Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1923: Endless journey


Mubes star field, Ronan star.

Under the lamplight, a pen falls on the paper, and write down the characters of the earth one by one. There was a rustling sound in the room, revealing a sense of tranquility. The light shone on the face of a young man. He had silver-gray hair and a handsome face. Under the light of the fire, those golden pupils seemed to glow, emitting a brilliant light. He was writing in his diary, in which he wrote:

Twenty-third days after leaving Earth.

Today, I came to Ronan Star based on clues. I'm sorry, Father, for not being at your wedding, but you're right, your journey has come to an end, and it's time for me to start my own.

It seems a bit off topic.

Ronan Star, humans also live on this planet, but of course they are different from humans on Earth. The civilization of this planet is still very backward. At this moment, I am staying in a city. There is a legend in this city. It is said that there is a giant snake sleeping deep in the city, which is the patron saint of the city. Once a disaster occurs in the city, it will wake up from its slumber.

I have collected a lot of information about this legend, which looks a bit like my kind, and I decided to stay here for a while.

The universe is vast, and I believe that in a certain corner, my race must still be alive.

After writing this, the young man stopped and closed the diary.

At this time, footsteps sounded outside, and the voices gradually became louder. The young man hid the diary and went out into the street. From a distance, flames could be seen coming from the direction of the city square. He casually grabbed a passerby and asked, "What happened?"

"Something has happened." The middle-aged man said: "Someone entered the underground palace without the consent of the lord. The lord thought she had offended the patron saint and wanted to burn her to death. What's even more hateful is that this woman is still talking nonsense. She said that the underground palace There is no patron saint at all, only the demon and its guards. Now, the demon guards are going to destroy the city. This is really terrible, this kind of woman deserves to be burned!"

He ran away after speaking.

The young man squinted his eyes: "Devil? Guard? Interesting..."

He also swarmed into the crowd.

The city square was brightly lit, and a high platform was piled up in the middle. The high platform was all made of wood, and kerosene had been poured on it. A tightly bound woman was lifted onto a raised platform by two strong men, who tied her to a wooden post. It was a young woman. She obviously knew what fate she would encounter next, but there was no trace of fear on her face. She said loudly: "You must believe my words. After burning me to death, please leave this city immediately. The demon guards are already ready to move, and they will come to the ground at any time. When the time comes, this city will bleed like rivers. They will Devour babies, and will not spare any human beings. Please believe me!"

"It's nonsense!" said the lord, who was sitting on a tall horse and dressed in gorgeous costumes, "burn this woman to death immediately!"

Then an archer lit a fire on the arrow, and then shot an arrow on the pile of wood, and the high platform made of wood suddenly burst into flames. People excitedly shouted "burn her to death", listening to these voices, a sad expression appeared on the woman's face. Suddenly, the color of the flames changed from fire to blue, and then the high platform and the flames turned into frost. Such a vision made people turn pale with shock. Who knows who shouted "the devil is coming", and the people around rushed to escape from the square.

Even the lord left under the guard of soldiers.

When the square was empty, someone walked up to the high platform, it was the young man with silver-gray hair. He reached out and pointed at the rope on the woman's body, and the rope froze and then broke. The woman regained her freedom and looked at him in astonishment.

The young man smiled and said, "Come with me."

The two left the city and came to the small woods outside the city. The young man took off his cloak, spread it on the ground and said, "You can sleep here."

"Who are you?" the woman asked, and then said, "My name is Roland."

"You can call me Bai." The young man smiled and said, "Then Miss Roland, have you really been to the underground palace?"

Roland sat on the cloak, nodded and said: "Yes, I have been there. My family has detailed records of that underground palace. There is no patron saint in that underground palace at all, only a demon. My ancestors once fought against this demon. and captured it. But we could not kill the demon, so my ancestors built the dungeon to seal the demon deep underground forever. Then our family took root in this land, where at first there was nothing. Then formed A village, a small town, and hundreds of years later, there is a city like this."

"It seems that your family has withered."

"Yes, a few hundred years is enough for a prosperous family to die out, and I am the last member. Recently, the city has been threatened, and the lord used the legend of the patron saint of the underground palace to appease everyone, and even challenged the guardian. This is an extremely stupid thing. They sent food to the demon. With food, the demon will become stronger again. I was worried that the underground palace would not be able to seal the demon, so I went down to confirm. Sure enough, the demon’s The guards have begun to wake up, but the people on the ground don't know it!"

Bai patted Roland on the shoulder: "You rest for a while, and then take me to see. If there is a demon, I will help you get rid of it."

"You?" Roland obviously didn't believe it. She shook her head and said, "You can't do it, sir. You'd better get out of here quickly."

"how about you?"

"I plan to go back and have a look. If there is really no way, then I will blow up the underground palace. Fortunately, our ancestors foresaw such a day, so they prepared some necessary mechanisms in the underground palace."

Bai Danran said: "Maybe you don't have to do this. Anyway, you should sleep for a while. I'll go get some things. Let's go to the underground palace together when we get back."

He went back to the city to pick up his luggage, and when he came back, the woman had disappeared. Bai shook his head, smiled, and his eyes lit up. After a while, he found the woman's footprints and followed them to the foot of a mountain outside the city. There was a cave at the foot of the mountain, and Bai walked in and went deep into it.

He came to an underground palace. The entrance of the palace was two sculptures, and the sculptures were monsters. Bai couldn't help being taken aback by the human body and the snake's head, which was a bit beyond his expectation. He went deep into it, and soon after, he saw a hall. A woman's scream sounded in the hall, and Bai's figure rushed, and in a blink of an eye, he saw a monster attacking the woman. It was a giant monster with a body several meters high, with three snake heads, holding a battle ax and a giant sword in its hand, and was chasing and killing Roland.

Seeing that Roland was about to be slashed by the giant sword, Bai Shan came up to her, stretched out his hand, and supported the edge of the sword. Then at the point where the two touched, a sheet of frost quickly spread from the giant sword, and finally the giant monster was frozen into an ice sculpture.

Roland looked at Bai in shock and said, "Why haven't you left yet?"

"I'm leaving, and you are dead." Bai stretched out his hand and pulled her up: "Let's go, let's go and see the demon you mentioned."

They went deep into the underground palace, passed through many organs, and encountered various monsters along the way. Finally, they came to the depths of the palace. This is a hall, and in the middle of the hall is a huge skeleton. Judging from the shape of the skeleton, it is exactly the same as the sculpture outside the palace. Has a humanoid body, but the skull is clearly serpentine.

The skeleton was also chained with thick chains, which were attached to the hall

All around, after a long time of invasion, the iron chain has been rusted.

Bai said: "It seems that no matter how powerful a demon is, it can't stand against the invasion of time. It is already dead. As for those guards, they may be its mutated descendants after combining with underground creatures."

"Dead..." Roland was a little distracted, and then laughed: "The devil is actually dead. Is it a skeleton that we want to protect for generations?"

Bai patted her on the shoulder and said, "Don't be sad, it may not be a good thing to know the answer now. You see, at least you don't have to stay here anymore, you can look around."

"But I don't know where to go?"

"Well, I'll travel all over the place, and we can be company if you want."

"Is it possible? If so, that would be great."

It was already morning when they walked out of the underground palace, and there were explosions and flames from the direction of the city. Roland said, "It's coming, it's the army of the Maas people, and they finally attacked the city."

Roland looked at the cave at the foot of the mountain again: "Unfortunately, their patron saint still didn't show up in the end."

"Let's go, it's none of our business here."

The two left facing the rising sun.

One night, Bai took out a diary. Roland was cooking broth, she said strangely: "You still record?"

"Yes, my father said, record the things along the way. When I stop traveling in the future, I will gain extremely precious memories." Bai smiled, opened the diary, and began to record.

The third week of coming to Ronan Star.

I was looking for the legend about the patron saint in a city before, and I thought it might be related to my race, but unfortunately, even if it is really a king snake clan, it has already turned into a skeleton. Yes, it is dead, murdered by time. I looked at the skeleton and thought, whether my race has become like this, am I the last member of the King Snake clan

This is an unanswerable question, unless I go to every corner of the universe and confirm that there are no other king snakes alive, can I draw this conclusion

But it's not without gains, at least, I got to know Roland, a pretty good woman. I will travel with her on Ronan Star for a while, now I heard that there is a country deep in the desert that worships giant snakes, I want to go there and see.

Father, maybe when I go back, Leian will have grown up. But like you said, this universe is so vast, and there are universes beyond the universe, it seems that I will travel for a long time.

"The soup is ready, come and drink."

After closing the diary, he heard Roland yelling. Bai stood up with a smile and said, "Go to bed after drinking, we are going to the desert tomorrow."

"What exactly are you looking for?"

"I don't know, but one day, I will know. But before that, there are countless adventures waiting for me."

"You really like adventure."

"That's the beauty of life, isn't it?"

(end of this chapter)