Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 32: The Big Pirate Wanxiu[Happy Valentine's Day! ]


"The great pirate Wanxiu enters Alabasta!"

When Wan Xiu and others first arrived in Alabasta, the World Economic News Agency's newspaper had already reported the news about Wan Xiu and others.

The reason why Morgans of World Economic News could predict Wan Xiu's arrival in advance was mainly because of Wan Xiu's previous appearance at Whiskey Mountain.

Now Wanxiu is the guarantee for the sales of Morgans' newspapers. As long as they have the word "Wanxiu" in them, the latest newspapers will sell very well.

Although Morgans has not met Wan Xiu yet, the overlord of the press has already regarded Wan Xiu as his confidant.

However, although Wan Xiu's name was bolded in this newspaper, most of its contents were guessed by Morgans' newspapers.

When Wan Xiu got the newspaper, he was also amused by the content.

"The great pirate Wanxiu is about to enter Alabasta! After he and his pirates entered the Grand Line, they directly destroyed the bounty hunter base at Whiskey Peak.

The navy seems indifferent to Wan Xiu's actions. Have they changed their previous strategy in the East China Sea

When they were in the East China Sea, the navy sent a powerful team led by the general and naval hero Garp to snipe Wanxiu and others. However, after Wanxiu entered the Grand Line, the navy seemed to have given up on fighting against them.

Is it because Wan Xiu and others are too strong? Or is it because the Navy is making other preparations

However, the Kingdom of Alabasta, as one of the world government's member countries, will definitely show the stance that a member country should have.

The World Government's Shichibukai Crocodile is currently operating near Alabasta. When two powerful pirates meet, what kind of sparks will fly? "

After reading the newspaper he just got, Wan Xiu threw the newspaper back and said to Doflamingo standing behind him: "This Morgans from the World Economic News Agency is really good at editing, and he dares to say anything. , I’m not afraid that the World Government will destroy him anytime.”

After Doflamingo took the newspaper and glanced at it, he smiled and said: "Morgans still has some abilities. Although he cannot confront the World Government head-on, his ability to hide himself is still very good. And he controls most of the world. Most albatross, the world government will not fall out with Morgans over this trivial matter.”

Doflamingo knows the rules of the underground world well, and as Morgans is an important part of the underground world, Doflamingo also has to deal with this newspaper king.

Although Morgans cannot compare with many big pirates in terms of strength, he controls the albatross of spreading newspapers all over the world. With such a big killer weapon, no matter whether it is a pirate or a navy, he will basically give him face.

After all, no one wants negative news about them in newspapers every day. Although this is not a big deal to the four emperors of the New World, reading too much will always make people unhappy.

"Yes, with the big speaker of the World Economic News Agency, Morgans is still very useful." Wan Xiu also knows the power of a pen. Some things can be said to be dead, and even dead can be said to be alive.

After Morgans’s random speculation this time and the title of the fifth emperor of the sea released last time, Wan Xiu wanted to meet the leader of this news agency. “After entering the new world, we can go find this person first. Morgans.”

After hearing Wan Xiu's words, Doflamingo grinned and said, "I think he may not want to see you, Captain."

Doflamingo has been dealing with Morgans for many years, and this man does not easily deal with outsiders, especially when he encounters people who are deeply hostile to him.

"Then it's not up to him." Wan Xiu stepped onto the dock of Alabasta and said without looking back.

Now that Wan Xiu has not entered the new world, his subordinates already have combat power comparable to that of the four emperors. When he goes to the new world, he may directly become the strongest emperor in the new world.

From this point of view, Morgans's guess about the fifth emperor was not wrong.

But for Morgans, this was something he didn't expect at all. Previously, the title of Wan Xiuna as the fifth emperor of the sea was just a big news created by Morgans for the sake of sales. Who would have thought that the other party really had this ability.

Garp, who did not participate in the discussion between Wanxiu and Doflamingo, finally walked off the boat and said to Wanxiu who was parked on the dock: "The newspaper said that a Shichibukai under the World Government is also near Alabasta. ”

"Isn't this the organization that the Navy asked us to join before?" Katakuri had no impression of the Shichibukai because there was no such organization in his world.

Facing Katakuri's question, Wanxiu nodded and replied, "Yes, it's the one the navy said when they came to us before."

"That's interesting." Katakuri has been retired for several years. Now that he has the opportunity to fight again, Katakuri has already been itching to fight. "However, Captain Wanxiu, we met the Shichibukai Empress Should we take action directly, or keep peace with the navy for the time being as we said to the navy before? "

Because of the previous conversation between Wan Xiu and the group of marines he came into contact with, Katakuri still had to ask Wan Xiu for his opinion before taking action.

"If we encounter one, then just take action. We have nothing to hide." For Wan Xiu, the bounty is what he needs most now. Because the amount of his bounty can shorten the time for copying characters, Wanxiu will certainly not stop Katakuri from wanting to fight Crocodile.

Although it will later cause obstruction from the navy in the first half of the Grand Route, to Wan Xiu, that is nothing more than obstruction. In this sea area, except for the elite Marine headquarters of the Navy, there is basically no one who can compete with them in the first half of the great route.

And as long as Crocodile, who is a Qibuhai, is defeated, Wanxiu's bounty may have to be increased.

While Wanxiu and Katakuri were talking, a group of Kingdom soldiers gathered on the dock were also hiding among the crowd and whispering to each other.

"Is that the Wan Xiu mentioned in the newspaper?"

"That's right. Why does such a big pirate come to our Alabasta? He's not here to rob, is he?"

"They are pirates, aren't they just doing robbery? We'd better keep a close eye on them. The King said we should keep a close eye on them."

The king mentioned by this group of soldiers from the Kingdom of Alabasta is none other than Cobra, the current king of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Before Wanxiu arrived in Alabasta, he got some clues from the navy. Although Cobra knew that Wanxiu and his group had not done anything extraordinary except catching pirates, Cobra was still a little worried. , which is why he asked the soldiers at the dock to stare at Wan Xiu and his party.

Of course, Cobra himself knew that if Wanxiu and his group really wanted to do something, even if they gathered all the soldiers of the Kingdom of Alabasta, they would not be able to compete with them.