Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 70: The king of the new era!


Just when Trafalgar Law decided to go to the Grand Line in advance to look for Corazon, Wan Xiuhe and Bellmere had already joined forces to attack the Navy Headquarters Marshal Buddha's Warring States.

This time, Bellemere did not fly into the air again, but faced Sengoku, growing the fire dragon's huge mouth, preparing to launch an even greater dragon flame attack on the navy marshal.

Wanxiu, who was on Bellemere's back, jumped into the air. His right hand, filled with armed domineering and glutinous rice, expanded rapidly and turned into an arm thicker than a giant.

Warring States glanced sideways at the battlefield next to him. At this time, several high-end combat forces had been entangled. Although Warring States now had to deal with Wan Xiu and Bellemere, the navy could not spare any manpower to reinforce him. .

Of course, there were still a lot of ordinary naval soldiers and generals nearby, but these people were not taken into consideration by the Warring States Period. As a naval marshal, he also knew that when dealing with ordinary pirates, his subordinates might be of some use, but against super-class pirates, these naval soldiers were still not enough.

Sometimes, numerical superiority cannot change the outcome of the battlefield. When facing opponents like Whitebeard or Garp, even if ten or twenty thousand soldiers attack together, they will end up with the entire army destroyed.

Therefore, even though Seng Guo faced the attack from Wan Xiu and Bellemere, he could only bear it alone.

"bring it on!"

Just when Bellemere spit out a huge stream of dragon flames, Sengoku roared and punched out both fists with golden light, preparing to neutralize Bellemere's attack again.

But unlike the dragon flame just now, the guest spit out by Bellemere, who had been saving up for a long time, was not the ordinary dragon flame. Compared to the previous attack, the color of Bellmere's dragon flame was almost white.

Although compared to red flames, white flames do not look as scary as red flames. But the real situation is that the temperature of the dragon flame this time is several times that of the red flame!

When Sengoku's hands came into contact with Bellmere's dragon flames this time, he had already discovered that something was wrong, but at this time he had already come into contact with the dragon flames, and it was impossible to move away.

Under such circumstances, Sengoku could only strengthen the defense of his arms to prevent more parts of his body from being attacked by the white dragon flames.

The last dragon flame did not cause any harm to Warring States, and he did not even feel too much temperature. But this time, Warring States only felt an extremely strong burning sensation in his hands, as if the dragon's flames were about to break through the defense of his arms and enter his own flesh and bones.

'Angry Buddha! '

As the burning pain became more severe, Sengoku could only defend himself while reluctantly sending a shock wave in the direction of Long Yan.

Under the impact of the Warring States Period, Long Yan began to become chaotic, but the general direction was still bombarded in the direction of the Warring States Period.

However, Bellemere also changed her position because of Sengoku's counterattack. After all, the place she was attacked by Sengoku was still aching.

'Gone? '

When the burning sensation on his arm gradually disappeared, Sengoku slowly lowered his burned arm. But just before he completely lowered his arm, Wan Xiu's attack fell heavily from the air.

Since Seng Guo was still in the state of holding his hands in the direction, Wan Xiu's combination of glutinous rice and armed colors hit Seng Guo's head heavily, knocking the navy marshal directly to the ice.

"Master Marshal!" The navy who had just escaped to the dock shouted in fear when they saw the giant Buddha falling down.

Sengoku and Garp have always been the supreme beings of the navy, and are more admired by everyone than the three generals, but the tall giant Buddha was knocked down in this battle.

"Are these people really that powerful?"

Many navy have begun to doubt whether Wan Xiu's group is really too powerful. This time the sniper battle seems to be kicking against the iron plate.

"Cut off the image bug!"

While most of the navy was still in fear, Lieutenant General He, the naval think tank, shouted to his Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel next to him with a serious face.


The flying squirrel came out of his daze after hearing the crane's cry, and quickly turned around and ran towards the reporter from the World Economic News Agency behind him.

Flying Squirrel himself also knew that although the navy was not defeated, the situation on the battlefield was becoming more and more anxious, and the marshal of the navy was knocked down. It would be better not to broadcast this kind of scene that damages the image of the navy to the world.

"Stop! Turn off the phone bug!"

The last words that people around the world who were still paying attention to this battle heard were the shouts of the flying squirrel, and the last picture was of a palm covering the phone bug.

Under the action of the flying squirrel, the sounds and images of the battle were instantly cut off. No matter the New World or the world, no one could know the changes in the battle immediately.

"Damn it! What is the Navy doing!"

The Big Mom Pirates, Cracker and others who were still watching the battle of the disfigured Katakuri suddenly started to curse.

"The Navy Marshal was knocked down. Of course the Navy will not let this live broadcast continue." Perospero still has some sense. He already knows the reason why the Navy did this. "Hey, the last scene just now, the opponent's Did the captain of the pirate group also use your fruit ability?"

Perospero's last words were obviously addressed to Katakuri. Mansu's glutinous rice-turned arm was clearly seen by the Big Mom Pirates just now.

Although Katakuri heard Perospero's question, he did not answer immediately. Instead, he stood up and left the brothers and sisters who had gathered for this battle.

"Brother!" Seeing Katakuri leave, Flampe quickly got up and followed him.

Compared to the Big Mom Pirates who were paying attention to Katakuri's abilities, Marco and the others on the Whitebeard Pirates seemed more relaxed, "Dad, it seems I can't watch anymore."

"If there is no, there will be no more. It seems that a new era is about to begin again." Whitebeard drank all the wine in the big bowl in his hand before continuing, "These people in the new world and I are all remnants of the old world. Now, a new era requires a new king.”

Marco was obviously stunned when he heard Whitebeard's words. He didn't expect that his father would say such words. "Dad, what do you mean? This Wanxiu is the new king?"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, a new era will set sail after today's battle. Marco, this is your era." Although Whitebeard calls himself a remnant of the old world, he is not at all sad. He seemed to laugh out loud after he finished speaking, "Hahaha, this world is finally a little interesting again."