Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 69: Corazon


Although Sengoku wanted to resolve the battle quickly, the Bellemere he faced was also very powerful.

As a phantom-type Devil Fruit user, Bellmere's abilities are much higher than those of ordinary animal-type Devil Fruit users.

And more importantly, Bellemere also had air superiority. At this time, she was fluttering above the Warring States Period.

"Dragon flames!" Bellemel sprayed out a mouthful of dragon flames in mid-air, instantly interrupting Sengoku's thoughts.

Facing the sudden dragon flames, the giant Warring States could only raise his hands and use his body to resist the dragon flames' attack.

Fiery red dragon flames fell from the sky, and the flames burned on the golden Buddha like lava, sparking countless sparks.

For a time, the ice around Warring States was covered in flames. However, this dragon flame did not disappear immediately when it encountered the ice. Instead, it burned fiercely and turned the area around the Warring States Period into a purgatory.

"The Devil Fruit of the Phantom Beast is really powerful." Sengoku himself is a user of the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit, so he is also very aware of the abilities of this type of Devil Fruit.

Unlike ordinary animal-type Devil Fruits, the Phantom Beast-type Devil Fruits are more than 10% more powerful. If the natural Devil Fruit is rare, then the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit is even rarer.

However, Sengoku himself is also a member of the Phantom Beast Species. Although he cannot fly into the air, he can still attack Bellemere hovering in mid-air.

"Angry Buddha!"

After shaking off the dragon flames from his body, Seng Guo punched Bellemere in mid-air. Although they were far apart, Sengoku's punch actually hit Bellemere's dragon body.

Bellemare was knocked down from the air by Sengoku's punch and hit the ice. Fortunately, Bellemare's ability to withstand beatings was pretty good. After a big hole was made in the ice, she quickly turned over and stood up.

'As expected of a marshal. '

As a person who fought from the East China Sea to the New World and ascended to the throne of the New World, Bellemere also fought many battles with the navy along the way.

Among these naval opponents, generals and marshals have also encountered them. In Bellemeier's memory, the highest combat power of these navies has always been very strong, which is one of the reasons why the navies can check and balance pirates.

"Do you need my help?"

Just when Bellemere was about to spit out dragon flames at Sengoku again, Wanxiu jumped directly onto the back of Bellemere, who had transformed into a fire dragon.

Bellemere can clearly see the situation between the two sides. Although she has the advantage of Feitian, when it comes to the strength of both sides, Sengoku is still superior.

Therefore, after Wan Xiu finished speaking, Bellemere also nodded in agreement: "Of course, this marshal is not easy to deal with."

When Wanxiu joined the battle group of Bellemere and Sengoku, the battlefield was already divided into four parts.

One is the battlefield between Katakuri and Aokiji that has ended. Both of them were injured and returned to their respective positions. However, compared to Katakuri's frozen left hand, Aokiji, who was already injured, was obviously more seriously injured.

In another place, there is a battle between the two brothers Kizaru and Don Quixote. Relying on Rosinandi's Dark Fruit ability, the two brothers have gradually gained the upper hand. Blocked by Doflamingo's awakening white thread, he has been falling into Rosinand's dark caves.

The rest is the most intense part of the battle - the battle between Garp and Garp.

The combat prowess of these two people can be considered to be top-notch on the battlefield, and the battle between the two is also earth-shattering. Wherever the two of them passed by, the ice was broken, and the sound of breaking through the air was endless.

No navy dared approach the area where the two of them were fighting. No matter they were lieutenant generals or soldiers, they didn't think they could participate in such an unusual duel.

Not only did these naval soldiers avoid them, World Economic News reporters spent most of their time focusing on these two.

"Another punch! After this punch, most of the ice has been damaged!"

"As the ice surface continues to decrease, the limitations of Devil Fruit users have become more apparent. Many of the Navy's Devil Fruit users have retreated to the docks, while only a few Navy soldiers are still sending reinforcements to the battlefield."

"Navy hero Garp punched again! The ice near Admiral Kizaru was instantly shattered, but it was precisely because of this punch that Admiral Kizaru seemed to have a chance to escape from the black area!"

As this reporter continued to explain, people everywhere who were watching or listening to the war began to get excited.

These people originally thought that this battle would be a unilateral massacre by the navy. After all, the Shichibukai, the three generals, plus the naval hero Garp and Marshal Sengoku. With such a lineup, let alone Wan Xiu, who had just emerged and was hailed as the 'fifth emperor of the sea', even the real emperor of the new world might not be able to withstand such an offensive.

But as the battle progressed, everyone found that what they had thought before seemed to be a little off.

The progress of the battlefield did not go as they thought. On the contrary, the pirate Wan Xiu and his group, whom they were not optimistic about, actually had a slight advantage in this battle.

Although General Akainu and several other people in the Shichibukai have not yet arrived on the battlefield, such a record is enough to be proud of the world.

"We can recognize most of the pirates in Wanxiu's group. One of them is similar to the naval hero Garp, and his strength is even more comparable."

"In addition to Lieutenant General Garp, there is also Doflamingo in Wanxiu's group who looks very similar to Tenyasha. Among the remaining people, if I remember correctly, the person who uses black energy should also be Donji. Corazon of the Hod family!"

Just when the reporter started to introduce who Wan Xiu's people looked like, Trafalgar Law, who was landing on a small island in the North Sea, happened to hear the words 'Corazon'.

"Is it Mr. Corazon? Is it him?"

After hearing Rocinante's code name in the Don Quixote family, Luo rushed to the town's only bug with a radio.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't block it. We can't hear you clearly." The residents of the town and other pirates were excited when they heard this. Luo immediately pinched the phone bug, making the phone bug's voice disappear. Much smaller.

Luo had been at sea a while ago, and was still in a submarine. They basically had no chance of receiving newspapers delivered by Albatross. So even though everyone was urging him, he still held the phone and said, "Is it talking about Corazon?"

"Yes, I'm talking about Corazon, put it down quickly." Everyone was afraid that Luo would crush the phone bug, so they could only answer him quickly.

After hearing everyone's replies, Luo's eyes suddenly lit up, "Is it really Mr. Corazon?"

"Let's go to the Grand Line."