, the scorching sun was blazing. There were two burly figures walking up the hillside. They were two Catu people. Even considering the burly figures of the Catu people, they were too thick. The one walking in front was obviously younger, with red paint on his body, carrying a battle flag, and planting the flag on the hillside. The one behind is older, but has a strong breath and sharp eyes. Most especially, he

There are several iron chains hanging on it.

"How long has it been since you came here?" the young Cato said, and he counted his fingers seriously: "At least twenty years."

"To be precise, it's twenty-two years and three months." Cato, who was wearing iron chains, said, "Even though it's been so long, I still remember clearly what happened that night. As a warrior under your father's account , That night, I should have died here with them, using the enemy's brains as decorations on my grave!"

The young man sighed, "I'm sorry, Iron Gu, I've made you feel sorry for twenty years."

The old Catu man named Iron Bones shook his head and said, "No, today you are able to stand on this place again, and I am proud of your father. Son, you have experienced many hardships, but the pain did not knock you down. This is very similar to your father, you are both men of great courage. I used to think that when our tribe was razed, you would lose all courage. But the day you stood before me again, I Know I was wrong."

"Now, you're Warchief. If your father knew, he'd say, well done, Hubble!"

The young man knelt down beside the battle flag, looked up at the battle flag and said, "If I can hear his voice again, I am willing to give everything in exchange, even if I don't become the great chief."

"What are you talking about..." Iron Bones walked up, pressed his shoulder hard and shouted: "Listen to the sound of the battle flag being blown by the wind! Isn't that his cheer for you!"

The young man shuddered all over, and then he closed his eyes.

At this moment, all he could hear was the rustling of the battle flag when it was blown by the wind. Just like that day, he rode on his father's war beast, and the flag planted behind the war beast made this sound.

There was a roar on the hillside.

This wild roar echoed endlessly on the hillside and spread thousands of miles.

The battle flag remained on the hillside, it was the banner of a tribe that has disappeared. He had thought about planting the flag on this hillside a long time ago, but he did not do it until today. He left the battle flag behind, and a small camp was built near the hillside. There are only a few soldiers in this camp, and their only mission is to ensure that the battle flag will not fall.

It was the Warchief's order, and though it seemed pointless, the warriors in the camp would faithfully carry it out.

Perhaps only the warchief will understand the meaning of it.

The battle flag will not fall, and the heroic spirit will live forever!

(end of this chapter)