Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 9: Who are you?


"Lieutenant General Garp! A pirate ship was discovered at Windmill Village!"

Just when Wanxiu and Doflamingo discovered Garp's navy warship, the navy on the warship also discovered Bucky's pirate ship.

"Pirate ship?"

After asking in confusion, Garp, who was sitting on the deck of the warship eating donuts, stood up and looked in the direction of Windmill Village.

Compared to this large naval warship, Bucky's pirate ship seemed smaller. However, Garp's eyesight was pretty good, and he immediately locked onto Doflamingo on the pirate ship, "Doflamingo? Why is this guy in the East China Sea?"

Realizing that something was wrong, Garp even put down the donuts in his hand. Seeing the Vice Admiral frowning, he said to the adjutant beside him: "Pull the ship over, I want to see Dolfrond." What is Brother Ming doing in the East China Sea?"

"Okay, sir." After receiving the order, Garp's adjutant quickly went to command his subordinates.

Garp's warship is much faster than Bucky's pirate ship. So when the pirate ship docked at the dock, Garp's warship also docked at the dock of Windmill Village.

"Garp, it's indeed Garp." When Bucky saw Garp in a navy uniform on the opposite warship, his head, which was not running very fast, was almost paralyzed.

There is a Garp in Windmill Village, and now there is another Garp. Which Garp is the real one

This question was not only shared by Bucky, but also the villagers in Windmill Village who saw the arrival of the navy warship had the same expression.

"Why, why is Mr. Karp here again?"

"I saw Mr. Karp entering Maginot's Bar just now. Why is he on a navy ship now?"

"Are there two Mr. Karp!"

After a period of analysis, the villagers of Windmill Village finally realized that something was wrong. There should never be two Garp in the same world.

"One of them is fake!"

After coming to this conclusion, both the village chief of Windmill Village, Slap, and the ordinary villagers cast doubt on Wan Xiu and the pirate Garp who had previously come to Windmill Village. After all, the Lieutenant General Garp who just arrived brought a ship of navy, while Wan Xiu brought a ship of pirates.

Although Wanxiu, Bucky and others did not do anything to harm Windmill Village, these people sank a navy ship before. Since the villagers of Windmill Village were still convinced that the pirate king Garp was real at that time, they did not have too much doubt.

But it's different now. Now that the true master has appeared, people like you Wan Xiu are very suspicious.

"Slap, what's going on with these people?" Vice Admiral Garp asked the mayor of Windmill Village as soon as he boarded the dock.

"These people..." Slap didn't know what to say for a moment. After a short pause, Slap pointed in the direction of the Mackinac Bar and continued to talk to Garp, "The Mackinaw Bar." There is a guy next to you who looks exactly like you. I can’t say he is exactly the same, but his hair is whiter than yours.”

Garp didn't listen carefully to what Slap said next, but Garp did hear the words "There is a person who looks similar to himself."

"What? There is someone who looks the same as me?" Garp was a little surprised. Could it be that someone in the East China Sea dares to pretend to be him



While Garp and Slap were talking, the sound of leather shoes hitting the bluestone suddenly came from the direction of the Maginot Bar.

Slap followed the sound and saw that it was the pirate Garp who had just been to the Maginot Bar. After seeing Garp from another world, Slap took a few steps back, pointed at the pirate Garp and said, "That's him!"

"Huh?" With a hint of doubt, Garp also turned his head and looked in the direction of pirate Garp.

And when the Vice Admiral and the pirate Garp looked at each other, both of them suddenly burst out with a strong fighting spirit.

"The two Garps are really interesting." When the two Garps were confronting each other, on the other side of the pier, Doflamingo, who also got off the boat, also watched the somewhat strange scene with interest.

"The man in black clothes is one of our own. Let's go. He probably can't do it alone." Wan Xiu didn't know what level of Garp's strength he had in the main world, and the one he copied Garp is in an advanced state. Although he is still strong and strong at the age of eighty-three, there is an age difference of twelve years between the two of them. Wan Xiu doesn't know if it will have any impact.

Although the copied pirate Garp is definitely stronger than Doflaming beside Wan Xiu, his opponent is the world's top combat power, the naval hero Garp.

"Go! Hide!" Slap, the village chief of Windmill Village, saw that something was wrong, so he hurriedly shouted to the villagers behind him.

After Slap's voice, the entire dock fell silent instantly. All the villagers in Windmill Village quickly left the dock, leaving only Wan Xiu and Garp behind.

After the villagers of Windmill Village left, the two Garps had no worries. So, when the last villager left, the two stepped forward together. The transparent armed domineering energy gathered on their respective iron fists and quickly smashed towards each other.


A huge roar suddenly sounded as the two men's iron fists collided. The stones of the pier were instantly shattered and raised upwards, covering the figures of the two men. If those villagers hadn't left, the sonic boom would have knocked them around. The little minions of the Bucky Pirates are a good example.

The pirates under Bucky were recruited at will by him. These pirates from the East China Sea had no fighting ability at all. After the two Garp's fist fight, most of the members of Bucky's pirate group fell to the ground.

Because Wanxiu has acquired some of Garp and Doflamingo's abilities, he can still withstand such an impact.

"So strong! I can actually compete with Lieutenant General Garp!" The sailors on the navy warship tightly grasped the railing of the warship deck to prevent themselves from falling backwards.

As shocked as these marines, there was Bucky who was hiding behind Wanxiu and Doflamingo. He didn't expect the fake ones to be so strong and actually be able to fight like this with the real ones.

After the dust dispersed, both Garps were still standing in their respective positions. However, compared to the Vice Admiral who remained motionless, Pirate Garp obviously took half a step back.

"Who are you?" Garp also realized how powerful the opponent was. Although he had a slight advantage in the fist fight just now, the opponent's strength could also be seen to be very powerful.

How could such a powerful figure appear in this weak East China Sea? Moreover, he pretended to be himself and appeared in Windmill Village. What did the other party want