Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 207


Master Huoling shouted loudly, and quickly formed a terrifying fire-melting array with You Tiangu, Jian Yuan and others, condensed a big flame hand, and imprinted it on Ye Chenfeng with powerful destructive power.


The sword was glowing brightly, and the sword spirit puppet tore a hole several feet long in the frozen air with a sword, splitting the flaming hand that fell from the sky.

Huo Xinyan, who had turned into a fire dragon, attacked with all his strength, and the fierce attack continuously consumed the energy in the sword spirit puppet's body.

Facing Huo Xinyan, Master Huo Ling and others' fierce attacks, Ye Chenfeng is in a very dangerous situation, and he may die here if he is not careful.

But he couldn't find any panic on his face. While dodging the attack with his feet, he kept relying on the power of God Devouring Brain to sense the tracking mark left by Huo Xinyan on his body, and tried his best to get rid of him. The tracking mark is broken.

"Eighteen places, Huo Xinyan actually left eighteen tracking marks on me."

Under the induction of Brain Devourer, Ye Chenfeng noticed eighteen tracking marks on his body, and quickly used the power of Brain Devourer to forcibly erase these tracking marks.


When the eighteen tracking marks disappeared one by one, Huo Xinyan, who was attacking the sword spirit puppet with all his strength, immediately noticed it, showing a deep shock.

He couldn't imagine that Ye Chenfeng, who was only a second-level Celestial Beast Immortal, not only noticed the location of the eighteen tracking marks, but also had the ability to break them one by one.

"Sixty thousand middle-grade soul crystals, melt."

After cracking the tracking mark on his body, Ye Chenfeng no longer has any worries. In order to break out and leave this place, he took out all the remaining 60,000 middle-grade soul crystals and melted them into the sword spirit puppet.

Integrating the soul power contained in 60,000 middle-grade soul crystals, powerful power erupted from the body of the sword spirit puppet, and its own combat power rose steadily, reaching the limit of the fifth-level Xuan Beast Sect.

"Sword Spirit Puppet, take the sword!"

The strength of the sword spirit puppet soared, and Ye Chenfeng threw the Juque Heavenly Sword weighing ten thousand catties to him.

Holding the low-grade celestial weapon Juque Tianjian, the attack power of the sword spirit puppet reached an unimaginable level. With just one blow, Huo Xinyan's all-out blow broke through and tore apart the melting fire formation formed by Master Huo Ling and others.


The melting fire formation was torn apart, and Huo Xinyan resolutely merged into the melting fire formation, increasing the power of the melting fire formation, making a final fight.

If Ye Chenfeng can't be killed this time, Huo Xinyan, Master Huo Ling knows that there may be no chance of killing him in the future, and the Sky Fire Sect will also lose face because of Ye Chenfeng.

More importantly, once Ye Chenfeng grows up, what awaits the Skyfire Sect will be doomsday.

"Golden Roc Wings!"

Just when Huo Xinyan and others killed Ye Chenfeng with all their strength, Ye Chenfeng, who was seriously injured, gritted his teeth and summoned Jin Peng's wings more than ten meters long.

The dark golden Jinpeng feathers shone dazzlingly in the setting sun.

"Wings, this Ye Chenfeng actually has a pair of heavenly beast wings, how many of his trump cards have not been revealed." Master Huo Ling and others saw the Jinpeng wings stretched out behind Ye Chenfeng, with feathers like sharp swords, My mind was shaken.

"Fifty years of longevity burning."

Although he summoned the Jinpeng Wings, Ye Chenfeng was too seriously injured to drive the Jinpeng Wings to fly. As a last resort, he burned another 50 years of life energy to forcibly raise his own realm to the second level of the Mysterious Beast Sect.

As the realm improved, Ye Chenfeng's soul power surged rapidly, but the soaring soul power caused greater damage to Ye Chenfeng's body, constantly bursting his severely damaged meridians.

But in order to escape from here, Ye Chenfeng didn't care about so much anymore, he gritted his teeth, and in the stormy attack, he forcibly flapped Jin Peng's wings, setting off hurricanes and flying into the air.

"Melting fire array, flame storm."

Seeing that Ye Chenfeng was about to escape from the sky, Huo Xinyan burned his own spirit fire body at any cost, maximizing the power of the melting fire formation, forming a terrifying flame storm, sweeping the world, Ye Chenfeng swept inside.

"Everyone obeys orders and burns soul power."

Master Huo Ling never dreamed that killing Ye Chenfeng would pay such a high price, but at this moment, they could not afford to hesitate. Under the leadership of Master Huo Ling, You Tiangu, Jian Yuan and others burned their own souls one after another. Soul power increases the power of the flame storm.

"Sword Spirit Puppet, tearing attack."

Swept by the berserk flame storm, Ye Chenfeng was unable to break out for a while, and had to order the sword spirit puppet to attack with all his strength, tearing the flame storm apart.


The sword glow from the sword spirit puppet tore through the flame storm, but in an instant, the crack in the flame storm was repaired, and the sword spirit puppet could only continue to attack.

Ye Chenfeng, who was in the storm, controlled Jinpeng's wings to protect himself, defended with all his strength under the cover of the sword spirit puppet, and endured the remaining power of the flame storm.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Under the repeated attacks of the Sword Spirit Puppet sparing no effort, the flame storm that had been torn apart countless times became weaker and weaker.

Master Huo Ling and the others, who burned their soul power and clenched their teeth, were also on the verge of running out of fuel.

"Fifty years of life, burn!"

At this time, the power of life filled in Ye Chenfeng's body was completely exhausted. As a last resort, Ye Chenfeng burned another fifty years of life energy and continued to improve his strength.

And his body injury also skyrocketed again due to the soul power in his body, and it became more and more serious. Almost all the meridians in his body were ruptured, and blood began to ooze from the internal organs.

"Sword Spirit Puppet, attack with all your strength."

His physical injuries became more and more serious. Ye Chenfeng knew that it would be dangerous if he dragged on any longer. He ordered the sword spirit puppet to attack with all his strength, and at the same time, he unleashed a perfect sword force, ready to activate the power of the Dao, and ready to use the Seven Swords of Judgment.

At this moment, Yue Nishang was suddenly attacked outside the melting fire formation, and Yue Nishang, who had returned, held a pair of earth weapon-level double swords, and continuously displayed soul skills to attack the melting fire formation.

Because of Huo Xinyan, Master Huo Ling and others poured all their strength into attacking Ye Chenfeng, and had no time to distract Yue Nishang.

Soon, the melting fire formation was torn apart by Yue Nishang, and the power of the formation plummeted.
