Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 108: 'God' (3/6)


At this time, Kaido was not the only one who was excited because of the incident in Shampoo. Sengoku, who came to the Chambord Islands for emergency assistance from Marine Headquarters Marineland, also fell silent after Zefa fell into the enemy camp.

In the two wars, the Navy lost a current general and a former general. This is something that has not happened in hundreds of years.

"When we left, Teacher Zefa was already obscured by the huge wall made of lava."

It was Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel who introduced the previous battle to Warring States. Speaking of his teacher Zefa, Flying Squirrel was also secretly sad.

Nowadays, the middle and high-level officers of the navy are basically all under Zefa's command. Whether they are the three generals or a number of powerful lieutenant generals, they are all taught by Zefa.

Therefore, compared to the general Kizaru who may have fallen before, the unknown life and death of Zefa actually has a greater impact on Sengoku, Flying Squirrel and others.

"Marshal, what should we do now?" Flying Squirrel asked Warring States after giving a general introduction to the situation of the Chambord Islands.

At this time, more than a day had passed since the Demon-Slaying Order fleet attacked the Shampoo Islands. At this time, Warring States could not figure out what was going on on the island.

If Sengoku had arrived at Shampoo Land just after the battle, he might have taken advantage of the opponent's physical strength to be exhausted and launched an attack.

But now that one day has passed, the opponent has recovered its strength no matter how hard it is. Even if it attacks again, it will be a great resistance to the navy.

And the most important thing is that there is probably a secret hand left by Wan Xiu on the island. Rayleigh who broke through the artillery attack is the best proof.

In addition to Rayleigh, the latest personnel list of the Manxiu Pirates published by Century Economic News yesterday also showed members who did not participate in the battle in the Water Capital.

Under such circumstances, Sengoku did not want to allow naval personnel to risk entering the Shampoo Islands.

But Zefa's fall made Sengoku feel a little uneasy. He could send two Devil Fruits to Kizaru for several talks, so he had to do something about Zefa.

"Twelve warships bombarded the Shampoo Islands. Kuzan, Yixiao, and I entered the Chambord Islands from the rear to see what was going on inside."

Warring States was not prepared to fight the opponent head-on this time. After two failures, he also wanted to find out what the opponent's situation was like.

"Sakaski, if you are injured, just direct the fleet bombardment from the warship."

Behind Sengoku, Akainu, half of his body wrapped in bandages, was standing next to the mast of the warship.

Because of the previous kick from the opponent's lava giant, half of Akainu's skin was burned. Even though he was so seriously injured, Akainu still followed the warship back to the Shampoo Islands.

If it were anyone else, let alone returning to the battlefield, even standing up would probably take a lot of perseverance. After all, such pain is not something ordinary people can bear.

Akainu nodded slightly when his name was called, indicating that he agreed to Sengoku's arrangement.

After arranging everyone's tasks, Sengoku, Fujitora and Aoji took a small boat and approached the giant circular obsidian wall of the Shampoo Islands.

When the boat approached the giant obsidian wall, Sengoku specifically raised his head and glanced at the smooth mirror-like wall, "The person inside has reached the ultimate level of use of the Devil Fruit."

The reason why Warring States said this was mainly because the area covered by Sakaski's lava wall was too huge.

And in the current world, perhaps only the older generation of pirates such as Whitebeard and Golden Lion in the New World can do this, right

While Warring States was sighing, Aokiji, who had recovered from the battle in the Water Capital, was also observing the surroundings, "Such a vast area?"

As a user with natural devil fruit abilities, Aokiji can achieve such breadth, but cannot achieve such intensity.

A hundred-meter-high lava wall surrounds most of the Shampoo Land. Even if you just think about it, you can feel the opponent's strong physical reserves.

"Let's go, pass from the back."

Although Sengoku could directly climb the obsidian giant wall, he still chose to take a detour and enter from the rear in order not to alert others.

Directly in front of this giant wall, naval warships commanded by Akainu conducted shelling to attract people on the island to defend themselves.

After successfully mobilizing the opponent's forces, it will be much easier for Sengoku and others to enter the Chambord Islands.


"Boom! Boom!"

Just as Sengoku had planned, when their small boat disappeared from the front, Akainu directly ordered twelve warships to launch a bombardment in the direction of the Shampoo Islands.

Although most people's cannonballs were unable to cross the towering obsidian wall, Sakaski, who was on the island, was also successfully attracted to the top of the wall by the sound of the cannons.

"Coming again so soon?"

Sakaski, who was attracted by the sound of gunfire, looked at the naval warships in the distance. They had just repelled them, but this group of people actually dared to come for shelling again.

However, Sakaski was still a bit unsettled at this time. The battle the day before had consumed a lot of energy. Even if the opponent really attacked again, Sakaski would not be able to use the same combat power as yesterday. .

"But it has made progress." Sakaski looked down at the obsidian wall that was constantly bombarded by artillery shells, and whispered.

After the battle the previous day, the Navy also knew that the scope of the Sakaski Meteor Volcano was extremely large, so the Navy also increased the distance from the Shampoo Islands at this time to prevent Sakaski's attack.

However, it is precisely because of the increase in distance that most of the cannonballs can only hit the obsidian and cannot cause any substantial damage to the island.

While Sakaski was still observing why the other party did this, Rayleigh, who also heard the sound and came over, also landed on the giant wall and asked Sakaski: "How is it? How many people have come this time?" people?"

After the previous day's battle, Rayleigh was on the front line of protecting the Chambord Islands. Although he would not join Wan Xiu's pirate group, he still chose to continue to stand out in the face of the navy's attack.

Sakaski shook his head slightly and said, "It's just shelling."

After saying that, Sakaski turned his head and looked at both sides of the curved obsidian giant wall. Since Sengoku was one step ahead, Sakaski did not find any trace of the three Sengoku people on both sides.

However, although Sakaski and Reilly did not see each other's personnel, they both felt that the Navy must have its own intentions in doing this.

"Maybe they landed from somewhere else." Rayleigh held a long knife in his hand and looked back in the direction of the island. Compared to the loud sound of cannons outside the sea, there was a peaceful scene inside Shampoo Island.

After yesterday's battle, the residents of Shampoo Island have completely believed in Sakaski's strength.

'As long as that 'god'-like person exists, the Shampoo Land will not fall. '